Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript.git synced 2022-11-09 12:23:24 -05:00

CoffeeScript-in-CoffeeScript just had it's first self-compiled snippet.

This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Ashkenas 2010-02-08 22:22:59 -05:00
parent d5c98165ea
commit 0b5b6113ee
7 changed files with 312 additions and 109 deletions

View file

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
JS = /^(``|`([\s\S]*?)([^\\]|\\\\)`)/;
OPERATOR = /^([+\*&|\/\-%=<>:!?]+)/;
WHITESPACE = /^([ \t]+)/;
COMMENT = /^(((\n?[ \t]*)?#.*$)+)/;
COMMENT = /^(((\n?[ \t]*)?#[^\n]*)+)/;
CODE = /^((-|=)>)/;
REGEX = /^(\/(.*?)([^\\]|\\\\)\/[imgy]{0,4})/;
MULTI_DENT = /^((\n([ \t]*))+)(\.)?/;
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
if (!((comment = this.match(COMMENT, 1)))) {
return false;
this.line += comment.match(MULTILINER).length;
this.line += (comment.match(MULTILINER) || []).length;
this.token('COMMENT', comment.replace(COMMENT_CLEANER, '').split(MULTILINER));
this.token('TERMINATOR', "\n");
this.i += comment.length;

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
var Expressions, LiteralNode, Node, TAB, TRAILING_WHITESPACE, compact, del, dup, flatten, inherit, merge, statement;
var CommentNode, Expressions, LiteralNode, Node, ReturnNode, TAB, TRAILING_WHITESPACE, ValueNode, compact, del, dup, flatten, inherit, merge, statement;
var __hasProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
// The abstract base class for all CoffeeScript nodes.
@ -86,6 +86,13 @@
__a = this.values = arguments;
return SliceNode === this.constructor ? this : __a;
exports.ThisNode = function ThisNode() {
var __a;
var arguments = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);
this.name = this.constructor.name;
__a = this.values = arguments;
return ThisNode === this.constructor ? this : __a;
exports.AssignNode = function AssignNode() {
var __a;
var arguments = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);
@ -200,18 +207,18 @@
// Flatten nested arrays recursively.
flatten = function flatten(list) {
var __a, __b, __c, item, memo;
var __a, __b, item, memo;
memo = [];
__a = []; __b = list;
for (__c = 0; __c < __b.length; __c++) {
item = __b[__c];
__a = list;
for (__b = 0; __b < __a.length; __b++) {
item = __a[__b];
if (item instanceof Array) {
return memo.concat(flatten(item));
return __a;
return memo;
// Remove all null values from an array.
compact = function compact(input) {
@ -273,8 +280,7 @@
// Quickie inheritance convenience wrapper to reduce typing.
inherit = function inherit(parent, props) {
var __a, __b, klass, name, prop;
klass = props.constructor;
delete props.constructor;
klass = del(props, 'constructor');
__a = function(){};
__a.prototype = parent.prototype;
klass.__superClass__ = parent.prototype;
@ -299,11 +305,11 @@
klass.prototype.is_statement = function is_statement() {
return true;
return klass.prototype.is_statement_only = function is_statement_only() {
if (only) {
if (only) {
return ((klass.prototype.is_statement_only = function is_statement_only() {
return true;
// The abstract base class for all CoffeeScript nodes.
// All nodes are implement a "compile_node" method, which performs the
@ -322,7 +328,7 @@
this.options = dup(o || {
this.indent = o.indent;
top = this.top_sensitive() ? o.top : del(obj('top'));
top = this.top_sensitive() ? o.top : del(o, 'top');
closure = this.is_statement() && !this.is_statement_only() && !top && !o.returns && !this instanceof CommentNode && !this.contains(function(node) {
return node.is_statement_only();
@ -338,7 +344,7 @@
// Quick short method for the current indentation level, plus tabbing in.
Node.prototype.idt = function idt(tabs) {
var __a, __b, __c, __d, i, idt;
idt = this.indent;
idt = (this.indent || '');
__c = 0; __d = (tabs || 0);
for (__b=0, i=__c; (__c <= __d ? i <= __d : i >= __d); (__c <= __d ? i += 1 : i -= 1), __b++) {
idt += TAB;
@ -436,7 +442,7 @@
var args, argv, code;
code = this.compile_node(o);
args = this.contains(function(node) {
