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# See http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:egal
egal = (a, b) ->
if a is b
a isnt 0 or 1/a is 1/b
a isnt a and b isnt b
# A recursive functional equivalence helper; uses egal for testing equivalence.
arrayEgal = (a, b) ->
if egal a, b then yes
else if a instanceof Array and b instanceof Array
return no unless a.length is b.length
return no for el, idx in a when not arrayEgal el, b[idx]
exports.eq = (a, b, msg) -> ok egal(a, b), msg or "Expected #{a} to equal #{b}"
exports.arrayEq = (a, b, msg) -> ok arrayEgal(a,b), msg or "Expected #{a} to deep equal #{b}"