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mirror of https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript.git synced 2022-11-09 12:23:24 -05:00

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Support import and export of ES2015 modules (#4300) This pull request adds support for ES2015 modules, by recognizing `import` and `export` statements. The following syntaxes are supported, based on the MDN [import](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import) and [export](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/export) pages: ```js import "module-name" import defaultMember from "module-name" import * as name from "module-name" import { } from "module-name" import { member } from "module-name" import { member as alias } from "module-name" import { member1, member2 as alias2, … } from "module-name" import defaultMember, * as name from "module-name" import defaultMember, { … } from "module-name" export default expression export class name export { } export { name } export { name as exportedName } export { name as default } export { name1, name2 as exportedName2, name3 as default, … } export * from "module-name" export { … } from "module-name" ``` As a subsitute for ECMAScript’s `export var name = …` and `export function name {}`, CoffeeScript also supports: ```js export name = … ``` CoffeeScript also supports optional commas within `{ … }`. This PR converts the supported `import` and `export` statements into ES2015 `import` and `export` statements; it **does not resolve the modules**. So any CoffeeScript with `import` or `export` statements will be output as ES2015, and will need to be transpiled by another tool such as Babel before it can be used in a browser. We will need to add a warning to the documentation explaining this. This should be fully backwards-compatible, as `import` and `export` were previously reserved keywords. No flags are used. There are extensive tests included, though because no current JavaScript runtime supports `import` or `export`, the tests compare strings of what the compiled CoffeeScript output is against what the expected ES2015 should be. I also conducted two more elaborate tests: * I forked the [ember-piqu](https://github.com/pauc/piqu-ember) project, which was an Ember CLI app that used ember-cli-coffeescript and [ember-cli-coffees6](https://github.com/alexspeller/ember-cli-coffees6) (which adds “support” for `import`/`export` by wrapping such statements in backticks before passing the result to the CoffeeScript compiler). I removed `ember-cli-coffees6` and replaced the CoffeeScript compiler used in the build chain with this code, and the app built without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-piqu) * I also forked the [CoffeeScript version of Meteor’s Todos example app](https://github.com/meteor/todos/tree/coffeescript), and replaced all of its `require` statements with the `import` and `export` statements from the original ES2015 version of the app on its `master` branch. I then updated the `coffeescript` Meteor package in the app to use this new code, and again the app builds without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-meteor-todos) The discussion history for this work started [here](https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript/pull/4160) and continued [here](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript/pull/2). @lydell provided guidance, and @JimPanic and @rattrayalex contributed essential code.
2016-09-14 14:46:05 -04:00
/* parser generated by jison 0.4.17 */
Returns a Parser object of the following structure:
Parser: {
yy: {}
Parser.prototype: {
yy: {},
trace: function(),
symbols_: {associative list: name ==> number},
terminals_: {associative list: number ==> name},
productions_: [...],
performAction: function anonymous(yytext, yyleng, yylineno, yy, yystate, $$, _$),
table: [...],
defaultActions: {...},
parseError: function(str, hash),
parse: function(input),
lexer: {
EOF: 1,
parseError: function(str, hash),
setInput: function(input),
input: function(),
unput: function(str),
more: function(),
less: function(n),
pastInput: function(),
upcomingInput: function(),
showPosition: function(),
test_match: function(regex_match_array, rule_index),
next: function(),
lex: function(),
begin: function(condition),
popState: function(),
_currentRules: function(),
topState: function(),
pushState: function(condition),
options: {
ranges: boolean (optional: true ==> token location info will include a .range[] member)
flex: boolean (optional: true ==> flex-like lexing behaviour where the rules are tested exhaustively to find the longest match)
backtrack_lexer: boolean (optional: true ==> lexer regexes are tested in order and for each matching regex the action code is invoked; the lexer terminates the scan when a token is returned by the action code)
performAction: function(yy, yy_, $avoiding_name_collisions, YY_START),
rules: [...],
conditions: {associative list: name ==> set},
token location info (@$, _$, etc.): {
first_line: n,
last_line: n,
first_column: n,
last_column: n,
range: [start_number, end_number] (where the numbers are indexes into the input string, regular zero-based)
the parseError function receives a 'hash' object with these members for lexer and parser errors: {
text: (matched text)
token: (the produced terminal token, if any)
line: (yylineno)
while parser (grammar) errors will also provide these members, i.e. parser errors deliver a superset of attributes: {
loc: (yylloc)
expected: (string describing the set of expected tokens)
recoverable: (boolean: TRUE when the parser has a error recovery rule available for this particular error)
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
var parser = (function(){
var o=function(k,v,o,l){for(o=o||{},l=k.length;l--;o[k[l]]=v);return o},$V0=[1,21],$V1=[1,51],$V2=[1,86],$V3=[1,87],$V4=[1,82],$V5=[1,88],$V6=[1,89],$V7=[1,84],$V8=[1,85],$V9=[1,59],$Va=[1,61],$Vb=[1,62],$Vc=[1,63],$Vd=[1,64],$Ve=[1,65],$Vf=[1,68],$Vg=[1,52],$Vh=[1,39],$Vi=[1,53],$Vj=[1,33],$Vk=[1,71],$Vl=[1,72],$Vm=[1,81],$Vn=[1,49],$Vo=[1,54],$Vp=[1,55],$Vq=[1,69],$Vr=[1,70],$Vs=[1,67],$Vt=[1,44],$Vu=[1,50],$Vv=[1,66],$Vw=[1,76],$Vx=[1,77],$Vy=[1,78],$Vz=[1,79],$VA=[1,48],$VB=[1,75],$VC=[1,35],$VD=[1,36],$VE=[1,37],$VF=[1,38],$VG=[1,40],$VH=[1,41],$VI=[1,90],$VJ=[1,6,33,44,138],$VK=[1,105],$VL=[1,93],$VM=[1,92],$VN=[1,91],$VO=[1,94],$VP=[1,95],$VQ=[1,96],$VR=[1,97],$VS=[1,98],$VT=[1,99],$VU=[1,100],$VV=[1,101],$VW=[1,102],$VX=[1,103],$VY=[1,104],$VZ=[1,108],$V_=[1,6,32,33,44,65,77,83,88,104,122,127,129,138,140,141,142,146,147,163,166,167,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181],$V$=[2,183],$V01=[1,114],$V11=[1,119],$V21=[1,115],$V31=[1,116],$V41=[1,117],$V51=[1,120],$V61=[1,113],$V71=[1,6,33,44,138,140,142,146,163],$V81=[1,6,32,33,42,43,44,65,74,75,77,83,88,96,97,98,100,104,120,121,122,127,129,138,140,141,142,146,147,163,166,167,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181],$V91=[2,110],$Va1=[2,114],$Vb1=[2,90],$Vc1=[1,125],$Vd1=[1,130],$Ve1=[1,131],$Vf1=[1,133],$Vg1=[1,137],$Vh1=[1,135],$Vi1=[1,6,32,33,42,43,44,58,65,74,75,77,83,88,96,97,98,100,104,120,121,122,127,129,138,140,141,142,146,147,163,166,167,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181],$Vj1=[2,107],$Vk1=[1,6,33,44,65,77,83,88,104,122,127,129,138,140,141,142,146,147,163,166,167,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181],$Vl1=[2,28],$Vm1=[1,161],$Vn1=[2,78],$Vo1=[1,169],$Vp1=[1,181],$Vq1=[1,183],$Vr1=[1,178],$Vs1=[1,185],$Vt1=[1,186],$Vu1=[1,188],$Vv1=[1,6,32,33,42,43,44,58,65,74,75,77,83,88,96,97,98,100,104,106,120,121,122,127,129,138,140,141,142,146,147,163,166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181,182],$Vw1=[2,130],$Vx1=[1,222],$Vy1=[1,6,32,33,42,43,44,62,65,74,75,77,83,88,96,97,98,100,104,120,121,122,127,129,138,140,141,142,146,147,163,166,167,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181],$Vz1=[1,6,30,32,33,42,43,44,58,62,65,74,75,77,83,88,96,97,98,100,104,106,112,120,121,122,127,129,138,140,141,142,146,147,153,154,155,163,166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181,182],$VA1=[1,6,32,33,42,43,44,49,62,65,74,75,77,83,88,96,97,98,100,104,120,121,122,127,129,138,140,141,142,146,147,163,166,167,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181],$VB1=[1,244],$VC1=[42,43,121],$VD1=[1,254],$VE1=[1,253],$VF1=[2,88],$VG1=[1,260],$VH1=[6,32,33,83,88],$VI1=[6,32,33,58,65,83,88],$VJ1=[1,6,32,33,44,65,77,83,88,104,122,127,129,138,140,141,142,146,147,163,166,167,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181],$VK1=[1,6,32,33,44,65,77,83,88,104,122,127,129,138,140,141,142,146,147,163,166,167,171,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181],$VL1=[42,43,74,75,96,97,98,100,120,121],$VM1=[1,279],$VN1=[1,6,32,33,44,65,77,83,88,104,122,127,129,138,140,141,142,146,147,163],$VO1=[2,77],$VP1=[1,291],$VQ1=[1,293],$VR1=[1,298],$VS1=[1,300],$VT1=[2,204],$VU1=[1,6,32,33,42,43,44,58,65,74,75,77,83,88,96,97,98,100,104,120,121,122,127,129,138,140,141,142,146,147,153,154,155,163,166,167,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181],$VV1=[1,309],$VW1=[6,32,33,88,122,127],$VX1=[1,6,32,33,42,43,44,58,62,65,74,75,77,83,88,96,97,98,100,104,106,120,121,122,127,129,138,140,141,142,146,147,153,154,155,163,166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181,182],$VY1=[1,6,32,33,44,65,77,83,88,104,122,127,129,138,147,163],$VZ1=[1,6,32,33,44,65,77,83,88,104,122,127,129,138,141,147,163],$V_1=[153,154,155],$V$1=[88,153,154,155],$V02=[6,32,104],$V12=[1,324],$V22=[6,32,33,88,104],$V32=[6,32,33,62,88,104],$V42=[6,32,33,58,62,65,74,75,88,104,121],$V52=[65,121],$V62=[1,6,32,33,44,65,77,83,88,104,122,127,129,138,140,141,142,146,147,163,166,167,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181],$V72=[1,6,32,33,42,43,44,49,65,74,75,77,83,88,96,97,98,100,104,120,121,122,127,129,138,140,141,142,146,147,163,166,167,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
var parser = {trace: function trace() { },
yy: {},
symbols_: {"error":2,"Root":3,"Body":4,"Line":5,"TERMINATOR":6,"Expression":7,"Statement":8,"FuncDirective":9,"YieldReturn":10,"AwaitReturn":11,"Return":12,"Comment":13,"STATEMENT":14,"Import":15,"Export":16,"Value":17,"Code":18,"Operation":19,"Assign":20,"If":21,"Try":22,"While":23,"For":24,"Switch":25,"Class":26,"Throw":27,"Yield":28,"YIELD":29,"FROM":30,"Block":31,"INDENT":32,"OUTDENT":33,"Identifier":34,"IDENTIFIER":35,"CSX_TAG":36,"Property":37,"PROPERTY":38,"AlphaNumeric":39,"NUMBER":40,"String":41,"STRING":42,"STRING_START":43,"STRING_END":44,"Regex":45,"REGEX":46,"REGEX_START":47,"Invocation":48,"REGEX_END":49,"Literal":50,"JS":51,"UNDEFINED":52,"NULL":53,"BOOL":54,"INFINITY":55,"NAN":56,"Assignable":57,"=":58,"AssignObj":59,"ObjAssignable":60,"ObjRestValue":61,":":62,"SimpleObjAssignable":63,"ThisProperty":64,"...":65,"ObjSpreadExpr":66,"ObjSpreadIdentifier":67,"Object":68,"Parenthetical":69,"Super":70,"This":71,"SUPER":72,"Arguments":73,".":74,"INDEX_START":75,"IndexValue":76,"INDEX_END":77,"RETURN":78,"AWAIT":79,"HERECOMMENT":80,"PARAM_START":81,"ParamList":82,"PARAM_END":83,"FuncGlyph":84,"->":85,"=>":86,"OptComma":87,",":88,"Param":89,"ParamVar":90,"Array":91,"Splat":92,"SimpleAssignable":93,"Accessor":94,"Range":95,"?.":96,"::":97,"?::":98,"Index":99,"INDEX_SOAK":100,"Slice":101,"{":102,"AssignList":103,"}":104,"CLASS":105,"EXTENDS":106,"IMPORT":107,"ImportDefaultSpecifier":108,"ImportNamespaceSpecifier":109,"ImportSpecifierList":110,"ImportSpecifier":111,"AS":112,"DEFAULT":113,"IMPORT_ALL":114,"EXPORT":115,"ExportSpecifierList":116,"EXPORT_ALL":117,"ExportSpecifier":118,"OptFuncExist":119,"FUNC_EXIST":120,"CALL_START":121,"CALL_END":122,"ArgList":123,"THIS":124,"@":125,"[":126,"]":127,"RangeDots":128,"..":129,"Arg":130,"SimpleArgs":131,"TRY":132,"Catch":133,"FINALLY":134,"CATCH":135,"THROW":136,"(":137,")":138,"WhileSource":139,"WHILE":140,"WHEN":141,"UNTIL":142,"Loop":143,"LOOP":144,"ForBody":145,"FOR":146,"BY":147,"ForStart":148,"ForSource":149,"ForVariables":150,"OWN":151,"ForValue":152,"FORIN":153,"FOROF":154,"FORFROM":155,"SWITCH":156,"Whens":157,"ELSE":158,"When":159,"LEADING_WHEN":160,"IfBlock":161,"IF":162,"POST_IF":163,"UNARY":164,"UNARY_MATH":165,"-":166,"+":167,"--":168,"++":169,"?":170,"MATH":171,"**":172,"SHIFT":173,"COMPARE":174,"&":175,"^":176,"|":177,"&&":178,"||":179,"BIN?":180,"RELATION":181,"COMPOUND_ASSIGN":182,"$accept":0,"$end":1},
terminals_: {2:"error",6:"TERMINATOR",14:"STATEMENT",29:"YIELD",30:"FROM",32:"INDENT",33:"OUTDENT",35:"IDENTIFIER",36:"CSX_TAG",38:"PROPERTY",40:"NUMBER",42:"STRING",43:"STRING_START",44:"STRING_END",46:"REGEX",47:"REGEX_START",49:"REGEX_END",51:"JS",52:"UNDEFINED",53:"NULL",54:"BOOL",55:"INFINITY",56:"NAN",58:"=",62:":",65:"...",72:"SUPER",74:".",75:"INDEX_START",77:"INDEX_END",78:"RETURN",79:"AWAIT",80:"HERECOMMENT",81:"PARAM_START",83:"PARAM_END",85:"->",86:"=>",88:",",96:"?.",97:"::",98:"?::",100:"INDEX_SOAK",102:"{",104:"}",105:"CLASS",106:"EXTENDS",107:"IMPORT",112:"AS",113:"DEFAULT",114:"IMPORT_ALL",115:"EXPORT",117:"EXPORT_ALL",120:"FUNC_EXIST",121:"CALL_START",122:"CALL_END",124:"THIS",125:"@",126:"[",127:"]",129:"..",132:"TRY",134:"FINALLY",135:"CATCH",136:"THROW",137:"(",138:")",140:"WHILE",141:"WHEN",142:"UNTIL",144:"LOOP",146:"FOR",147:"BY",151:"OWN",153:"FORIN",154:"FOROF",155:"FORFROM",156:"SWITCH",158:"ELSE",160:"LEADING_WHEN",162:"IF",163:"POST_IF",164:"UNARY",165:"UNARY_MATH",166:"-",167:"+",168:"--",169:"++",170:"?",171:"MATH",172:"**",173:"SHIFT",174:"COMPARE",175:"&",176:"^",177:"|",178:"&&",179:"||",180:"BIN?",181:"RELATION",182:"COMPOUND_ASSIGN"},
productions_: [0,[3,0],[3,1],[4,1],[4,3],[4,2],[5,1],[5,1],[5,1],[9,1],[9,1],[8,1],[8,1],[8,1],[8,1],[8,1],[7,1],[7,1],[7,1],[7,1],[7,1],[7,1],[7,1],[7,1],[7,1],[7,1],[7,1],[7,1],[28,1],[28,2],[28,3],[31,2],[31,3],[34,1],[34,1],[37,1],[39,1],[39,1],[41,1],[41,3],[45,1],[45,3],[50,1],[50,1],[50,1],[50,1],[50,1],[50,1],[50,1],[50,1],[20,3],[20,4],[20,5],[59,1],[59,1],[59,3],[59,5],[59,3],[59,5],[59,1],[63,1],[63,1],[63,1],[60,1],[60,1],[61,2],[61,2],[66,1],[66,1],[66,1],[66,1],[66,1],[66,2],[66,2],[66,2],[67,3],[67,4],[12,2],[12,1],[10,3],[10,2],[11,3],[11,2],[13,1],[18,5],[18,2],[84,1],[84,1],[87,0],[87,1],[82,0],[82,1],[82,3],[82,4],[82,6],[89,1],[89,2],[89,3],[89,1],[90,1],[90,1],[90,1],[90,1],[92,2],[93,1],[93,2],[93,1],[57,1],[57,1],[57,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[70,3],[70,4],[94,2],[94,2],[94,2],[94,2],[94,1],[94,1],[99,3],[99,2],[76,1],[76,1],[68,4],[103,0],[103,1],[103,3],[103,4],[103,6],[26,1],[26,2],[26,3],[26,4],[26,2],[26,3],[26,4],[26,5],[15,2],[15,4],[15,4],[15,5],[15,7],[15,6],[15,9],[110,1],[110,3],[110,4],[110,4],[110,6],[111,1],[111,3],[111,1],[111,3],[108,1],[109,3],[16,3],[16,5],[16,2],[16,4],[16,5],[16,6],[16,3],[16,4],[16,7],[116,1],[116,3],[116,4],[116,4],[116,6],[118,1],[118,3],[118,3],[118,1],[118,3],[48,3],[48,3],[48,3],[119,0],[119,1],[73,2],[73,4],[71,1],[71,1],[64,2],[91,2],[91,4],[128,1],[128,1],[95,5],[101,3],[101,2],[101,2],[101,1],[123,1],[123,3],[123,4],[123,4],[123,6],[130,1],[130,1],[130,1],[131,1],[131,3],[22,2],[22,3],[22,4],[22,5],[133,3],[133,3],[133,2],[27,2],[69,3],[69,5],[139,2],[139,4],[139,2],[139,4],[23,2],[23,2],[23,2],[23,1],[143,2],[143,2],[24,2],[24,2],[24,2],[145,2],[145,4],[145,2],[148,2],[148,3],[152,1],[152,1],[152,1],[152,1],[150,1],[150,3],[149,2],[149,2],[149,4],[149,4],[149,4],[149,6],[149,6],[149,2],[149,4],[25,5],[25,7],[25,4],[25,6],[157,1],[157,2],[159,3],[159,4],[161,3],[161,5],[21,1],[21,3],[21,3],[21,3],[19,2],[19,2],[19,2],[19,2],[19,2],[19,2],[19,2],[19,2],[19,2],[19,2],[19,3],[19,3],[19,3],[19,3],[19,3],[19,3],[19,3],[19,3],[19,3],[19,3],[19,3],[19,3],[19,3],[19,3],[19,5],[19,4]],
performAction: function anonymous(yytext, yyleng, yylineno, yy, yystate /* action[1] */, $$ /* vstack */, _$ /* lstack */) {
/* this == yyval */
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
2010-12-19 20:04:49 -05:00
var $0 = $$.length - 1;
switch (yystate) {
case 1:
return this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])(new yy.Block);
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 2:
return this.$ = $$[$0];
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 3:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])(yy.Block.wrap([$$[$0]]));
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 4:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])($$[$0-2].push($$[$0]));
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 5:
this.$ = $$[$0-1];
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: case 10: case 11: case 12: case 14: case 15: case 16: case 17: case 18: case 19: case 20: case 21: case 22: case 23: case 24: case 25: case 26: case 27: case 37: case 42: case 44: case 54: case 59: case 60: case 61: case 62: case 63: case 64: case 67: case 68: case 69: case 70: case 71: case 88: case 89: case 99: case 100: case 101: case 102: case 106: case 107: case 110: case 115: case 124: case 204: case 205: case 207: case 237: case 238: case 256: case 262:
this.$ = $$[$0];
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 13:
Refactor `Literal` into several subtypes Previously, the parser created `Literal` nodes for many things. This resulted in information loss. Instead of being able to check the node type, we had to use regexes to tell the different types of `Literal`s apart. That was a bit like parsing literals twice: Once in the lexer, and once (or more) in the compiler. It also caused problems, such as `` `this` `` and `this` being indistinguishable (fixes #2009). Instead returning `new Literal` in the grammar, subtypes of it are now returned instead, such as `NumberLiteral`, `StringLiteral` and `IdentifierLiteral`. `new Literal` by itself is only used to represent code chunks that fit no category. (While mentioning `NumberLiteral`, there's also `InfinityLiteral` now, which is a subtype of `NumberLiteral`.) `StringWithInterpolations` has been added as a subtype of `Parens`, and `RegexWithInterpolations` as a subtype of `Call`. This makes it easier for other programs to make use of CoffeeScript's "AST" (nodes). For example, it is now possible to distinguish between `"a #{b} c"` and `"a " + b + " c"`. Fixes #4192. `SuperCall` has been added as a subtype of `Call`. Note, though, that some information is still lost, especially in the lexer. For example, there is no way to distinguish a heredoc from a regular string, or a heregex without interpolations from a regular regex. Binary and octal number literals are indistinguishable from hexadecimal literals. After the new subtypes were added, they were taken advantage of, removing most regexes in nodes.coffee. `SIMPLENUM` (which matches non-hex integers) had to be kept, though, because such numbers need special handling in JavaScript (for example in `1..toString()`). An especially nice hack to get rid of was using `new String()` for the token value for reserved identifiers (to be able to set a property on them which could survive through the parser). Now it's a good old regular string. In range literals, slices, splices and for loop steps when number literals are involved, CoffeeScript can do some optimizations, such as precomputing the value of, say, `5 - 3` (outputting `2` instead of `5 - 3` literally). As a side bonus, this now also works with hexadecimal number literals, such as `0x02`. Finally, this also improves the output of `coffee --nodes`: # Before: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value Bool Block Value Parens Block Op + Value """" Value Parens Block Value "a" "break" # After: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value BooleanLiteral: true Block Value StringWithInterpolations Block Op + Value StringLiteral: "" Value Parens Block Value IdentifierLiteral: a StatementLiteral: break
2016-01-31 14:24:31 -05:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])(new yy.StatementLiteral($$[$0]));
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 28:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])(new yy.Op($$[$0], new yy.Value(new yy.Literal(''))));
case 29: case 266: case 267: case 270:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])(new yy.Op($$[$0-1], $$[$0]));
case 30:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])(new yy.Op($$[$0-2].concat($$[$0-1]), $$[$0]));
case 31:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])(new yy.Block);
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 32: case 125:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])($$[$0-1]);
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 33:
Refactor `Literal` into several subtypes Previously, the parser created `Literal` nodes for many things. This resulted in information loss. Instead of being able to check the node type, we had to use regexes to tell the different types of `Literal`s apart. That was a bit like parsing literals twice: Once in the lexer, and once (or more) in the compiler. It also caused problems, such as `` `this` `` and `this` being indistinguishable (fixes #2009). Instead returning `new Literal` in the grammar, subtypes of it are now returned instead, such as `NumberLiteral`, `StringLiteral` and `IdentifierLiteral`. `new Literal` by itself is only used to represent code chunks that fit no category. (While mentioning `NumberLiteral`, there's also `InfinityLiteral` now, which is a subtype of `NumberLiteral`.) `StringWithInterpolations` has been added as a subtype of `Parens`, and `RegexWithInterpolations` as a subtype of `Call`. This makes it easier for other programs to make use of CoffeeScript's "AST" (nodes). For example, it is now possible to distinguish between `"a #{b} c"` and `"a " + b + " c"`. Fixes #4192. `SuperCall` has been added as a subtype of `Call`. Note, though, that some information is still lost, especially in the lexer. For example, there is no way to distinguish a heredoc from a regular string, or a heregex without interpolations from a regular regex. Binary and octal number literals are indistinguishable from hexadecimal literals. After the new subtypes were added, they were taken advantage of, removing most regexes in nodes.coffee. `SIMPLENUM` (which matches non-hex integers) had to be kept, though, because such numbers need special handling in JavaScript (for example in `1..toString()`). An especially nice hack to get rid of was using `new String()` for the token value for reserved identifiers (to be able to set a property on them which could survive through the parser). Now it's a good old regular string. In range literals, slices, splices and for loop steps when number literals are involved, CoffeeScript can do some optimizations, such as precomputing the value of, say, `5 - 3` (outputting `2` instead of `5 - 3` literally). As a side bonus, this now also works with hexadecimal number literals, such as `0x02`. Finally, this also improves the output of `coffee --nodes`: # Before: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value Bool Block Value Parens Block Op + Value """" Value Parens Block Value "a" "break" # After: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value BooleanLiteral: true Block Value StringWithInterpolations Block Op + Value StringLiteral: "" Value Parens Block Value IdentifierLiteral: a StatementLiteral: break
2016-01-31 14:24:31 -05:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])(new yy.IdentifierLiteral($$[$0]));
case 34:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])(new yy.CSXTag($$[$0]));
Refactor `Literal` into several subtypes Previously, the parser created `Literal` nodes for many things. This resulted in information loss. Instead of being able to check the node type, we had to use regexes to tell the different types of `Literal`s apart. That was a bit like parsing literals twice: Once in the lexer, and once (or more) in the compiler. It also caused problems, such as `` `this` `` and `this` being indistinguishable (fixes #2009). Instead returning `new Literal` in the grammar, subtypes of it are now returned instead, such as `NumberLiteral`, `StringLiteral` and `IdentifierLiteral`. `new Literal` by itself is only used to represent code chunks that fit no category. (While mentioning `NumberLiteral`, there's also `InfinityLiteral` now, which is a subtype of `NumberLiteral`.) `StringWithInterpolations` has been added as a subtype of `Parens`, and `RegexWithInterpolations` as a subtype of `Call`. This makes it easier for other programs to make use of CoffeeScript's "AST" (nodes). For example, it is now possible to distinguish between `"a #{b} c"` and `"a " + b + " c"`. Fixes #4192. `SuperCall` has been added as a subtype of `Call`. Note, though, that some information is still lost, especially in the lexer. For example, there is no way to distinguish a heredoc from a regular string, or a heregex without interpolations from a regular regex. Binary and octal number literals are indistinguishable from hexadecimal literals. After the new subtypes were added, they were taken advantage of, removing most regexes in nodes.coffee. `SIMPLENUM` (which matches non-hex integers) had to be kept, though, because such numbers need special handling in JavaScript (for example in `1..toString()`). An especially nice hack to get rid of was using `new String()` for the token value for reserved identifiers (to be able to set a property on them which could survive through the parser). Now it's a good old regular string. In range literals, slices, splices and for loop steps when number literals are involved, CoffeeScript can do some optimizations, such as precomputing the value of, say, `5 - 3` (outputting `2` instead of `5 - 3` literally). As a side bonus, this now also works with hexadecimal number literals, such as `0x02`. Finally, this also improves the output of `coffee --nodes`: # Before: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value Bool Block Value Parens Block Op + Value """" Value Parens Block Value "a" "break" # After: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value BooleanLiteral: true Block Value StringWithInterpolations Block Op + Value StringLiteral: "" Value Parens Block Value IdentifierLiteral: a StatementLiteral: break
2016-01-31 14:24:31 -05:00
case 35:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])(new yy.PropertyName($$[$0]));
case 36:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])(new yy.NumberLiteral($$[$0]));
case 38:
Refactor `Literal` into several subtypes Previously, the parser created `Literal` nodes for many things. This resulted in information loss. Instead of being able to check the node type, we had to use regexes to tell the different types of `Literal`s apart. That was a bit like parsing literals twice: Once in the lexer, and once (or more) in the compiler. It also caused problems, such as `` `this` `` and `this` being indistinguishable (fixes #2009). Instead returning `new Literal` in the grammar, subtypes of it are now returned instead, such as `NumberLiteral`, `StringLiteral` and `IdentifierLiteral`. `new Literal` by itself is only used to represent code chunks that fit no category. (While mentioning `NumberLiteral`, there's also `InfinityLiteral` now, which is a subtype of `NumberLiteral`.) `StringWithInterpolations` has been added as a subtype of `Parens`, and `RegexWithInterpolations` as a subtype of `Call`. This makes it easier for other programs to make use of CoffeeScript's "AST" (nodes). For example, it is now possible to distinguish between `"a #{b} c"` and `"a " + b + " c"`. Fixes #4192. `SuperCall` has been added as a subtype of `Call`. Note, though, that some information is still lost, especially in the lexer. For example, there is no way to distinguish a heredoc from a regular string, or a heregex without interpolations from a regular regex. Binary and octal number literals are indistinguishable from hexadecimal literals. After the new subtypes were added, they were taken advantage of, removing most regexes in nodes.coffee. `SIMPLENUM` (which matches non-hex integers) had to be kept, though, because such numbers need special handling in JavaScript (for example in `1..toString()`). An especially nice hack to get rid of was using `new String()` for the token value for reserved identifiers (to be able to set a property on them which could survive through the parser). Now it's a good old regular string. In range literals, slices, splices and for loop steps when number literals are involved, CoffeeScript can do some optimizations, such as precomputing the value of, say, `5 - 3` (outputting `2` instead of `5 - 3` literally). As a side bonus, this now also works with hexadecimal number literals, such as `0x02`. Finally, this also improves the output of `coffee --nodes`: # Before: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value Bool Block Value Parens Block Op + Value """" Value Parens Block Value "a" "break" # After: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value BooleanLiteral: true Block Value StringWithInterpolations Block Op + Value StringLiteral: "" Value Parens Block Value IdentifierLiteral: a StatementLiteral: break
2016-01-31 14:24:31 -05:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])(new yy.StringLiteral($$[$0]));
case 39:
Refactor `Literal` into several subtypes Previously, the parser created `Literal` nodes for many things. This resulted in information loss. Instead of being able to check the node type, we had to use regexes to tell the different types of `Literal`s apart. That was a bit like parsing literals twice: Once in the lexer, and once (or more) in the compiler. It also caused problems, such as `` `this` `` and `this` being indistinguishable (fixes #2009). Instead returning `new Literal` in the grammar, subtypes of it are now returned instead, such as `NumberLiteral`, `StringLiteral` and `IdentifierLiteral`. `new Literal` by itself is only used to represent code chunks that fit no category. (While mentioning `NumberLiteral`, there's also `InfinityLiteral` now, which is a subtype of `NumberLiteral`.) `StringWithInterpolations` has been added as a subtype of `Parens`, and `RegexWithInterpolations` as a subtype of `Call`. This makes it easier for other programs to make use of CoffeeScript's "AST" (nodes). For example, it is now possible to distinguish between `"a #{b} c"` and `"a " + b + " c"`. Fixes #4192. `SuperCall` has been added as a subtype of `Call`. Note, though, that some information is still lost, especially in the lexer. For example, there is no way to distinguish a heredoc from a regular string, or a heregex without interpolations from a regular regex. Binary and octal number literals are indistinguishable from hexadecimal literals. After the new subtypes were added, they were taken advantage of, removing most regexes in nodes.coffee. `SIMPLENUM` (which matches non-hex integers) had to be kept, though, because such numbers need special handling in JavaScript (for example in `1..toString()`). An especially nice hack to get rid of was using `new String()` for the token value for reserved identifiers (to be able to set a property on them which could survive through the parser). Now it's a good old regular string. In range literals, slices, splices and for loop steps when number literals are involved, CoffeeScript can do some optimizations, such as precomputing the value of, say, `5 - 3` (outputting `2` instead of `5 - 3` literally). As a side bonus, this now also works with hexadecimal number literals, such as `0x02`. Finally, this also improves the output of `coffee --nodes`: # Before: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value Bool Block Value Parens Block Op + Value """" Value Parens Block Value "a" "break" # After: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value BooleanLiteral: true Block Value StringWithInterpolations Block Op + Value StringLiteral: "" Value Parens Block Value IdentifierLiteral: a StatementLiteral: break
2016-01-31 14:24:31 -05:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])(new yy.StringWithInterpolations($$[$0-1]));
case 40:
Refactor `Literal` into several subtypes Previously, the parser created `Literal` nodes for many things. This resulted in information loss. Instead of being able to check the node type, we had to use regexes to tell the different types of `Literal`s apart. That was a bit like parsing literals twice: Once in the lexer, and once (or more) in the compiler. It also caused problems, such as `` `this` `` and `this` being indistinguishable (fixes #2009). Instead returning `new Literal` in the grammar, subtypes of it are now returned instead, such as `NumberLiteral`, `StringLiteral` and `IdentifierLiteral`. `new Literal` by itself is only used to represent code chunks that fit no category. (While mentioning `NumberLiteral`, there's also `InfinityLiteral` now, which is a subtype of `NumberLiteral`.) `StringWithInterpolations` has been added as a subtype of `Parens`, and `RegexWithInterpolations` as a subtype of `Call`. This makes it easier for other programs to make use of CoffeeScript's "AST" (nodes). For example, it is now possible to distinguish between `"a #{b} c"` and `"a " + b + " c"`. Fixes #4192. `SuperCall` has been added as a subtype of `Call`. Note, though, that some information is still lost, especially in the lexer. For example, there is no way to distinguish a heredoc from a regular string, or a heregex without interpolations from a regular regex. Binary and octal number literals are indistinguishable from hexadecimal literals. After the new subtypes were added, they were taken advantage of, removing most regexes in nodes.coffee. `SIMPLENUM` (which matches non-hex integers) had to be kept, though, because such numbers need special handling in JavaScript (for example in `1..toString()`). An especially nice hack to get rid of was using `new String()` for the token value for reserved identifiers (to be able to set a property on them which could survive through the parser). Now it's a good old regular string. In range literals, slices, splices and for loop steps when number literals are involved, CoffeeScript can do some optimizations, such as precomputing the value of, say, `5 - 3` (outputting `2` instead of `5 - 3` literally). As a side bonus, this now also works with hexadecimal number literals, such as `0x02`. Finally, this also improves the output of `coffee --nodes`: # Before: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value Bool Block Value Parens Block Op + Value """" Value Parens Block Value "a" "break" # After: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value BooleanLiteral: true Block Value StringWithInterpolations Block Op + Value StringLiteral: "" Value Parens Block Value IdentifierLiteral: a StatementLiteral: break
2016-01-31 14:24:31 -05:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])(new yy.RegexLiteral($$[$0]));
case 41:
Refactor `Literal` into several subtypes Previously, the parser created `Literal` nodes for many things. This resulted in information loss. Instead of being able to check the node type, we had to use regexes to tell the different types of `Literal`s apart. That was a bit like parsing literals twice: Once in the lexer, and once (or more) in the compiler. It also caused problems, such as `` `this` `` and `this` being indistinguishable (fixes #2009). Instead returning `new Literal` in the grammar, subtypes of it are now returned instead, such as `NumberLiteral`, `StringLiteral` and `IdentifierLiteral`. `new Literal` by itself is only used to represent code chunks that fit no category. (While mentioning `NumberLiteral`, there's also `InfinityLiteral` now, which is a subtype of `NumberLiteral`.) `StringWithInterpolations` has been added as a subtype of `Parens`, and `RegexWithInterpolations` as a subtype of `Call`. This makes it easier for other programs to make use of CoffeeScript's "AST" (nodes). For example, it is now possible to distinguish between `"a #{b} c"` and `"a " + b + " c"`. Fixes #4192. `SuperCall` has been added as a subtype of `Call`. Note, though, that some information is still lost, especially in the lexer. For example, there is no way to distinguish a heredoc from a regular string, or a heregex without interpolations from a regular regex. Binary and octal number literals are indistinguishable from hexadecimal literals. After the new subtypes were added, they were taken advantage of, removing most regexes in nodes.coffee. `SIMPLENUM` (which matches non-hex integers) had to be kept, though, because such numbers need special handling in JavaScript (for example in `1..toString()`). An especially nice hack to get rid of was using `new String()` for the token value for reserved identifiers (to be able to set a property on them which could survive through the parser). Now it's a good old regular string. In range literals, slices, splices and for loop steps when number literals are involved, CoffeeScript can do some optimizations, such as precomputing the value of, say, `5 - 3` (outputting `2` instead of `5 - 3` literally). As a side bonus, this now also works with hexadecimal number literals, such as `0x02`. Finally, this also improves the output of `coffee --nodes`: # Before: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value Bool Block Value Parens Block Op + Value """" Value Parens Block Value "a" "break" # After: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value BooleanLiteral: true Block Value StringWithInterpolations Block Op + Value StringLiteral: "" Value Parens Block Value IdentifierLiteral: a StatementLiteral: break
2016-01-31 14:24:31 -05:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])(new yy.RegexWithInterpolations($$[$0-1].args));
case 43:
Refactor `Literal` into several subtypes Previously, the parser created `Literal` nodes for many things. This resulted in information loss. Instead of being able to check the node type, we had to use regexes to tell the different types of `Literal`s apart. That was a bit like parsing literals twice: Once in the lexer, and once (or more) in the compiler. It also caused problems, such as `` `this` `` and `this` being indistinguishable (fixes #2009). Instead returning `new Literal` in the grammar, subtypes of it are now returned instead, such as `NumberLiteral`, `StringLiteral` and `IdentifierLiteral`. `new Literal` by itself is only used to represent code chunks that fit no category. (While mentioning `NumberLiteral`, there's also `InfinityLiteral` now, which is a subtype of `NumberLiteral`.) `StringWithInterpolations` has been added as a subtype of `Parens`, and `RegexWithInterpolations` as a subtype of `Call`. This makes it easier for other programs to make use of CoffeeScript's "AST" (nodes). For example, it is now possible to distinguish between `"a #{b} c"` and `"a " + b + " c"`. Fixes #4192. `SuperCall` has been added as a subtype of `Call`. Note, though, that some information is still lost, especially in the lexer. For example, there is no way to distinguish a heredoc from a regular string, or a heregex without interpolations from a regular regex. Binary and octal number literals are indistinguishable from hexadecimal literals. After the new subtypes were added, they were taken advantage of, removing most regexes in nodes.coffee. `SIMPLENUM` (which matches non-hex integers) had to be kept, though, because such numbers need special handling in JavaScript (for example in `1..toString()`). An especially nice hack to get rid of was using `new String()` for the token value for reserved identifiers (to be able to set a property on them which could survive through the parser). Now it's a good old regular string. In range literals, slices, splices and for loop steps when number literals are involved, CoffeeScript can do some optimizations, such as precomputing the value of, say, `5 - 3` (outputting `2` instead of `5 - 3` literally). As a side bonus, this now also works with hexadecimal number literals, such as `0x02`. Finally, this also improves the output of `coffee --nodes`: # Before: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value Bool Block Value Parens Block Op + Value """" Value Parens Block Value "a" "break" # After: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value BooleanLiteral: true Block Value StringWithInterpolations Block Op + Value StringLiteral: "" Value Parens Block Value IdentifierLiteral: a StatementLiteral: break
2016-01-31 14:24:31 -05:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])(new yy.PassthroughLiteral($$[$0]));
2015-02-07 14:16:59 -05:00
case 45:
Refactor `Literal` into several subtypes Previously, the parser created `Literal` nodes for many things. This resulted in information loss. Instead of being able to check the node type, we had to use regexes to tell the different types of `Literal`s apart. That was a bit like parsing literals twice: Once in the lexer, and once (or more) in the compiler. It also caused problems, such as `` `this` `` and `this` being indistinguishable (fixes #2009). Instead returning `new Literal` in the grammar, subtypes of it are now returned instead, such as `NumberLiteral`, `StringLiteral` and `IdentifierLiteral`. `new Literal` by itself is only used to represent code chunks that fit no category. (While mentioning `NumberLiteral`, there's also `InfinityLiteral` now, which is a subtype of `NumberLiteral`.) `StringWithInterpolations` has been added as a subtype of `Parens`, and `RegexWithInterpolations` as a subtype of `Call`. This makes it easier for other programs to make use of CoffeeScript's "AST" (nodes). For example, it is now possible to distinguish between `"a #{b} c"` and `"a " + b + " c"`. Fixes #4192. `SuperCall` has been added as a subtype of `Call`. Note, though, that some information is still lost, especially in the lexer. For example, there is no way to distinguish a heredoc from a regular string, or a heregex without interpolations from a regular regex. Binary and octal number literals are indistinguishable from hexadecimal literals. After the new subtypes were added, they were taken advantage of, removing most regexes in nodes.coffee. `SIMPLENUM` (which matches non-hex integers) had to be kept, though, because such numbers need special handling in JavaScript (for example in `1..toString()`). An especially nice hack to get rid of was using `new String()` for the token value for reserved identifiers (to be able to set a property on them which could survive through the parser). Now it's a good old regular string. In range literals, slices, splices and for loop steps when number literals are involved, CoffeeScript can do some optimizations, such as precomputing the value of, say, `5 - 3` (outputting `2` instead of `5 - 3` literally). As a side bonus, this now also works with hexadecimal number literals, such as `0x02`. Finally, this also improves the output of `coffee --nodes`: # Before: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value Bool Block Value Parens Block Op + Value """" Value Parens Block Value "a" "break" # After: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value BooleanLiteral: true Block Value StringWithInterpolations Block Op + Value StringLiteral: "" Value Parens Block Value IdentifierLiteral: a StatementLiteral: break
2016-01-31 14:24:31 -05:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])(new yy.UndefinedLiteral);
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 46:
Refactor `Literal` into several subtypes Previously, the parser created `Literal` nodes for many things. This resulted in information loss. Instead of being able to check the node type, we had to use regexes to tell the different types of `Literal`s apart. That was a bit like parsing literals twice: Once in the lexer, and once (or more) in the compiler. It also caused problems, such as `` `this` `` and `this` being indistinguishable (fixes #2009). Instead returning `new Literal` in the grammar, subtypes of it are now returned instead, such as `NumberLiteral`, `StringLiteral` and `IdentifierLiteral`. `new Literal` by itself is only used to represent code chunks that fit no category. (While mentioning `NumberLiteral`, there's also `InfinityLiteral` now, which is a subtype of `NumberLiteral`.) `StringWithInterpolations` has been added as a subtype of `Parens`, and `RegexWithInterpolations` as a subtype of `Call`. This makes it easier for other programs to make use of CoffeeScript's "AST" (nodes). For example, it is now possible to distinguish between `"a #{b} c"` and `"a " + b + " c"`. Fixes #4192. `SuperCall` has been added as a subtype of `Call`. Note, though, that some information is still lost, especially in the lexer. For example, there is no way to distinguish a heredoc from a regular string, or a heregex without interpolations from a regular regex. Binary and octal number literals are indistinguishable from hexadecimal literals. After the new subtypes were added, they were taken advantage of, removing most regexes in nodes.coffee. `SIMPLENUM` (which matches non-hex integers) had to be kept, though, because such numbers need special handling in JavaScript (for example in `1..toString()`). An especially nice hack to get rid of was using `new String()` for the token value for reserved identifiers (to be able to set a property on them which could survive through the parser). Now it's a good old regular string. In range literals, slices, splices and for loop steps when number literals are involved, CoffeeScript can do some optimizations, such as precomputing the value of, say, `5 - 3` (outputting `2` instead of `5 - 3` literally). As a side bonus, this now also works with hexadecimal number literals, such as `0x02`. Finally, this also improves the output of `coffee --nodes`: # Before: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value Bool Block Value Parens Block Op + Value """" Value Parens Block Value "a" "break" # After: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value BooleanLiteral: true Block Value StringWithInterpolations Block Op + Value StringLiteral: "" Value Parens Block Value IdentifierLiteral: a StatementLiteral: break
2016-01-31 14:24:31 -05:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])(new yy.NullLiteral);
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 47:
Refactor `Literal` into several subtypes Previously, the parser created `Literal` nodes for many things. This resulted in information loss. Instead of being able to check the node type, we had to use regexes to tell the different types of `Literal`s apart. That was a bit like parsing literals twice: Once in the lexer, and once (or more) in the compiler. It also caused problems, such as `` `this` `` and `this` being indistinguishable (fixes #2009). Instead returning `new Literal` in the grammar, subtypes of it are now returned instead, such as `NumberLiteral`, `StringLiteral` and `IdentifierLiteral`. `new Literal` by itself is only used to represent code chunks that fit no category. (While mentioning `NumberLiteral`, there's also `InfinityLiteral` now, which is a subtype of `NumberLiteral`.) `StringWithInterpolations` has been added as a subtype of `Parens`, and `RegexWithInterpolations` as a subtype of `Call`. This makes it easier for other programs to make use of CoffeeScript's "AST" (nodes). For example, it is now possible to distinguish between `"a #{b} c"` and `"a " + b + " c"`. Fixes #4192. `SuperCall` has been added as a subtype of `Call`. Note, though, that some information is still lost, especially in the lexer. For example, there is no way to distinguish a heredoc from a regular string, or a heregex without interpolations from a regular regex. Binary and octal number literals are indistinguishable from hexadecimal literals. After the new subtypes were added, they were taken advantage of, removing most regexes in nodes.coffee. `SIMPLENUM` (which matches non-hex integers) had to be kept, though, because such numbers need special handling in JavaScript (for example in `1..toString()`). An especially nice hack to get rid of was using `new String()` for the token value for reserved identifiers (to be able to set a property on them which could survive through the parser). Now it's a good old regular string. In range literals, slices, splices and for loop steps when number literals are involved, CoffeeScript can do some optimizations, such as precomputing the value of, say, `5 - 3` (outputting `2` instead of `5 - 3` literally). As a side bonus, this now also works with hexadecimal number literals, such as `0x02`. Finally, this also improves the output of `coffee --nodes`: # Before: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value Bool Block Value Parens Block Op + Value """" Value Parens Block Value "a" "break" # After: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value BooleanLiteral: true Block Value StringWithInterpolations Block Op + Value StringLiteral: "" Value Parens Block Value IdentifierLiteral: a StatementLiteral: break
2016-01-31 14:24:31 -05:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])(new yy.BooleanLiteral($$[$0]));
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 48:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])(new yy.InfinityLiteral($$[$0]));
case 49:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])(new yy.NaNLiteral);
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 50:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])(new yy.Assign($$[$0-2], $$[$0]));
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 51:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-3], _$[$0])(new yy.Assign($$[$0-3], $$[$0]));
case 52:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-4], _$[$0])(new yy.Assign($$[$0-4], $$[$0-1]));
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 53: case 104: case 108: case 109: case 111: case 112: case 113: case 114: case 116: case 239: case 240:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])(new yy.Value($$[$0]));
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 55:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])(new yy.Assign(yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2])(new yy.Value($$[$0-2])), $$[$0], 'object', {
operatorToken: yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1])(new yy.Literal($$[$0-1]))
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 56:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-4], _$[$0])(new yy.Assign(yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-4])(new yy.Value($$[$0-4])), $$[$0-1], 'object', {
operatorToken: yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-3])(new yy.Literal($$[$0-3]))
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 57:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])(new yy.Assign(yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2])(new yy.Value($$[$0-2])), $$[$0], null, {
operatorToken: yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1])(new yy.Literal($$[$0-1]))
case 58:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-4], _$[$0])(new yy.Assign(yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-4])(new yy.Value($$[$0-4])), $$[$0-1], null, {
operatorToken: yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-3])(new yy.Literal($$[$0-3]))
case 65:
[CS2] Destructuring object spreads (#4493) * Don’t confuse the syntax highlighter * Comment Assign::compilePatternMatch a bit * Assignment expressions in conditionals are a bad practice * Rename `wrapInBraces` to `wrapInParentheses`, to set the stage for future `wrapInBraces` that uses `{` and `wrapInBrackets` that uses `[` * Correct comment * object destructuring * Allow custom position of the rest element. * Output simple array destructuring assignments to ES2015 * Output simple object destructured assignments to ES2015 * Compile shorthand object properties to ES2015 shorthand properties This dramatically improves the appearance of destructured imports. * Don’t confuse the syntax highlighter * Comment Assign::compilePatternMatch a bit * Assignment expressions in conditionals are a bad practice * Rename `wrapInBraces` to `wrapInParentheses`, to set the stage for future `wrapInBraces` that uses `{` and `wrapInBrackets` that uses `[` * object destructuring * Allow custom position of the rest element. * rest element in object destructuring * rest element in object destructuring * fix string interpolation * merging * fixing splats in object literal * Rest element in parameter destructuring * merging with CS2 * merged with CS2 * Add support for the object spread initializer. https://github.com/tc39/proposal-object-rest-spread/blob/master/Spread.md * Fix misspellings, trailing whitespace, other minor details * merging with beta2 * refactor object spread properties * small fix * - Fixed object spread function parameters. - Clean up "Assign" and moved all logic for object rest properties in single method (compileObjectDestruct). - Add helper function "objectWithoutKeys" to the "UTILITIES" for use with object rest properties, e.g. {a, b, r...} = obj => {a, b} = obj, r = objectWithoutKeys(...) - Clean up "Obj" and moved all logic for object spread properties in single method (compileSpread). - Clean up "Code". - Add method "hasSplat" to "Obj" and "Value" for checking if Obj contains the splat. - Enable placing spread syntax triple dots on either right or left, per #85 (https://github.com/coffeescript6/discuss/issues/85) * Fixed typos * Remove unused code * Removed dots (e.g. splat) on the left side from the grammar * Initial release for deep spread properties, e.g. obj2 = {obj.b..., a: 1} or {obj[b][c]..., d: 7} Tests need to be prepared! * 1. Object literal spread properties Object literals: - obj = { {b:{c:{d:1}}}..., a:1 } Parenthetical: - obj = { ( body ), a:1 } - obj = { ( body )..., a:1 } Invocation: - obj = { ( (args) -> ... )(params), a:1 } - obj = { ( (args) -> ... )(params)..., a:1 } - obj = { foo(), a:1 } - obj = { foo()..., a:1 } 2. Refactor, cleanup & other optimizations. * Merged with 2.0 * Cleanup * Some more cleanup. * Fixed error with freeVariable and object destructuring. * Fixed errors with object spread properties. * Improvements, fixed errors. * Minor improvement. * Minor improvements. * Typo. * Remove unnecessary whitespace. * Remove unnecessary whitespace. * Changed few "assertErrorFormat" tests since parentheses are now allowed in the Obj. * Whitespace cleanup * Comments cleanup * fix destructured obj param declarations * refine fix; add test * Refactor function args ({a, b...}) * Additional tests for object destructuring in function argument. * Minor improvement for object destructuring variable declaration. * refactor function args ({a, b...}) and ({a, b...} = {}); Obj And Param cleanup * fix comment * Fix object destructuring variable declaration. * more tests with default values * fix typo * Fixed default values in object destructuring. * small fix * Babel’s tests for object rest spread * Style: spaces after colons in object declarations * Cleanup comments * Simplify Babel tests * Fix comments * Fix destructuring with splats in multiple objects * Add test for default values in detsructuring assignment with splats * Handle default values when assigning to object splats * Rewrite traverseRest to fix handling of dynamic keys * Fix double parens around destructuring with splats * Update compileObjectDestruct comments * Improve formatting of top-level destructures with splats and tidy parens * Added a bigger destructuring-with-defaults test and fixed a bug * Refactor destructuring grammar to allow additional forms * Add a missing case to ObjSpreadExpr * These tests shouldn’t run in the browser * Fix test.html
2017-06-30 01:57:42 -04:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])(new yy.Splat(new yy.Value($$[$0-1])));
case 66: case 103:
[CS2] Destructuring object spreads (#4493) * Don’t confuse the syntax highlighter * Comment Assign::compilePatternMatch a bit * Assignment expressions in conditionals are a bad practice * Rename `wrapInBraces` to `wrapInParentheses`, to set the stage for future `wrapInBraces` that uses `{` and `wrapInBrackets` that uses `[` * Correct comment * object destructuring * Allow custom position of the rest element. * Output simple array destructuring assignments to ES2015 * Output simple object destructured assignments to ES2015 * Compile shorthand object properties to ES2015 shorthand properties This dramatically improves the appearance of destructured imports. * Don’t confuse the syntax highlighter * Comment Assign::compilePatternMatch a bit * Assignment expressions in conditionals are a bad practice * Rename `wrapInBraces` to `wrapInParentheses`, to set the stage for future `wrapInBraces` that uses `{` and `wrapInBrackets` that uses `[` * object destructuring * Allow custom position of the rest element. * rest element in object destructuring * rest element in object destructuring * fix string interpolation * merging * fixing splats in object literal * Rest element in parameter destructuring * merging with CS2 * merged with CS2 * Add support for the object spread initializer. https://github.com/tc39/proposal-object-rest-spread/blob/master/Spread.md * Fix misspellings, trailing whitespace, other minor details * merging with beta2 * refactor object spread properties * small fix * - Fixed object spread function parameters. - Clean up "Assign" and moved all logic for object rest properties in single method (compileObjectDestruct). - Add helper function "objectWithoutKeys" to the "UTILITIES" for use with object rest properties, e.g. {a, b, r...} = obj => {a, b} = obj, r = objectWithoutKeys(...) - Clean up "Obj" and moved all logic for object spread properties in single method (compileSpread). - Clean up "Code". - Add method "hasSplat" to "Obj" and "Value" for checking if Obj contains the splat. - Enable placing spread syntax triple dots on either right or left, per #85 (https://github.com/coffeescript6/discuss/issues/85) * Fixed typos * Remove unused code * Removed dots (e.g. splat) on the left side from the grammar * Initial release for deep spread properties, e.g. obj2 = {obj.b..., a: 1} or {obj[b][c]..., d: 7} Tests need to be prepared! * 1. Object literal spread properties Object literals: - obj = { {b:{c:{d:1}}}..., a:1 } Parenthetical: - obj = { ( body ), a:1 } - obj = { ( body )..., a:1 } Invocation: - obj = { ( (args) -> ... )(params), a:1 } - obj = { ( (args) -> ... )(params)..., a:1 } - obj = { foo(), a:1 } - obj = { foo()..., a:1 } 2. Refactor, cleanup & other optimizations. * Merged with 2.0 * Cleanup * Some more cleanup. * Fixed error with freeVariable and object destructuring. * Fixed errors with object spread properties. * Improvements, fixed errors. * Minor improvement. * Minor improvements. * Typo. * Remove unnecessary whitespace. * Remove unnecessary whitespace. * Changed few "assertErrorFormat" tests since parentheses are now allowed in the Obj. * Whitespace cleanup * Comments cleanup * fix destructured obj param declarations * refine fix; add test * Refactor function args ({a, b...}) * Additional tests for object destructuring in function argument. * Minor improvement for object destructuring variable declaration. * refactor function args ({a, b...}) and ({a, b...} = {}); Obj And Param cleanup * fix comment * Fix object destructuring variable declaration. * more tests with default values * fix typo * Fixed default values in object destructuring. * small fix * Babel’s tests for object rest spread * Style: spaces after colons in object declarations * Cleanup comments * Simplify Babel tests * Fix comments * Fix destructuring with splats in multiple objects * Add test for default values in detsructuring assignment with splats * Handle default values when assigning to object splats * Rewrite traverseRest to fix handling of dynamic keys * Fix double parens around destructuring with splats * Update compileObjectDestruct comments * Improve formatting of top-level destructures with splats and tidy parens * Added a bigger destructuring-with-defaults test and fixed a bug * Refactor destructuring grammar to allow additional forms * Add a missing case to ObjSpreadExpr * These tests shouldn’t run in the browser * Fix test.html
2017-06-30 01:57:42 -04:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])(new yy.Splat($$[$0-1]));
case 72:
[CS2] Destructuring object spreads (#4493) * Don’t confuse the syntax highlighter * Comment Assign::compilePatternMatch a bit * Assignment expressions in conditionals are a bad practice * Rename `wrapInBraces` to `wrapInParentheses`, to set the stage for future `wrapInBraces` that uses `{` and `wrapInBrackets` that uses `[` * Correct comment * object destructuring * Allow custom position of the rest element. * Output simple array destructuring assignments to ES2015 * Output simple object destructured assignments to ES2015 * Compile shorthand object properties to ES2015 shorthand properties This dramatically improves the appearance of destructured imports. * Don’t confuse the syntax highlighter * Comment Assign::compilePatternMatch a bit * Assignment expressions in conditionals are a bad practice * Rename `wrapInBraces` to `wrapInParentheses`, to set the stage for future `wrapInBraces` that uses `{` and `wrapInBrackets` that uses `[` * object destructuring * Allow custom position of the rest element. * rest element in object destructuring * rest element in object destructuring * fix string interpolation * merging * fixing splats in object literal * Rest element in parameter destructuring * merging with CS2 * merged with CS2 * Add support for the object spread initializer. https://github.com/tc39/proposal-object-rest-spread/blob/master/Spread.md * Fix misspellings, trailing whitespace, other minor details * merging with beta2 * refactor object spread properties * small fix * - Fixed object spread function parameters. - Clean up "Assign" and moved all logic for object rest properties in single method (compileObjectDestruct). - Add helper function "objectWithoutKeys" to the "UTILITIES" for use with object rest properties, e.g. {a, b, r...} = obj => {a, b} = obj, r = objectWithoutKeys(...) - Clean up "Obj" and moved all logic for object spread properties in single method (compileSpread). - Clean up "Code". - Add method "hasSplat" to "Obj" and "Value" for checking if Obj contains the splat. - Enable placing spread syntax triple dots on either right or left, per #85 (https://github.com/coffeescript6/discuss/issues/85) * Fixed typos * Remove unused code * Removed dots (e.g. splat) on the left side from the grammar * Initial release for deep spread properties, e.g. obj2 = {obj.b..., a: 1} or {obj[b][c]..., d: 7} Tests need to be prepared! * 1. Object literal spread properties Object literals: - obj = { {b:{c:{d:1}}}..., a:1 } Parenthetical: - obj = { ( body ), a:1 } - obj = { ( body )..., a:1 } Invocation: - obj = { ( (args) -> ... )(params), a:1 } - obj = { ( (args) -> ... )(params)..., a:1 } - obj = { foo(), a:1 } - obj = { foo()..., a:1 } 2. Refactor, cleanup & other optimizations. * Merged with 2.0 * Cleanup * Some more cleanup. * Fixed error with freeVariable and object destructuring. * Fixed errors with object spread properties. * Improvements, fixed errors. * Minor improvement. * Minor improvements. * Typo. * Remove unnecessary whitespace. * Remove unnecessary whitespace. * Changed few "assertErrorFormat" tests since parentheses are now allowed in the Obj. * Whitespace cleanup * Comments cleanup * fix destructured obj param declarations * refine fix; add test * Refactor function args ({a, b...}) * Additional tests for object destructuring in function argument. * Minor improvement for object destructuring variable declaration. * refactor function args ({a, b...}) and ({a, b...} = {}); Obj And Param cleanup * fix comment * Fix object destructuring variable declaration. * more tests with default values * fix typo * Fixed default values in object destructuring. * small fix * Babel’s tests for object rest spread * Style: spaces after colons in object declarations * Cleanup comments * Simplify Babel tests * Fix comments * Fix destructuring with splats in multiple objects * Add test for default values in detsructuring assignment with splats * Handle default values when assigning to object splats * Rewrite traverseRest to fix handling of dynamic keys * Fix double parens around destructuring with splats * Update compileObjectDestruct comments * Improve formatting of top-level destructures with splats and tidy parens * Added a bigger destructuring-with-defaults test and fixed a bug * Refactor destructuring grammar to allow additional forms * Add a missing case to ObjSpreadExpr * These tests shouldn’t run in the browser * Fix test.html