return node instanceof ValueNode && node.arguments();
return node instanceof ValueNode && node.is_arguments();
argv = args && o.scope.check('arguments') ? '' : 'var ';
if (args) {
@ -456,8 +462,7 @@
this.indent = o.indent;
stmt = node.is_statement();
// We need to return the result if this is the last node in the expressions body.
returns = o.returns && this.is_last(node) && !node.is_statement_only();
delete o.returns;
returns = del(o, 'returns') && this.is_last(node) && !node.is_statement_only();
// Return the regular compile of the node, unless we need to return the result.
if (!(returns)) {
return (stmt ? '' : this.idt()) + node.compile(merge(o, {
@ -492,7 +497,8 @@
LiteralNode = (exports.LiteralNode = inherit(Node, {
constructor: function constructor(value) {
this.value = value;
return this.children = [value];
this.children = [value];
return this;
// Break and continue must be treated as statements -- they lose their meaning
// when wrapped in a closure.
@ -507,4 +513,103 @@
LiteralNode.prototype.is_statement_only = LiteralNode.prototype.is_statement;
// Return an expression, or wrap it in a closure and return it.
ReturnNode = (exports.ReturnNode = inherit(Node, {
constructor: function constructor(expression) {
this.expression = expression;
this.children = [expression];
return this;
compile_node: function compile_node(o) {
if (this.expression.is_statement()) {
return this.expression.compile(merge(o, {
returns: true
return this.idt() + 'return ' + this.expression.compile(o) + ';';
statement(ReturnNode, true);
// A value, indexed or dotted into, or vanilla.
ValueNode = (exports.ValueNode = inherit(Node, {
SOAK: " == undefined ? undefined : ",
constructor: function constructor(base, properties) {
this.base = base;
this.properties = flatten(properties || []);
this.children = flatten(this.base, this.properties);
return this;
push: function push(prop) {
return this.children.push(prop);
has_properties: function has_properties() {
return this.properties.length || this.base instanceof ThisNode;
is_array: function is_array() {
return this.base instanceof ArrayNode && !this.has_properties();
is_object: function is_object() {
return this.base instanceof ObjectNode && !this.has_properties();
is_splice: function is_splice() {
return this.has_properties() && this.properties[this.properties.length - 1] instanceof SliceNode;
is_arguments: function is_arguments() {
return this.base === 'arguments';
unwrap: function unwrap() {
return this.properties.length ? this : this.base;
// Values are statements if their base is a statement.
is_statement: function is_statement() {
return this.base.is_statement && this.base.is_statement() && !this.has_properties();
compile_node: function compile_node(o) {
var __a, __b, baseline, code, only, part, parts, prop, props, soaked, temp;
soaked = false;
only = del(o, 'only_first');
props = only ? this.properties.slice(0, this.properties.length) : this.properties;
baseline = this.base.compile(o);
parts = [baseline];
__a = props;
for (__b = 0; __b < __a.length; __b++) {
prop = __a[__b];
if (prop instanceof AccessorNode && prop.soak) {
soaked = true;
if (this.base instanceof CallNode && prop === props[0]) {
temp = o.scope.free_variable();
parts[parts.length - 1] = '(' + temp + ' = ' + baseline + ')' + this.SOAK + ((baseline = temp + prop.compile(o)));
} else {
parts[parts.length - 1] = this.SOAK + (baseline += prop.compile(o));
} else {
part = prop.compile(o);
baseline += part;
this.last = parts[parts.length - 1];
this.source = parts.length > 1 ? parts.slice(0, parts.length).join('') : null;
code = parts.join('').replace(/\)\(\)\)/, '()))');
if (!(soaked)) {
return code;
return '(' + code + ')';
// Pass through CoffeeScript comments into JavaScript comments at the
// same position.
CommentNode = (exports.CommentNode = inherit(Node, {
constructor: function constructor(lines) {
this.lines = lines;
return this;
compile_node: function compile_node(o) {
var delimiter;
delimiter = "\n" + this.idt() + '//';
return delimiter + this.lines.join(delimiter);

