🎉 Makes http fun again!
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John Nunemaker c49ba06310 Removing .txt from files (it has always annoyed me). Boo Windows! 2008-12-05 17:11:58 -05:00
examples Added example of how to use HTTParty.get. Fixed erroring examples/delicious.rb. Updated History. 2008-12-05 16:42:38 -05:00
lib Moving to Echoe from newgem. 2008-12-05 17:10:21 -05:00
spec Fixed that base_uri was not always being normalized. [#13 state:resolved] 2008-12-01 09:44:30 -05:00
website Updated readme and website. 2008-07-31 00:29:17 -04:00
.gitignore Initial commit 2008-07-27 11:52:18 -04:00
History.txt Added example of how to use HTTParty.get. Fixed erroring examples/delicious.rb. Updated History. 2008-12-05 16:42:38 -05:00
MIT-LICENSE Removing .txt from files (it has always annoyed me). Boo Windows! 2008-12-05 17:11:58 -05:00
Manifest Moving to Echoe from newgem. 2008-12-05 17:10:21 -05:00
README Removing .txt from files (it has always annoyed me). Boo Windows! 2008-12-05 17:11:58 -05:00
Rakefile Moving to Echoe from newgem. 2008-12-05 17:10:21 -05:00
httparty.gemspec Prepped for 0.1.7 release. 2008-11-30 23:59:28 -05:00
setup.rb Initial commit 2008-07-27 11:52:18 -04:00


= httparty


Makes http fun again!


* Easy get, post, put, delete requests
* Basic http authentication
* Default request query string parameters (ie: for api keys that are needed on each request)
* Automatic parsing of JSON and XML into ruby hashes based on response content-type


The following is a simple example of wrapping Twitter's API for posting updates.

	class Twitter
	  include HTTParty
	  base_uri 'twitter.com'
	  basic_auth 'username', 'password'

	Twitter.post('/statuses/update.json', :query => {:status => "It's an HTTParty and everyone is invited!"})

That is really it! The object returned is a ruby hash that is decoded from Twitter's json response. JSON parsing is used because of the .json extension in the path of the request. You can also explicitly set a format (see the examples). 

That works and all but what if you don't want to embed your username and password in the class? Below is an example to fix that:

	class Twitter
	  include HTTParty
	  base_uri 'twitter.com'

	  def initialize(u, p)
	    @auth = {:username => u, :password => p}

	  def post(text)
	    options = { :query => {:status => text}, :basic_auth => @auth }
	    self.class.post('/statuses/update.json', options)
	Twitter.new('username', 'password').post("It's an HTTParty and everyone is invited!")


Each of the HTTP method (get, post, put and delete) each take a hash of options.
The following keys can be specified in the options:

headers::       A <tt>Hash</tt> of header key/value pairs
query::         A <tt>Hash</tt> of query key/value pairs
body::          The body of the request. If it's a <tt>Hash</tt>, it is
                converted into query-string format, otherwise it is sent
basic_auth::    A <tt>Hash</tt> containing keys for <tt>:username</tt> and
no_follow::     Turns off automatic redirect following


* Active Support >= 2.1


* sudo gem install httparty