2008-07-27 19:13:44 -04:00
dir = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib'))
2008-07-28 10:49:53 -04:00
require File.join(dir, 'httparty')
2008-07-27 19:13:44 -04:00
require 'pp'
config = YAML::load(File.read(File.join(ENV['HOME'], '.delicious')))
class Delicious
2008-07-28 10:49:53 -04:00
include HTTParty
2008-07-27 19:13:44 -04:00
base_uri 'https://api.del.icio.us/v1'
2013-04-18 21:09:21 +09:00
2008-07-31 00:05:36 -04:00
def initialize(u, p)
2014-05-15 16:45:32 -04:00
@auth = {username: u, password: p}
2008-07-27 19:13:44 -04:00
2013-04-18 21:09:21 +09:00
2008-07-27 19:13:44 -04:00
# query params that filter the posts are:
# tag (optional). Filter by this tag.
# dt (optional). Filter by this date (CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ).
# url (optional). Filter by this url.
2014-05-15 16:45:32 -04:00
# ie: posts(query: {tag: 'ruby'})
2008-07-27 19:13:44 -04:00
def posts(options={})
2014-05-15 16:45:32 -04:00
options.merge!({basic_auth: @auth})
2008-07-31 00:05:36 -04:00
self.class.get('/posts/get', options)
2008-07-27 19:13:44 -04:00
2013-04-18 21:09:21 +09:00
2008-07-27 19:13:44 -04:00
# query params that filter the posts are:
# tag (optional). Filter by this tag.
# count (optional). Number of items to retrieve (Default:15, Maximum:100).
def recent(options={})
2014-05-15 16:45:32 -04:00
options.merge!({basic_auth: @auth})
2008-07-31 00:05:36 -04:00
self.class.get('/posts/recent', options)
2008-07-27 19:13:44 -04:00
2008-07-28 12:58:40 -04:00
delicious = Delicious.new(config['username'], config['password'])
2014-05-15 16:45:32 -04:00
pp delicious.posts(query: {tag: 'ruby'})
2008-12-06 23:41:28 -05:00
pp delicious.recent
2008-07-27 19:13:44 -04:00
2013-04-18 21:09:21 +09:00
delicious.recent['posts']['post'].each { |post| puts post['href'] }