View file

@ -226,6 +226,80 @@ module CoffeeScript
# A value, indexed or dotted into, or vanilla.
class ValueNode < Node
children :base, :properties
attr_reader :last, :source
# Soak up undefined properties and call attempts.
SOAK = " == undefined ? undefined : "
def initialize(base, properties=[])
@base, @properties = base, [properties].flatten
def <<(other)
@properties << other
def properties?
return !@properties.empty? || @base.is_a?(ThisNode)
def array?
@base.is_a?(ArrayNode) && !properties?
def object?
@base.is_a?(ObjectNode) && !properties?
def splice?
properties? && @properties.last.is_a?(SliceNode)
def arguments?
@base.to_s == 'arguments'
def unwrap
@properties.empty? ? @base : self
# Values are statements if their base is a statement.
def statement?
@base.is_a?(Node) && @base.statement? && !properties?
def compile_node(o)
soaked = false
only = o.delete(:only_first)
props = only ? @properties[0...-1] : @properties
baseline = @base.compile(o)
parts = [baseline.dup]
props.each do |prop|
if prop.is_a?(AccessorNode) && prop.soak
soaked = true
if @base.is_a?(CallNode) && prop == props.first
temp = o[:scope].free_variable
parts[-1] = "(#{temp} = #{baseline})#{SOAK}#{baseline = temp.to_s + prop.compile(o)}"
parts[-1] << "#{SOAK}#{baseline += prop.compile(o)}"
part = prop.compile(o)
baseline += part
parts << part
@last = parts.last
@source = parts.length > 1 ? parts[0...-1].join('') : nil
code = parts.join('').gsub(')())', '()))')
write(soaked ? "(#{code})" : code)
# Pass through CoffeeScript comments into JavaScript comments at the
# same position.
class CommentNode < Node
@ -324,80 +398,6 @@ module CoffeeScript
# A value, indexed or dotted into, or vanilla.
class ValueNode < Node
children :base, :properties
attr_reader :last, :source
# Soak up undefined properties and call attempts.
SOAK = " == undefined ? undefined : "
def initialize(base, properties=[])
@base, @properties = base, [properties].flatten
def <<(other)
@properties << other
def properties?
return !@properties.empty? || @base.is_a?(ThisNode)
def array?
@base.is_a?(ArrayNode) && !properties?
def object?
@base.is_a?(ObjectNode) && !properties?
def splice?
properties? && @properties.last.is_a?(SliceNode)
def arguments?
@base.to_s == 'arguments'
def unwrap
@properties.empty? ? @base : self
# Values are statements if their base is a statement.
def statement?
@base.is_a?(Node) && @base.statement? && !properties?
def compile_node(o)
soaked = false
only = o.delete(:only_first)
props = only ? @properties[0...-1] : @properties
baseline = @base.compile(o)
parts = [baseline.dup]
props.each do |prop|
if prop.is_a?(AccessorNode) && prop.soak
soaked = true
if @base.is_a?(CallNode) && prop == props.first
temp = o[:scope].free_variable
parts[-1] = "(#{temp} = #{baseline})#{SOAK}#{baseline = temp.to_s + prop.compile(o)}"
parts[-1] << "#{SOAK}#{baseline += prop.compile(o)}"
part = prop.compile(o)
baseline += part
parts << part
@last = parts.last
@source = parts.length > 1 ? parts[0...-1].join('') : nil
code = parts.join('').gsub(')())', '()))')
write(soaked ? "(#{code})" : code)
# A dotted accessor into a part of a value, or the :: shorthand for
# an accessor into the object's prototype.
class AccessorNode < Node

View file

@ -91,11 +91,11 @@
this.tokens.splice(i + 2, 1);
this.tokens.splice(i - 2, 1);
return 0;
} else if (prev[0] === 'TERMINATOR' && after[0] === 'INDENT') {
} else if (prev && prev[0] === 'TERMINATOR' && after[0] === 'INDENT') {
this.tokens.splice(i + 2, 1);
this.tokens[i - 1] = after;
return 1;
} else if (prev[0] !== 'TERMINATOR' && prev[0] !== 'INDENT' && prev[0] !== 'OUTDENT') {
} else if (prev && prev[0] !== 'TERMINATOR' && prev[0] !== 'INDENT' && prev[0] !== 'OUTDENT') {
this.tokens.splice(i, 0, ['TERMINATOR', "\n", prev[2]]);
return 2;
} else {

