self-compiler handles throws, the existential operator, and parentheticals.

This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Ashkenas 2010-02-10 19:13:11 -05:00
parent 4e7408dc25
commit 0c2a13b468
3 changed files with 96 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
var AccessorNode, ArrayNode, AssignNode, CallNode, ClosureNode, CodeNode, CommentNode, Expressions, ExtendsNode, IDENTIFIER, IndexNode, LiteralNode, Node, ObjectNode, OpNode, PushNode, RangeNode, ReturnNode, SliceNode, SplatNode, TAB, TRAILING_WHITESPACE, ThisNode, TryNode, ValueNode, WhileNode, any, compact, del, dup, flatten, inherit, merge, statement;
var AccessorNode, ArrayNode, AssignNode, CallNode, ClosureNode, CodeNode, CommentNode, ExistenceNode, Expressions, ExtendsNode, IDENTIFIER, IndexNode, LiteralNode, Node, ObjectNode, OpNode, ParentheticalNode, PushNode, RangeNode, ReturnNode, SliceNode, SplatNode, TAB, TRAILING_WHITESPACE, ThisNode, ThrowNode, TryNode, ValueNode, WhileNode, any, compact, del, dup, flatten, inherit, merge, statement;
var __hasProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
// The abstract base class for all CoffeeScript nodes.
@ -1134,4 +1134,53 @@
// Throw an exception.
ThrowNode = (exports.ThrowNode = inherit(Node, {
constructor: function constructor(expression) {
this.children = [(this.expression = expression)];
return this;
compile_node: function compile_node(o) {
return this.idt() + 'throw ' + this.expression.compile(o) + ';';
statement(ThrowNode, true);
// Check an expression for existence (meaning not null or undefined).
ExistenceNode = (exports.ExistenceNode = inherit(Node, {
constructor: function constructor(expression) {
this.children = [(this.expression = expression)];
return this;
compile_node: function compile_node(o) {
return ExistenceNode.compile_test(o, this.expression);
ExistenceNode.compile_test = function compile_test(o, variable) {
var __a, __b, first, second;
__a = [variable, variable];
first = __a[0];
second = __a[1];
if (variable instanceof CallNode) {
__b = variable.compile_reference(o);
first = __b[0];
second = __b[1];
return '(typeof ' + first.compile(o) + ' !== "undefined" && ' + second.compile(o) + ' !== null)';
// An extra set of parentheses, specified explicitly in the source.
ParentheticalNode = (exports.ParentheticalNode = inherit(Node, {
constructor: function constructor(expressions) {
this.children = [(this.expressions = expressions)];
return this;
compile_node: function compile_node(o) {
var code, l;
code = this.expressions.compile(o);
l = code.length;
if (code.substr(l - 1, 1) === ';') {
code = code.substr(o, l - 1);
return '(' + code + ')';

View File

@ -853,9 +853,7 @@ module CoffeeScript
# An extra set of parentheses, supplied by the script source.
# You can't wrap parentheses around bits that get compiled into JS statements,
# unfortunately.
# An extra set of parentheses, specified explicitly in the source.
class ParentheticalNode < Node
children :expressions

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@ -825,6 +825,51 @@ TryNode: exports.TryNode: inherit Node, {
statement TryNode
# Throw an exception.
ThrowNode: exports.ThrowNode: inherit Node, {
constructor: (expression) ->
@children: [@expression: expression]
compile_node: (o) ->
@idt() + 'throw ' + @expression.compile(o) + ';'
statement ThrowNode, true
# Check an expression for existence (meaning not null or undefined).
ExistenceNode: exports.ExistenceNode: inherit Node, {
constructor: (expression) ->
@children: [@expression: expression]
compile_node: (o) ->
ExistenceNode.compile_test(o, @expression)
ExistenceNode.compile_test: (o, variable) ->
[first, second]: [variable, variable]
[first, second]: variable.compile_reference(o) if variable instanceof CallNode
'(typeof ' + first.compile(o) + ' !== "undefined" && ' + second.compile(o) + ' !== null)'
# An extra set of parentheses, specified explicitly in the source.
ParentheticalNode: exports.ParentheticalNode: inherit Node, {
constructor: (expressions) ->
@children: [@expressions: expressions]
compile_node: (o) ->
code: @expressions.compile(o)
l: code.length
code: code.substr(o, l-1) if code.substr(l-1, 1) is ';'
'(' + code + ')'