2008-07-27 14:44:18 -04:00
dir = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib'))
2008-07-28 10:49:53 -04:00
require File.join(dir, 'httparty')
2008-07-27 16:35:31 -04:00
require 'pp'
2008-07-27 14:44:18 -04:00
config = YAML::load(File.read(File.join(ENV['HOME'], '.twitter')))
class Twitter
2008-07-28 10:49:53 -04:00
include HTTParty
2008-07-27 14:44:18 -04:00
base_uri 'twitter.com'
2013-04-18 21:09:21 +09:00
2008-07-31 00:05:36 -04:00
def initialize(u, p)
2014-05-15 16:45:32 -04:00
@auth = {username: u, password: p}
2008-07-27 18:05:31 -04:00
2013-04-18 21:09:21 +09:00
2008-07-28 12:58:40 -04:00
# which can be :friends, :user or :public
# options[:query] can be things like since, since_id, count, etc.
2008-07-27 19:13:44 -04:00
def timeline(which=:friends, options={})
2014-05-15 16:45:32 -04:00
options.merge!({basic_auth: @auth})
2008-07-31 00:05:36 -04:00
self.class.get("/statuses/#{which}_timeline.json", options)
2008-07-27 19:13:44 -04:00
2013-04-18 21:09:21 +09:00
2008-07-27 19:13:44 -04:00
def post(text)
2014-05-15 16:45:32 -04:00
options = { query: {status: text}, basic_auth: @auth }
2008-07-31 00:05:36 -04:00
self.class.post('/statuses/update.json', options)
2008-07-27 18:05:31 -04:00
2008-07-27 14:44:18 -04:00
2008-07-27 18:05:31 -04:00
twitter = Twitter.new(config['email'], config['password'])
2008-07-31 00:05:36 -04:00
pp twitter.timeline
2014-05-15 16:45:32 -04:00
# pp twitter.timeline(:friends, query: {since_id: 868482746})
# pp twitter.timeline(:friends, query: 'since_id=868482746')
2013-04-18 21:09:21 +09:00
# pp twitter.post('this is a test of 0.2.0')