2017-06-30 01:57:42 -04:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])(new yy.SuperCall(yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1])(new yy.Super), $$[$0]));
case 73:
[CS2] Destructuring object spreads (#4493) * Don’t confuse the syntax highlighter * Comment Assign::compilePatternMatch a bit * Assignment expressions in conditionals are a bad practice * Rename `wrapInBraces` to `wrapInParentheses`, to set the stage for future `wrapInBraces` that uses `{` and `wrapInBrackets` that uses `[` * Correct comment * object destructuring * Allow custom position of the rest element. * Output simple array destructuring assignments to ES2015 * Output simple object destructured assignments to ES2015 * Compile shorthand object properties to ES2015 shorthand properties This dramatically improves the appearance of destructured imports. * Don’t confuse the syntax highlighter * Comment Assign::compilePatternMatch a bit * Assignment expressions in conditionals are a bad practice * Rename `wrapInBraces` to `wrapInParentheses`, to set the stage for future `wrapInBraces` that uses `{` and `wrapInBrackets` that uses `[` * object destructuring * Allow custom position of the rest element. * rest element in object destructuring * rest element in object destructuring * fix string interpolation * merging * fixing splats in object literal * Rest element in parameter destructuring * merging with CS2 * merged with CS2 * Add support for the object spread initializer. https://github.com/tc39/proposal-object-rest-spread/blob/master/Spread.md * Fix misspellings, trailing whitespace, other minor details * merging with beta2 * refactor object spread properties * small fix * - Fixed object spread function parameters. - Clean up "Assign" and moved all logic for object rest properties in single method (compileObjectDestruct). - Add helper function "objectWithoutKeys" to the "UTILITIES" for use with object rest properties, e.g. {a, b, r...} = obj => {a, b} = obj, r = objectWithoutKeys(...) - Clean up "Obj" and moved all logic for object spread properties in single method (compileSpread). - Clean up "Code". - Add method "hasSplat" to "Obj" and "Value" for checking if Obj contains the splat. - Enable placing spread syntax triple dots on either right or left, per #85 (https://github.com/coffeescript6/discuss/issues/85) * Fixed typos * Remove unused code * Removed dots (e.g. splat) on the left side from the grammar * Initial release for deep spread properties, e.g. obj2 = {obj.b..., a: 1} or {obj[b][c]..., d: 7} Tests need to be prepared! * 1. Object literal spread properties Object literals: - obj = { {b:{c:{d:1}}}..., a:1 } Parenthetical: - obj = { ( body ), a:1 } - obj = { ( body )..., a:1 } Invocation: - obj = { ( (args) -> ... )(params), a:1 } - obj = { ( (args) -> ... )(params)..., a:1 } - obj = { foo(), a:1 } - obj = { foo()..., a:1 } 2. Refactor, cleanup & other optimizations. * Merged with 2.0 * Cleanup * Some more cleanup. * Fixed error with freeVariable and object destructuring. * Fixed errors with object spread properties. * Improvements, fixed errors. * Minor improvement. * Minor improvements. * Typo. * Remove unnecessary whitespace. * Remove unnecessary whitespace. * Changed few "assertErrorFormat" tests since parentheses are now allowed in the Obj. * Whitespace cleanup * Comments cleanup * fix destructured obj param declarations * refine fix; add test * Refactor function args ({a, b...}) * Additional tests for object destructuring in function argument. * Minor improvement for object destructuring variable declaration. * refactor function args ({a, b...}) and ({a, b...} = {}); Obj And Param cleanup * fix comment * Fix object destructuring variable declaration. * more tests with default values * fix typo * Fixed default values in object destructuring. * small fix * Babel’s tests for object rest spread * Style: spaces after colons in object declarations * Cleanup comments * Simplify Babel tests * Fix comments * Fix destructuring with splats in multiple objects * Add test for default values in detsructuring assignment with splats * Handle default values when assigning to object splats * Rewrite traverseRest to fix handling of dynamic keys * Fix double parens around destructuring with splats * Update compileObjectDestruct comments * Improve formatting of top-level destructures with splats and tidy parens * Added a bigger destructuring-with-defaults test and fixed a bug * Refactor destructuring grammar to allow additional forms * Add a missing case to ObjSpreadExpr * These tests shouldn’t run in the browser * Fix test.html
2017-06-30 01:57:42 -04:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])(new yy.Call(new yy.Value($$[$0-1]), $$[$0]));
case 74:
[CS2] Destructuring object spreads (#4493) * Don’t confuse the syntax highlighter * Comment Assign::compilePatternMatch a bit * Assignment expressions in conditionals are a bad practice * Rename `wrapInBraces` to `wrapInParentheses`, to set the stage for future `wrapInBraces` that uses `{` and `wrapInBrackets` that uses `[` * Correct comment * object destructuring * Allow custom position of the rest element. * Output simple array destructuring assignments to ES2015 * Output simple object destructured assignments to ES2015 * Compile shorthand object properties to ES2015 shorthand properties This dramatically improves the appearance of destructured imports. * Don’t confuse the syntax highlighter * Comment Assign::compilePatternMatch a bit * Assignment expressions in conditionals are a bad practice * Rename `wrapInBraces` to `wrapInParentheses`, to set the stage for future `wrapInBraces` that uses `{` and `wrapInBrackets` that uses `[` * object destructuring * Allow custom position of the rest element. * rest element in object destructuring * rest element in object destructuring * fix string interpolation * merging * fixing splats in object literal * Rest element in parameter destructuring * merging with CS2 * merged with CS2 * Add support for the object spread initializer. https://github.com/tc39/proposal-object-rest-spread/blob/master/Spread.md * Fix misspellings, trailing whitespace, other minor details * merging with beta2 * refactor object spread properties * small fix * - Fixed object spread function parameters. - Clean up "Assign" and moved all logic for object rest properties in single method (compileObjectDestruct). - Add helper function "objectWithoutKeys" to the "UTILITIES" for use with object rest properties, e.g. {a, b, r...} = obj => {a, b} = obj, r = objectWithoutKeys(...) - Clean up "Obj" and moved all logic for object spread properties in single method (compileSpread). - Clean up "Code". - Add method "hasSplat" to "Obj" and "Value" for checking if Obj contains the splat. - Enable placing spread syntax triple dots on either right or left, per #85 (https://github.com/coffeescript6/discuss/issues/85) * Fixed typos * Remove unused code * Removed dots (e.g. splat) on the left side from the grammar * Initial release for deep spread properties, e.g. obj2 = {obj.b..., a: 1} or {obj[b][c]..., d: 7} Tests need to be prepared! * 1. Object literal spread properties Object literals: - obj = { {b:{c:{d:1}}}..., a:1 } Parenthetical: - obj = { ( body ), a:1 } - obj = { ( body )..., a:1 } Invocation: - obj = { ( (args) -> ... )(params), a:1 } - obj = { ( (args) -> ... )(params)..., a:1 } - obj = { foo(), a:1 } - obj = { foo()..., a:1 } 2. Refactor, cleanup & other optimizations. * Merged with 2.0 * Cleanup * Some more cleanup. * Fixed error with freeVariable and object destructuring. * Fixed errors with object spread properties. * Improvements, fixed errors. * Minor improvement. * Minor improvements. * Typo. * Remove unnecessary whitespace. * Remove unnecessary whitespace. * Changed few "assertErrorFormat" tests since parentheses are now allowed in the Obj. * Whitespace cleanup * Comments cleanup * fix destructured obj param declarations * refine fix; add test * Refactor function args ({a, b...}) * Additional tests for object destructuring in function argument. * Minor improvement for object destructuring variable declaration. * refactor function args ({a, b...}) and ({a, b...} = {}); Obj And Param cleanup * fix comment * Fix object destructuring variable declaration. * more tests with default values * fix typo * Fixed default values in object destructuring. * small fix * Babel’s tests for object rest spread * Style: spaces after colons in object declarations * Cleanup comments * Simplify Babel tests * Fix comments * Fix destructuring with splats in multiple objects * Add test for default values in detsructuring assignment with splats * Handle default values when assigning to object splats * Rewrite traverseRest to fix handling of dynamic keys * Fix double parens around destructuring with splats * Update compileObjectDestruct comments * Improve formatting of top-level destructures with splats and tidy parens * Added a bigger destructuring-with-defaults test and fixed a bug * Refactor destructuring grammar to allow additional forms * Add a missing case to ObjSpreadExpr * These tests shouldn’t run in the browser * Fix test.html
2017-06-30 01:57:42 -04:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])(new yy.Call($$[$0-1], $$[$0]));
case 75:
[CS2] Destructuring object spreads (#4493) * Don’t confuse the syntax highlighter * Comment Assign::compilePatternMatch a bit * Assignment expressions in conditionals are a bad practice * Rename `wrapInBraces` to `wrapInParentheses`, to set the stage for future `wrapInBraces` that uses `{` and `wrapInBrackets` that uses `[` * Correct comment * object destructuring * Allow custom position of the rest element. * Output simple array destructuring assignments to ES2015 * Output simple object destructured assignments to ES2015 * Compile shorthand object properties to ES2015 shorthand properties This dramatically improves the appearance of destructured imports. * Don’t confuse the syntax highlighter * Comment Assign::compilePatternMatch a bit * Assignment expressions in conditionals are a bad practice * Rename `wrapInBraces` to `wrapInParentheses`, to set the stage for future `wrapInBraces` that uses `{` and `wrapInBrackets` that uses `[` * object destructuring * Allow custom position of the rest element. * rest element in object destructuring * rest element in object destructuring * fix string interpolation * merging * fixing splats in object literal * Rest element in parameter destructuring * merging with CS2 * merged with CS2 * Add support for the object spread initializer. https://github.com/tc39/proposal-object-rest-spread/blob/master/Spread.md * Fix misspellings, trailing whitespace, other minor details * merging with beta2 * refactor object spread properties * small fix * - Fixed object spread function parameters. - Clean up "Assign" and moved all logic for object rest properties in single method (compileObjectDestruct). - Add helper function "objectWithoutKeys" to the "UTILITIES" for use with object rest properties, e.g. {a, b, r...} = obj => {a, b} = obj, r = objectWithoutKeys(...) - Clean up "Obj" and moved all logic for object spread properties in single method (compileSpread). - Clean up "Code". - Add method "hasSplat" to "Obj" and "Value" for checking if Obj contains the splat. - Enable placing spread syntax triple dots on either right or left, per #85 (https://github.com/coffeescript6/discuss/issues/85) * Fixed typos * Remove unused code * Removed dots (e.g. splat) on the left side from the grammar * Initial release for deep spread properties, e.g. obj2 = {obj.b..., a: 1} or {obj[b][c]..., d: 7} Tests need to be prepared! * 1. Object literal spread properties Object literals: - obj = { {b:{c:{d:1}}}..., a:1 } Parenthetical: - obj = { ( body ), a:1 } - obj = { ( body )..., a:1 } Invocation: - obj = { ( (args) -> ... )(params), a:1 } - obj = { ( (args) -> ... )(params)..., a:1 } - obj = { foo(), a:1 } - obj = { foo()..., a:1 } 2. Refactor, cleanup & other optimizations. * Merged with 2.0 * Cleanup * Some more cleanup. * Fixed error with freeVariable and object destructuring. * Fixed errors with object spread properties. * Improvements, fixed errors. * Minor improvement. * Minor improvements. * Typo. * Remove unnecessary whitespace. * Remove unnecessary whitespace. * Changed few "assertErrorFormat" tests since parentheses are now allowed in the Obj. * Whitespace cleanup * Comments cleanup * fix destructured obj param declarations * refine fix; add test * Refactor function args ({a, b...}) * Additional tests for object destructuring in function argument. * Minor improvement for object destructuring variable declaration. * refactor function args ({a, b...}) and ({a, b...} = {}); Obj And Param cleanup * fix comment * Fix object destructuring variable declaration. * more tests with default values * fix typo * Fixed default values in object destructuring. * small fix * Babel’s tests for object rest spread * Style: spaces after colons in object declarations * Cleanup comments * Simplify Babel tests * Fix comments * Fix destructuring with splats in multiple objects * Add test for default values in detsructuring assignment with splats * Handle default values when assigning to object splats * Rewrite traverseRest to fix handling of dynamic keys * Fix double parens around destructuring with splats * Update compileObjectDestruct comments * Improve formatting of top-level destructures with splats and tidy parens * Added a bigger destructuring-with-defaults test and fixed a bug * Refactor destructuring grammar to allow additional forms * Add a missing case to ObjSpreadExpr * These tests shouldn’t run in the browser * Fix test.html
2017-06-30 01:57:42 -04:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])((new yy.Value($$[$0-2])).add(new yy.Access($$[$0])));
case 76:
[CS2] Destructuring object spreads (#4493) * Don’t confuse the syntax highlighter * Comment Assign::compilePatternMatch a bit * Assignment expressions in conditionals are a bad practice * Rename `wrapInBraces` to `wrapInParentheses`, to set the stage for future `wrapInBraces` that uses `{` and `wrapInBrackets` that uses `[` * Correct comment * object destructuring * Allow custom position of the rest element. * Output simple array destructuring assignments to ES2015 * Output simple object destructured assignments to ES2015 * Compile shorthand object properties to ES2015 shorthand properties This dramatically improves the appearance of destructured imports. * Don’t confuse the syntax highlighter * Comment Assign::compilePatternMatch a bit * Assignment expressions in conditionals are a bad practice * Rename `wrapInBraces` to `wrapInParentheses`, to set the stage for future `wrapInBraces` that uses `{` and `wrapInBrackets` that uses `[` * object destructuring * Allow custom position of the rest element. * rest element in object destructuring * rest element in object destructuring * fix string interpolation * merging * fixing splats in object literal * Rest element in parameter destructuring * merging with CS2 * merged with CS2 * Add support for the object spread initializer. https://github.com/tc39/proposal-object-rest-spread/blob/master/Spread.md * Fix misspellings, trailing whitespace, other minor details * merging with beta2 * refactor object spread properties * small fix * - Fixed object spread function parameters. - Clean up "Assign" and moved all logic for object rest properties in single method (compileObjectDestruct). - Add helper function "objectWithoutKeys" to the "UTILITIES" for use with object rest properties, e.g. {a, b, r...} = obj => {a, b} = obj, r = objectWithoutKeys(...) - Clean up "Obj" and moved all logic for object spread properties in single method (compileSpread). - Clean up "Code". - Add method "hasSplat" to "Obj" and "Value" for checking if Obj contains the splat. - Enable placing spread syntax triple dots on either right or left, per #85 (https://github.com/coffeescript6/discuss/issues/85) * Fixed typos * Remove unused code * Removed dots (e.g. splat) on the left side from the grammar * Initial release for deep spread properties, e.g. obj2 = {obj.b..., a: 1} or {obj[b][c]..., d: 7} Tests need to be prepared! * 1. Object literal spread properties Object literals: - obj = { {b:{c:{d:1}}}..., a:1 } Parenthetical: - obj = { ( body ), a:1 } - obj = { ( body )..., a:1 } Invocation: - obj = { ( (args) -> ... )(params), a:1 } - obj = { ( (args) -> ... )(params)..., a:1 } - obj = { foo(), a:1 } - obj = { foo()..., a:1 } 2. Refactor, cleanup & other optimizations. * Merged with 2.0 * Cleanup * Some more cleanup. * Fixed error with freeVariable and object destructuring. * Fixed errors with object spread properties. * Improvements, fixed errors. * Minor improvement. * Minor improvements. * Typo. * Remove unnecessary whitespace. * Remove unnecessary whitespace. * Changed few "assertErrorFormat" tests since parentheses are now allowed in the Obj. * Whitespace cleanup * Comments cleanup * fix destructured obj param declarations * refine fix; add test * Refactor function args ({a, b...}) * Additional tests for object destructuring in function argument. * Minor improvement for object destructuring variable declaration. * refactor function args ({a, b...}) and ({a, b...} = {}); Obj And Param cleanup * fix comment * Fix object destructuring variable declaration. * more tests with default values * fix typo * Fixed default values in object destructuring. * small fix * Babel’s tests for object rest spread * Style: spaces after colons in object declarations * Cleanup comments * Simplify Babel tests * Fix comments * Fix destructuring with splats in multiple objects * Add test for default values in detsructuring assignment with splats * Handle default values when assigning to object splats * Rewrite traverseRest to fix handling of dynamic keys * Fix double parens around destructuring with splats * Update compileObjectDestruct comments * Improve formatting of top-level destructures with splats and tidy parens * Added a bigger destructuring-with-defaults test and fixed a bug * Refactor destructuring grammar to allow additional forms * Add a missing case to ObjSpreadExpr * These tests shouldn’t run in the browser * Fix test.html
2017-06-30 01:57:42 -04:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-3], _$[$0])((new yy.Value($$[$0-3])).add($$[$0-1]));
case 77:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])(new yy.Return($$[$0]));
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 78:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])(new yy.Return);
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 79:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])(new yy.YieldReturn($$[$0]));
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 80:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])(new yy.YieldReturn);
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 81:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])(new yy.AwaitReturn($$[$0]));
case 82:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])(new yy.AwaitReturn);
case 83:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])(new yy.Comment($$[$0]));
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 84:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-4], _$[$0])(new yy.Code($$[$0-3], $$[$0], $$[$0-1]));
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 85:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])(new yy.Code([], $$[$0], $$[$0-1]));
case 86:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])('func');
case 87:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])('boundfunc');
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 90: case 130:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])([]);
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 91: case 131: case 150: case 170: case 199: case 241:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])([$$[$0]]);
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 92: case 132: case 151: case 171: case 200:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])($$[$0-2].concat($$[$0]));
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 93: case 133: case 152: case 172: case 201:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-3], _$[$0])($$[$0-3].concat($$[$0]));
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 94: case 134: case 154: case 174: case 203:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-5], _$[$0])($$[$0-5].concat($$[$0-2]));
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 95:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])(new yy.Param($$[$0]));
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 96:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])(new yy.Param($$[$0-1], null, true));
2011-11-25 08:35:20 -05:00
case 97:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])(new yy.Param($$[$0-2], $$[$0]));
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 98: case 206:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])(new yy.Expansion);
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 105:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])($$[$0-1].add($$[$0]));
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 117:
[CS2] Compile all super calls to ES2015 super (#4424) * Compile all super calls to ES2015 super This breaks using `super` in non-methods, meaning several tests are failing. Self-compilation still works. * Use bound functions for IIFEs containing `super` `super` can only be called directly in a method, or in an arrow function. * Fix handling of `class @A extends A` This behaviour worked 'for free' when the parent reference was being cached by the executable class body wrapper. There now needs to be special handling in place to check if the parent name matches the class name, and if so to cache the parent reference. * Fix tests broken by compiling ES2015 `super` * Disallow bare super This removes syntax support for 'bare' super calls, e.g.: class B extends A constructor: -> super `super` must now always be followed with arguments like a regular function call. This also removes the capability of implicitly forwarding arguments. The above can be equivalently be written as: class B extends A constructor: -> super arguments... * Support super with accessors `super` with following accessor(s) is now compiled to ES2015 equivalents. In particular, expressions such as `super.name`, `super[name]`, and also `super.name.prop` are all now valid, and can be used as expected as calls (i.e. `super.name()`) or in expressions (i.e. `if super.name? ...`). `super` without accessors is compiled to a constructor super call in a constructor, and otherwise, as before, to a super call to the method of the same name, i.e. speak: -> super() ...is equivalent to speak: -> super.speak() A neat side-effect of the changes is that existential calls now work properly with super, meaning `super?()` will only call if the super property exists (and is a function). This is not valid for super in constructors. * Prevent calling `super` methods with `new` This fixes a bug in the previous super handling whereby using the `new` operator with a `super` call would silently drop the `new`. This is now an explicit compiler error, as it is invalid JS at runtime. * Clean up some old super handling code This was mostly code for tracking the source classes and variables for methods, which were needed to build the old lookups on `__super__`. * Add TODO to improve bare super parse error * Add some TODOs to improve some of the class tests
2017-02-04 15:03:17 -05:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])(new yy.Super(yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0])(new yy.Access($$[$0]))));
case 118:
[CS2] Compile all super calls to ES2015 super (#4424) * Compile all super calls to ES2015 super This breaks using `super` in non-methods, meaning several tests are failing. Self-compilation still works. * Use bound functions for IIFEs containing `super` `super` can only be called directly in a method, or in an arrow function. * Fix handling of `class @A extends A` This behaviour worked 'for free' when the parent reference was being cached by the executable class body wrapper. There now needs to be special handling in place to check if the parent name matches the class name, and if so to cache the parent reference. * Fix tests broken by compiling ES2015 `super` * Disallow bare super This removes syntax support for 'bare' super calls, e.g.: class B extends A constructor: -> super `super` must now always be followed with arguments like a regular function call. This also removes the capability of implicitly forwarding arguments. The above can be equivalently be written as: class B extends A constructor: -> super arguments... * Support super with accessors `super` with following accessor(s) is now compiled to ES2015 equivalents. In particular, expressions such as `super.name`, `super[name]`, and also `super.name.prop` are all now valid, and can be used as expected as calls (i.e. `super.name()`) or in expressions (i.e. `if super.name? ...`). `super` without accessors is compiled to a constructor super call in a constructor, and otherwise, as before, to a super call to the method of the same name, i.e. speak: -> super() ...is equivalent to speak: -> super.speak() A neat side-effect of the changes is that existential calls now work properly with super, meaning `super?()` will only call if the super property exists (and is a function). This is not valid for super in constructors. * Prevent calling `super` methods with `new` This fixes a bug in the previous super handling whereby using the `new` operator with a `super` call would silently drop the `new`. This is now an explicit compiler error, as it is invalid JS at runtime. * Clean up some old super handling code This was mostly code for tracking the source classes and variables for methods, which were needed to build the old lookups on `__super__`. * Add TODO to improve bare super parse error * Add some TODOs to improve some of the class tests
2017-02-04 15:03:17 -05:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-3], _$[$0])(new yy.Super(yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1])(new yy.Index($$[$0-1]))));
case 119:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])(new yy.Access($$[$0]));
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 120:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])(new yy.Access($$[$0], 'soak'));
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 121:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])([yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1])(new yy.Access(new yy.PropertyName('prototype'))), yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0])(new yy.Access($$[$0]))]);
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 122:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])([yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1])(new yy.Access(new yy.PropertyName('prototype'), 'soak')), yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0])(new yy.Access($$[$0]))]);
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 123:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])(new yy.Access(new yy.PropertyName('prototype')));
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 126:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])(yy.extend($$[$0], {
2010-10-25 09:31:52 -04:00
soak: true
case 127:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])(new yy.Index($$[$0]));
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 128:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])(new yy.Slice($$[$0]));
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 129:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-3], _$[$0])(new yy.Obj($$[$0-2], $$[$0-3].generated));
2010-11-13 18:13:09 -05:00
case 135:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])(new yy.Class);
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 136:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])(new yy.Class(null, null, $$[$0]));
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 137:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])(new yy.Class(null, $$[$0]));
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 138:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-3], _$[$0])(new yy.Class(null, $$[$0-1], $$[$0]));
2010-10-23 16:35:35 -04:00
case 139:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])(new yy.Class($$[$0]));
case 140:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])(new yy.Class($$[$0-1], null, $$[$0]));
case 141:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-3], _$[$0])(new yy.Class($$[$0-2], $$[$0]));
case 142:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-4], _$[$0])(new yy.Class($$[$0-3], $$[$0-1], $$[$0]));
case 143:
Support import and export of ES2015 modules (#4300) This pull request adds support for ES2015 modules, by recognizing `import` and `export` statements. The following syntaxes are supported, based on the MDN [import](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import) and [export](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/export) pages: ```js import "module-name" import defaultMember from "module-name" import * as name from "module-name" import { } from "module-name" import { member } from "module-name" import { member as alias } from "module-name" import { member1, member2 as alias2, … } from "module-name" import defaultMember, * as name from "module-name" import defaultMember, { … } from "module-name" export default expression export class name export { } export { name } export { name as exportedName } export { name as default } export { name1, name2 as exportedName2, name3 as default, … } export * from "module-name" export { … } from "module-name" ``` As a subsitute for ECMAScript’s `export var name = …` and `export function name {}`, CoffeeScript also supports: ```js export name = … ``` CoffeeScript also supports optional commas within `{ … }`. This PR converts the supported `import` and `export` statements into ES2015 `import` and `export` statements; it **does not resolve the modules**. So any CoffeeScript with `import` or `export` statements will be output as ES2015, and will need to be transpiled by another tool such as Babel before it can be used in a browser. We will need to add a warning to the documentation explaining this. This should be fully backwards-compatible, as `import` and `export` were previously reserved keywords. No flags are used. There are extensive tests included, though because no current JavaScript runtime supports `import` or `export`, the tests compare strings of what the compiled CoffeeScript output is against what the expected ES2015 should be. I also conducted two more elaborate tests: * I forked the [ember-piqu](https://github.com/pauc/piqu-ember) project, which was an Ember CLI app that used ember-cli-coffeescript and [ember-cli-coffees6](https://github.com/alexspeller/ember-cli-coffees6) (which adds “support” for `import`/`export` by wrapping such statements in backticks before passing the result to the CoffeeScript compiler). I removed `ember-cli-coffees6` and replaced the CoffeeScript compiler used in the build chain with this code, and the app built without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-piqu) * I also forked the [CoffeeScript version of Meteor’s Todos example app](https://github.com/meteor/todos/tree/coffeescript), and replaced all of its `require` statements with the `import` and `export` statements from the original ES2015 version of the app on its `master` branch. I then updated the `coffeescript` Meteor package in the app to use this new code, and again the app builds without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-meteor-todos) The discussion history for this work started [here](https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript/pull/4160) and continued [here](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript/pull/2). @lydell provided guidance, and @JimPanic and @rattrayalex contributed essential code.
