
473 lines
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2010-12-29 19:06:57 +00:00
# Formatting
# ----------
# TODO: maybe this file should be split up into their respective sections:
# operators -> operators
# array literals -> array literals
# string literals -> string literals
# function invocations -> function invocations
doesNotThrow -> CoffeeScript.compile "a = then b"
test "multiple semicolon-separated statements in parentheticals", ->
nonce = {}
eq nonce, (1; 2; nonce)
eq nonce, (-> return (1; 2; nonce))()
# * Line Continuation
# * Property Accesss
# * Operators
# * Array Literals
# * Function Invocations
# * String Literals
# Property Access
test "chained accesses split on period/newline, backwards and forwards", ->
str = 'abc'
result = str.
arrayEq ['c','b','a'], result
arrayEq ['c','b','a'], str.
result = str
arrayEq ['c','b','a'], result
2013-11-27 03:41:52 +00:00
arrayEq ['c','b','a'],
2013-11-27 03:41:52 +00:00
arrayEq ['c','b','a'],
# Operators
test "newline suppression for operators", ->
six =
1 +
2 +
eq 6, six
test "`?.` and `::` should continue lines", ->
2013-11-27 03:41:52 +00:00
ok not (
ok not (
#eq Object::toString, Date?.
doesNotThrow -> CoffeeScript.compile """
oh. yes
oh?. true
oh:: return
doesNotThrow -> CoffeeScript.compile """
test "#1768: space between `::` and index is ignored", ->
eq 'function', typeof String:: ['toString']
# Array Literals
test "indented array literals don't trigger whitespace rewriting", ->
getArgs = -> arguments
result = getArgs(
eq 1, result.length
# Function Invocations
doesNotThrow -> CoffeeScript.compile """
obj = then fn 1,
1: 1
b: ->
fn c,
d: e
f: 1
# String Literals
test "indented heredoc", ->
result = ((_) -> _)(
eq "abc", result
# Chaining - all open calls are closed by property access starting a new line
# * chaining after
# * indented argument
# * function block
# * indented object
# * single line arguments
# * inline function literal
# * inline object literal
# * chaining inside
# * implicit object literal
test "chaining after outdent", ->
id = (x) -> x
# indented argument
ff = id parseInt "ff",
eq '255', ff
# function block
str = 'abc'
zero = parseInt str.replace /\w/, (letter) ->
eq '0', zero
# indented object
a = id id
a: 1
eq 1, a
test "#1495, method call chaining", ->
str = 'abc'
result = str.split ''
.join ', '
eq 'a, b, c', result
result = str
.split ''
.join ', '
eq 'a, b, c', result
eq 'a, b, c', (str
.split ''
.join ', '
eq 'abc',
'aaabbbccc'.replace /(\w)\1\1/g, '$1$1'
.replace /([abc])\1/g, '$1'
# Nested calls
result = [1..3]
.slice Math.max 0, 1
.concat [3]
arrayEq [2, 3, 3], result
# Single line function arguments
result = [1..6]
.map (x) -> x * x
.filter (x) -> x % 2 is 0
arrayEq [36, 16, 4], result
# Single line implicit objects
id = (x) -> x
result = id a: 1
eq 1, result
# The parens are forced
result = str.split(''.
