require 'net/http' require 'net/https' require 'uri' require 'ostruct' require 'rubygems' require 'active_support' $:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__)) unless $:.include?(File.dirname(__FILE__)) || $:.include?(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))) dir = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'httparty')) require dir + '/core_ext' module HTTParty class UnsupportedFormat < StandardError; end class RedirectionTooDeep < StandardError; end def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end AllowedFormats = {:xml => 'text/xml', :json => 'application/json'} module ClassMethods # # Set an http proxy # # class Twitter # include HTTParty # http_proxy http://myProxy, 1080 # .... def http_proxy(addr=nil, port = nil) @http_proxyaddr = addr @http_proxyport = port end def base_uri(base_uri=nil) return @base_uri unless base_uri # don't want this to ever end with / base_uri = base_uri.ends_with?('/') ? base_uri.chop : base_uri @base_uri = normalize_base_uri(base_uri) end # Warning: This is not thread safe most likely and # only works if you use one set of credentials. I # leave it because it is convenient on some occasions. def basic_auth(u, p) @auth = {:username => u, :password => p} end # Updates the default query string parameters # that should be appended to each request. def default_params(h={}) raise ArgumentError, 'Default params must be a hash' unless h.is_a?(Hash) @default_params ||= {} return @default_params if h.blank? @default_params.merge!(h) end def headers(h={}) raise ArgumentError, 'Headers must be a hash' unless h.is_a?(Hash) @headers ||= {} return @headers if h.blank? @headers.merge!(h) end def format(f) raise UnsupportedFormat, "Must be one of: #{AllowedFormats.keys.join(', ')}" unless AllowedFormats.key?(f) @format = f end # TODO: spec out this def get(path, options={}) send_request 'get', path, options end # TODO: spec out this def post(path, options={}) send_request 'post', path, options end # TODO: spec out this def put(path, options={}) send_request 'put', path, options end # TODO: spec out this def delete(path, options={}) send_request 'delete', path, options end private def http(uri) #:nodoc: if @http.blank? @http =, uri.port, @http_proxyaddr, @http_proxyport) @http.use_ssl = (uri.port == 443) # so we can avoid ssl warnings @http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE end @http end # FIXME: this method is doing way to much and needs to be split up # options can be any or all of: # query => hash of keys/values or a query string (foo=bar&baz=poo) # body => hash of keys/values or a query string (foo=bar&baz=poo) # headers => hash of headers to send request with # basic_auth => :username and :password to use as basic http authentication (overrides @auth class instance variable) # Raises exception Net::XXX (http error code) if an http error occured def send_request(method, path, options={}) #:nodoc: options = {:limit => 5}.merge(options) options[:limit] = 0 if options.delete(:no_follow) raise HTTParty::RedirectionTooDeep, 'HTTP redirects too deep' if options[:limit].to_i <= 0 raise ArgumentError, 'only get, post, put and delete methods are supported' unless %w[get post put delete].include?(method.to_s) raise ArgumentError, ':headers must be a hash' if options[:headers] && !options[:headers].is_a?(Hash) raise ArgumentError, ':basic_auth must be a hash' if options[:basic_auth] && !options[:basic_auth].is_a?(Hash) path = URI.parse(path) uri = path.relative? ? URI.parse("#{base_uri}#{path}") : path existing_query = uri.query ? "#{uri.query}&" : '' uri.query = if options[:query].blank? existing_query + default_params.to_query else existing_query + (options[:query].is_a?(Hash) ? default_params.merge(options[:query]).to_query : options[:query]) end klass = Net::HTTP.const_get method.to_s.downcase.capitalize request = request.body = options[:body].is_a?(Hash) ? options[:body].to_query : options[:body] unless options[:body].blank? basic_auth = options.delete(:basic_auth) || @auth request.initialize_http_header headers.merge(options[:headers] || {}) # note to self: self, do not put basic auth above headers because it removes basic auth request.basic_auth(basic_auth[:username], basic_auth[:password]) if basic_auth response = http(uri).request(request) @format ||= format_from_mimetype(response['content-type']) case response when Net::HTTPSuccess parse_response(response.body) when Net::HTTPRedirection options[:limit] -= 1 send_request(method, response['location'], options) else response.instance_eval { class << self; attr_accessor :body_parsed; end } begin; response.body_parsed = parse_response(response.body); rescue; end response.error! # raises exception corresponding to http error Net::XXX end end def parse_response(body) #:nodoc: return nil if body.nil? or body.empty? case @format when :xml Hash.from_xml(body) when :json ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(body) else # just return the response if no format body end end # Makes it so uri is sure to parse stuff like with the http def normalize_base_uri(str) #:nodoc: str =~ /^https?:\/\// ? str : "http#{'s' if str.include?(':443')}://#{str}" end # Uses the HTTP Content-Type header to determine the format of the response # It compares the MIME type returned to the types stored in the AllowedFormats hash def format_from_mimetype(mimetype) #:nodoc: AllowedFormats.each { |k, v| return k if mimetype.include?(v) } end end end