2016-09-14 14:46:05 -04:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])(new yy.ImportDeclaration(null, $$[$0]));
case 144:
Support import and export of ES2015 modules (#4300) This pull request adds support for ES2015 modules, by recognizing `import` and `export` statements. The following syntaxes are supported, based on the MDN [import](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import) and [export](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/export) pages: ```js import "module-name" import defaultMember from "module-name" import * as name from "module-name" import { } from "module-name" import { member } from "module-name" import { member as alias } from "module-name" import { member1, member2 as alias2, … } from "module-name" import defaultMember, * as name from "module-name" import defaultMember, { … } from "module-name" export default expression export class name export { } export { name } export { name as exportedName } export { name as default } export { name1, name2 as exportedName2, name3 as default, … } export * from "module-name" export { … } from "module-name" ``` As a subsitute for ECMAScript’s `export var name = …` and `export function name {}`, CoffeeScript also supports: ```js export name = … ``` CoffeeScript also supports optional commas within `{ … }`. This PR converts the supported `import` and `export` statements into ES2015 `import` and `export` statements; it **does not resolve the modules**. So any CoffeeScript with `import` or `export` statements will be output as ES2015, and will need to be transpiled by another tool such as Babel before it can be used in a browser. We will need to add a warning to the documentation explaining this. This should be fully backwards-compatible, as `import` and `export` were previously reserved keywords. No flags are used. There are extensive tests included, though because no current JavaScript runtime supports `import` or `export`, the tests compare strings of what the compiled CoffeeScript output is against what the expected ES2015 should be. I also conducted two more elaborate tests: * I forked the [ember-piqu](https://github.com/pauc/piqu-ember) project, which was an Ember CLI app that used ember-cli-coffeescript and [ember-cli-coffees6](https://github.com/alexspeller/ember-cli-coffees6) (which adds “support” for `import`/`export` by wrapping such statements in backticks before passing the result to the CoffeeScript compiler). I removed `ember-cli-coffees6` and replaced the CoffeeScript compiler used in the build chain with this code, and the app built without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-piqu) * I also forked the [CoffeeScript version of Meteor’s Todos example app](https://github.com/meteor/todos/tree/coffeescript), and replaced all of its `require` statements with the `import` and `export` statements from the original ES2015 version of the app on its `master` branch. I then updated the `coffeescript` Meteor package in the app to use this new code, and again the app builds without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-meteor-todos) The discussion history for this work started [here](https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript/pull/4160) and continued [here](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript/pull/2). @lydell provided guidance, and @JimPanic and @rattrayalex contributed essential code.
2016-09-14 14:46:05 -04:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-3], _$[$0])(new yy.ImportDeclaration(new yy.ImportClause($$[$0-2], null), $$[$0]));
2010-11-20 16:25:22 -05:00
case 145:
Support import and export of ES2015 modules (#4300) This pull request adds support for ES2015 modules, by recognizing `import` and `export` statements. The following syntaxes are supported, based on the MDN [import](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import) and [export](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/export) pages: ```js import "module-name" import defaultMember from "module-name" import * as name from "module-name" import { } from "module-name" import { member } from "module-name" import { member as alias } from "module-name" import { member1, member2 as alias2, … } from "module-name" import defaultMember, * as name from "module-name" import defaultMember, { … } from "module-name" export default expression export class name export { } export { name } export { name as exportedName } export { name as default } export { name1, name2 as exportedName2, name3 as default, … } export * from "module-name" export { … } from "module-name" ``` As a subsitute for ECMAScript’s `export var name = …` and `export function name {}`, CoffeeScript also supports: ```js export name = … ``` CoffeeScript also supports optional commas within `{ … }`. This PR converts the supported `import` and `export` statements into ES2015 `import` and `export` statements; it **does not resolve the modules**. So any CoffeeScript with `import` or `export` statements will be output as ES2015, and will need to be transpiled by another tool such as Babel before it can be used in a browser. We will need to add a warning to the documentation explaining this. This should be fully backwards-compatible, as `import` and `export` were previously reserved keywords. No flags are used. There are extensive tests included, though because no current JavaScript runtime supports `import` or `export`, the tests compare strings of what the compiled CoffeeScript output is against what the expected ES2015 should be. I also conducted two more elaborate tests: * I forked the [ember-piqu](https://github.com/pauc/piqu-ember) project, which was an Ember CLI app that used ember-cli-coffeescript and [ember-cli-coffees6](https://github.com/alexspeller/ember-cli-coffees6) (which adds “support” for `import`/`export` by wrapping such statements in backticks before passing the result to the CoffeeScript compiler). I removed `ember-cli-coffees6` and replaced the CoffeeScript compiler used in the build chain with this code, and the app built without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-piqu) * I also forked the [CoffeeScript version of Meteor’s Todos example app](https://github.com/meteor/todos/tree/coffeescript), and replaced all of its `require` statements with the `import` and `export` statements from the original ES2015 version of the app on its `master` branch. I then updated the `coffeescript` Meteor package in the app to use this new code, and again the app builds without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-meteor-todos) The discussion history for this work started [here](https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript/pull/4160) and continued [here](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript/pull/2). @lydell provided guidance, and @JimPanic and @rattrayalex contributed essential code.
2016-09-14 14:46:05 -04:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-3], _$[$0])(new yy.ImportDeclaration(new yy.ImportClause(null, $$[$0-2]), $$[$0]));
2010-11-20 16:25:22 -05:00
case 146:
Support import and export of ES2015 modules (#4300) This pull request adds support for ES2015 modules, by recognizing `import` and `export` statements. The following syntaxes are supported, based on the MDN [import](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import) and [export](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/export) pages: ```js import "module-name" import defaultMember from "module-name" import * as name from "module-name" import { } from "module-name" import { member } from "module-name" import { member as alias } from "module-name" import { member1, member2 as alias2, … } from "module-name" import defaultMember, * as name from "module-name" import defaultMember, { … } from "module-name" export default expression export class name export { } export { name } export { name as exportedName } export { name as default } export { name1, name2 as exportedName2, name3 as default, … } export * from "module-name" export { … } from "module-name" ``` As a subsitute for ECMAScript’s `export var name = …` and `export function name {}`, CoffeeScript also supports: ```js export name = … ``` CoffeeScript also supports optional commas within `{ … }`. This PR converts the supported `import` and `export` statements into ES2015 `import` and `export` statements; it **does not resolve the modules**. So any CoffeeScript with `import` or `export` statements will be output as ES2015, and will need to be transpiled by another tool such as Babel before it can be used in a browser. We will need to add a warning to the documentation explaining this. This should be fully backwards-compatible, as `import` and `export` were previously reserved keywords. No flags are used. There are extensive tests included, though because no current JavaScript runtime supports `import` or `export`, the tests compare strings of what the compiled CoffeeScript output is against what the expected ES2015 should be. I also conducted two more elaborate tests: * I forked the [ember-piqu](https://github.com/pauc/piqu-ember) project, which was an Ember CLI app that used ember-cli-coffeescript and [ember-cli-coffees6](https://github.com/alexspeller/ember-cli-coffees6) (which adds “support” for `import`/`export` by wrapping such statements in backticks before passing the result to the CoffeeScript compiler). I removed `ember-cli-coffees6` and replaced the CoffeeScript compiler used in the build chain with this code, and the app built without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-piqu) * I also forked the [CoffeeScript version of Meteor’s Todos example app](https://github.com/meteor/todos/tree/coffeescript), and replaced all of its `require` statements with the `import` and `export` statements from the original ES2015 version of the app on its `master` branch. I then updated the `coffeescript` Meteor package in the app to use this new code, and again the app builds without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-meteor-todos) The discussion history for this work started [here](https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript/pull/4160) and continued [here](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript/pull/2). @lydell provided guidance, and @JimPanic and @rattrayalex contributed essential code.
2016-09-14 14:46:05 -04:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-4], _$[$0])(new yy.ImportDeclaration(new yy.ImportClause(null, new yy.ImportSpecifierList([])), $$[$0]));
2010-11-20 16:25:22 -05:00
case 147:
Support import and export of ES2015 modules (#4300) This pull request adds support for ES2015 modules, by recognizing `import` and `export` statements. The following syntaxes are supported, based on the MDN [import](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import) and [export](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/export) pages: ```js import "module-name" import defaultMember from "module-name" import * as name from "module-name" import { } from "module-name" import { member } from "module-name" import { member as alias } from "module-name" import { member1, member2 as alias2, … } from "module-name" import defaultMember, * as name from "module-name" import defaultMember, { … } from "module-name" export default expression export class name export { } export { name } export { name as exportedName } export { name as default } export { name1, name2 as exportedName2, name3 as default, … } export * from "module-name" export { … } from "module-name" ``` As a subsitute for ECMAScript’s `export var name = …` and `export function name {}`, CoffeeScript also supports: ```js export name = … ``` CoffeeScript also supports optional commas within `{ … }`. This PR converts the supported `import` and `export` statements into ES2015 `import` and `export` statements; it **does not resolve the modules**. So any CoffeeScript with `import` or `export` statements will be output as ES2015, and will need to be transpiled by another tool such as Babel before it can be used in a browser. We will need to add a warning to the documentation explaining this. This should be fully backwards-compatible, as `import` and `export` were previously reserved keywords. No flags are used. There are extensive tests included, though because no current JavaScript runtime supports `import` or `export`, the tests compare strings of what the compiled CoffeeScript output is against what the expected ES2015 should be. I also conducted two more elaborate tests: * I forked the [ember-piqu](https://github.com/pauc/piqu-ember) project, which was an Ember CLI app that used ember-cli-coffeescript and [ember-cli-coffees6](https://github.com/alexspeller/ember-cli-coffees6) (which adds “support” for `import`/`export` by wrapping such statements in backticks before passing the result to the CoffeeScript compiler). I removed `ember-cli-coffees6` and replaced the CoffeeScript compiler used in the build chain with this code, and the app built without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-piqu) * I also forked the [CoffeeScript version of Meteor’s Todos example app](https://github.com/meteor/todos/tree/coffeescript), and replaced all of its `require` statements with the `import` and `export` statements from the original ES2015 version of the app on its `master` branch. I then updated the `coffeescript` Meteor package in the app to use this new code, and again the app builds without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-meteor-todos) The discussion history for this work started [here](https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript/pull/4160) and continued [here](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript/pull/2). @lydell provided guidance, and @JimPanic and @rattrayalex contributed essential code.
2016-09-14 14:46:05 -04:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-6], _$[$0])(new yy.ImportDeclaration(new yy.ImportClause(null, new yy.ImportSpecifierList($$[$0-4])), $$[$0]));
Refactor `Literal` into several subtypes Previously, the parser created `Literal` nodes for many things. This resulted in information loss. Instead of being able to check the node type, we had to use regexes to tell the different types of `Literal`s apart. That was a bit like parsing literals twice: Once in the lexer, and once (or more) in the compiler. It also caused problems, such as `` `this` `` and `this` being indistinguishable (fixes #2009). Instead returning `new Literal` in the grammar, subtypes of it are now returned instead, such as `NumberLiteral`, `StringLiteral` and `IdentifierLiteral`. `new Literal` by itself is only used to represent code chunks that fit no category. (While mentioning `NumberLiteral`, there's also `InfinityLiteral` now, which is a subtype of `NumberLiteral`.) `StringWithInterpolations` has been added as a subtype of `Parens`, and `RegexWithInterpolations` as a subtype of `Call`. This makes it easier for other programs to make use of CoffeeScript's "AST" (nodes). For example, it is now possible to distinguish between `"a #{b} c"` and `"a " + b + " c"`. Fixes #4192. `SuperCall` has been added as a subtype of `Call`. Note, though, that some information is still lost, especially in the lexer. For example, there is no way to distinguish a heredoc from a regular string, or a heregex without interpolations from a regular regex. Binary and octal number literals are indistinguishable from hexadecimal literals. After the new subtypes were added, they were taken advantage of, removing most regexes in nodes.coffee. `SIMPLENUM` (which matches non-hex integers) had to be kept, though, because such numbers need special handling in JavaScript (for example in `1..toString()`). An especially nice hack to get rid of was using `new String()` for the token value for reserved identifiers (to be able to set a property on them which could survive through the parser). Now it's a good old regular string. In range literals, slices, splices and for loop steps when number literals are involved, CoffeeScript can do some optimizations, such as precomputing the value of, say, `5 - 3` (outputting `2` instead of `5 - 3` literally). As a side bonus, this now also works with hexadecimal number literals, such as `0x02`. Finally, this also improves the output of `coffee --nodes`: # Before: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value Bool Block Value Parens Block Op + Value """" Value Parens Block Value "a" "break" # After: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value BooleanLiteral: true Block Value StringWithInterpolations Block Op + Value StringLiteral: "" Value Parens Block Value IdentifierLiteral: a StatementLiteral: break
2016-01-31 14:24:31 -05:00
case 148:
Support import and export of ES2015 modules (#4300) This pull request adds support for ES2015 modules, by recognizing `import` and `export` statements. The following syntaxes are supported, based on the MDN [import](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import) and [export](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/export) pages: ```js import "module-name" import defaultMember from "module-name" import * as name from "module-name" import { } from "module-name" import { member } from "module-name" import { member as alias } from "module-name" import { member1, member2 as alias2, … } from "module-name" import defaultMember, * as name from "module-name" import defaultMember, { … } from "module-name" export default expression export class name export { } export { name } export { name as exportedName } export { name as default } export { name1, name2 as exportedName2, name3 as default, … } export * from "module-name" export { … } from "module-name" ``` As a subsitute for ECMAScript’s `export var name = …` and `export function name {}`, CoffeeScript also supports: ```js export name = … ``` CoffeeScript also supports optional commas within `{ … }`. This PR converts the supported `import` and `export` statements into ES2015 `import` and `export` statements; it **does not resolve the modules**. So any CoffeeScript with `import` or `export` statements will be output as ES2015, and will need to be transpiled by another tool such as Babel before it can be used in a browser. We will need to add a warning to the documentation explaining this. This should be fully backwards-compatible, as `import` and `export` were previously reserved keywords. No flags are used. There are extensive tests included, though because no current JavaScript runtime supports `import` or `export`, the tests compare strings of what the compiled CoffeeScript output is against what the expected ES2015 should be. I also conducted two more elaborate tests: * I forked the [ember-piqu](https://github.com/pauc/piqu-ember) project, which was an Ember CLI app that used ember-cli-coffeescript and [ember-cli-coffees6](https://github.com/alexspeller/ember-cli-coffees6) (which adds “support” for `import`/`export` by wrapping such statements in backticks before passing the result to the CoffeeScript compiler). I removed `ember-cli-coffees6` and replaced the CoffeeScript compiler used in the build chain with this code, and the app built without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-piqu) * I also forked the [CoffeeScript version of Meteor’s Todos example app](https://github.com/meteor/todos/tree/coffeescript), and replaced all of its `require` statements with the `import` and `export` statements from the original ES2015 version of the app on its `master` branch. I then updated the `coffeescript` Meteor package in the app to use this new code, and again the app builds without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-meteor-todos) The discussion history for this work started [here](https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript/pull/4160) and continued [here](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript/pull/2). @lydell provided guidance, and @JimPanic and @rattrayalex contributed essential code.
2016-09-14 14:46:05 -04:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-5], _$[$0])(new yy.ImportDeclaration(new yy.ImportClause($$[$0-4], $$[$0-2]), $$[$0]));
2010-11-20 16:25:22 -05:00
case 149:
Support import and export of ES2015 modules (#4300) This pull request adds support for ES2015 modules, by recognizing `import` and `export` statements. The following syntaxes are supported, based on the MDN [import](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import) and [export](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/export) pages: ```js import "module-name" import defaultMember from "module-name" import * as name from "module-name" import { } from "module-name" import { member } from "module-name" import { member as alias } from "module-name" import { member1, member2 as alias2, … } from "module-name" import defaultMember, * as name from "module-name" import defaultMember, { … } from "module-name" export default expression export class name export { } export { name } export { name as exportedName } export { name as default } export { name1, name2 as exportedName2, name3 as default, … } export * from "module-name" export { … } from "module-name" ``` As a subsitute for ECMAScript’s `export var name = …` and `export function name {}`, CoffeeScript also supports: ```js export name = … ``` CoffeeScript also supports optional commas within `{ … }`. This PR converts the supported `import` and `export` statements into ES2015 `import` and `export` statements; it **does not resolve the modules**. So any CoffeeScript with `import` or `export` statements will be output as ES2015, and will need to be transpiled by another tool such as Babel before it can be used in a browser. We will need to add a warning to the documentation explaining this. This should be fully backwards-compatible, as `import` and `export` were previously reserved keywords. No flags are used. There are extensive tests included, though because no current JavaScript runtime supports `import` or `export`, the tests compare strings of what the compiled CoffeeScript output is against what the expected ES2015 should be. I also conducted two more elaborate tests: * I forked the [ember-piqu](https://github.com/pauc/piqu-ember) project, which was an Ember CLI app that used ember-cli-coffeescript and [ember-cli-coffees6](https://github.com/alexspeller/ember-cli-coffees6) (which adds “support” for `import`/`export` by wrapping such statements in backticks before passing the result to the CoffeeScript compiler). I removed `ember-cli-coffees6` and replaced the CoffeeScript compiler used in the build chain with this code, and the app built without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-piqu) * I also forked the [CoffeeScript version of Meteor’s Todos example app](https://github.com/meteor/todos/tree/coffeescript), and replaced all of its `require` statements with the `import` and `export` statements from the original ES2015 version of the app on its `master` branch. I then updated the `coffeescript` Meteor package in the app to use this new code, and again the app builds without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-meteor-todos) The discussion history for this work started [here](https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript/pull/4160) and continued [here](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript/pull/2). @lydell provided guidance, and @JimPanic and @rattrayalex contributed essential code.
2016-09-14 14:46:05 -04:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-8], _$[$0])(new yy.ImportDeclaration(new yy.ImportClause($$[$0-7], new yy.ImportSpecifierList($$[$0-4])), $$[$0]));
case 153: case 173: case 186: case 202:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-3], _$[$0])($$[$0-2]);
2010-03-28 13:06:16 -04:00
case 155:
Support import and export of ES2015 modules (#4300) This pull request adds support for ES2015 modules, by recognizing `import` and `export` statements. The following syntaxes are supported, based on the MDN [import](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import) and [export](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/export) pages: ```js import "module-name" import defaultMember from "module-name" import * as name from "module-name" import { } from "module-name" import { member } from "module-name" import { member as alias } from "module-name" import { member1, member2 as alias2, … } from "module-name" import defaultMember, * as name from "module-name" import defaultMember, { … } from "module-name" export default expression export class name export { } export { name } export { name as exportedName } export { name as default } export { name1, name2 as exportedName2, name3 as default, … } export * from "module-name" export { … } from "module-name" ``` As a subsitute for ECMAScript’s `export var name = …` and `export function name {}`, CoffeeScript also supports: ```js export name = … ``` CoffeeScript also supports optional commas within `{ … }`. This PR converts the supported `import` and `export` statements into ES2015 `import` and `export` statements; it **does not resolve the modules**. So any CoffeeScript with `import` or `export` statements will be output as ES2015, and will need to be transpiled by another tool such as Babel before it can be used in a browser. We will need to add a warning to the documentation explaining this. This should be fully backwards-compatible, as `import` and `export` were previously reserved keywords. No flags are used. There are extensive tests included, though because no current JavaScript runtime supports `import` or `export`, the tests compare strings of what the compiled CoffeeScript output is against what the expected ES2015 should be. I also conducted two more elaborate tests: * I forked the [ember-piqu](https://github.com/pauc/piqu-ember) project, which was an Ember CLI app that used ember-cli-coffeescript and [ember-cli-coffees6](https://github.com/alexspeller/ember-cli-coffees6) (which adds “support” for `import`/`export` by wrapping such statements in backticks before passing the result to the CoffeeScript compiler). I removed `ember-cli-coffees6` and replaced the CoffeeScript compiler used in the build chain with this code, and the app built without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-piqu) * I also forked the [CoffeeScript version of Meteor’s Todos example app](https://github.com/meteor/todos/tree/coffeescript), and replaced all of its `require` statements with the `import` and `export` statements from the original ES2015 version of the app on its `master` branch. I then updated the `coffeescript` Meteor package in the app to use this new code, and again the app builds without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-meteor-todos) The discussion history for this work started [here](https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript/pull/4160) and continued [here](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript/pull/2). @lydell provided guidance, and @JimPanic and @rattrayalex contributed essential code.
2016-09-14 14:46:05 -04:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])(new yy.ImportSpecifier($$[$0]));
case 156:
Support import and export of ES2015 modules (#4300) This pull request adds support for ES2015 modules, by recognizing `import` and `export` statements. The following syntaxes are supported, based on the MDN [import](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import) and [export](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/export) pages: ```js import "module-name" import defaultMember from "module-name" import * as name from "module-name" import { } from "module-name" import { member } from "module-name" import { member as alias } from "module-name" import { member1, member2 as alias2, … } from "module-name" import defaultMember, * as name from "module-name" import defaultMember, { … } from "module-name" export default expression export class name export { } export { name } export { name as exportedName } export { name as default } export { name1, name2 as exportedName2, name3 as default, … } export * from "module-name" export { … } from "module-name" ``` As a subsitute for ECMAScript’s `export var name = …` and `export function name {}`, CoffeeScript also supports: ```js export name = … ``` CoffeeScript also supports optional commas within `{ … }`. This PR converts the supported `import` and `export` statements into ES2015 `import` and `export` statements; it **does not resolve the modules**. So any CoffeeScript with `import` or `export` statements will be output as ES2015, and will need to be transpiled by another tool such as Babel before it can be used in a browser. We will need to add a warning to the documentation explaining this. This should be fully backwards-compatible, as `import` and `export` were previously reserved keywords. No flags are used. There are extensive tests included, though because no current JavaScript runtime supports `import` or `export`, the tests compare strings of what the compiled CoffeeScript output is against what the expected ES2015 should be. I also conducted two more elaborate tests: * I forked the [ember-piqu](https://github.com/pauc/piqu-ember) project, which was an Ember CLI app that used ember-cli-coffeescript and [ember-cli-coffees6](https://github.com/alexspeller/ember-cli-coffees6) (which adds “support” for `import`/`export` by wrapping such statements in backticks before passing the result to the CoffeeScript compiler). I removed `ember-cli-coffees6` and replaced the CoffeeScript compiler used in the build chain with this code, and the app built without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-piqu) * I also forked the [CoffeeScript version of Meteor’s Todos example app](https://github.com/meteor/todos/tree/coffeescript), and replaced all of its `require` statements with the `import` and `export` statements from the original ES2015 version of the app on its `master` branch. I then updated the `coffeescript` Meteor package in the app to use this new code, and again the app builds without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-meteor-todos) The discussion history for this work started [here](https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript/pull/4160) and continued [here](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript/pull/2). @lydell provided guidance, and @JimPanic and @rattrayalex contributed essential code.
2016-09-14 14:46:05 -04:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])(new yy.ImportSpecifier($$[$0-2], $$[$0]));
case 157:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])(new yy.ImportSpecifier(new yy.Literal($$[$0])));
Support import and export of ES2015 modules (#4300) This pull request adds support for ES2015 modules, by recognizing `import` and `export` statements. The following syntaxes are supported, based on the MDN [import](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import) and [export](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/export) pages: ```js import "module-name" import defaultMember from "module-name" import * as name from "module-name" import { } from "module-name" import { member } from "module-name" import { member as alias } from "module-name" import { member1, member2 as alias2, … } from "module-name" import defaultMember, * as name from "module-name" import defaultMember, { … } from "module-name" export default expression export class name export { } export { name } export { name as exportedName } export { name as default } export { name1, name2 as exportedName2, name3 as default, … } export * from "module-name" export { … } from "module-name" ``` As a subsitute for ECMAScript’s `export var name = …` and `export function name {}`, CoffeeScript also supports: ```js export name = … ``` CoffeeScript also supports optional commas within `{ … }`. This PR converts the supported `import` and `export` statements into ES2015 `import` and `export` statements; it **does not resolve the modules**. So any CoffeeScript with `import` or `export` statements will be output as ES2015, and will need to be transpiled by another tool such as Babel before it can be used in a browser. We will need to add a warning to the documentation explaining this. This should be fully backwards-compatible, as `import` and `export` were previously reserved keywords. No flags are used. There are extensive tests included, though because no current JavaScript runtime supports `import` or `export`, the tests compare strings of what the compiled CoffeeScript output is against what the expected ES2015 should be. I also conducted two more elaborate tests: * I forked the [ember-piqu](https://github.com/pauc/piqu-ember) project, which was an Ember CLI app that used ember-cli-coffeescript and [ember-cli-coffees6](https://github.com/alexspeller/ember-cli-coffees6) (which adds “support” for `import`/`export` by wrapping such statements in backticks before passing the result to the CoffeeScript compiler). I removed `ember-cli-coffees6` and replaced the CoffeeScript compiler used in the build chain with this code, and the app built without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-piqu) * I also forked the [CoffeeScript version of Meteor’s Todos example app](https://github.com/meteor/todos/tree/coffeescript), and replaced all of its `require` statements with the `import` and `export` statements from the original ES2015 version of the app on its `master` branch. I then updated the `coffeescript` Meteor package in the app to use this new code, and again the app builds without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-meteor-todos) The discussion history for this work started [here](https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript/pull/4160) and continued [here](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript/pull/2). @lydell provided guidance, and @JimPanic and @rattrayalex contributed essential code.
2016-09-14 14:46:05 -04:00
case 158:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])(new yy.ImportSpecifier(new yy.Literal($$[$0-2]), $$[$0]));
Support import and export of ES2015 modules (#4300) This pull request adds support for ES2015 modules, by recognizing `import` and `export` statements. The following syntaxes are supported, based on the MDN [import](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import) and [export](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/export) pages: ```js import "module-name" import defaultMember from "module-name" import * as name from "module-name" import { } from "module-name" import { member } from "module-name" import { member as alias } from "module-name" import { member1, member2 as alias2, … } from "module-name" import defaultMember, * as name from "module-name" import defaultMember, { … } from "module-name" export default expression export class name export { } export { name } export { name as exportedName } export { name as default } export { name1, name2 as exportedName2, name3 as default, … } export * from "module-name" export { … } from "module-name" ``` As a subsitute for ECMAScript’s `export var name = …` and `export function name {}`, CoffeeScript also supports: ```js export name = … ``` CoffeeScript also supports optional commas within `{ … }`. This PR converts the supported `import` and `export` statements into ES2015 `import` and `export` statements; it **does not resolve the modules**. So any CoffeeScript with `import` or `export` statements will be output as ES2015, and will need to be transpiled by another tool such as Babel before it can be used in a browser. We will need to add a warning to the documentation explaining this. This should be fully backwards-compatible, as `import` and `export` were previously reserved keywords. No flags are used. There are extensive tests included, though because no current JavaScript runtime supports `import` or `export`, the tests compare strings of what the compiled CoffeeScript output is against what the expected ES2015 should be. I also conducted two more elaborate tests: * I forked the [ember-piqu](https://github.com/pauc/piqu-ember) project, which was an Ember CLI app that used ember-cli-coffeescript and [ember-cli-coffees6](https://github.com/alexspeller/ember-cli-coffees6) (which adds “support” for `import`/`export` by wrapping such statements in backticks before passing the result to the CoffeeScript compiler). I removed `ember-cli-coffees6` and replaced the CoffeeScript compiler used in the build chain with this code, and the app built without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-piqu) * I also forked the [CoffeeScript version of Meteor’s Todos example app](https://github.com/meteor/todos/tree/coffeescript), and replaced all of its `require` statements with the `import` and `export` statements from the original ES2015 version of the app on its `master` branch. I then updated the `coffeescript` Meteor package in the app to use this new code, and again the app builds without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-meteor-todos) The discussion history for this work started [here](https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript/pull/4160) and continued [here](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript/pull/2). @lydell provided guidance, and @JimPanic and @rattrayalex contributed essential code.