split ''
.join ''
).join ', '
eq 'a, b, c', result
test "chaining should not wrap spilling ternary", ->
throws -> CoffeeScript.compile """
if 0 then 1 else g
a: 42
test "chaining should wrap calls containing spilling ternary", ->
f = (x) -> h: x
id = (x) -> x
result = f if true then 42 else id
a: 2
eq 42, result
test "chaining should work within spilling ternary", ->
f = (x) -> h: x
id = (x) -> x
result = f if false then 1 else id
a: 3
eq 3, result.h
test "method call chaining inside objects", ->
f = (x) -> c: 42
result =
a: f 1
b: f a: 1
eq 42, result.b
test "#4568: refine sameLine implicit object tagging", ->
condition = yes
fn = -> yes
x =
fn bar: {
foo: 123
} if not condition
eq x, undefined
# Nested blocks caused by paren unwrapping
test "#1492: Nested blocks don't cause double semicolons", ->
2011-07-17 20:43:50 +00:00
js = CoffeeScript.compile '(0;0)'
eq -1, js.indexOf ';;'
test "#1195 Ignore trailing semicolons (before newlines or as the last char in a program)", ->
2012-02-04 00:08:45 +00:00
preNewline = (numSemicolons) ->
nonce = {}; nonce2 = {}
f = -> nonce#{Array(numSemicolons+1).join(';')}
unless f() is nonce then throw new Error('; before linebreak should = newline')
CoffeeScript.run(preNewline(n), bare: true) for n in [1,2,3]
lastChar = '-> lastChar;'
doesNotThrow -> CoffeeScript.compile lastChar, bare: true
2011-09-16 23:26:04 +00:00
test "#1299: Disallow token misnesting", ->
CoffeeScript.compile '''
ok no
catch e
2013-02-25 17:41:34 +00:00
eq 'unmatched ]', e.message
test "#2981: Enforce initial indentation", ->
2014-01-22 18:30:13 +00:00
CoffeeScript.compile ' a\nb-'
ok no
catch e
eq 'missing indentation', e.message
test "'single-line' expression containing multiple lines", ->
doesNotThrow -> CoffeeScript.compile """
(a, b) -> if a
else if b
then -b
else null
2014-01-22 18:30:13 +00:00
test "#1275: allow indentation before closing brackets", ->
array = [
eq array, array
do ->
a = 1
eq 1, a
test "dont allow mixing of spaces and tabs for indentation", ->
CoffeeScript.compile '''
new Layer
x: 0
y: 1
ok no
catch e
eq 'indentation mismatch', e.message
test "each code block that starts at indentation 0 can use a different style", ->
doesNotThrow ->
CoffeeScript.compile '''
new Layer
x: 0
y: 1
new Layer
x: 0
y: 1
test "tabs and spaces cannot be mixed for indentation", ->
CoffeeScript.compile '''
new Layer
x: 0
y: 1
ok no
catch e
eq 'mixed indentation', e.message
2017-04-08 20:12:55 +00:00
test "#4487: Handle unusual outdentation", ->
a =
switch 1
when 2
when 3 then no
when 1 then yes
eq yes, a
b = do ->
if no
if no
eq b, undefined
test "#3906: handle further indentation inside indented chain", ->
eq 1, CoffeeScript.eval '''
z = b: -> d: 2
e = ->
f = 3
.b ->
eq 1, CoffeeScript.eval '''
z = -> b: -> e: ->
2.0.0-beta3 (#4594) * Don’t confuse the syntax highlighter * Comment Assign::compilePatternMatch a bit * Assignment expressions in conditionals are a bad practice * Rename `wrapInBraces` to `wrapInParentheses`, to set the stage for future `wrapInBraces` that uses `{` and `wrapInBrackets` that uses `[` * Correct comment * object destructuring * Allow custom position of the rest element. * Output simple array destructuring assignments to ES2015 * Output simple object destructured assignments to ES2015 * Compile shorthand object properties to ES2015 shorthand properties This dramatically improves the appearance of destructured imports. * Don’t confuse the syntax highlighter * Comment Assign::compilePatternMatch a bit * Assignment expressions in conditionals are a bad practice * Rename `wrapInBraces` to `wrapInParentheses`, to set the stage for future `wrapInBraces` that uses `{` and `wrapInBrackets` that uses `[` * object destructuring * Allow custom position of the rest element. * rest element in object destructuring * rest element in object destructuring * fix string interpolation * merging * fixing splats in object literal * Rest element in parameter destructuring * merging with CS2 * merged with CS2 * Add support for the object spread initializer. https://github.com/tc39/proposal-object-rest-spread/blob/master/Spread.md * Fix misspellings, trailing whitespace, other minor details * merging with beta2 * refactor object spread properties * small fix * - Fixed object spread function parameters. - Clean up "Assign" and moved all logic for object rest properties in single method (compileObjectDestruct). - Add helper function "objectWithoutKeys" to the "UTILITIES" for use with object rest properties, e.g. {a, b, r...