Feature: Supports Redirection As a developer I want to work with services that may redirect me And I want it to follow a reasonable number of redirects Because sometimes web services do that Scenario: A service that redirects once Given a remote service that returns 'Service Response' And that service is accessed at the path '/service.html' And the url '/redirector.html' redirects to '/service.html' When I call HTTParty#get with '/redirector.html' Then the return value should match 'Service Response' # TODO: Look in to why this actually fails... Scenario: A service that redirects to a relative URL Scenario: A service that redirects infinitely Given the url '/first.html' redirects to '/second.html' And the url '/second.html' redirects to '/first.html' When I call HTTParty#get with '/first.html' Then it should raise an HTTParty::RedirectionTooDeep exception