2016-09-14 14:46:05 -04:00
case 159:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])(new yy.ImportDefaultSpecifier($$[$0]));
Support import and export of ES2015 modules (#4300) This pull request adds support for ES2015 modules, by recognizing `import` and `export` statements. The following syntaxes are supported, based on the MDN [import](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import) and [export](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/export) pages: ```js import "module-name" import defaultMember from "module-name" import * as name from "module-name" import { } from "module-name" import { member } from "module-name" import { member as alias } from "module-name" import { member1, member2 as alias2, … } from "module-name" import defaultMember, * as name from "module-name" import defaultMember, { … } from "module-name" export default expression export class name export { } export { name } export { name as exportedName } export { name as default } export { name1, name2 as exportedName2, name3 as default, … } export * from "module-name" export { … } from "module-name" ``` As a subsitute for ECMAScript’s `export var name = …` and `export function name {}`, CoffeeScript also supports: ```js export name = … ``` CoffeeScript also supports optional commas within `{ … }`. This PR converts the supported `import` and `export` statements into ES2015 `import` and `export` statements; it **does not resolve the modules**. So any CoffeeScript with `import` or `export` statements will be output as ES2015, and will need to be transpiled by another tool such as Babel before it can be used in a browser. We will need to add a warning to the documentation explaining this. This should be fully backwards-compatible, as `import` and `export` were previously reserved keywords. No flags are used. There are extensive tests included, though because no current JavaScript runtime supports `import` or `export`, the tests compare strings of what the compiled CoffeeScript output is against what the expected ES2015 should be. I also conducted two more elaborate tests: * I forked the [ember-piqu](https://github.com/pauc/piqu-ember) project, which was an Ember CLI app that used ember-cli-coffeescript and [ember-cli-coffees6](https://github.com/alexspeller/ember-cli-coffees6) (which adds “support” for `import`/`export` by wrapping such statements in backticks before passing the result to the CoffeeScript compiler). I removed `ember-cli-coffees6` and replaced the CoffeeScript compiler used in the build chain with this code, and the app built without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-piqu) * I also forked the [CoffeeScript version of Meteor’s Todos example app](https://github.com/meteor/todos/tree/coffeescript), and replaced all of its `require` statements with the `import` and `export` statements from the original ES2015 version of the app on its `master` branch. I then updated the `coffeescript` Meteor package in the app to use this new code, and again the app builds without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-meteor-todos) The discussion history for this work started [here](https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript/pull/4160) and continued [here](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript/pull/2). @lydell provided guidance, and @JimPanic and @rattrayalex contributed essential code.
2016-09-14 14:46:05 -04:00
case 160:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])(new yy.ImportNamespaceSpecifier(new yy.Literal($$[$0-2]), $$[$0]));
Support import and export of ES2015 modules (#4300) This pull request adds support for ES2015 modules, by recognizing `import` and `export` statements. The following syntaxes are supported, based on the MDN [import](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import) and [export](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/export) pages: ```js import "module-name" import defaultMember from "module-name" import * as name from "module-name" import { } from "module-name" import { member } from "module-name" import { member as alias } from "module-name" import { member1, member2 as alias2, … } from "module-name" import defaultMember, * as name from "module-name" import defaultMember, { … } from "module-name" export default expression export class name export { } export { name } export { name as exportedName } export { name as default } export { name1, name2 as exportedName2, name3 as default, … } export * from "module-name" export { … } from "module-name" ``` As a subsitute for ECMAScript’s `export var name = …` and `export function name {}`, CoffeeScript also supports: ```js export name = … ``` CoffeeScript also supports optional commas within `{ … }`. This PR converts the supported `import` and `export` statements into ES2015 `import` and `export` statements; it **does not resolve the modules**. So any CoffeeScript with `import` or `export` statements will be output as ES2015, and will need to be transpiled by another tool such as Babel before it can be used in a browser. We will need to add a warning to the documentation explaining this. This should be fully backwards-compatible, as `import` and `export` were previously reserved keywords. No flags are used. There are extensive tests included, though because no current JavaScript runtime supports `import` or `export`, the tests compare strings of what the compiled CoffeeScript output is against what the expected ES2015 should be. I also conducted two more elaborate tests: * I forked the [ember-piqu](https://github.com/pauc/piqu-ember) project, which was an Ember CLI app that used ember-cli-coffeescript and [ember-cli-coffees6](https://github.com/alexspeller/ember-cli-coffees6) (which adds “support” for `import`/`export` by wrapping such statements in backticks before passing the result to the CoffeeScript compiler). I removed `ember-cli-coffees6` and replaced the CoffeeScript compiler used in the build chain with this code, and the app built without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-piqu) * I also forked the [CoffeeScript version of Meteor’s Todos example app](https://github.com/meteor/todos/tree/coffeescript), and replaced all of its `require` statements with the `import` and `export` statements from the original ES2015 version of the app on its `master` branch. I then updated the `coffeescript` Meteor package in the app to use this new code, and again the app builds without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-meteor-todos) The discussion history for this work started [here](https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript/pull/4160) and continued [here](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript/pull/2). @lydell provided guidance, and @JimPanic and @rattrayalex contributed essential code.
2016-09-14 14:46:05 -04:00
case 161:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])(new yy.ExportNamedDeclaration(new yy.ExportSpecifierList([])));
Support import and export of ES2015 modules (#4300) This pull request adds support for ES2015 modules, by recognizing `import` and `export` statements. The following syntaxes are supported, based on the MDN [import](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import) and [export](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/export) pages: ```js import "module-name" import defaultMember from "module-name" import * as name from "module-name" import { } from "module-name" import { member } from "module-name" import { member as alias } from "module-name" import { member1, member2 as alias2, … } from "module-name" import defaultMember, * as name from "module-name" import defaultMember, { … } from "module-name" export default expression export class name export { } export { name } export { name as exportedName } export { name as default } export { name1, name2 as exportedName2, name3 as default, … } export * from "module-name" export { … } from "module-name" ``` As a subsitute for ECMAScript’s `export var name = …` and `export function name {}`, CoffeeScript also supports: ```js export name = … ``` CoffeeScript also supports optional commas within `{ … }`. This PR converts the supported `import` and `export` statements into ES2015 `import` and `export` statements; it **does not resolve the modules**. So any CoffeeScript with `import` or `export` statements will be output as ES2015, and will need to be transpiled by another tool such as Babel before it can be used in a browser. We will need to add a warning to the documentation explaining this. This should be fully backwards-compatible, as `import` and `export` were previously reserved keywords. No flags are used. There are extensive tests included, though because no current JavaScript runtime supports `import` or `export`, the tests compare strings of what the compiled CoffeeScript output is against what the expected ES2015 should be. I also conducted two more elaborate tests: * I forked the [ember-piqu](https://github.com/pauc/piqu-ember) project, which was an Ember CLI app that used ember-cli-coffeescript and [ember-cli-coffees6](https://github.com/alexspeller/ember-cli-coffees6) (which adds “support” for `import`/`export` by wrapping such statements in backticks before passing the result to the CoffeeScript compiler). I removed `ember-cli-coffees6` and replaced the CoffeeScript compiler used in the build chain with this code, and the app built without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-piqu) * I also forked the [CoffeeScript version of Meteor’s Todos example app](https://github.com/meteor/todos/tree/coffeescript), and replaced all of its `require` statements with the `import` and `export` statements from the original ES2015 version of the app on its `master` branch. I then updated the `coffeescript` Meteor package in the app to use this new code, and again the app builds without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-meteor-todos) The discussion history for this work started [here](https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript/pull/4160) and continued [here](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript/pull/2). @lydell provided guidance, and @JimPanic and @rattrayalex contributed essential code.
2016-09-14 14:46:05 -04:00
case 162:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-4], _$[$0])(new yy.ExportNamedDeclaration(new yy.ExportSpecifierList($$[$0-2])));
case 163:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])(new yy.ExportNamedDeclaration($$[$0]));
case 164:
Support import and export of ES2015 modules (#4300) This pull request adds support for ES2015 modules, by recognizing `import` and `export` statements. The following syntaxes are supported, based on the MDN [import](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import) and [export](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/export) pages: ```js import "module-name" import defaultMember from "module-name" import * as name from "module-name" import { } from "module-name" import { member } from "module-name" import { member as alias } from "module-name" import { member1, member2 as alias2, … } from "module-name" import defaultMember, * as name from "module-name" import defaultMember, { … } from "module-name" export default expression export class name export { } export { name } export { name as exportedName } export { name as default } export { name1, name2 as exportedName2, name3 as default, … } export * from "module-name" export { … } from "module-name" ``` As a subsitute for ECMAScript’s `export var name = …` and `export function name {}`, CoffeeScript also supports: ```js export name = … ``` CoffeeScript also supports optional commas within `{ … }`. This PR converts the supported `import` and `export` statements into ES2015 `import` and `export` statements; it **does not resolve the modules**. So any CoffeeScript with `import` or `export` statements will be output as ES2015, and will need to be transpiled by another tool such as Babel before it can be used in a browser. We will need to add a warning to the documentation explaining this. This should be fully backwards-compatible, as `import` and `export` were previously reserved keywords. No flags are used. There are extensive tests included, though because no current JavaScript runtime supports `import` or `export`, the tests compare strings of what the compiled CoffeeScript output is against what the expected ES2015 should be. I also conducted two more elaborate tests: * I forked the [ember-piqu](https://github.com/pauc/piqu-ember) project, which was an Ember CLI app that used ember-cli-coffeescript and [ember-cli-coffees6](https://github.com/alexspeller/ember-cli-coffees6) (which adds “support” for `import`/`export` by wrapping such statements in backticks before passing the result to the CoffeeScript compiler). I removed `ember-cli-coffees6` and replaced the CoffeeScript compiler used in the build chain with this code, and the app built without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-piqu) * I also forked the [CoffeeScript version of Meteor’s Todos example app](https://github.com/meteor/todos/tree/coffeescript), and replaced all of its `require` statements with the `import` and `export` statements from the original ES2015 version of the app on its `master` branch. I then updated the `coffeescript` Meteor package in the app to use this new code, and again the app builds without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-meteor-todos) The discussion history for this work started [here](https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript/pull/4160) and continued [here](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript/pull/2). @lydell provided guidance, and @JimPanic and @rattrayalex contributed essential code.
2016-09-14 14:46:05 -04:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-3], _$[$0])(new yy.ExportNamedDeclaration(new yy.Assign($$[$0-2], $$[$0], null, {
moduleDeclaration: 'export'
case 165:
Support import and export of ES2015 modules (#4300) This pull request adds support for ES2015 modules, by recognizing `import` and `export` statements. The following syntaxes are supported, based on the MDN [import](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import) and [export](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/export) pages: ```js import "module-name" import defaultMember from "module-name" import * as name from "module-name" import { } from "module-name" import { member } from "module-name" import { member as alias } from "module-name" import { member1, member2 as alias2, … } from "module-name" import defaultMember, * as name from "module-name" import defaultMember, { … } from "module-name" export default expression export class name export { } export { name } export { name as exportedName } export { name as default } export { name1, name2 as exportedName2, name3 as default, … } export * from "module-name" export { … } from "module-name" ``` As a subsitute for ECMAScript’s `export var name = …` and `export function name {}`, CoffeeScript also supports: ```js export name = … ``` CoffeeScript also supports optional commas within `{ … }`. This PR converts the supported `import` and `export` statements into ES2015 `import` and `export` statements; it **does not resolve the modules**. So any CoffeeScript with `import` or `export` statements will be output as ES2015, and will need to be transpiled by another tool such as Babel before it can be used in a browser. We will need to add a warning to the documentation explaining this. This should be fully backwards-compatible, as `import` and `export` were previously reserved keywords. No flags are used. There are extensive tests included, though because no current JavaScript runtime supports `import` or `export`, the tests compare strings of what the compiled CoffeeScript output is against what the expected ES2015 should be. I also conducted two more elaborate tests: * I forked the [ember-piqu](https://github.com/pauc/piqu-ember) project, which was an Ember CLI app that used ember-cli-coffeescript and [ember-cli-coffees6](https://github.com/alexspeller/ember-cli-coffees6) (which adds “support” for `import`/`export` by wrapping such statements in backticks before passing the result to the CoffeeScript compiler). I removed `ember-cli-coffees6` and replaced the CoffeeScript compiler used in the build chain with this code, and the app built without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-piqu) * I also forked the [CoffeeScript version of Meteor’s Todos example app](https://github.com/meteor/todos/tree/coffeescript), and replaced all of its `require` statements with the `import` and `export` statements from the original ES2015 version of the app on its `master` branch. I then updated the `coffeescript` Meteor package in the app to use this new code, and again the app builds without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-meteor-todos) The discussion history for this work started [here](https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript/pull/4160) and continued [here](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript/pull/2). @lydell provided guidance, and @JimPanic and @rattrayalex contributed essential code.
2016-09-14 14:46:05 -04:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-4], _$[$0])(new yy.ExportNamedDeclaration(new yy.Assign($$[$0-3], $$[$0], null, {
moduleDeclaration: 'export'
case 166:
Support import and export of ES2015 modules (#4300) This pull request adds support for ES2015 modules, by recognizing `import` and `export` statements. The following syntaxes are supported, based on the MDN [import](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import) and [export](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/export) pages: ```js import "module-name" import defaultMember from "module-name" import * as name from "module-name" import { } from "module-name" import { member } from "module-name" import { member as alias } from "module-name" import { member1, member2 as alias2, … } from "module-name" import defaultMember, * as name from "module-name" import defaultMember, { … } from "module-name" export default expression export class name export { } export { name } export { name as exportedName } export { name as default } export { name1, name2 as exportedName2, name3 as default, … } export * from "module-name" export { … } from "module-name" ``` As a subsitute for ECMAScript’s `export var name = …` and `export function name {}`, CoffeeScript also supports: ```js export name = … ``` CoffeeScript also supports optional commas within `{ … }`. This PR converts the supported `import` and `export` statements into ES2015 `import` and `export` statements; it **does not resolve the modules**. So any CoffeeScript with `import` or `export` statements will be output as ES2015, and will need to be transpiled by another tool such as Babel before it can be used in a browser. We will need to add a warning to the documentation explaining this. This should be fully backwards-compatible, as `import` and `export` were previously reserved keywords. No flags are used. There are extensive tests included, though because no current JavaScript runtime supports `import` or `export`, the tests compare strings of what the compiled CoffeeScript output is against what the expected ES2015 should be. I also conducted two more elaborate tests: * I forked the [ember-piqu](https://github.com/pauc/piqu-ember) project, which was an Ember CLI app that used ember-cli-coffeescript and [ember-cli-coffees6](https://github.com/alexspeller/ember-cli-coffees6) (which adds “support” for `import`/`export` by wrapping such statements in backticks before passing the result to the CoffeeScript compiler). I removed `ember-cli-coffees6` and replaced the CoffeeScript compiler used in the build chain with this code, and the app built without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-piqu) * I also forked the [CoffeeScript version of Meteor’s Todos example app](https://github.com/meteor/todos/tree/coffeescript), and replaced all of its `require` statements with the `import` and `export` statements from the original ES2015 version of the app on its `master` branch. I then updated the `coffeescript` Meteor package in the app to use this new code, and again the app builds without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-meteor-todos) The discussion history for this work started [here](https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript/pull/4160) and continued [here](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript/pull/2). @lydell provided guidance, and @JimPanic and @rattrayalex contributed essential code.
2016-09-14 14:46:05 -04:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-5], _$[$0])(new yy.ExportNamedDeclaration(new yy.Assign($$[$0-4], $$[$0-1], null, {
moduleDeclaration: 'export'
case 167:
Support import and export of ES2015 modules (#4300) This pull request adds support for ES2015 modules, by recognizing `import` and `export` statements. The following syntaxes are supported, based on the MDN [import](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import) and [export](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/export) pages: ```js import "module-name" import defaultMember from "module-name" import * as name from "module-name" import { } from "module-name" import { member } from "module-name" import { member as alias } from "module-name" import { member1, member2 as alias2, … } from "module-name" import defaultMember, * as name from "module-name" import defaultMember, { … } from "module-name" export default expression export class name export { } export { name } export { name as exportedName } export { name as default } export { name1, name2 as exportedName2, name3 as default, … } export * from "module-name" export { … } from "module-name" ``` As a subsitute for ECMAScript’s `export var name = …` and `export function name {}`, CoffeeScript also supports: ```js export name = … ``` CoffeeScript also supports optional commas within `{ … }`. This PR converts the supported `import` and `export` statements into ES2015 `import` and `export` statements; it **does not resolve the modules**. So any CoffeeScript with `import` or `export` statements will be output as ES2015, and will need to be transpiled by another tool such as Babel before it can be used in a browser. We will need to add a warning to the documentation explaining this. This should be fully backwards-compatible, as `import` and `export` were previously reserved keywords. No flags are used. There are extensive tests included, though because no current JavaScript runtime supports `import` or `export`, the tests compare strings of what the compiled CoffeeScript output is against what the expected ES2015 should be. I also conducted two more elaborate tests: * I forked the [ember-piqu](https://github.com/pauc/piqu-ember) project, which was an Ember CLI app that used ember-cli-coffeescript and [ember-cli-coffees6](https://github.com/alexspeller/ember-cli-coffees6) (which adds “support” for `import`/`export` by wrapping such statements in backticks before passing the result to the CoffeeScript compiler). I removed `ember-cli-coffees6` and replaced the CoffeeScript compiler used in the build chain with this code, and the app built without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-piqu) * I also forked the [CoffeeScript version of Meteor’s Todos example app](https://github.com/meteor/todos/tree/coffeescript), and replaced all of its `require` statements with the `import` and `export` statements from the original ES2015 version of the app on its `master` branch. I then updated the `coffeescript` Meteor package in the app to use this new code, and again the app builds without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-meteor-todos) The discussion history for this work started [here](https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript/pull/4160) and continued [here](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript/pull/2). @lydell provided guidance, and @JimPanic and @rattrayalex contributed essential code.
2016-09-14 14:46:05 -04:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])(new yy.ExportDefaultDeclaration($$[$0]));
case 168:
Support import and export of ES2015 modules (#4300) This pull request adds support for ES2015 modules, by recognizing `import` and `export` statements. The following syntaxes are supported, based on the MDN [import](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import) and [export](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/export) pages: ```js import "module-name" import defaultMember from "module-name" import * as name from "module-name" import { } from "module-name" import { member } from "module-name" import { member as alias } from "module-name" import { member1, member2 as alias2, … } from "module-name" import defaultMember, * as name from "module-name" import defaultMember, { … } from "module-name" export default expression export class name export { } export { name } export { name as exportedName } export { name as default } export { name1, name2 as exportedName2, name3 as default, … } export * from "module-name" export { … } from "module-name" ``` As a subsitute for ECMAScript’s `export var name = …` and `export function name {}`, CoffeeScript also supports: ```js export name = … ``` CoffeeScript also supports optional commas within `{ … }`. This PR converts the supported `import` and `export` statements into ES2015 `import` and `export` statements; it **does not resolve the modules**. So any CoffeeScript with `import` or `export` statements will be output as ES2015, and will need to be transpiled by another tool such as Babel before it can be used in a browser. We will need to add a warning to the documentation explaining this. This should be fully backwards-compatible, as `import` and `export` were previously reserved keywords. No flags are used. There are extensive tests included, though because no current JavaScript runtime supports `import` or `export`, the tests compare strings of what the compiled CoffeeScript output is against what the expected ES2015 should be. I also conducted two more elaborate tests: * I forked the [ember-piqu](https://github.com/pauc/piqu-ember) project, which was an Ember CLI app that used ember-cli-coffeescript and [ember-cli-coffees6](https://github.com/alexspeller/ember-cli-coffees6) (which adds “support” for `import`/`export` by wrapping such statements in backticks before passing the result to the CoffeeScript compiler). I removed `ember-cli-coffees6` and replaced the CoffeeScript compiler used in the build chain with this code, and the app built without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-piqu) * I also forked the [CoffeeScript version of Meteor’s Todos example app](https://github.com/meteor/todos/tree/coffeescript), and replaced all of its `require` statements with the `import` and `export` statements from the original ES2015 version of the app on its `master` branch. I then updated the `coffeescript` Meteor package in the app to use this new code, and again the app builds without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-meteor-todos) The discussion history for this work started [here](https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript/pull/4160) and continued [here](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript/pull/2). @lydell provided guidance, and @JimPanic and @rattrayalex contributed essential code.
2016-09-14 14:46:05 -04:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-3], _$[$0])(new yy.ExportAllDeclaration(new yy.Literal($$[$0-2]), $$[$0]));
case 169:
Support import and export of ES2015 modules (#4300) This pull request adds support for ES2015 modules, by recognizing `import` and `export` statements. The following syntaxes are supported, based on the MDN [import](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import) and [export](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/export) pages: ```js import "module-name" import defaultMember from "module-name" import * as name from "module-name" import { } from "module-name" import { member } from "module-name" import { member as alias } from "module-name" import { member1, member2 as alias2, … } from "module-name" import defaultMember, * as name from "module-name" import defaultMember, { … } from "module-name" export default expression export class name export { } export { name } export { name as exportedName } export { name as default } export { name1, name2 as exportedName2, name3 as default, … } export * from "module-name" export { … } from "module-name" ``` As a subsitute for ECMAScript’s `export var name = …` and `export function name {}`, CoffeeScript also supports: ```js export name = … ``` CoffeeScript also supports optional commas within `{ … }`. This PR converts the supported `import` and `export` statements into ES2015 `import` and `export` statements; it **does not resolve the modules**. So any CoffeeScript with `import` or `export` statements will be output as ES2015, and will need to be transpiled by another tool such as Babel before it can be used in a browser. We will need to add a warning to the documentation explaining this. This should be fully backwards-compatible, as `import` and `export` were previously reserved keywords. No flags are used. There are extensive tests included, though because no current JavaScript runtime supports `import` or `export`, the tests compare strings of what the compiled CoffeeScript output is against what the expected ES2015 should be. I also conducted two more elaborate tests: * I forked the [ember-piqu](https://github.com/pauc/piqu-ember) project, which was an Ember CLI app that used ember-cli-coffeescript and [ember-cli-coffees6](https://github.com/alexspeller/ember-cli-coffees6) (which adds “support” for `import`/`export` by wrapping such statements in backticks before passing the result to the CoffeeScript compiler). I removed `ember-cli-coffees6` and replaced the CoffeeScript compiler used in the build chain with this code, and the app built without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-piqu) * I also forked the [CoffeeScript version of Meteor’s Todos example app](https://github.com/meteor/todos/tree/coffeescript), and replaced all of its `require` statements with the `import` and `export` statements from the original ES2015 version of the app on its `master` branch. I then updated the `coffeescript` Meteor package in the app to use this new code, and again the app builds without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-meteor-todos) The discussion history for this work started [here](https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript/pull/4160) and continued [here](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript/pull/2). @lydell provided guidance, and @JimPanic and @rattrayalex contributed essential code.
2016-09-14 14:46:05 -04:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-6], _$[$0])(new yy.ExportNamedDeclaration(new yy.ExportSpecifierList($$[$0-4]), $$[$0]));
case 175:
Support import and export of ES2015 modules (#4300) This pull request adds support for ES2015 modules, by recognizing `import` and `export` statements. The following syntaxes are supported, based on the MDN [import](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import) and [export](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/export) pages: ```js import "module-name" import defaultMember from "module-name" import * as name from "module-name" import { } from "module-name" import { member } from "module-name" import { member as alias } from "module-name" import { member1, member2 as alias2, … } from "module-name" import defaultMember, * as name from "module-name" import defaultMember, { … } from "module-name" export default expression export class name export { } export { name } export { name as exportedName } export { name as default } export { name1, name2 as exportedName2, name3 as default, … } export * from "module-name" export { … } from "module-name" ``` As a subsitute for ECMAScript’s `export var name = …` and `export function name {}`, CoffeeScript also supports: ```js export name = … ``` CoffeeScript also supports optional commas within `{ … }`. This PR converts the supported `import` and `export` statements into ES2015 `import` and `export` statements; it **does not resolve the modules**. So any CoffeeScript with `import` or `export` statements will be output as ES2015, and will need to be transpiled by another tool such as Babel before it can be used in a browser. We will need to add a warning to the documentation explaining this. This should be fully backwards-compatible, as `import` and `export` were previously reserved keywords. No flags are used. There are extensive tests included, though because no current JavaScript runtime supports `import` or `export`, the tests compare strings of what the compiled CoffeeScript output is against what the expected ES2015 should be. I also conducted two more elaborate tests: * I forked the [ember-piqu](https://github.com/pauc/piqu-ember) project, which was an Ember CLI app that used ember-cli-coffeescript and [ember-cli-coffees6](https://github.com/alexspeller/ember-cli-coffees6) (which adds “support” for `import`/`export` by wrapping such statements in backticks before passing the result to the CoffeeScript compiler). I removed `ember-cli-coffees6` and replaced the CoffeeScript compiler used in the build chain with this code, and the app built without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-piqu) * I also forked the [CoffeeScript version of Meteor’s Todos example app](https://github.com/meteor/todos/tree/coffeescript), and replaced all of its `require` statements with the `import` and `export` statements from the original ES2015 version of the app on its `master` branch. I then updated the `coffeescript` Meteor package in the app to use this new code, and again the app builds without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-meteor-todos) The discussion history for this work started [here](https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript/pull/4160) and continued [here](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript/pull/2). @lydell provided guidance, and @JimPanic and @rattrayalex contributed essential code.
2016-09-14 14:46:05 -04:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])(new yy.ExportSpecifier($$[$0]));
case 176:
Support import and export of ES2015 modules (#4300) This pull request adds support for ES2015 modules, by recognizing `import` and `export` statements. The following syntaxes are supported, based on the MDN [import](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import) and [export](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/export) pages: ```js import "module-name" import defaultMember from "module-name" import * as name from "module-name" import { } from "module-name" import { member } from "module-name" import { member as alias } from "module-name" import { member1, member2 as alias2, … } from "module-name" import defaultMember, * as name from "module-name" import defaultMember, { … } from "module-name" export default expression export class name export { } export { name } export { name as exportedName } export { name as default } export { name1, name2 as exportedName2, name3 as default, … } export * from "module-name" export { … } from "module-name" ``` As a subsitute for ECMAScript’s `export var name = …` and `export function name {}`, CoffeeScript also supports: ```js export name = … ``` CoffeeScript also supports optional commas within `{ … }`. This PR converts the supported `import` and `export` statements into ES2015 `import` and `export` statements; it **does not resolve the modules**. So any CoffeeScript with `import` or `export` statements will be output as ES2015, and will need to be transpiled by another tool such as Babel before it can be used in a browser. We will need to add a warning to the documentation explaining this. This should be fully backwards-compatible, as `import` and `export` were previously reserved keywords. No flags are used. There are extensive tests included, though because no current JavaScript runtime supports `import` or `export`, the tests compare strings of what the compiled CoffeeScript output is against what the expected ES2015 should be. I also conducted two more elaborate tests: * I forked the [ember-piqu](https://github.com/pauc/piqu-ember) project, which was an Ember CLI app that used ember-cli-coffeescript and [ember-cli-coffees6](https://github.com/alexspeller/ember-cli-coffees6) (which adds “support” for `import`/`export` by wrapping such statements in backticks before passing the result to the CoffeeScript compiler). I removed `ember-cli-coffees6` and replaced the CoffeeScript compiler used in the build chain with this code, and the app built without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-piqu) * I also forked the [CoffeeScript version of Meteor’s Todos example app](https://github.com/meteor/todos/tree/coffeescript), and replaced all of its `require` statements with the `import` and `export` statements from the original ES2015 version of the app on its `master` branch. I then updated the `coffeescript` Meteor package in the app to use this new code, and again the app builds without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-meteor-todos) The discussion history for this work started [here](https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript/pull/4160) and continued [here](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript/pull/2). @lydell provided guidance, and @JimPanic and @rattrayalex contributed essential code.