} = obj => {a, b} = obj, r = objectWithoutKeys(...) - Clean up "Obj" and moved all logic for object spread properties in single method (compileSpread). - Clean up "Code". - Add method "hasSplat" to "Obj" and "Value" for checking if Obj contains the splat. - Enable placing spread syntax triple dots on either right or left, per #85 (https://github.com/coffeescript6/discuss/issues/85) * Fixed typos * Remove unused code * Removed dots (e.g. splat) on the left side from the grammar * Initial release for deep spread properties, e.g. obj2 = {obj.b..., a: 1} or {obj[b][c]..., d: 7} Tests need to be prepared! * 1. Object literal spread properties Object literals: - obj = { {b:{c:{d:1}}}..., a:1 } Parenthetical: - obj = { ( body ), a:1 } - obj = { ( body )..., a:1 } Invocation: - obj = { ( (args) -> ... )(params), a:1 } - obj = { ( (args) -> ... )(params)..., a:1 } - obj = { foo(), a:1 } - obj = { foo()..., a:1 } 2. Refactor, cleanup & other optimizations. * Merged with 2.0 * Cleanup * Some more cleanup. * Fixed error with freeVariable and object destructuring. * Fixed errors with object spread properties. * Improvements, fixed errors. * Minor improvement. * Minor improvements. * Typo. * Remove unnecessary whitespace. * Remove unnecessary whitespace. * Changed few "assertErrorFormat" tests since parentheses are now allowed in the Obj. * Whitespace cleanup * Comments cleanup * fix destructured obj param declarations * refine fix; add test * Refactor function args ({a, b...}) * Additional tests for object destructuring in function argument. * Minor improvement for object destructuring variable declaration. * refactor function args ({a, b...}) and ({a, b...} = {}); Obj And Param cleanup * fix comment * Fix object destructuring variable declaration. * more tests with default values * fix typo * Fixed default values in object destructuring. * small fix * Babel’s tests for object rest spread * Style: spaces after colons in object declarations * Cleanup comments * Simplify Babel tests * Fix comments * Fix destructuring with splats in multiple objects * Add test for default values in detsructuring assignment with splats * Handle default values when assigning to object splats * Rewrite traverseRest to fix handling of dynamic keys * Fix double parens around destructuring with splats * Update compileObjectDestruct comments * Improve formatting of top-level destructures with splats and tidy parens * Added a bigger destructuring-with-defaults test and fixed a bug * Refactor destructuring grammar to allow additional forms * Add a missing case to ObjSpreadExpr * These tests shouldn’t run in the browser * Fix test.html * Fix docs scroll position getting screwed up by CodeMirror initialization * Breaking change documentation about => (fixes #4593) * Spread/rest syntax documentation * Documentation about bound class methods * 2.0.0-beta3 changelog * Add note about ‘lib’ * Fix accidentally converting this to tabs * Bump version to 2.0.0-beta3 * Update annotated source and test.html
2017-06-30 16:58:05 +00:00
c: 'd'
2.0.0-beta3 (#4594) * Don’t confuse the syntax highlighter * Comment Assign::compilePatternMatch a bit * Assignment expressions in conditionals are a bad practice * Rename `wrapInBraces` to `wrapInParentheses`, to set the stage for future `wrapInBraces` that uses `{` and `wrapInBrackets` that uses `[` * Correct comment * object destructuring * Allow custom position of the rest element. * Output simple array destructuring assignments to ES2015 * Output simple object destructured assignments to ES2015 * Compile shorthand object properties to ES2015 shorthand properties This dramatically improves the appearance of destructured imports. * Don’t confuse the syntax highlighter * Comment Assign::compilePatternMatch a bit * Assignment expressions in conditionals are a bad practice * Rename `wrapInBraces` to `wrapInParentheses`, to set the stage for future `wrapInBraces` that uses `{` and `wrapInBrackets` that uses `[` * object destructuring * Allow custom position of the rest element. * rest element in object destructuring * rest element in object destructuring * fix string interpolation * merging * fixing splats in object literal * Rest element in parameter destructuring * merging with CS2 * merged with CS2 * Add support for the object spread initializer. https://github.com/tc39/proposal-object-rest-spread/blob/master/Spread.md * Fix misspellings, trailing whitespace, other minor details * merging with beta2 * refactor object spread properties * small fix * - Fixed object spread function parameters. - Clean up "Assign" and moved all logic for object rest properties in single method (compileObjectDestruct). - Add helper function "objectWithoutKeys" to the "UTILITIES" for use with object rest properties, e.g. {a, b, r...