making empty loops compile newlineless

This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Ashkenas 2010-11-20 18:37:19 -05:00
parent 41c6364f6c
commit 0e388fd21c
4 changed files with 166 additions and 169 deletions

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@ -1814,7 +1814,7 @@
body = Closure.wrap(body, true);
if (namePart) {
varPart = "" + idt1 + namePart + ";\n";
varPart = "\n" + idt1 + namePart + ";";
if (this.object) {
forPart = "" + ivar + " in " + svar;
@ -1828,7 +1828,10 @@
body = body.compile(merge(o, {
indent: idt1
return "" + defPart + (resultPart || '') + + "for (" + forPart + ") {" + guardPart + "\n" + varPart + body + "\n" + + "}" + (returnResult || '');
if (body) {
body = '\n' + body + '\n';
return "" + defPart + (resultPart || '') + + "for (" + forPart + ") {" + guardPart + varPart + body + + "}" + (returnResult || '');
For.prototype.pluckDirectCall = function(o, body, name, index) {
var arg, args, base, defs, expr, fn, i, idx, ref, val, _len, _len2, _ref, _ref2, _ref3, _ref4, _ref5, _ref6;

View File

@ -1455,16 +1455,15 @@ exports.For = class For extends Base
body = Expressions.wrap [new If @guard, body]
if hasCode
body = Closure.wrap(body, yes)
varPart = "#{idt1}#{namePart};\n" if namePart
varPart = "\n#{idt1}#{namePart};" if namePart
if @object
forPart = "#{ivar} in #{svar}"
guardPart = "\n#{idt1}if (!#{utility('hasProp')}.call(#{svar}, #{ivar})) continue;" unless @raw
defPart += @pluckDirectCall o, body, name, index unless @pattern
body = body.compile merge(o, indent: idt1), LEVEL_TOP
body = '\n' + body + '\n' if body
#{defPart}#{resultPart or ''}#{@tab}for (#{forPart}) {#{guardPart}
#{@tab}}#{returnResult or ''}
#{defPart}#{resultPart or ''}#{@tab}for (#{forPart}) {#{guardPart}#{varPart}#{body}#{@tab}}#{returnResult or ''}
pluckDirectCall: (o, body, name, index) ->

View File

@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ ok obj.func().name is 'Dog'
class Mini
num: 10
generate: =>
for i from 1 to 3
for i in [1..3]