View file

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ HEREDOC : /^("{6}|'{6}|"{3}\n?([\s\S]*?)\n?([ \t]*)"{3}|'{3}\n?([\s\S]*?)\n?(
JS : /^(``|`([\s\S]*?)([^\\]|\\\\)`)/
OPERATOR : /^([+\*&|\/\-%=<>:!?]+)/
WHITESPACE : /^([ \t]+)/
COMMENT : /^(((\n?[ \t]*)?#.*$)+)/
COMMENT : /^(((\n?[ \t]*)?#[^\n]*)+)/
CODE : /^((-|=)>)/
REGEX : /^(\/(.*?)([^\\]|\\\\)\/[imgy]{0,4})/
MULTI_DENT : /^((\n([ \t]*))+)(\.)?/
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ lex::regex_token: ->
# Matches and conumes comments.
lex::comment_token: ->
return false unless comment: this.match COMMENT, 1
this.line += comment.match(MULTILINER).length
this.line += (comment.match(MULTILINER) or []).length
this.token 'COMMENT', comment.replace(COMMENT_CLEANER, '').split(MULTILINER)
this.token 'TERMINATOR', "\n"
this.i += comment.length

View file

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ exports.AccessorNode : -> @name: this.constructor.name; @values: arguments
exports.IndexNode : -> @name: this.constructor.name; @values: arguments
exports.RangeNode : -> @name: this.constructor.name; @values: arguments
exports.SliceNode : -> @name: this.constructor.name; @values: arguments
exports.ThisNode : -> @name: this.constructor.name; @values: arguments
exports.AssignNode : -> @name: this.constructor.name; @values: arguments
exports.OpNode : -> @name: this.constructor.name; @values: arguments
exports.CodeNode : -> @name: this.constructor.name; @values: arguments
@ -51,6 +52,7 @@ flatten: (list) ->
return memo.concat(flatten(item)) if item instanceof Array
# Remove all null values from an array.
compact: (input) ->
@ -78,8 +80,7 @@ del: (obj, key) ->
# Quickie inheritance convenience wrapper to reduce typing.
inherit: (parent, props) ->
klass: props.constructor
delete props.constructor
klass: del(props, 'constructor')
klass extends parent
(klass.prototype[name]: prop) for name, prop of props
@ -93,7 +94,7 @@ inherit: (parent, props) ->
# Mark a node as a statement, or a statement only.
statement: (klass, only) ->
klass::is_statement: -> true
klass::is_statement_only: -> true if only
(klass::is_statement_only: -> true) if only
# The abstract base class for all CoffeeScript nodes.
@ -112,7 +113,7 @@ Node: exports.Node: ->
Node::compile: (o) ->
@options: dup(o || {})
@indent: o.indent
top: if @top_sensitive() then o.top else del obj 'top'
top: if @top_sensitive() then o.top else del o, 'top'
closure: @is_statement() and not @is_statement_only() and not top and
not o.returns and not this instanceof CommentNode and
not @contains (node) -> node.is_statement_only()
@ -127,7 +128,7 @@ Node::compile_closure: (o) ->
# Quick short method for the current indentation level, plus tabbing in.
Node::idt: (tabs) ->
idt: @indent
idt: (@indent || '')
idt += TAB for i in [0..(tabs or 0)]
@ -197,7 +198,7 @@ Expressions: exports.Expressions: inherit Node, {
# pushed up to the top.
compile_with_declarations: (o) ->
code: @compile_node(o)
args: @contains (node) -> node instanceof ValueNode and node.arguments()
args: @contains (node) -> node instanceof ValueNode and node.is_arguments()
argv: if args and o.scope.check('arguments') then '' else 'var '
code: @idt() + argv + "arguments = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);\n" + code if args
code: @idt() + 'var ' + o.scope.compiled_assignments() + ";\n" + code if o.scope.has_assignments(this)
@ -209,8 +210,7 @@ Expressions: exports.Expressions: inherit Node, {
@indent: o.indent
stmt: node.is_statement()
