== 0.5.1 (master) * bug fixes * Handle 304 response correctly by returning the HTTParty::Response object instead of redirecting (seth and hellvinz) * Only redirect 300 responses if the header contains a Location * Don't append empty query strings to the uri. Closes #31 * minor enhancements * HTTParty#debug_output prints debugging information for the current request (iwarshak) == 0.5.0 2009-12-07 * bug fixes * inheritable attributes no longer mutable by subclasses (yyyc514) * namespace BasicObject within HTTParty to avoid class name collisions (eric) * major enhancements * Custom Parsers via class or proc * Deprecation warning on HTTParty::AllowedFormats moved to HTTParty::Parser::SupportedFormats * minor enhancements * Curl inspired output when using the binary in verbose mode (alexvollmer) * raise UnsupportedURIScheme when scheme is not HTTP or HTTPS (djspinmonkey) * Allow SSL for ports other than 443 when scheme is HTTPS (stefankroes) * Accept PEM certificates via HTTParty#pem (chrislo) * Support HEAD and OPTION verbs (grempe) * Verify SSL certificates when providing a PEM file (collectiveidea/danielmorrison) == 0.4.5 2009-09-12 * bug fixes * Fixed class-level headers overwritten by cookie management code. Closes #19 * Fixed "superclass mismatch for class BlankSlate" error. Closes #20 * Fixed reading files as post data from the command line (vesan) * minor enhancements * Timeout option added; will raise a Timeout::Error after the timeout has elapsed (attack). Closes #17 HTTParty.get "http://github.com", :timeout => 1 * Building gem with Jeweler == 0.4.4 2009-07-19 * 2 minor update * :query no longer sets form data. Use body and set content type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded if you need it. :query was wrong for that. * Fixed a bug in the cookies class method that caused cookies to be forgotten after the first request. * Also, some general cleanup of tests and such. == 0.4.3 2009-04-23 * 1 minor update * added message to the response object == 0.4.2 2009-03-30 * 2 minor changes * response code now returns an integer instead of a string (jqr) * rubyforge project setup for crack so i'm now depending on that instead of jnunemaker-crack == 0.4.1 2009-03-29 * 1 minor fix * gem 'jnunemaker-crack' instead of gem 'crack' == 0.4.0 2009-03-29 * 1 minor change * Switched xml and json parsing to crack (same code as before just moved to gem for easier reuse in other projects) == 0.3.1 2009-02-10 * 1 minor fix, 1 minor enhancement * Fixed unescaping umlauts (siebertm) * Added yaml response parsing (Miha Filej) == 0.3.0 2009-01-31 * 1 major enhancement, 1 bug fix * JSON gem no longer a requirement. It was conflicting with rails json stuff so I just stole ActiveSupport's json decoding and bundled it with HTTParty. * Fixed bug where query strings were being duplicated on redirects * Added a bunch of specs and moved some code around. == 0.2.10 2009-01-29 * 1 minor enhancement * Made encoding on query parameters treat everything except URI::PATTERN::UNRESERVED as UNSAFE to force encoding of '+' character (Julian Russell) == 0.2.9 2009-01-29 * 3 minor enhancements * Added a 'headers' accessor to the response with a hash of any HTTP headers. (Don Peterson) * Add support for a ":cookies" option to be used at the class level, or as an option on any individual call. It should be passed a hash, which will be converted to the proper format and added to the request headers when the call is made. (Don Peterson) * Refactored several specs and added a full suite of cucumber features (Don Peterson) == 0.2.8 2009-01-28 * 1 major fix * fixed major bug with response where it wouldn't iterate or really work at all with parsed responses == 0.2.7 2009-01-28 * 2 minor fixes, 2 minor enhancements, 2 major enhancements * fixed undefined method add_node for nil class error that occasionally happened (juliocesar) * Handle nil or unexpected values better when typecasting. (Brian Landau) * More robust handling of mime types (Alex Vollmer) * Fixed support for specifying headers and added support for basic auth to CLI. (Alex Vollmer) * Added first class response object that includes original body and status code (Alex Vollmer) * Now parsing all response types as some non-200 responses provide important information, this means no more exception raising (Alex Vollmer) == 0.2.6 2009-01-05 * 1 minor bug fix * added explicit require of time as Time#parse failed outside of rails (willcodeforfoo) == 0.2.5 2009-01-05 * 1 major enhancement * Add command line interface to HTTParty (Alex Vollmer) == 0.2.4 2008-12-23 * 1 bug fix * Fixed that mimetype detection was failing if no mimetype was returned from service (skippy) == 0.2.3 2008-12-23 * 1 bug fix * Fixed typecasting class variable naming issue == 0.2.2 2008-12-08 * 1 bug fix * Added the missing core extension hash method to_xml_attributes == 0.2.1 2008-12-08 * 1 bug fix * Fixed that HTTParty was borking ActiveSupport and as such Rails (thanks to Rob Sanheim) == 0.2.0 2008-12-07 * 1 major enhancement * Removed ActiveSupport as a dependency. Now requires json gem for json deserialization and uses an included class to do the xml parsing. == 0.1.8 2008-11-30 * 3 major enhancements * Moved base_uri normalization into request class and out of httparty module, fixing the problem where base_uri was not always being normalized. * Stupid simple support for HTTParty.get/post/put/delete. (jqr) * Switched gem management to Echoe from newgem. == 0.1.7 2008-11-30 * 1 major enhancement * fixed multiple class definitions overriding each others options == 0.1.6 2008-11-26 * 1 major enhancement * now passing :query to set_form_data if post request to avoid content length errors == 0.1.5 2008-11-14 * 2 major enhancements * Refactored send request method out into its own object. * Added :html format if you just want to do that. == 0.1.4 2008-11-08 * 3 major enhancements: * Removed some cruft * Added ability to follow redirects automatically and turn that off (Alex Vollmer) == 0.1.3 2008-08-22 * 3 major enhancements: * Added http_proxy key for setting proxy server and port (francxk@gmail.com) * Now raises exception when http error occurs (francxk@gmail.com) * Changed auto format detection from file extension to response content type (Jay Pignata) == 0.1.2 2008-08-09 * 1 major enhancement: * default_params were not being appended to query string if option[:query] was blank == 0.1.1 2008-07-30 * 2 major enhancement: * Added :basic_auth key for options when making a request * :query and :body both now work with query string or hash == 0.1.0 2008-07-27 * 1 major enhancement: * Initial release