When /^I set my HTTParty timeout option to (\d+)$/ do |timeout| @request_options[:timeout] = timeout.to_i end When /^I set my HTTParty open_timeout option to (\d+)$/ do |timeout| @request_options[:open_timeout] = timeout.to_i end When /^I set my HTTParty read_timeout option to (\d+)$/ do |timeout| @request_options[:read_timeout] = timeout.to_i end When /I call HTTParty#get with '(.*)'$/ do |url| begin @response_from_httparty = HTTParty.get("http://#{@host_and_port}#{url}", @request_options) rescue HTTParty::RedirectionTooDeep, Timeout::Error => e @exception_from_httparty = e end end When /^I call HTTParty#head with '(.*)'$/ do |url| begin @response_from_httparty = HTTParty.head("http://#{@host_and_port}#{url}", @request_options) rescue HTTParty::RedirectionTooDeep, Timeout::Error => e @exception_from_httparty = e end end When /I call HTTParty#get with '(.*)' and a basic_auth hash:/ do |url, auth_table| h = auth_table.hashes.first @response_from_httparty = HTTParty.get( "http://#{@host_and_port}#{url}", basic_auth: { username: h["username"], password: h["password"] } ) end When /I call HTTParty#get with '(.*)' and a digest_auth hash:/ do |url, auth_table| h = auth_table.hashes.first @response_from_httparty = HTTParty.get( "http://#{@host_and_port}#{url}", digest_auth: { username: h["username"], password: h["password"] } ) end