} = obj => {a, b} = obj, r = objectWithoutKeys(...) - Clean up "Obj" and moved all logic for object spread properties in single method (compileSpread). - Clean up "Code". - Add method "hasSplat" to "Obj" and "Value" for checking if Obj contains the splat. - Enable placing spread syntax triple dots on either right or left, per #85 (https://github.com/coffeescript6/discuss/issues/85) * Fixed typos * Remove unused code * Removed dots (e.g. splat) on the left side from the grammar * Initial release for deep spread properties, e.g. obj2 = {obj.b..., a: 1} or {obj[b][c]..., d: 7} Tests need to be prepared! * 1. Object literal spread properties Object literals: - obj = { {b:{c:{d:1}}}..., a:1 } Parenthetical: - obj = { ( body ), a:1 } - obj = { ( body )..., a:1 } Invocation: - obj = { ( (args) -> ... )(params), a:1 } - obj = { ( (args) -> ... )(params)..., a:1 } - obj = { foo(), a:1 } - obj = { foo()..., a:1 } 2. Refactor, cleanup & other optimizations. * Merged with 2.0 * Cleanup * Some more cleanup. * Fixed error with freeVariable and object destructuring. * Fixed errors with object spread properties. * Improvements, fixed errors. * Minor improvement. * Minor improvements. * Typo. * Remove unnecessary whitespace. * Remove unnecessary whitespace. * Changed few "assertErrorFormat" tests since parentheses are now allowed in the Obj. * Whitespace cleanup * Comments cleanup * fix destructured obj param declarations * refine fix; add test * Refactor function args ({a, b...}) * Additional tests for object destructuring in function argument. * Minor improvement for object destructuring variable declaration. * refactor function args ({a, b...}) and ({a, b...} = {}); Obj And Param cleanup * fix comment * Fix object destructuring variable declaration. * more tests with default values * fix typo * Fixed default values in object destructuring. * small fix * Babel’s tests for object rest spread * Style: spaces after colons in object declarations * Cleanup comments * Simplify Babel tests * Fix comments * Fix destructuring with splats in multiple objects * Add test for default values in detsructuring assignment with splats * Handle default values when assigning to object splats * Rewrite traverseRest to fix handling of dynamic keys * Fix double parens around destructuring with splats * Update compileObjectDestruct comments * Improve formatting of top-level destructures with splats and tidy parens * Added a bigger destructuring-with-defaults test and fixed a bug * Refactor destructuring grammar to allow additional forms * Add a missing case to ObjSpreadExpr * These tests shouldn’t run in the browser * Fix test.html * Fix docs scroll position getting screwed up by CodeMirror initialization * Breaking change documentation about => (fixes #4593) * Spread/rest syntax documentation * Documentation about bound class methods * 2.0.0-beta3 changelog * Add note about ‘lib’ * Fix accidentally converting this to tabs * Bump version to 2.0.0-beta3 * Update annotated source and test.html
2017-06-30 16:58:05 +00:00
f = [
2.0.0-beta3 (#4594) * Don’t confuse the syntax highlighter * Comment Assign::compilePatternMatch a bit * Assignment expressions in conditionals are a bad practice * Rename `wrapInBraces` to `wrapInParentheses`, to set the stage for future `wrapInBraces` that uses `{` and `wrapInBrackets` that uses `[` * Correct comment * object destructuring * Allow custom position of the rest element. * Output simple array destructuring assignments to ES2015 * Output simple object destructured assignments to ES2015 * Compile shorthand object properties to ES2015 shorthand properties This dramatically improves the appearance of destructured imports. * Don’t confuse the syntax highlighter * Comment Assign::compilePatternMatch a bit * Assignment expressions in conditionals are a bad practice * Rename `wrapInBraces` to `wrapInParentheses`, to set the stage for future `wrapInBraces` that uses `{` and `wrapInBrackets` that uses `[` * object destructuring * Allow custom position of the rest element. * rest element in object destructuring * rest element in object destructuring * fix string interpolation * merging * fixing splats in object literal * Rest element in parameter destructuring * merging with CS2 * merged with CS2 * Add support for the object spread initializer. https://github.com/tc39/proposal-object-rest-spread/blob/master/Spread.md * Fix misspellings, trailing whitespace, other minor details * merging with beta2 * refactor object spread properties * small fix * - Fixed object spread function parameters. - Clean up "Assign" and moved all logic for object rest properties in single method (compileObjectDestruct). - Add helper function "objectWithoutKeys" to the "UTILITIES" for use with object rest properties, e.g. {a, b, r...