2008-12-05 16:42:38 -05:00
dir = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib'))
require File.join(dir, 'httparty')
require 'pp'
2009-11-22 20:18:29 -08:00
# You can also use post, put, delete, head, options in the same fashion
2014-03-11 17:31:22 -05:00
response = HTTParty.get('https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/questions?site=stackoverflow')
2009-04-23 11:28:36 -04:00
puts response.body, response.code, response.message, response.headers.inspect
2009-01-28 16:15:06 -05:00
2010-12-23 10:20:56 -05:00
# An example post to a minimal rails app in the development environment
# Note that "skip_before_filter :verify_authenticity_token" must be set in the
# "pears" controller for this example
class Partay
include HTTParty
base_uri 'http://localhost:3000'
options = {
2014-05-15 16:45:32 -04:00
body: {
pear: { # your resource
foo: '123', # your columns/data
bar: 'second',
baz: 'last thing'
2010-12-23 10:20:56 -05:00
pp Partay.post('/pears.xml', options)