2016-09-14 14:46:05 -04:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])(new yy.ExportSpecifier($$[$0-2], $$[$0]));
case 177:
Support import and export of ES2015 modules (#4300) This pull request adds support for ES2015 modules, by recognizing `import` and `export` statements. The following syntaxes are supported, based on the MDN [import](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import) and [export](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/export) pages: ```js import "module-name" import defaultMember from "module-name" import * as name from "module-name" import { } from "module-name" import { member } from "module-name" import { member as alias } from "module-name" import { member1, member2 as alias2, … } from "module-name" import defaultMember, * as name from "module-name" import defaultMember, { … } from "module-name" export default expression export class name export { } export { name } export { name as exportedName } export { name as default } export { name1, name2 as exportedName2, name3 as default, … } export * from "module-name" export { … } from "module-name" ``` As a subsitute for ECMAScript’s `export var name = …` and `export function name {}`, CoffeeScript also supports: ```js export name = … ``` CoffeeScript also supports optional commas within `{ … }`. This PR converts the supported `import` and `export` statements into ES2015 `import` and `export` statements; it **does not resolve the modules**. So any CoffeeScript with `import` or `export` statements will be output as ES2015, and will need to be transpiled by another tool such as Babel before it can be used in a browser. We will need to add a warning to the documentation explaining this. This should be fully backwards-compatible, as `import` and `export` were previously reserved keywords. No flags are used. There are extensive tests included, though because no current JavaScript runtime supports `import` or `export`, the tests compare strings of what the compiled CoffeeScript output is against what the expected ES2015 should be. I also conducted two more elaborate tests: * I forked the [ember-piqu](https://github.com/pauc/piqu-ember) project, which was an Ember CLI app that used ember-cli-coffeescript and [ember-cli-coffees6](https://github.com/alexspeller/ember-cli-coffees6) (which adds “support” for `import`/`export` by wrapping such statements in backticks before passing the result to the CoffeeScript compiler). I removed `ember-cli-coffees6` and replaced the CoffeeScript compiler used in the build chain with this code, and the app built without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-piqu) * I also forked the [CoffeeScript version of Meteor’s Todos example app](https://github.com/meteor/todos/tree/coffeescript), and replaced all of its `require` statements with the `import` and `export` statements from the original ES2015 version of the app on its `master` branch. I then updated the `coffeescript` Meteor package in the app to use this new code, and again the app builds without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-meteor-todos) The discussion history for this work started [here](https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript/pull/4160) and continued [here](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript/pull/2). @lydell provided guidance, and @JimPanic and @rattrayalex contributed essential code.
2016-09-14 14:46:05 -04:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])(new yy.ExportSpecifier($$[$0-2], new yy.Literal($$[$0])));
case 178:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])(new yy.ExportSpecifier(new yy.Literal($$[$0])));
case 179:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])(new yy.ExportSpecifier(new yy.Literal($$[$0-2]), $$[$0]));
case 180:
CS1 tagged template literals (and CS2 interpolated strings as template literals) (#4352) * Add initial support for template literals with no interpolation * Change ‘unexpected string’ error message tests to use number not identifier prefix. Identifer prefixes are now valid as tagged template literals * Test tagged template literals for non-interpolated strings and tag function. * Tagged template literals work for pure Strings. Pull tagged template definition up to Invocation level in grammar, enabling chained invocation calls. We can view a tagged template is a special form of function call. * Readying for StringWithInterpolations work. * Tweaks. * Fix style * Pass StringWithInterpolations parameter straight into Call constructor. StringWithInterpolations will be output as template literal, so already in correct form for outputting tagged template literal. * Strip down compileNode for StringWithInterpolations * Done StringLiteral case for interpolated Strings * Remove need for TemplateLiteral * Simplify code. * Small code tidy * Interpolated strings now outputting as template literals. Still needs comprehensive testing. * Move error message tests into error_messages.coffee; remove test that is testing for a Node runtime error * Split up tests that were testing multiple things per test, so that each test tests only one thing * Edge cases: tagged template literals containing interpolated strings or even internal tagged template literals * Make more concise, more idiomatic style * Pull back extreme indentation * Restore and fix commented-out tests * Edge case: tagged template literal with empty string * Only use new ES2015 interpolated string syntax if we’re inside a tagged template literal; this keeps this PR safe to merge into CoffeeScript 1.x. Remove the code from this commit to make all interpolated strings use ES2015 syntax, for CoffeeScript 2. * Compiler now _doesn’t_ use template literals. * Expand tagged template literal tests * Move ‘Unexpected string’ error message tests into tagged template literal section. ‘Unexpected string’ is not reported in these test scenarios anymore. Instead, we error that the prefixing literal is not a function. * Don’t unwrap StringWithInterpolations. Saw bug with program consisting of “#{2}” not compiling with template literals. Root cause was that Block.compileNode was unwrapping interpolated string and so didn’t use compileNode logic at StringWithInterpolations level. * No need to bracket interpolated strings any more. When interpolated string looks like `hello ${2}`, no extract brackets are needed, as the `s mark the beginning and end. * Show html templating with tagged template literals * Multiline should match multiline * Comment out unnecessary `unwrap`, which is only needed for CoffeeScript 2 all-ES2015 syntax output
2016-11-18 13:25:03 -05:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])(new yy.TaggedTemplateCall($$[$0-2], $$[$0], $$[$0-1]));
case 181:
Support import and export of ES2015 modules (#4300) This pull request adds support for ES2015 modules, by recognizing `import` and `export` statements. The following syntaxes are supported, based on the MDN [import](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import) and [export](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/export) pages: ```js import "module-name" import defaultMember from "module-name" import * as name from "module-name" import { } from "module-name" import { member } from "module-name" import { member as alias } from "module-name" import { member1, member2 as alias2, … } from "module-name" import defaultMember, * as name from "module-name" import defaultMember, { … } from "module-name" export default expression export class name export { } export { name } export { name as exportedName } export { name as default } export { name1, name2 as exportedName2, name3 as default, … } export * from "module-name" export { … } from "module-name" ``` As a subsitute for ECMAScript’s `export var name = …` and `export function name {}`, CoffeeScript also supports: ```js export name = … ``` CoffeeScript also supports optional commas within `{ … }`. This PR converts the supported `import` and `export` statements into ES2015 `import` and `export` statements; it **does not resolve the modules**. So any CoffeeScript with `import` or `export` statements will be output as ES2015, and will need to be transpiled by another tool such as Babel before it can be used in a browser. We will need to add a warning to the documentation explaining this. This should be fully backwards-compatible, as `import` and `export` were previously reserved keywords. No flags are used. There are extensive tests included, though because no current JavaScript runtime supports `import` or `export`, the tests compare strings of what the compiled CoffeeScript output is against what the expected ES2015 should be. I also conducted two more elaborate tests: * I forked the [ember-piqu](https://github.com/pauc/piqu-ember) project, which was an Ember CLI app that used ember-cli-coffeescript and [ember-cli-coffees6](https://github.com/alexspeller/ember-cli-coffees6) (which adds “support” for `import`/`export` by wrapping such statements in backticks before passing the result to the CoffeeScript compiler). I removed `ember-cli-coffees6` and replaced the CoffeeScript compiler used in the build chain with this code, and the app built without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-piqu) * I also forked the [CoffeeScript version of Meteor’s Todos example app](https://github.com/meteor/todos/tree/coffeescript), and replaced all of its `require` statements with the `import` and `export` statements from the original ES2015 version of the app on its `master` branch. I then updated the `coffeescript` Meteor package in the app to use this new code, and again the app builds without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-meteor-todos) The discussion history for this work started [here](https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript/pull/4160) and continued [here](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript/pull/2). @lydell provided guidance, and @JimPanic and @rattrayalex contributed essential code.
2016-09-14 14:46:05 -04:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])(new yy.Call($$[$0-2], $$[$0], $$[$0-1]));
case 182:
[CS2] Compile all super calls to ES2015 super (#4424) * Compile all super calls to ES2015 super This breaks using `super` in non-methods, meaning several tests are failing. Self-compilation still works. * Use bound functions for IIFEs containing `super` `super` can only be called directly in a method, or in an arrow function. * Fix handling of `class @A extends A` This behaviour worked 'for free' when the parent reference was being cached by the executable class body wrapper. There now needs to be special handling in place to check if the parent name matches the class name, and if so to cache the parent reference. * Fix tests broken by compiling ES2015 `super` * Disallow bare super This removes syntax support for 'bare' super calls, e.g.: class B extends A constructor: -> super `super` must now always be followed with arguments like a regular function call. This also removes the capability of implicitly forwarding arguments. The above can be equivalently be written as: class B extends A constructor: -> super arguments... * Support super with accessors `super` with following accessor(s) is now compiled to ES2015 equivalents. In particular, expressions such as `super.name`, `super[name]`, and also `super.name.prop` are all now valid, and can be used as expected as calls (i.e. `super.name()`) or in expressions (i.e. `if super.name? ...`). `super` without accessors is compiled to a constructor super call in a constructor, and otherwise, as before, to a super call to the method of the same name, i.e. speak: -> super() ...is equivalent to speak: -> super.speak() A neat side-effect of the changes is that existential calls now work properly with super, meaning `super?()` will only call if the super property exists (and is a function). This is not valid for super in constructors. * Prevent calling `super` methods with `new` This fixes a bug in the previous super handling whereby using the `new` operator with a `super` call would silently drop the `new`. This is now an explicit compiler error, as it is invalid JS at runtime. * Clean up some old super handling code This was mostly code for tracking the source classes and variables for methods, which were needed to build the old lookups on `__super__`. * Add TODO to improve bare super parse error * Add some TODOs to improve some of the class tests
2017-02-04 15:03:17 -05:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])(new yy.SuperCall(yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2])(new yy.Super), $$[$0], $$[$0-1]));
Support import and export of ES2015 modules (#4300) This pull request adds support for ES2015 modules, by recognizing `import` and `export` statements. The following syntaxes are supported, based on the MDN [import](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import) and [export](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/export) pages: ```js import "module-name" import defaultMember from "module-name" import * as name from "module-name" import { } from "module-name" import { member } from "module-name" import { member as alias } from "module-name" import { member1, member2 as alias2, … } from "module-name" import defaultMember, * as name from "module-name" import defaultMember, { … } from "module-name" export default expression export class name export { } export { name } export { name as exportedName } export { name as default } export { name1, name2 as exportedName2, name3 as default, … } export * from "module-name" export { … } from "module-name" ``` As a subsitute for ECMAScript’s `export var name = …` and `export function name {}`, CoffeeScript also supports: ```js export name = … ``` CoffeeScript also supports optional commas within `{ … }`. This PR converts the supported `import` and `export` statements into ES2015 `import` and `export` statements; it **does not resolve the modules**. So any CoffeeScript with `import` or `export` statements will be output as ES2015, and will need to be transpiled by another tool such as Babel before it can be used in a browser. We will need to add a warning to the documentation explaining this. This should be fully backwards-compatible, as `import` and `export` were previously reserved keywords. No flags are used. There are extensive tests included, though because no current JavaScript runtime supports `import` or `export`, the tests compare strings of what the compiled CoffeeScript output is against what the expected ES2015 should be. I also conducted two more elaborate tests: * I forked the [ember-piqu](https://github.com/pauc/piqu-ember) project, which was an Ember CLI app that used ember-cli-coffeescript and [ember-cli-coffees6](https://github.com/alexspeller/ember-cli-coffees6) (which adds “support” for `import`/`export` by wrapping such statements in backticks before passing the result to the CoffeeScript compiler). I removed `ember-cli-coffees6` and replaced the CoffeeScript compiler used in the build chain with this code, and the app built without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-piqu) * I also forked the [CoffeeScript version of Meteor’s Todos example app](https://github.com/meteor/todos/tree/coffeescript), and replaced all of its `require` statements with the `import` and `export` statements from the original ES2015 version of the app on its `master` branch. I then updated the `coffeescript` Meteor package in the app to use this new code, and again the app builds without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-meteor-todos) The discussion history for this work started [here](https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript/pull/4160) and continued [here](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript/pull/2). @lydell provided guidance, and @JimPanic and @rattrayalex contributed essential code.
2016-09-14 14:46:05 -04:00
case 183:
[CS2] Compile all super calls to ES2015 super (#4424) * Compile all super calls to ES2015 super This breaks using `super` in non-methods, meaning several tests are failing. Self-compilation still works. * Use bound functions for IIFEs containing `super` `super` can only be called directly in a method, or in an arrow function. * Fix handling of `class @A extends A` This behaviour worked 'for free' when the parent reference was being cached by the executable class body wrapper. There now needs to be special handling in place to check if the parent name matches the class name, and if so to cache the parent reference. * Fix tests broken by compiling ES2015 `super` * Disallow bare super This removes syntax support for 'bare' super calls, e.g.: class B extends A constructor: -> super `super` must now always be followed with arguments like a regular function call. This also removes the capability of implicitly forwarding arguments. The above can be equivalently be written as: class B extends A constructor: -> super arguments... * Support super with accessors `super` with following accessor(s) is now compiled to ES2015 equivalents. In particular, expressions such as `super.name`, `super[name]`, and also `super.name.prop` are all now valid, and can be used as expected as calls (i.e. `super.name()`) or in expressions (i.e. `if super.name? ...`). `super` without accessors is compiled to a constructor super call in a constructor, and otherwise, as before, to a super call to the method of the same name, i.e. speak: -> super() ...is equivalent to speak: -> super.speak() A neat side-effect of the changes is that existential calls now work properly with super, meaning `super?()` will only call if the super property exists (and is a function). This is not valid for super in constructors. * Prevent calling `super` methods with `new` This fixes a bug in the previous super handling whereby using the `new` operator with a `super` call would silently drop the `new`. This is now an explicit compiler error, as it is invalid JS at runtime. * Clean up some old super handling code This was mostly code for tracking the source classes and variables for methods, which were needed to build the old lookups on `__super__`. * Add TODO to improve bare super parse error * Add some TODOs to improve some of the class tests
2017-02-04 15:03:17 -05:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])(false);
Support import and export of ES2015 modules (#4300) This pull request adds support for ES2015 modules, by recognizing `import` and `export` statements. The following syntaxes are supported, based on the MDN [import](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import) and [export](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/export) pages: ```js import "module-name" import defaultMember from "module-name" import * as name from "module-name" import { } from "module-name" import { member } from "module-name" import { member as alias } from "module-name" import { member1, member2 as alias2, … } from "module-name" import defaultMember, * as name from "module-name" import defaultMember, { … } from "module-name" export default expression export class name export { } export { name } export { name as exportedName } export { name as default } export { name1, name2 as exportedName2, name3 as default, … } export * from "module-name" export { … } from "module-name" ``` As a subsitute for ECMAScript’s `export var name = …` and `export function name {}`, CoffeeScript also supports: ```js export name = … ``` CoffeeScript also supports optional commas within `{ … }`. This PR converts the supported `import` and `export` statements into ES2015 `import` and `export` statements; it **does not resolve the modules**. So any CoffeeScript with `import` or `export` statements will be output as ES2015, and will need to be transpiled by another tool such as Babel before it can be used in a browser. We will need to add a warning to the documentation explaining this. This should be fully backwards-compatible, as `import` and `export` were previously reserved keywords. No flags are used. There are extensive tests included, though because no current JavaScript runtime supports `import` or `export`, the tests compare strings of what the compiled CoffeeScript output is against what the expected ES2015 should be. I also conducted two more elaborate tests: * I forked the [ember-piqu](https://github.com/pauc/piqu-ember) project, which was an Ember CLI app that used ember-cli-coffeescript and [ember-cli-coffees6](https://github.com/alexspeller/ember-cli-coffees6) (which adds “support” for `import`/`export` by wrapping such statements in backticks before passing the result to the CoffeeScript compiler). I removed `ember-cli-coffees6` and replaced the CoffeeScript compiler used in the build chain with this code, and the app built without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-piqu) * I also forked the [CoffeeScript version of Meteor’s Todos example app](https://github.com/meteor/todos/tree/coffeescript), and replaced all of its `require` statements with the `import` and `export` statements from the original ES2015 version of the app on its `master` branch. I then updated the `coffeescript` Meteor package in the app to use this new code, and again the app builds without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-meteor-todos) The discussion history for this work started [here](https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript/pull/4160) and continued [here](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript/pull/2). @lydell provided guidance, and @JimPanic and @rattrayalex contributed essential code.
2016-09-14 14:46:05 -04:00
case 184:
[CS2] Compile all super calls to ES2015 super (#4424) * Compile all super calls to ES2015 super This breaks using `super` in non-methods, meaning several tests are failing. Self-compilation still works. * Use bound functions for IIFEs containing `super` `super` can only be called directly in a method, or in an arrow function. * Fix handling of `class @A extends A` This behaviour worked 'for free' when the parent reference was being cached by the executable class body wrapper. There now needs to be special handling in place to check if the parent name matches the class name, and if so to cache the parent reference. * Fix tests broken by compiling ES2015 `super` * Disallow bare super This removes syntax support for 'bare' super calls, e.g.: class B extends A constructor: -> super `super` must now always be followed with arguments like a regular function call. This also removes the capability of implicitly forwarding arguments. The above can be equivalently be written as: class B extends A constructor: -> super arguments... * Support super with accessors `super` with following accessor(s) is now compiled to ES2015 equivalents. In particular, expressions such as `super.name`, `super[name]`, and also `super.name.prop` are all now valid, and can be used as expected as calls (i.e. `super.name()`) or in expressions (i.e. `if super.name? ...`). `super` without accessors is compiled to a constructor super call in a constructor, and otherwise, as before, to a super call to the method of the same name, i.e. speak: -> super() ...is equivalent to speak: -> super.speak() A neat side-effect of the changes is that existential calls now work properly with super, meaning `super?()` will only call if the super property exists (and is a function). This is not valid for super in constructors. * Prevent calling `super` methods with `new` This fixes a bug in the previous super handling whereby using the `new` operator with a `super` call would silently drop the `new`. This is now an explicit compiler error, as it is invalid JS at runtime. * Clean up some old super handling code This was mostly code for tracking the source classes and variables for methods, which were needed to build the old lookups on `__super__`. * Add TODO to improve bare super parse error * Add some TODOs to improve some of the class tests
2017-02-04 15:03:17 -05:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])(true);
case 185:
Support import and export of ES2015 modules (#4300) This pull request adds support for ES2015 modules, by recognizing `import` and `export` statements. The following syntaxes are supported, based on the MDN [import](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import) and [export](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/export) pages: ```js import "module-name" import defaultMember from "module-name" import * as name from "module-name" import { } from "module-name" import { member } from "module-name" import { member as alias } from "module-name" import { member1, member2 as alias2, … } from "module-name" import defaultMember, * as name from "module-name" import defaultMember, { … } from "module-name" export default expression export class name export { } export { name } export { name as exportedName } export { name as default } export { name1, name2 as exportedName2, name3 as default, … } export * from "module-name" export { … } from "module-name" ``` As a subsitute for ECMAScript’s `export var name = …` and `export function name {}`, CoffeeScript also supports: ```js export name = … ``` CoffeeScript also supports optional commas within `{ … }`. This PR converts the supported `import` and `export` statements into ES2015 `import` and `export` statements; it **does not resolve the modules**. So any CoffeeScript with `import` or `export` statements will be output as ES2015, and will need to be transpiled by another tool such as Babel before it can be used in a browser. We will need to add a warning to the documentation explaining this. This should be fully backwards-compatible, as `import` and `export` were previously reserved keywords. No flags are used. There are extensive tests included, though because no current JavaScript runtime supports `import` or `export`, the tests compare strings of what the compiled CoffeeScript output is against what the expected ES2015 should be. I also conducted two more elaborate tests: * I forked the [ember-piqu](https://github.com/pauc/piqu-ember) project, which was an Ember CLI app that used ember-cli-coffeescript and [ember-cli-coffees6](https://github.com/alexspeller/ember-cli-coffees6) (which adds “support” for `import`/`export` by wrapping such statements in backticks before passing the result to the CoffeeScript compiler). I removed `ember-cli-coffees6` and replaced the CoffeeScript compiler used in the build chain with this code, and the app built without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-piqu) * I also forked the [CoffeeScript version of Meteor’s Todos example app](https://github.com/meteor/todos/tree/coffeescript), and replaced all of its `require` statements with the `import` and `export` statements from the original ES2015 version of the app on its `master` branch. I then updated the `coffeescript` Meteor package in the app to use this new code, and again the app builds without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-meteor-todos) The discussion history for this work started [here](https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript/pull/4160) and continued [here](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript/pull/2). @lydell provided guidance, and @JimPanic and @rattrayalex contributed essential code.