} = obj => {a, b} = obj, r = objectWithoutKeys(...) - Clean up "Obj" and moved all logic for object spread properties in single method (compileSpread). - Clean up "Code". - Add method "hasSplat" to "Obj" and "Value" for checking if Obj contains the splat. - Enable placing spread syntax triple dots on either right or left, per #85 (https://github.com/coffeescript6/discuss/issues/85) * Fixed typos * Remove unused code * Removed dots (e.g. splat) on the left side from the grammar * Initial release for deep spread properties, e.g. obj2 = {obj.b..., a: 1} or {obj[b][c]..., d: 7} Tests need to be prepared! * 1. Object literal spread properties Object literals: - obj = { {b:{c:{d:1}}}..., a:1 } Parenthetical: - obj = { ( body ), a:1 } - obj = { ( body )..., a:1 } Invocation: - obj = { ( (args) -> ... )(params), a:1 } - obj = { ( (args) -> ... )(params)..., a:1 } - obj = { foo(), a:1 } - obj = { foo()..., a:1 } 2. Refactor, cleanup & other optimizations. * Merged with 2.0 * Cleanup * Some more cleanup. * Fixed error with freeVariable and object destructuring. * Fixed errors with object spread properties. * Improvements, fixed errors. * Minor improvement. * Minor improvements. * Typo. * Remove unnecessary whitespace. * Remove unnecessary whitespace. * Changed few "assertErrorFormat" tests since parentheses are now allowed in the Obj. * Whitespace cleanup * Comments cleanup * fix destructured obj param declarations * refine fix; add test * Refactor function args ({a, b...}) * Additional tests for object destructuring in function argument. * Minor improvement for object destructuring variable declaration. * refactor function args ({a, b...}) and ({a, b...} = {}); Obj And Param cleanup * fix comment * Fix object destructuring variable declaration. * more tests with default values * fix typo * Fixed default values in object destructuring. * small fix * Babel’s tests for object rest spread * Style: spaces after colons in object declarations * Cleanup comments * Simplify Babel tests * Fix comments * Fix destructuring with splats in multiple objects * Add test for default values in detsructuring assignment with splats * Handle default values when assigning to object splats * Rewrite traverseRest to fix handling of dynamic keys * Fix double parens around destructuring with splats * Update compileObjectDestruct comments * Improve formatting of top-level destructures with splats and tidy parens * Added a bigger destructuring-with-defaults test and fixed a bug * Refactor destructuring grammar to allow additional forms * Add a missing case to ObjSpreadExpr * These tests shouldn’t run in the browser * Fix test.html * Fix docs scroll position getting screwed up by CodeMirror initialization * Breaking change documentation about => (fixes #4593) * Spread/rest syntax documentation * Documentation about bound class methods * 2.0.0-beta3 changelog * Add note about ‘lib’ * Fix accidentally converting this to tabs * Bump version to 2.0.0-beta3 * Update annotated source and test.html
2017-06-30 16:58:05 +00:00
eq 1, CoffeeScript.eval '''
z = -> c: -> c: ->
.c 'a',
{b: 'a'}
test "#3199: throw multiline implicit object", ->
x = do ->
if no then throw
type: 'a'
msg: 'b'
eq undefined, x
y = do ->
if no then return
type: 'a'
msg: 'b'
eq undefined, y
y = do ->
type: 'a'
msg: 'b'
if no then yield
type: 'c'
msg: 'd'
{value, done} = y.next()
ok value.type is 'a' and done is no
{value, done} = y.next()
ok value is 1 and done is yes
test "#4576: multiple row function chaining", ->
eq @a, 3
.call a: 3
test "#4576: function chaining on separate rows", ->
do ->
.then ->
.then ok
test "#3736: chaining after do IIFE", ->
eq 3,
do ->
a: 3
eq 3,
do (b = (c) -> c) -> a: 3
b = 3
eq 3,
do (
{d} = {}
) ->
a: b
# preserve existing chaining behavior for non-IIFE `do`
b = c: -> 4
eq 4,
do b