module SimpleForm module Inputs class CollectionInput < Base # Default boolean collection for use with selects/radios when no # collection is given. Always fallback to this boolean collection. # Texts can be translated using i18n in "simple_form.yes" and # "" keys. See the example locale file. def self.boolean_collection i18n_cache :boolean_collection do [ [I18n.t(:"simple_form.yes", default: 'Yes'), true], [I18n.t(:"", default: 'No'), false] ] end end def input(wrapper_options = nil) raise NotImplementedError, "input should be implemented by classes inheriting from CollectionInput" end def input_options options = super options[:include_blank] = true unless skip_include_blank? translate_option options, :prompt translate_option options, :include_blank options end private def collection @collection ||= begin collection = options.delete(:collection) || self.class.boolean_collection collection.respond_to?(:call) ? : collection.to_a end end def has_required? super && (input_options[:include_blank] || input_options[:prompt] || multiple?) end # Check if :include_blank must be included by default. def skip_include_blank? (options.keys & [:prompt, :include_blank, :default, :selected]).any? || multiple? end def multiple? !!options[:input_html].try(:[], :multiple) end # Detect the right method to find the label and value for a collection. # If no label or value method are defined, will attempt to find them based # on default label and value methods that can be configured through # SimpleForm.collection_label_methods and # SimpleForm.collection_value_methods. def detect_collection_methods label, value = options.delete(:label_method), options.delete(:value_method) unless label && value common_method_for = detect_common_display_methods label ||= common_method_for[:label] value ||= common_method_for[:value] end [label, value] end def detect_common_display_methods(collection_classes = detect_collection_classes) collection_translated = translate_collection if collection_classes == [Symbol] if collection_translated || collection_classes.include?(Array) { label: :first, value: :second } elsif collection_includes_basic_objects?(collection_classes) { label: :to_s, value: :to_s } else detect_method_from_class(collection_classes) end end def detect_method_from_class(collection_classes) sample = collection.first || collection.last { label: SimpleForm.collection_label_methods.find { |m| sample.respond_to?(m) }, value: SimpleForm.collection_value_methods.find { |m| sample.respond_to?(m) } } end def detect_collection_classes(some_collection = collection) { |e| e.class }.uniq end def collection_includes_basic_objects?(collection_classes) (collection_classes & [ String, Integer, Fixnum, Bignum, Float, NilClass, Symbol, TrueClass, FalseClass ]).any? end def translate_collection if translated_collection = translate_from_namespace(:options) @collection = do |key| html_key = "#{key}_html".to_sym if translated_collection[html_key] [translated_collection[html_key].html_safe || key, key.to_s] else [translated_collection[key] || key, key.to_s] end end true end end def translate_option(options, key) if options[key] == :translate namespace = key.to_s.pluralize options[key] = translate_from_namespace(namespace, true) end end end end end