# We need to return the result if this is the last node in the expressions body.
returns: o.returns and @is_last(node) and not node.is_statement_only()
delete o.returns
returns: del(o, 'returns') and @is_last(node) and not node.is_statement_only()
# Return the regular compile of the node, unless we need to return the result.
return (if stmt then '' else @idt()) + node.compile(merge(o, {top: true})) + (if stmt then '' else ';') unless returns
# If it's a statement, the node knows how to return itself.
@ -237,6 +237,7 @@ LiteralNode: exports.LiteralNode: inherit Node, {
constructor: (value) ->
@value: value
@children: [value]
# Break and continue must be treated as statements -- they lose their meaning
# when wrapped in a closure.
@ -253,7 +254,104 @@ LiteralNode: exports.LiteralNode: inherit Node, {
LiteralNode::is_statement_only: LiteralNode::is_statement
# Return an expression, or wrap it in a closure and return it.
ReturnNode: exports.ReturnNode: inherit Node, {
constructor: (expression) ->
@expression: expression
@children: [expression]
compile_node: (o) ->
return @expression.compile(merge(o, {returns: true})) if @expression.is_statement()
@idt() + 'return ' + @expression.compile(o) + ';'
statement ReturnNode, true
# A value, indexed or dotted into, or vanilla.
ValueNode: exports.ValueNode: inherit Node, {
SOAK: " == undefined ? undefined : "
constructor: (base, properties) ->
@base: base
@properties: flatten(properties or [])
@children: flatten(@base, @properties)
push: (prop) ->
has_properties: ->
@properties.length or @base instanceof ThisNode
is_array: ->
@base instanceof ArrayNode and not @has_properties()
is_object: ->
@base instanceof ObjectNode and not @has_properties()
is_splice: ->
@has_properties() and @properties[@properties.length - 1] instanceof SliceNode
is_arguments: ->
@base is 'arguments'
unwrap: ->
if @properties.length then this else @base
# Values are statements if their base is a statement.
is_statement: ->
@base.is_statement and @base.is_statement() and not @has_properties()
compile_node: (o) ->
soaked: false
only: del(o, 'only_first')
props: if only then @properties[0...@properties.length] else @properties
baseline: @base.compile o
parts: [baseline]
for prop in props
if prop instanceof AccessorNode and prop.soak
soaked: true
if @base instanceof CallNode and prop is props[0]
temp: o.scope.free_variable()
parts[parts.length - 1]: '(' + temp + ' = ' + baseline + ')' + @SOAK + (baseline: temp + prop.compile(o))
parts[parts.length - 1]: @SOAK + (baseline += prop.compile(o))
part: prop.compile(o)
baseline += part
@last: parts[parts.length - 1]
@source: if parts.length > 1 then parts[0...parts.length].join('') else null
code: parts.join('').replace(/\)\(\)\)/, '()))')
return code unless soaked
'(' + code + ')'
# Pass through CoffeeScript comments into JavaScript comments at the
# same position.
CommentNode: exports.CommentNode: inherit Node, {
constructor: (lines) ->
@lines: lines
compile_node: (o) ->
delimiter: "\n" + @idt() + '//'
delimiter + @lines.join(delimiter)
statement CommentNode

View file

@ -77,11 +77,11 @@ re::adjust_comments: ->
this.tokens.splice(i + 2, 1)
this.tokens.splice(i - 2, 1)
return 0
else if prev[0] is 'TERMINATOR' and after[0] is 'INDENT'
else if prev and prev[0] is 'TERMINATOR' and after[0] is 'INDENT'
this.tokens.splice(i + 2, 1)
this.tokens[i - 1]: after
return 1
else if prev[0] isnt 'TERMINATOR' and prev[0] isnt 'INDENT' and prev[0] isnt 'OUTDENT'
else if prev and prev[0] isnt 'TERMINATOR' and prev[0] isnt 'INDENT' and prev[0] isnt 'OUTDENT'
this.tokens.splice(i, 0, ['TERMINATOR', "\n", prev[2]])
return 2