2016-09-14 14:46:05 -04:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])([]);
case 187: case 188:
Refactor `Literal` into several subtypes Previously, the parser created `Literal` nodes for many things. This resulted in information loss. Instead of being able to check the node type, we had to use regexes to tell the different types of `Literal`s apart. That was a bit like parsing literals twice: Once in the lexer, and once (or more) in the compiler. It also caused problems, such as `` `this` `` and `this` being indistinguishable (fixes #2009). Instead returning `new Literal` in the grammar, subtypes of it are now returned instead, such as `NumberLiteral`, `StringLiteral` and `IdentifierLiteral`. `new Literal` by itself is only used to represent code chunks that fit no category. (While mentioning `NumberLiteral`, there's also `InfinityLiteral` now, which is a subtype of `NumberLiteral`.) `StringWithInterpolations` has been added as a subtype of `Parens`, and `RegexWithInterpolations` as a subtype of `Call`. This makes it easier for other programs to make use of CoffeeScript's "AST" (nodes). For example, it is now possible to distinguish between `"a #{b} c"` and `"a " + b + " c"`. Fixes #4192. `SuperCall` has been added as a subtype of `Call`. Note, though, that some information is still lost, especially in the lexer. For example, there is no way to distinguish a heredoc from a regular string, or a heregex without interpolations from a regular regex. Binary and octal number literals are indistinguishable from hexadecimal literals. After the new subtypes were added, they were taken advantage of, removing most regexes in nodes.coffee. `SIMPLENUM` (which matches non-hex integers) had to be kept, though, because such numbers need special handling in JavaScript (for example in `1..toString()`). An especially nice hack to get rid of was using `new String()` for the token value for reserved identifiers (to be able to set a property on them which could survive through the parser). Now it's a good old regular string. In range literals, slices, splices and for loop steps when number literals are involved, CoffeeScript can do some optimizations, such as precomputing the value of, say, `5 - 3` (outputting `2` instead of `5 - 3` literally). As a side bonus, this now also works with hexadecimal number literals, such as `0x02`. Finally, this also improves the output of `coffee --nodes`: # Before: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value Bool Block Value Parens Block Op + Value """" Value Parens Block Value "a" "break" # After: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value BooleanLiteral: true Block Value StringWithInterpolations Block Op + Value StringLiteral: "" Value Parens Block Value IdentifierLiteral: a StatementLiteral: break
2016-01-31 14:24:31 -05:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])(new yy.Value(new yy.ThisLiteral));
2010-03-28 13:06:16 -04:00
case 189:
Refactor `Literal` into several subtypes Previously, the parser created `Literal` nodes for many things. This resulted in information loss. Instead of being able to check the node type, we had to use regexes to tell the different types of `Literal`s apart. That was a bit like parsing literals twice: Once in the lexer, and once (or more) in the compiler. It also caused problems, such as `` `this` `` and `this` being indistinguishable (fixes #2009). Instead returning `new Literal` in the grammar, subtypes of it are now returned instead, such as `NumberLiteral`, `StringLiteral` and `IdentifierLiteral`. `new Literal` by itself is only used to represent code chunks that fit no category. (While mentioning `NumberLiteral`, there's also `InfinityLiteral` now, which is a subtype of `NumberLiteral`.) `StringWithInterpolations` has been added as a subtype of `Parens`, and `RegexWithInterpolations` as a subtype of `Call`. This makes it easier for other programs to make use of CoffeeScript's "AST" (nodes). For example, it is now possible to distinguish between `"a #{b} c"` and `"a " + b + " c"`. Fixes #4192. `SuperCall` has been added as a subtype of `Call`. Note, though, that some information is still lost, especially in the lexer. For example, there is no way to distinguish a heredoc from a regular string, or a heregex without interpolations from a regular regex. Binary and octal number literals are indistinguishable from hexadecimal literals. After the new subtypes were added, they were taken advantage of, removing most regexes in nodes.coffee. `SIMPLENUM` (which matches non-hex integers) had to be kept, though, because such numbers need special handling in JavaScript (for example in `1..toString()`). An especially nice hack to get rid of was using `new String()` for the token value for reserved identifiers (to be able to set a property on them which could survive through the parser). Now it's a good old regular string. In range literals, slices, splices and for loop steps when number literals are involved, CoffeeScript can do some optimizations, such as precomputing the value of, say, `5 - 3` (outputting `2` instead of `5 - 3` literally). As a side bonus, this now also works with hexadecimal number literals, such as `0x02`. Finally, this also improves the output of `coffee --nodes`: # Before: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value Bool Block Value Parens Block Op + Value """" Value Parens Block Value "a" "break" # After: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value BooleanLiteral: true Block Value StringWithInterpolations Block Op + Value StringLiteral: "" Value Parens Block Value IdentifierLiteral: a StatementLiteral: break
2016-01-31 14:24:31 -05:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])(new yy.Value(yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1])(new yy.ThisLiteral), [yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0])(new yy.Access($$[$0]))], 'this'));
case 190:
Refactor `Literal` into several subtypes Previously, the parser created `Literal` nodes for many things. This resulted in information loss. Instead of being able to check the node type, we had to use regexes to tell the different types of `Literal`s apart. That was a bit like parsing literals twice: Once in the lexer, and once (or more) in the compiler. It also caused problems, such as `` `this` `` and `this` being indistinguishable (fixes #2009). Instead returning `new Literal` in the grammar, subtypes of it are now returned instead, such as `NumberLiteral`, `StringLiteral` and `IdentifierLiteral`. `new Literal` by itself is only used to represent code chunks that fit no category. (While mentioning `NumberLiteral`, there's also `InfinityLiteral` now, which is a subtype of `NumberLiteral`.) `StringWithInterpolations` has been added as a subtype of `Parens`, and `RegexWithInterpolations` as a subtype of `Call`. This makes it easier for other programs to make use of CoffeeScript's "AST" (nodes). For example, it is now possible to distinguish between `"a #{b} c"` and `"a " + b + " c"`. Fixes #4192. `SuperCall` has been added as a subtype of `Call`. Note, though, that some information is still lost, especially in the lexer. For example, there is no way to distinguish a heredoc from a regular string, or a heregex without interpolations from a regular regex. Binary and octal number literals are indistinguishable from hexadecimal literals. After the new subtypes were added, they were taken advantage of, removing most regexes in nodes.coffee. `SIMPLENUM` (which matches non-hex integers) had to be kept, though, because such numbers need special handling in JavaScript (for example in `1..toString()`). An especially nice hack to get rid of was using `new String()` for the token value for reserved identifiers (to be able to set a property on them which could survive through the parser). Now it's a good old regular string. In range literals, slices, splices and for loop steps when number literals are involved, CoffeeScript can do some optimizations, such as precomputing the value of, say, `5 - 3` (outputting `2` instead of `5 - 3` literally). As a side bonus, this now also works with hexadecimal number literals, such as `0x02`. Finally, this also improves the output of `coffee --nodes`: # Before: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value Bool Block Value Parens Block Op + Value """" Value Parens Block Value "a" "break" # After: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value BooleanLiteral: true Block Value StringWithInterpolations Block Op + Value StringLiteral: "" Value Parens Block Value IdentifierLiteral: a StatementLiteral: break
2016-01-31 14:24:31 -05:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])(new yy.Arr([]));
case 191:
Refactor `Literal` into several subtypes Previously, the parser created `Literal` nodes for many things. This resulted in information loss. Instead of being able to check the node type, we had to use regexes to tell the different types of `Literal`s apart. That was a bit like parsing literals twice: Once in the lexer, and once (or more) in the compiler. It also caused problems, such as `` `this` `` and `this` being indistinguishable (fixes #2009). Instead returning `new Literal` in the grammar, subtypes of it are now returned instead, such as `NumberLiteral`, `StringLiteral` and `IdentifierLiteral`. `new Literal` by itself is only used to represent code chunks that fit no category. (While mentioning `NumberLiteral`, there's also `InfinityLiteral` now, which is a subtype of `NumberLiteral`.) `StringWithInterpolations` has been added as a subtype of `Parens`, and `RegexWithInterpolations` as a subtype of `Call`. This makes it easier for other programs to make use of CoffeeScript's "AST" (nodes). For example, it is now possible to distinguish between `"a #{b} c"` and `"a " + b + " c"`. Fixes #4192. `SuperCall` has been added as a subtype of `Call`. Note, though, that some information is still lost, especially in the lexer. For example, there is no way to distinguish a heredoc from a regular string, or a heregex without interpolations from a regular regex. Binary and octal number literals are indistinguishable from hexadecimal literals. After the new subtypes were added, they were taken advantage of, removing most regexes in nodes.coffee. `SIMPLENUM` (which matches non-hex integers) had to be kept, though, because such numbers need special handling in JavaScript (for example in `1..toString()`). An especially nice hack to get rid of was using `new String()` for the token value for reserved identifiers (to be able to set a property on them which could survive through the parser). Now it's a good old regular string. In range literals, slices, splices and for loop steps when number literals are involved, CoffeeScript can do some optimizations, such as precomputing the value of, say, `5 - 3` (outputting `2` instead of `5 - 3` literally). As a side bonus, this now also works with hexadecimal number literals, such as `0x02`. Finally, this also improves the output of `coffee --nodes`: # Before: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value Bool Block Value Parens Block Op + Value """" Value Parens Block Value "a" "break" # After: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value BooleanLiteral: true Block Value StringWithInterpolations Block Op + Value StringLiteral: "" Value Parens Block Value IdentifierLiteral: a StatementLiteral: break
2016-01-31 14:24:31 -05:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-3], _$[$0])(new yy.Arr($$[$0-2]));
case 192:
Refactor `Literal` into several subtypes Previously, the parser created `Literal` nodes for many things. This resulted in information loss. Instead of being able to check the node type, we had to use regexes to tell the different types of `Literal`s apart. That was a bit like parsing literals twice: Once in the lexer, and once (or more) in the compiler. It also caused problems, such as `` `this` `` and `this` being indistinguishable (fixes #2009). Instead returning `new Literal` in the grammar, subtypes of it are now returned instead, such as `NumberLiteral`, `StringLiteral` and `IdentifierLiteral`. `new Literal` by itself is only used to represent code chunks that fit no category. (While mentioning `NumberLiteral`, there's also `InfinityLiteral` now, which is a subtype of `NumberLiteral`.) `StringWithInterpolations` has been added as a subtype of `Parens`, and `RegexWithInterpolations` as a subtype of `Call`. This makes it easier for other programs to make use of CoffeeScript's "AST" (nodes). For example, it is now possible to distinguish between `"a #{b} c"` and `"a " + b + " c"`. Fixes #4192. `SuperCall` has been added as a subtype of `Call`. Note, though, that some information is still lost, especially in the lexer. For example, there is no way to distinguish a heredoc from a regular string, or a heregex without interpolations from a regular regex. Binary and octal number literals are indistinguishable from hexadecimal literals. After the new subtypes were added, they were taken advantage of, removing most regexes in nodes.coffee. `SIMPLENUM` (which matches non-hex integers) had to be kept, though, because such numbers need special handling in JavaScript (for example in `1..toString()`). An especially nice hack to get rid of was using `new String()` for the token value for reserved identifiers (to be able to set a property on them which could survive through the parser). Now it's a good old regular string. In range literals, slices, splices and for loop steps when number literals are involved, CoffeeScript can do some optimizations, such as precomputing the value of, say, `5 - 3` (outputting `2` instead of `5 - 3` literally). As a side bonus, this now also works with hexadecimal number literals, such as `0x02`. Finally, this also improves the output of `coffee --nodes`: # Before: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value Bool Block Value Parens Block Op + Value """" Value Parens Block Value "a" "break" # After: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value BooleanLiteral: true Block Value StringWithInterpolations Block Op + Value StringLiteral: "" Value Parens Block Value IdentifierLiteral: a StatementLiteral: break
2016-01-31 14:24:31 -05:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])('inclusive');
case 193:
Refactor `Literal` into several subtypes Previously, the parser created `Literal` nodes for many things. This resulted in information loss. Instead of being able to check the node type, we had to use regexes to tell the different types of `Literal`s apart. That was a bit like parsing literals twice: Once in the lexer, and once (or more) in the compiler. It also caused problems, such as `` `this` `` and `this` being indistinguishable (fixes #2009). Instead returning `new Literal` in the grammar, subtypes of it are now returned instead, such as `NumberLiteral`, `StringLiteral` and `IdentifierLiteral`. `new Literal` by itself is only used to represent code chunks that fit no category. (While mentioning `NumberLiteral`, there's also `InfinityLiteral` now, which is a subtype of `NumberLiteral`.) `StringWithInterpolations` has been added as a subtype of `Parens`, and `RegexWithInterpolations` as a subtype of `Call`. This makes it easier for other programs to make use of CoffeeScript's "AST" (nodes). For example, it is now possible to distinguish between `"a #{b} c"` and `"a " + b + " c"`. Fixes #4192. `SuperCall` has been added as a subtype of `Call`. Note, though, that some information is still lost, especially in the lexer. For example, there is no way to distinguish a heredoc from a regular string, or a heregex without interpolations from a regular regex. Binary and octal number literals are indistinguishable from hexadecimal literals. After the new subtypes were added, they were taken advantage of, removing most regexes in nodes.coffee. `SIMPLENUM` (which matches non-hex integers) had to be kept, though, because such numbers need special handling in JavaScript (for example in `1..toString()`). An especially nice hack to get rid of was using `new String()` for the token value for reserved identifiers (to be able to set a property on them which could survive through the parser). Now it's a good old regular string. In range literals, slices, splices and for loop steps when number literals are involved, CoffeeScript can do some optimizations, such as precomputing the value of, say, `5 - 3` (outputting `2` instead of `5 - 3` literally). As a side bonus, this now also works with hexadecimal number literals, such as `0x02`. Finally, this also improves the output of `coffee --nodes`: # Before: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value Bool Block Value Parens Block Op + Value """" Value Parens Block Value "a" "break" # After: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value BooleanLiteral: true Block Value StringWithInterpolations Block Op + Value StringLiteral: "" Value Parens Block Value IdentifierLiteral: a StatementLiteral: break
2016-01-31 14:24:31 -05:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])('exclusive');
case 194:
Refactor `Literal` into several subtypes Previously, the parser created `Literal` nodes for many things. This resulted in information loss. Instead of being able to check the node type, we had to use regexes to tell the different types of `Literal`s apart. That was a bit like parsing literals twice: Once in the lexer, and once (or more) in the compiler. It also caused problems, such as `` `this` `` and `this` being indistinguishable (fixes #2009). Instead returning `new Literal` in the grammar, subtypes of it are now returned instead, such as `NumberLiteral`, `StringLiteral` and `IdentifierLiteral`. `new Literal` by itself is only used to represent code chunks that fit no category. (While mentioning `NumberLiteral`, there's also `InfinityLiteral` now, which is a subtype of `NumberLiteral`.) `StringWithInterpolations` has been added as a subtype of `Parens`, and `RegexWithInterpolations` as a subtype of `Call`. This makes it easier for other programs to make use of CoffeeScript's "AST" (nodes). For example, it is now possible to distinguish between `"a #{b} c"` and `"a " + b + " c"`. Fixes #4192. `SuperCall` has been added as a subtype of `Call`. Note, though, that some information is still lost, especially in the lexer. For example, there is no way to distinguish a heredoc from a regular string, or a heregex without interpolations from a regular regex. Binary and octal number literals are indistinguishable from hexadecimal literals. After the new subtypes were added, they were taken advantage of, removing most regexes in nodes.coffee. `SIMPLENUM` (which matches non-hex integers) had to be kept, though, because such numbers need special handling in JavaScript (for example in `1..toString()`). An especially nice hack to get rid of was using `new String()` for the token value for reserved identifiers (to be able to set a property on them which could survive through the parser). Now it's a good old regular string. In range literals, slices, splices and for loop steps when number literals are involved, CoffeeScript can do some optimizations, such as precomputing the value of, say, `5 - 3` (outputting `2` instead of `5 - 3` literally). As a side bonus, this now also works with hexadecimal number literals, such as `0x02`. Finally, this also improves the output of `coffee --nodes`: # Before: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value Bool Block Value Parens Block Op + Value """" Value Parens Block Value "a" "break" # After: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value BooleanLiteral: true Block Value StringWithInterpolations Block Op + Value StringLiteral: "" Value Parens Block Value IdentifierLiteral: a StatementLiteral: break
2016-01-31 14:24:31 -05:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-4], _$[$0])(new yy.Range($$[$0-3], $$[$0-1], $$[$0-2]));
case 195:
Refactor `Literal` into several subtypes Previously, the parser created `Literal` nodes for many things. This resulted in information loss. Instead of being able to check the node type, we had to use regexes to tell the different types of `Literal`s apart. That was a bit like parsing literals twice: Once in the lexer, and once (or more) in the compiler. It also caused problems, such as `` `this` `` and `this` being indistinguishable (fixes #2009). Instead returning `new Literal` in the grammar, subtypes of it are now returned instead, such as `NumberLiteral`, `StringLiteral` and `IdentifierLiteral`. `new Literal` by itself is only used to represent code chunks that fit no category. (While mentioning `NumberLiteral`, there's also `InfinityLiteral` now, which is a subtype of `NumberLiteral`.) `StringWithInterpolations` has been added as a subtype of `Parens`, and `RegexWithInterpolations` as a subtype of `Call`. This makes it easier for other programs to make use of CoffeeScript's "AST" (nodes). For example, it is now possible to distinguish between `"a #{b} c"` and `"a " + b + " c"`. Fixes #4192. `SuperCall` has been added as a subtype of `Call`. Note, though, that some information is still lost, especially in the lexer. For example, there is no way to distinguish a heredoc from a regular string, or a heregex without interpolations from a regular regex. Binary and octal number literals are indistinguishable from hexadecimal literals. After the new subtypes were added, they were taken advantage of, removing most regexes in nodes.coffee. `SIMPLENUM` (which matches non-hex integers) had to be kept, though, because such numbers need special handling in JavaScript (for example in `1..toString()`). An especially nice hack to get rid of was using `new String()` for the token value for reserved identifiers (to be able to set a property on them which could survive through the parser). Now it's a good old regular string. In range literals, slices, splices and for loop steps when number literals are involved, CoffeeScript can do some optimizations, such as precomputing the value of, say, `5 - 3` (outputting `2` instead of `5 - 3` literally). As a side bonus, this now also works with hexadecimal number literals, such as `0x02`. Finally, this also improves the output of `coffee --nodes`: # Before: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value Bool Block Value Parens Block Op + Value """" Value Parens Block Value "a" "break" # After: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value BooleanLiteral: true Block Value StringWithInterpolations Block Op + Value StringLiteral: "" Value Parens Block Value IdentifierLiteral: a StatementLiteral: break
2016-01-31 14:24:31 -05:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])(new yy.Range($$[$0-2], $$[$0], $$[$0-1]));
case 196:
Refactor `Literal` into several subtypes Previously, the parser created `Literal` nodes for many things. This resulted in information loss. Instead of being able to check the node type, we had to use regexes to tell the different types of `Literal`s apart. That was a bit like parsing literals twice: Once in the lexer, and once (or more) in the compiler. It also caused problems, such as `` `this` `` and `this` being indistinguishable (fixes #2009). Instead returning `new Literal` in the grammar, subtypes of it are now returned instead, such as `NumberLiteral`, `StringLiteral` and `IdentifierLiteral`. `new Literal` by itself is only used to represent code chunks that fit no category. (While mentioning `NumberLiteral`, there's also `InfinityLiteral` now, which is a subtype of `NumberLiteral`.) `StringWithInterpolations` has been added as a subtype of `Parens`, and `RegexWithInterpolations` as a subtype of `Call`. This makes it easier for other programs to make use of CoffeeScript's "AST" (nodes). For example, it is now possible to distinguish between `"a #{b} c"` and `"a " + b + " c"`. Fixes #4192. `SuperCall` has been added as a subtype of `Call`. Note, though, that some information is still lost, especially in the lexer. For example, there is no way to distinguish a heredoc from a regular string, or a heregex without interpolations from a regular regex. Binary and octal number literals are indistinguishable from hexadecimal literals. After the new subtypes were added, they were taken advantage of, removing most regexes in nodes.coffee. `SIMPLENUM` (which matches non-hex integers) had to be kept, though, because such numbers need special handling in JavaScript (for example in `1..toString()`). An especially nice hack to get rid of was using `new String()` for the token value for reserved identifiers (to be able to set a property on them which could survive through the parser). Now it's a good old regular string. In range literals, slices, splices and for loop steps when number literals are involved, CoffeeScript can do some optimizations, such as precomputing the value of, say, `5 - 3` (outputting `2` instead of `5 - 3` literally). As a side bonus, this now also works with hexadecimal number literals, such as `0x02`. Finally, this also improves the output of `coffee --nodes`: # Before: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value Bool Block Value Parens Block Op + Value """" Value Parens Block Value "a" "break" # After: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value BooleanLiteral: true Block Value StringWithInterpolations Block Op + Value StringLiteral: "" Value Parens Block Value IdentifierLiteral: a StatementLiteral: break
2016-01-31 14:24:31 -05:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])(new yy.Range($$[$0-1], null, $$[$0]));
case 197:
Refactor `Literal` into several subtypes Previously, the parser created `Literal` nodes for many things. This resulted in information loss. Instead of being able to check the node type, we had to use regexes to tell the different types of `Literal`s apart. That was a bit like parsing literals twice: Once in the lexer, and once (or more) in the compiler. It also caused problems, such as `` `this` `` and `this` being indistinguishable (fixes #2009). Instead returning `new Literal` in the grammar, subtypes of it are now returned instead, such as `NumberLiteral`, `StringLiteral` and `IdentifierLiteral`. `new Literal` by itself is only used to represent code chunks that fit no category. (While mentioning `NumberLiteral`, there's also `InfinityLiteral` now, which is a subtype of `NumberLiteral`.) `StringWithInterpolations` has been added as a subtype of `Parens`, and `RegexWithInterpolations` as a subtype of `Call`. This makes it easier for other programs to make use of CoffeeScript's "AST" (nodes). For example, it is now possible to distinguish between `"a #{b} c"` and `"a " + b + " c"`. Fixes #4192. `SuperCall` has been added as a subtype of `Call`. Note, though, that some information is still lost, especially in the lexer. For example, there is no way to distinguish a heredoc from a regular string, or a heregex without interpolations from a regular regex. Binary and octal number literals are indistinguishable from hexadecimal literals. After the new subtypes were added, they were taken advantage of, removing most regexes in nodes.coffee. `SIMPLENUM` (which matches non-hex integers) had to be kept, though, because such numbers need special handling in JavaScript (for example in `1..toString()`). An especially nice hack to get rid of was using `new String()` for the token value for reserved identifiers (to be able to set a property on them which could survive through the parser). Now it's a good old regular string. In range literals, slices, splices and for loop steps when number literals are involved, CoffeeScript can do some optimizations, such as precomputing the value of, say, `5 - 3` (outputting `2` instead of `5 - 3` literally). As a side bonus, this now also works with hexadecimal number literals, such as `0x02`. Finally, this also improves the output of `coffee --nodes`: # Before: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value Bool Block Value Parens Block Op + Value """" Value Parens Block Value "a" "break" # After: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value BooleanLiteral: true Block Value StringWithInterpolations Block Op + Value StringLiteral: "" Value Parens Block Value IdentifierLiteral: a StatementLiteral: break
2016-01-31 14:24:31 -05:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])(new yy.Range(null, $$[$0], $$[$0-1]));
case 198:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])(new yy.Range(null, null, $$[$0]));
case 208:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])([].concat($$[$0-2], $$[$0]));
case 209:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])(new yy.Try($$[$0]));
case 210:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])(new yy.Try($$[$0-1], $$[$0][0], $$[$0][1]));
case 211:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-3], _$[$0])(new yy.Try($$[$0-2], null, null, $$[$0]));
2011-12-14 18:31:20 -05:00
case 212:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-4], _$[$0])(new yy.Try($$[$0-3], $$[$0-2][0], $$[$0-2][1], $$[$0]));
case 213:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])([$$[$0-1], $$[$0]]);
2014-01-24 11:00:34 -05:00
case 214:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])([yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1])(new yy.Value($$[$0-1])), $$[$0]]);
case 215:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])([null, $$[$0]]);
case 216:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])(new yy.Throw($$[$0]));
case 217:
Refactor `Literal` into several subtypes Previously, the parser created `Literal` nodes for many things. This resulted in information loss. Instead of being able to check the node type, we had to use regexes to tell the different types of `Literal`s apart. That was a bit like parsing literals twice: Once in the lexer, and once (or more) in the compiler. It also caused problems, such as `` `this` `` and `this` being indistinguishable (fixes #2009). Instead returning `new Literal` in the grammar, subtypes of it are now returned instead, such as `NumberLiteral`, `StringLiteral` and `IdentifierLiteral`. `new Literal` by itself is only used to represent code chunks that fit no category. (While mentioning `NumberLiteral`, there's also `InfinityLiteral` now, which is a subtype of `NumberLiteral`.) `StringWithInterpolations` has been added as a subtype of `Parens`, and `RegexWithInterpolations` as a subtype of `Call`. This makes it easier for other programs to make use of CoffeeScript's "AST" (nodes). For example, it is now possible to distinguish between `"a #{b} c"` and `"a " + b + " c"`. Fixes #4192. `SuperCall` has been added as a subtype of `Call`. Note, though, that some information is still lost, especially in the lexer. For example, there is no way to distinguish a heredoc from a regular string, or a heregex without interpolations from a regular regex. Binary and octal number literals are indistinguishable from hexadecimal literals. After the new subtypes were added, they were taken advantage of, removing most regexes in nodes.coffee. `SIMPLENUM` (which matches non-hex integers) had to be kept, though, because such numbers need special handling in JavaScript (for example in `1..toString()`). An especially nice hack to get rid of was using `new String()` for the token value for reserved identifiers (to be able to set a property on them which could survive through the parser). Now it's a good old regular string. In range literals, slices, splices and for loop steps when number literals are involved, CoffeeScript can do some optimizations, such as precomputing the value of, say, `5 - 3` (outputting `2` instead of `5 - 3` literally). As a side bonus, this now also works with hexadecimal number literals, such as `0x02`. Finally, this also improves the output of `coffee --nodes`: # Before: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value Bool Block Value Parens Block Op + Value """" Value Parens Block Value "a" "break" # After: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value BooleanLiteral: true Block Value StringWithInterpolations Block Op + Value StringLiteral: "" Value Parens Block Value IdentifierLiteral: a StatementLiteral: break
2016-01-31 14:24:31 -05:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])(new yy.Parens($$[$0-1]));
2010-11-20 16:25:22 -05:00
case 218:
Refactor `Literal` into several subtypes Previously, the parser created `Literal` nodes for many things. This resulted in information loss. Instead of being able to check the node type, we had to use regexes to tell the different types of `Literal`s apart. That was a bit like parsing literals twice: Once in the lexer, and once (or more) in the compiler. It also caused problems, such as `` `this` `` and `this` being indistinguishable (fixes #2009). Instead returning `new Literal` in the grammar, subtypes of it are now returned instead, such as `NumberLiteral`, `StringLiteral` and `IdentifierLiteral`. `new Literal` by itself is only used to represent code chunks that fit no category. (While mentioning `NumberLiteral`, there's also `InfinityLiteral` now, which is a subtype of `NumberLiteral`.) `StringWithInterpolations` has been added as a subtype of `Parens`, and `RegexWithInterpolations` as a subtype of `Call`. This makes it easier for other programs to make use of CoffeeScript's "AST" (nodes). For example, it is now possible to distinguish between `"a #{b} c"` and `"a " + b + " c"`. Fixes #4192. `SuperCall` has been added as a subtype of `Call`. Note, though, that some information is still lost, especially in the lexer. For example, there is no way to distinguish a heredoc from a regular string, or a heregex without interpolations from a regular regex. Binary and octal number literals are indistinguishable from hexadecimal literals. After the new subtypes were added, they were taken advantage of, removing most regexes in nodes.coffee. `SIMPLENUM` (which matches non-hex integers) had to be kept, though, because such numbers need special handling in JavaScript (for example in `1..toString()`). An especially nice hack to get rid of was using `new String()` for the token value for reserved identifiers (to be able to set a property on them which could survive through the parser). Now it's a good old regular string. In range literals, slices, splices and for loop steps when number literals are involved, CoffeeScript can do some optimizations, such as precomputing the value of, say, `5 - 3` (outputting `2` instead of `5 - 3` literally). As a side bonus, this now also works with hexadecimal number literals, such as `0x02`. Finally, this also improves the output of `coffee --nodes`: # Before: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value Bool Block Value Parens Block Op + Value """" Value Parens Block Value "a" "break" # After: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value BooleanLiteral: true Block Value StringWithInterpolations Block Op + Value StringLiteral: "" Value Parens Block Value IdentifierLiteral: a StatementLiteral: break
2016-01-31 14:24:31 -05:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-4], _$[$0])(new yy.Parens($$[$0-2]));
2010-11-20 16:25:22 -05:00
case 219:
Refactor `Literal` into several subtypes Previously, the parser created `Literal` nodes for many things. This resulted in information loss. Instead of being able to check the node type, we had to use regexes to tell the different types of `Literal`s apart. That was a bit like parsing literals twice: Once in the lexer, and once (or more) in the compiler. It also caused problems, such as `` `this` `` and `this` being indistinguishable (fixes #2009). Instead returning `new Literal` in the grammar, subtypes of it are now returned instead, such as `NumberLiteral`, `StringLiteral` and `IdentifierLiteral`. `new Literal` by itself is only used to represent code chunks that fit no category. (While mentioning `NumberLiteral`, there's also `InfinityLiteral` now, which is a subtype of `NumberLiteral`.) `StringWithInterpolations` has been added as a subtype of `Parens`, and `RegexWithInterpolations` as a subtype of `Call`. This makes it easier for other programs to make use of CoffeeScript's "AST" (nodes). For example, it is now possible to distinguish between `"a #{b} c"` and `"a " + b + " c"`. Fixes #4192. `SuperCall` has been added as a subtype of `Call`. Note, though, that some information is still lost, especially in the lexer. For example, there is no way to distinguish a heredoc from a regular string, or a heregex without interpolations from a regular regex. Binary and octal number literals are indistinguishable from hexadecimal literals. After the new subtypes were added, they were taken advantage of, removing most regexes in nodes.coffee. `SIMPLENUM` (which matches non-hex integers) had to be kept, though, because such numbers need special handling in JavaScript (for example in `1..toString()`). An especially nice hack to get rid of was using `new String()` for the token value for reserved identifiers (to be able to set a property on them which could survive through the parser). Now it's a good old regular string. In range literals, slices, splices and for loop steps when number literals are involved, CoffeeScript can do some optimizations, such as precomputing the value of, say, `5 - 3` (outputting `2` instead of `5 - 3` literally). As a side bonus, this now also works with hexadecimal number literals, such as `0x02`. Finally, this also improves the output of `coffee --nodes`: # Before: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value Bool Block Value Parens Block Op + Value """" Value Parens Block Value "a" "break" # After: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value BooleanLiteral: true Block Value StringWithInterpolations Block Op + Value StringLiteral: "" Value Parens Block Value IdentifierLiteral: a StatementLiteral: break
2016-01-31 14:24:31 -05:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])(new yy.While($$[$0]));
case 220:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-3], _$[$0])(new yy.While($$[$0-2], {
2010-12-19 20:04:49 -05:00
guard: $$[$0]
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 221:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])(new yy.While($$[$0], {
invert: true
case 222:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-3], _$[$0])(new yy.While($$[$0-2], {
invert: true,
2010-12-19 20:04:49 -05:00
guard: $$[$0]
case 223:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])($$[$0-1].addBody($$[$0]));
case 224: case 225:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])($$[$0].addBody(yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1])(yy.Block.wrap([$$[$0-1]]))));
2010-10-04 16:53:32 -04:00
case 226:
Refactor `Literal` into several subtypes Previously, the parser created `Literal` nodes for many things. This resulted in information loss. Instead of being able to check the node type, we had to use regexes to tell the different types of `Literal`s apart. That was a bit like parsing literals twice: Once in the lexer, and once (or more) in the compiler. It also caused problems, such as `` `this` `` and `this` being indistinguishable (fixes #2009). Instead returning `new Literal` in the grammar, subtypes of it are now returned instead, such as `NumberLiteral`, `StringLiteral` and `IdentifierLiteral`. `new Literal` by itself is only used to represent code chunks that fit no category. (While mentioning `NumberLiteral`, there's also `InfinityLiteral` now, which is a subtype of `NumberLiteral`.) `StringWithInterpolations` has been added as a subtype of `Parens`, and `RegexWithInterpolations` as a subtype of `Call`. This makes it easier for other programs to make use of CoffeeScript's "AST" (nodes). For example, it is now possible to distinguish between `"a #{b} c"` and `"a " + b + " c"`. Fixes #4192. `SuperCall` has been added as a subtype of `Call`. Note, though, that some information is still lost, especially in the lexer. For example, there is no way to distinguish a heredoc from a regular string, or a heregex without interpolations from a regular regex. Binary and octal number literals are indistinguishable from hexadecimal literals. After the new subtypes were added, they were taken advantage of, removing most regexes in nodes.coffee. `SIMPLENUM` (which matches non-hex integers) had to be kept, though, because such numbers need special handling in JavaScript (for example in `1..toString()`). An especially nice hack to get rid of was using `new String()` for the token value for reserved identifiers (to be able to set a property on them which could survive through the parser). Now it's a good old regular string. In range literals, slices, splices and for loop steps when number literals are involved, CoffeeScript can do some optimizations, such as precomputing the value of, say, `5 - 3` (outputting `2` instead of `5 - 3` literally). As a side bonus, this now also works with hexadecimal number literals, such as `0x02`. Finally, this also improves the output of `coffee --nodes`: # Before: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value Bool Block Value Parens Block Op + Value """" Value Parens Block Value "a" "break" # After: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value BooleanLiteral: true Block Value StringWithInterpolations Block Op + Value StringLiteral: "" Value Parens Block Value IdentifierLiteral: a StatementLiteral: break
2016-01-31 14:24:31 -05:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0], _$[$0])($$[$0]);
2011-12-14 18:31:20 -05:00
case 227:
Refactor `Literal` into several subtypes Previously, the parser created `Literal` nodes for many things. This resulted in information loss. Instead of being able to check the node type, we had to use regexes to tell the different types of `Literal`s apart. That was a bit like parsing literals twice: Once in the lexer, and once (or more) in the compiler. It also caused problems, such as `` `this` `` and `this` being indistinguishable (fixes #2009). Instead returning `new Literal` in the grammar, subtypes of it are now returned instead, such as `NumberLiteral`, `StringLiteral` and `IdentifierLiteral`. `new Literal` by itself is only used to represent code chunks that fit no category. (While mentioning `NumberLiteral`, there's also `InfinityLiteral` now, which is a subtype of `NumberLiteral`.) `StringWithInterpolations` has been added as a subtype of `Parens`, and `RegexWithInterpolations` as a subtype of `Call`. This makes it easier for other programs to make use of CoffeeScript's "AST" (nodes). For example, it is now possible to distinguish between `"a #{b} c"` and `"a " + b + " c"`. Fixes #4192. `SuperCall` has been added as a subtype of `Call`. Note, though, that some information is still lost, especially in the lexer. For example, there is no way to distinguish a heredoc from a regular string, or a heregex without interpolations from a regular regex. Binary and octal number literals are indistinguishable from hexadecimal literals. After the new subtypes were added, they were taken advantage of, removing most regexes in nodes.coffee. `SIMPLENUM` (which matches non-hex integers) had to be kept, though, because such numbers need special handling in JavaScript (for example in `1..toString()`). An especially nice hack to get rid of was using `new String()` for the token value for reserved identifiers (to be able to set a property on them which could survive through the parser). Now it's a good old regular string. In range literals, slices, splices and for loop steps when number literals are involved, CoffeeScript can do some optimizations, such as precomputing the value of, say, `5 - 3` (outputting `2` instead of `5 - 3` literally). As a side bonus, this now also works with hexadecimal number literals, such as `0x02`. Finally, this also improves the output of `coffee --nodes`: # Before: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value Bool Block Value Parens Block Op + Value """" Value Parens Block Value "a" "break" # After: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value BooleanLiteral: true Block Value StringWithInterpolations Block Op + Value StringLiteral: "" Value Parens Block Value IdentifierLiteral: a StatementLiteral: break
2016-01-31 14:24:31 -05:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])(new yy.While(yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1])(new yy.BooleanLiteral('true'))).addBody($$[$0]));
case 228:
Refactor `Literal` into several subtypes Previously, the parser created `Literal` nodes for many things. This resulted in information loss. Instead of being able to check the node type, we had to use regexes to tell the different types of `Literal`s apart. That was a bit like parsing literals twice: Once in the lexer, and once (or more) in the compiler. It also caused problems, such as `` `this` `` and `this` being indistinguishable (fixes #2009). Instead returning `new Literal` in the grammar, subtypes of it are now returned instead, such as `NumberLiteral`, `StringLiteral` and `IdentifierLiteral`. `new Literal` by itself is only used to represent code chunks that fit no category. (While mentioning `NumberLiteral`, there's also `InfinityLiteral` now, which is a subtype of `NumberLiteral`.) `StringWithInterpolations` has been added as a subtype of `Parens`, and `RegexWithInterpolations` as a subtype of `Call`. This makes it easier for other programs to make use of CoffeeScript's "AST" (nodes). For example, it is now possible to distinguish between `"a #{b} c"` and `"a " + b + " c"`. Fixes #4192. `SuperCall` has been added as a subtype of `Call`. Note, though, that some information is still lost, especially in the lexer. For example, there is no way to distinguish a heredoc from a regular string, or a heregex without interpolations from a regular regex. Binary and octal number literals are indistinguishable from hexadecimal literals. After the new subtypes were added, they were taken advantage of, removing most regexes in nodes.coffee. `SIMPLENUM` (which matches non-hex integers) had to be kept, though, because such numbers need special handling in JavaScript (for example in `1..toString()`). An especially nice hack to get rid of was using `new String()` for the token value for reserved identifiers (to be able to set a property on them which could survive through the parser). Now it's a good old regular string. In range literals, slices, splices and for loop steps when number literals are involved, CoffeeScript can do some optimizations, such as precomputing the value of, say, `5 - 3` (outputting `2` instead of `5 - 3` literally). As a side bonus, this now also works with hexadecimal number literals, such as `0x02`. Finally, this also improves the output of `coffee --nodes`: # Before: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value Bool Block Value Parens Block Op + Value """" Value Parens Block Value "a" "break" # After: $ bin/coffee -ne 'while true "#{a}" break' Block While Value BooleanLiteral: true Block Value StringWithInterpolations Block Op + Value StringLiteral: "" Value Parens Block Value IdentifierLiteral: a StatementLiteral: break
2016-01-31 14:24:31 -05:00
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])(new yy.While(yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1])(new yy.BooleanLiteral('true'))).addBody(yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0])(yy.Block.wrap([$$[$0]]))));
case 229: case 230:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])(new yy.For($$[$0-1], $$[$0]));
case 231:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])(new yy.For($$[$0], $$[$0-1]));
case 232:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])({
source: yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0])(new yy.Value($$[$0]))
case 233:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-3], _$[$0])({
source: yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2])(new yy.Value($$[$0-2])),
step: $$[$0]
case 234:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])((function () {
2010-12-19 20:04:49 -05:00
$$[$0].own = $$[$0-1].own;
$$[$0].ownTag = $$[$0-1].ownTag;
$$[$0].name = $$[$0-1][0];
$$[$0].index = $$[$0-1][1];
2010-12-19 20:04:49 -05:00
return $$[$0];
case 235:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])($$[$0]);
case 236:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])((function () {
2010-12-19 20:04:49 -05:00
$$[$0].own = true;
$$[$0].ownTag = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1])(new yy.Literal($$[$0-1]));
2010-12-19 20:04:49 -05:00
return $$[$0];
case 242:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])([$$[$0-2], $$[$0]]);
case 243:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])({
2010-12-19 20:04:49 -05:00
source: $$[$0]
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 244:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])({
2010-12-19 20:04:49 -05:00
source: $$[$0],
2010-11-20 16:25:22 -05:00
object: true
2010-11-20 16:25:22 -05:00
case 245:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-3], _$[$0])({
2010-12-19 20:04:49 -05:00
source: $$[$0-2],
guard: $$[$0]
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 246:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-3], _$[$0])({
2010-12-19 20:04:49 -05:00
source: $$[$0-2],
guard: $$[$0],
2010-11-20 16:25:22 -05:00
object: true
case 247:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-3], _$[$0])({
2010-12-19 20:04:49 -05:00
source: $$[$0-2],
step: $$[$0]
case 248:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-5], _$[$0])({
2010-12-19 20:04:49 -05:00
source: $$[$0-4],
guard: $$[$0-2],
step: $$[$0]
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 249:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-5], _$[$0])({
2010-12-19 20:04:49 -05:00
source: $$[$0-4],
step: $$[$0-2],
guard: $$[$0]
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 250:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])({
source: $$[$0],
from: true
case 251:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-3], _$[$0])({
source: $$[$0-2],
guard: $$[$0],
from: true
case 252:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-4], _$[$0])(new yy.Switch($$[$0-3], $$[$0-1]));
2010-05-10 22:57:51 -04:00
case 253:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-6], _$[$0])(new yy.Switch($$[$0-5], $$[$0-3], $$[$0-1]));
case 254:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-3], _$[$0])(new yy.Switch(null, $$[$0-1]));
2010-05-10 22:57:51 -04:00
case 255:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-5], _$[$0])(new yy.Switch(null, $$[$0-3], $$[$0-1]));
case 257:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])($$[$0-1].concat($$[$0]));
case 258:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])([[$$[$0-1], $$[$0]]]);
case 259:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-3], _$[$0])([[$$[$0-2], $$[$0-1]]]);
2010-04-05 10:26:23 -04:00
case 260:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])(new yy.If($$[$0-1], $$[$0], {
type: $$[$0-2]
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 261:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-4], _$[$0])($$[$0-4].addElse(yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])(new yy.If($$[$0-1], $$[$0], {
type: $$[$0-2]
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 263:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])($$[$0-2].addElse($$[$0]));
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 264: case 265:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])(new yy.If($$[$0], yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2])(yy.Block.wrap([$$[$0-2]])), {
type: $$[$0-1],
statement: true
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
case 268:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])(new yy.Op('-', $$[$0]));
2010-11-13 18:13:09 -05:00
case 269:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])(new yy.Op('+', $$[$0]));
case 271:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])(new yy.Op('--', $$[$0]));
case 272:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])(new yy.Op('++', $$[$0]));
2011-12-14 18:31:20 -05:00
case 273:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])(new yy.Op('--', $$[$0-1], null, true));
case 274:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])(new yy.Op('++', $$[$0-1], null, true));
case 275:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-1], _$[$0])(new yy.Existence($$[$0-1]));
case 276:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])(new yy.Op('+', $$[$0-2], $$[$0]));
2014-09-06 06:55:27 -04:00
case 277:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])(new yy.Op('-', $$[$0-2], $$[$0]));
case 278: case 279: case 280: case 281: case 282: case 283: case 284: case 285: case 286: case 287:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])(new yy.Op($$[$0-1], $$[$0-2], $$[$0]));
case 288:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])((function () {
2010-12-19 20:04:49 -05:00
if ($$[$0-1].charAt(0) === '!') {
2013-02-28 08:37:30 -05:00
return new yy.Op($$[$0-1].slice(1), $$[$0-2], $$[$0]).invert();
} else {
2013-02-28 08:37:30 -05:00
return new yy.Op($$[$0-1], $$[$0-2], $$[$0]);
2010-08-17 21:31:32 -04:00
case 289:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-2], _$[$0])(new yy.Assign($$[$0-2], $$[$0], $$[$0-1]));
2010-11-09 00:26:31 -05:00
case 290:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-4], _$[$0])(new yy.Assign($$[$0-4], $$[$0-1], $$[$0-3]));
case 291:
this.$ = yy.addLocationDataFn(_$[$0-3], _$[$0])(new yy.Assign($$[$0-3], $$[$0], $$[$0-2]));
table: [{1:[2,1],3:1,4:2,5:3,7:4,8:5,9:6,10:24,11:25,12:19,13:20,14:$V0,15:22,16:23,17:7,18:8,19:9,20:10,21:11,22:12,23:13,24:14,25:15,26:16,27:17,28:18,29:$V1,34:73,35:$V2,36:$V3,39:58,40:$V4,41:83,42:$V5,43:$V6,45:60,46:$V7,47:$V8,48:30,50:27,51:$V9,52:$Va,53:$Vb,54:$Vc,55:$Vd,56:$Ve,57:26,64:74,68:57,69:28,70:32,71:31,72:$Vf,78:$Vg,79:$Vh,80:$Vi,81:$Vj,84:34,85:$Vk,86:$Vl,91:56,93:42,95:29,102:$Vm,105:$Vn,107:$Vo,115:$Vp,124:$Vq,125:$Vr,126:$Vs,132:$Vt,136:$Vu,137:$Vv,139:45,140:$Vw,142:$Vx,143:46,144:$Vy,145:47,146:$Vz,148:80,156:$VA,161:43,162:$VB,164:$VC,165:$VD,166:$VE,167:$VF,168:$VG,169:$VH},{1:[3]},{1:[2,2],6:$VI},o($VJ,[2,3]),o($VJ,[2,6],{148:80,139:106,145:107,140:$Vw,142:$Vx,146:$Vz,163:$VK,166:$VL,167:$VM,170:$VN,171:$VO,172:$VP,173:$VQ,174:$VR,175:$VS,176:$VT,177:$VU,178:$VV,179:$VW,180:$VX,181:$VY}),o($VJ,[2,7],{148:80,139:109,145:110,140:$Vw,142:$Vx,146:$Vz,163:$VZ}),o($VJ,[2,8]),o($V_,[2,16],{119:111,94:112,99:118,42:$V$,43:$V$,121:$V$,74:$V01,75:$V11,96:$V21,97:$V31,98:$V41,100:$V51,120:$V61}),o($V_,[2,17]),o($V_,[2,18]),o($V_,[2,19]),o($V_,[2,20]),o($V_,[2,21]),o($V_,[2,22]),o($V_,[2,23]),o($V_,[2,24]),o($V_,[2,25]),o($V_,[2,26]),o($V_,[2,27]),o($V71,[2,11]),o($V71,[2,12]),o($V71,[2,13]),o($V71,[2,14]),o($V71,[2,15]),o($VJ,[2,9]),o($VJ,[2,10]),o($V81,$V91,{58:[1,121]}),o($V81,[2,111]),o($V81,[2,112]),o($V81,[2,113]),o($V81,$Va1),o($V81,[2,115]),o($V81,[2,116]),o([6,32,83,88],$Vb1,{82:122,89:123,90:124,34:126,64:127,91:128,68:129,35:$V2,36:$V3,65:$Vc1,102:$Vm,125:$Vd1,126:$Ve1}),{31:132,32:$Vf1},{7:134,8:136,12:19,13:20,14:$V0,15:22,16:23,17:7,18:8,19:9,20:10,21:11,22:12,23:13,24:14,25:15,26:16,27:17,28:18,29:$Vg1,34:73,35:$V2,36:$V3,39:58,40:$V4,41:83,42:$V5,43:$V6,45:60,46:$V7,47:$V8,48:30,50:27,51:$V9,52:$Va,53:$Vb,54:$Vc,55:$Vd,56:$Ve,57:26,64:74,68:57,69:28,70:32,71:31,72:$Vf,78:$Vg,79:$Vh1,80:$Vi,81:$Vj,84:34,85:$Vk,86:$Vl,91:56,93:42,95:29,102:$Vm,105:$Vn,107:$Vo,115:$Vp,124:$Vq,125:$Vr,126:$Vs,132:$Vt,136:$Vu,137:$Vv,139:45,140:$Vw,142:$Vx,143:46,144:$Vy,145:47,146:$Vz,148:80,156:$VA,161:43,162:$VB,164:$VC,165:$VD,166:$VE,167:$VF,168:$VG,169:$VH},{7:138,8:136,12:19,13:20,14:$V0,15:22,16:23,17:7,18:8,19:9,20:10,21:11,22:12,23:13,24:14,25:15,26:16,27:17,28:18,29:$Vg1,34:73,35:$V2,36:$V3,39:58,40:$V4,41:83,42:$V5,43:$V6,45:60,46:$V7,47:$V8,48:30,50:27,51:$V9,52:$Va,53:$Vb,54:$Vc,55:$Vd,56:$Ve,57:26,64:74,68:57,69:28,70:32,71:31,72:$Vf,78:$Vg,79:$Vh1,80:$Vi,81:$Vj,84:34,85:$Vk,86:$Vl,91:56,93:42,95:29,102:$Vm,105:$Vn,107:$Vo,115:$Vp,124:$Vq,125:$Vr,126:$Vs,132:$Vt,136:$Vu,137:$Vv,139:45,140:$Vw,142:$Vx,143:46,144:$Vy,145:47,146:$Vz,148:80,156:$VA,161:43,162:$VB,164:$VC,165:$VD,166:$VE,167:$VF,168:$VG,169:$VH},{7:139,8:136,12:19,13:20,14:$V0,15:22,16:23,17:7,18:8,19:9,20:10,21:11,22:12,23:13,24:14,25:15,26:16,27:17,28:18,29:$Vg1,34:73,35:$V2,36:$V3,39:58,40:$V4,41:83,42:$V5,43:$V6,45:60,46:$V7,47:$V8,48:30,50:27,51:$V9,52:$Va,53:$Vb,54:$Vc,55:$Vd,56:$Ve,57:26,64:74,68:57,69:28,70:32,71:31,72:$Vf,78:$Vg,79:$Vh1,80:$Vi,81:$Vj,84:34,85:$Vk,86:$Vl,91:56,93:42,95:29,102:$Vm,105:$Vn,107:$Vo,115:$Vp,124:$Vq,125:$Vr,126:$Vs,132:$Vt,136:$Vu,137:$Vv,139:45,140:$Vw,142:$Vx,143:46,144:$Vy,145:47,146:$Vz,148:80,156:$VA,161:43,162:$VB,164:$VC,165:$VD,166:$VE,167:$VF,168:$VG,169:$VH},{7:140,8:136,12:19,13:20,14:$V0,15:22,16:23,17:7,18:8,19:9,20:10,21:11,22:12,23:13,24:14,25:15,26:16,27:17,28:18,29:$Vg1,34:73,35:$V2,36:$V3,39:58,40:$V4,41:83,42:$V5,43:$V6,45:60,46:$V7,47:$V8,48:30,50:27,51:$V9,52:$Va,53:$Vb,54:$Vc,55:$Vd,56:$Ve,57:26,64:74,68:57,69:28,70:32,71:31,72:$Vf,78:$Vg,79:$Vh1,80:$Vi,81:$Vj,84:34,85:$Vk,86:$Vl,91:56,93:42,95:29,102:$Vm,105:$Vn,107:$Vo,115:$Vp,124:$Vq,125:$Vr,126:$Vs,132:$Vt,136:$Vu,137:$Vv,139:45,140:$Vw,142:$Vx,143:46,144:$Vy,145:47,146:$Vz,148:80,156:$VA,161:43,162:$VB,164:$VC,165:$VD,166:$VE,167:$VF,168:$VG,169:$VH},{7:141,8:136,12:19,13:20,14:$V0,15:22,16:23,17:7,18:8,19:9,20:10,21:11,22:12,23:13,24:14,25:15,26:16,27:17,28:18,29:$Vg1,34:73,35:$V2,36:$V3,39:58,40:$V4,41:83,42:$V5,43:$V6,45:60,46:$V7,47:$V8,48:30,50:27,51:$V9,52:$Va,53:$Vb,54:$Vc,55:$Vd,56:$Ve,57:26,64:74,68:57,69:28,70:
defaultActions: {71:[2,86],72:[2,87],251:[2,128],376:[2,160]},
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
parseError: function parseError(str, hash) {
if (hash.recoverable) {
} else {
Support import and export of ES2015 modules (#4300) This pull request adds support for ES2015 modules, by recognizing `import` and `export` statements. The following syntaxes are supported, based on the MDN [import](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import) and [export](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/export) pages: ```js import "module-name" import defaultMember from "module-name" import * as name from "module-name" import { } from "module-name" import { member } from "module-name" import { member as alias } from "module-name" import { member1, member2 as alias2, … } from "module-name" import defaultMember, * as name from "module-name" import defaultMember, { … } from "module-name" export default expression export class name export { } export { name } export { name as exportedName } export { name as default } export { name1, name2 as exportedName2, name3 as default, … } export * from "module-name" export { … } from "module-name" ``` As a subsitute for ECMAScript’s `export var name = …` and `export function name {}`, CoffeeScript also supports: ```js export name = … ``` CoffeeScript also supports optional commas within `{ … }`. This PR converts the supported `import` and `export` statements into ES2015 `import` and `export` statements; it **does not resolve the modules**. So any CoffeeScript with `import` or `export` statements will be output as ES2015, and will need to be transpiled by another tool such as Babel before it can be used in a browser. We will need to add a warning to the documentation explaining this. This should be fully backwards-compatible, as `import` and `export` were previously reserved keywords. No flags are used. There are extensive tests included, though because no current JavaScript runtime supports `import` or `export`, the tests compare strings of what the compiled CoffeeScript output is against what the expected ES2015 should be. I also conducted two more elaborate tests: * I forked the [ember-piqu](https://github.com/pauc/piqu-ember) project, which was an Ember CLI app that used ember-cli-coffeescript and [ember-cli-coffees6](https://github.com/alexspeller/ember-cli-coffees6) (which adds “support” for `import`/`export` by wrapping such statements in backticks before passing the result to the CoffeeScript compiler). I removed `ember-cli-coffees6` and replaced the CoffeeScript compiler used in the build chain with this code, and the app built without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-piqu) * I also forked the [CoffeeScript version of Meteor’s Todos example app](https://github.com/meteor/todos/tree/coffeescript), and replaced all of its `require` statements with the `import` and `export` statements from the original ES2015 version of the app on its `master` branch. I then updated the `coffeescript` Meteor package in the app to use this new code, and again the app builds without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-meteor-todos) The discussion history for this work started [here](https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript/pull/4160) and continued [here](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript/pull/2). @lydell provided guidance, and @JimPanic and @rattrayalex contributed essential code.
2016-09-14 14:46:05 -04:00
function _parseError (msg, hash) {
this.message = msg;
this.hash = hash;
_parseError.prototype = Error;
throw new _parseError(str, hash);
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
parse: function parse(input) {
var self = this, stack = [0], tstack = [], vstack = [null], lstack = [], table = this.table, yytext = '', yylineno = 0, yyleng = 0, recovering = 0, TERROR = 2, EOF = 1;
2013-12-19 21:08:25 -05:00
var args = lstack.slice.call(arguments, 1);
var lexer = Object.create(this.lexer);
var sharedState = { yy: {} };
for (var k in this.yy) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.yy, k)) {
sharedState.yy[k] = this.yy[k];
lexer.setInput(input, sharedState.yy);
sharedState.yy.lexer = lexer;
sharedState.yy.parser = this;
if (typeof lexer.yylloc == 'undefined') {
lexer.yylloc = {};
var yyloc = lexer.yylloc;
var ranges = lexer.options && lexer.options.ranges;
if (typeof sharedState.yy.parseError === 'function') {
this.parseError = sharedState.yy.parseError;
} else {
this.parseError = Object.getPrototypeOf(this).parseError;
function popStack(n) {
stack.length = stack.length - 2 * n;
vstack.length = vstack.length - n;
lstack.length = lstack.length - n;
Support import and export of ES2015 modules (#4300) This pull request adds support for ES2015 modules, by recognizing `import` and `export` statements. The following syntaxes are supported, based on the MDN [import](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import) and [export](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/export) pages: ```js import "module-name" import defaultMember from "module-name" import * as name from "module-name" import { } from "module-name" import { member } from "module-name" import { member as alias } from "module-name" import { member1, member2 as alias2, … } from "module-name" import defaultMember, * as name from "module-name" import defaultMember, { … } from "module-name" export default expression export class name export { } export { name } export { name as exportedName } export { name as default } export { name1, name2 as exportedName2, name3 as default, … } export * from "module-name" export { … } from "module-name" ``` As a subsitute for ECMAScript’s `export var name = …` and `export function name {}`, CoffeeScript also supports: ```js export name = … ``` CoffeeScript also supports optional commas within `{ … }`. This PR converts the supported `import` and `export` statements into ES2015 `import` and `export` statements; it **does not resolve the modules**. So any CoffeeScript with `import` or `export` statements will be output as ES2015, and will need to be transpiled by another tool such as Babel before it can be used in a browser. We will need to add a warning to the documentation explaining this. This should be fully backwards-compatible, as `import` and `export` were previously reserved keywords. No flags are used. There are extensive tests included, though because no current JavaScript runtime supports `import` or `export`, the tests compare strings of what the compiled CoffeeScript output is against what the expected ES2015 should be. I also conducted two more elaborate tests: * I forked the [ember-piqu](https://github.com/pauc/piqu-ember) project, which was an Ember CLI app that used ember-cli-coffeescript and [ember-cli-coffees6](https://github.com/alexspeller/ember-cli-coffees6) (which adds “support” for `import`/`export` by wrapping such statements in backticks before passing the result to the CoffeeScript compiler). I removed `ember-cli-coffees6` and replaced the CoffeeScript compiler used in the build chain with this code, and the app built without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-piqu) * I also forked the [CoffeeScript version of Meteor’s Todos example app](https://github.com/meteor/todos/tree/coffeescript), and replaced all of its `require` statements with the `import` and `export` statements from the original ES2015 version of the app on its `master` branch. I then updated the `coffeescript` Meteor package in the app to use this new code, and again the app builds without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-meteor-todos) The discussion history for this work started [here](https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript/pull/4160) and continued [here](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript/pull/2). @lydell provided guidance, and @JimPanic and @rattrayalex contributed essential code.
2016-09-14 14:46:05 -04:00
var lex = function () {
var token;
token = lexer.lex() || EOF;
if (typeof token !== 'number') {
token = self.symbols_[token] || token;
return token;
Support import and export of ES2015 modules (#4300) This pull request adds support for ES2015 modules, by recognizing `import` and `export` statements. The following syntaxes are supported, based on the MDN [import](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import) and [export](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/export) pages: ```js import "module-name" import defaultMember from "module-name" import * as name from "module-name" import { } from "module-name" import { member } from "module-name" import { member as alias } from "module-name" import { member1, member2 as alias2, … } from "module-name" import defaultMember, * as name from "module-name" import defaultMember, { … } from "module-name" export default expression export class name export { } export { name } export { name as exportedName } export { name as default } export { name1, name2 as exportedName2, name3 as default, … } export * from "module-name" export { … } from "module-name" ``` As a subsitute for ECMAScript’s `export var name = …` and `export function name {}`, CoffeeScript also supports: ```js export name = … ``` CoffeeScript also supports optional commas within `{ … }`. This PR converts the supported `import` and `export` statements into ES2015 `import` and `export` statements; it **does not resolve the modules**. So any CoffeeScript with `import` or `export` statements will be output as ES2015, and will need to be transpiled by another tool such as Babel before it can be used in a browser. We will need to add a warning to the documentation explaining this. This should be fully backwards-compatible, as `import` and `export` were previously reserved keywords. No flags are used. There are extensive tests included, though because no current JavaScript runtime supports `import` or `export`, the tests compare strings of what the compiled CoffeeScript output is against what the expected ES2015 should be. I also conducted two more elaborate tests: * I forked the [ember-piqu](https://github.com/pauc/piqu-ember) project, which was an Ember CLI app that used ember-cli-coffeescript and [ember-cli-coffees6](https://github.com/alexspeller/ember-cli-coffees6) (which adds “support” for `import`/`export` by wrapping such statements in backticks before passing the result to the CoffeeScript compiler). I removed `ember-cli-coffees6` and replaced the CoffeeScript compiler used in the build chain with this code, and the app built without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-piqu) * I also forked the [CoffeeScript version of Meteor’s Todos example app](https://github.com/meteor/todos/tree/coffeescript), and replaced all of its `require` statements with the `import` and `export` statements from the original ES2015 version of the app on its `master` branch. I then updated the `coffeescript` Meteor package in the app to use this new code, and again the app builds without errors. [Demo here.](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript-modules-test-meteor-todos) The discussion history for this work started [here](https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript/pull/4160) and continued [here](https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/coffeescript/pull/2). @lydell provided guidance, and @JimPanic and @rattrayalex contributed essential code.
2016-09-14 14:46:05 -04:00
var symbol, preErrorSymbol, state, action, a, r, yyval = {}, p, len, newState, expected;
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
while (true) {
state = stack[stack.length - 1];
if (this.defaultActions[state]) {
action = this.defaultActions[state];
} else {
if (symbol === null || typeof symbol == 'undefined') {
symbol = lex();
action = table[state] && table[state][symbol];
if (typeof action === 'undefined' || !action.length || !action[0]) {
var errStr = '';
expected = [];
for (p in table[state]) {
if (this.terminals_[p] && p > TERROR) {
expected.push('\'' + this.terminals_[p] + '\'');
if (lexer.showPosition) {
errStr = 'Parse error on line ' + (yylineno + 1) + ':\n' + lexer.showPosition() + '\nExpecting ' + expected.join(', ') + ', got \'' + (this.terminals_[symbol] || symbol) + '\'';
} else {
errStr = 'Parse error on line ' + (yylineno + 1) + ': Unexpected ' + (symbol == EOF ? 'end of input' : '\'' + (this.terminals_[symbol] || symbol) + '\'');
this.parseError(errStr, {
text: lexer.match,
token: this.terminals_[symbol] || symbol,
line: lexer.yylineno,
loc: yyloc,
expected: expected
if (action[0] instanceof Array && action.length > 1) {
throw new Error('Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: ' + state + ', token: ' + symbol);
switch (action[0]) {
case 1:
symbol = null;
if (!preErrorSymbol) {
yyleng = lexer.yyleng;
yytext = lexer.yytext;
yylineno = lexer.yylineno;
yyloc = lexer.yylloc;
if (recovering > 0) {
} else {
symbol = preErrorSymbol;
preErrorSymbol = null;
2010-02-13 18:19:59 -05:00
case 2:
len = this.productions_[action[1]][1];
yyval.$ = vstack[vstack.length - len];
yyval._$ = {
first_line: lstack[lstack.length - (len || 1)].first_line,
last_line: lstack[lstack.length - 1].last_line,
first_column: lstack[lstack.length - (len || 1)].first_column,
last_column: lstack[lstack.length - 1].last_column
if (ranges) {
yyval._$.range = [
lstack[lstack.length - (len || 1)].range[0],
lstack[lstack.length - 1].range[1]
2013-12-19 21:08:25 -05:00
r = this.performAction.apply(yyval, [
2013-12-19 21:08:25 -05:00
if (typeof r !== 'undefined') {
return r;
if (len) {
stack = stack.slice(0, -1 * len * 2);
vstack = vstack.slice(0, -1 * len);
lstack = lstack.slice(0, -1 * len);
newState = table[stack[stack.length - 2]][stack[stack.length - 1]];
case 3:
return true;
2010-01-30 23:17:36 -05:00
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
return true;
2013-12-19 21:08:25 -05:00
function Parser () {
this.yy = {};
Parser.prototype = parser;parser.Parser = Parser;
return new Parser;
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
if (typeof require !== 'undefined' && typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00
exports.parser = parser;
exports.Parser = parser.Parser;
2013-02-28 08:37:30 -05:00
exports.parse = function () { return parser.parse.apply(parser, arguments); };
exports.main = function () {};
if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && require.main === module) {
2013-02-28 08:37:30 -05:00
2010-02-10 23:24:05 -05:00