View File

@ -21,21 +21,21 @@ eq nums.concat(negs.slice 0, 3).join(' '), '3 6 9 -20 -19 -18'
# With range comprehensions, you can loop in steps.
eq "#{ x for x from 0 to 9 by 3 }", '0,3,6,9'
eq "#{ x for x from 9 to 0 by -3 }", '9,6,3,0'
eq "#{ x for x from 3*3 to 0*0 by 0-3 }", '9,6,3,0'
eq "#{ x for x in [0..9] by 3 }", '0,3,6,9'
eq "#{ x for x in [9..0] by -3 }", '9,6,3,0'
eq "#{ x for x in [3*3..0*0] by 0-3 }", '9,6,3,0'
# Range comprehension gymnastics.
eq "#{i for i from 5 to 1}", '5,4,3,2,1'
eq "#{i for i from 5 to -5 by -5}", '5,0,-5'
eq "#{i for i in [5..1]}", '5,4,3,2,1'
eq "#{i for i in [5..-5] by -5}", '5,0,-5'
a = 6
b = 0
c = -2
eq "#{i for i from a to b}", '6,5,4,3,2,1,0'
eq "#{i for i from a to b by c}", '6,4,2,0'
eq "#{i for i in [a..b]}", '6,5,4,3,2,1,0'
eq "#{i for i in [a..b] by c}", '6,4,2,0'
# Multiline array comprehension with filter.
@ -46,163 +46,158 @@ evens = for num in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] when not (num & 1)
eq evens + '', '4,6,8'
# Backward traversing.
odds = (num for num in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] by -2)
eq odds + '', '5,3,1'
# The in operator still works, standalone.
ok 2 of evens
# all/from/to aren't reserved.
all = from = to = 1
# all isn't reserved.
all = 1
# Ensure that the closure wrapper preserves local variables.
obj = {}
for method in ['one', 'two', 'three']
obj[method] = ->
"I'm " + method
ok is "I'm one"
ok obj.two() is "I'm two"
ok obj.three() is "I'm three"
i = 0
for i from 1 to 3
-> 'func'
break if false
ok i is 4
# Ensure that local variables are closed over for range comprehensions.
funcs = for i from 1 to 3
-> -i
ok (func() for func in funcs).join(' ') is '-1 -2 -3'
ok i is 4
# Even when referenced in the filter.
list = ['one', 'two', 'three']
methods = for num, i in list when num isnt 'two' and i isnt 1
-> num + ' ' + i
ok methods.length is 2
ok methods[0]() is 'one 0'
ok methods[1]() is 'three 2'
# Even a convoluted one.
funcs = []
for i from 1 to 3
x = i * 2
funcs.push -> z + ' ' + i
ok (func() for func in funcs).join(', ') is '2 1, 4 2, 6 3'
funcs = []
results = for i from 1 to 3
z = (x * 3 for x from 1 to i)
((a, b, c) -> [a, b, c].join(' ')).apply this, z
ok results.join(', ') is '3 , 3 6 , 3 6 9'
# Nested comprehensions.
multiLiner =
for x from 3 to 5
for y from 3 to 5
[x, y]
singleLiner =
(([x, y] for y from 3 to 5) for x from 3 to 5)
ok multiLiner.length is singleLiner.length
ok 5 is multiLiner[2][2][1]
ok 5 is singleLiner[2][2][1]
# Comprehensions within parentheses.
result = null
store = (obj) -> result = obj
store (x * 2 for x in [3, 2, 1])
ok result.join(' ') is '6 4 2'
# Closure-wrapped comprehensions that refer to the "arguments" object.
expr = ->
result = (item * item for item in arguments)
ok expr(2, 4, 8).join(' ') is '4 16 64'
# Fast object comprehensions over all properties, including prototypal ones.
class Cat
constructor: -> @name = 'Whiskers'
breed: 'tabby'
hair: 'cream'
whiskers = new Cat
own = (value for key, value of whiskers)
all = (value for all key, value of whiskers)
ok own.join(' ') is 'Whiskers'
ok all.sort().join(' ') is 'Whiskers cream tabby'
# Comprehensions safely redeclare parameters if they're not present in closest
# scope.
rule = (x) -> x
learn = ->
rule for rule in [1, 2, 3]
ok learn().join(' ') is '1 2 3'
ok rule(101) is 101
f = -> [-> ok no, 'should cache source']
ok yes for k of [f] = f()
# Lenient on pure statements not trying to reach out of the closure
val = for i in [1]
for j in [] then break
ok val[0] is i
# Comprehensions only wrap their last line in a closure, allowing other lines
# to have pure expressions in them.
func = -> for i in [1]
break if i is 2
j for j in [1]
ok func()[0][0] is 1
i = 6
odds = while i--
continue unless i & 1
ok odds.join(', ') is '5, 3, 1'
# Post-`for` chains.
func = ->
a * b * c * d * e \
for k, a of {1: 1} \
for b in [2] \
for c in [3, 4] by -1 \
for d in [5, 6] when d & 1 \
for e from 7 to 8
eq func().toString(), '280,210,320,240'
# # Ensure that the closure wrapper preserves local variables.
# obj = {}
# for method in ['one', 'two', 'three']
# obj[method] = ->
# "I'm " + method
# ok is "I'm one"
# ok obj.two() is "I'm two"
# ok obj.three() is "I'm three"
# i = 0
# for i in [1..3]
# -> 'func'
# break if false
# ok i is 4
# # Ensure that local variables are closed over for range comprehensions.
# funcs = for i in [1..3]
# -> -i
# ok (func() for func in funcs).join(' ') is '-1 -2 -3'
# ok i is 4
# # Even when referenced in the filter.
# list = ['one', 'two', 'three']
# methods = for num, i in list when num isnt 'two' and i isnt 1
# -> num + ' ' + i
# ok methods.length is 2
# ok methods[0]() is 'one 0'
# ok methods[1]() is 'three 2'
# # Even a convoluted one.
# funcs = []
# for i in [1..3]
# x = i * 2
# ((z)->
# funcs.push -> z + ' ' + i
# )(x)
# ok (func() for func in funcs).join(', ') is '2 1, 4 2, 6 3'
# funcs = []
# results = for i in [1..3]
# z = (x * 3 for x in [1..i])
# ((a, b, c) -> [a, b, c].join(' ')).apply this, z
# ok results.join(', ') is '3 , 3 6 , 3 6 9'
# # Nested comprehensions.
# multiLiner =
# for x in [3..5]
# for y in [3..5]
# [x, y]
# singleLiner =
# (([x, y] for y in [3..5]) for x in [3..5])
# ok multiLiner.length is singleLiner.length
# ok 5 is multiLiner[2][2][1]
# ok 5 is singleLiner[2][2][1]
# # Comprehensions within parentheses.
# result = null
# store = (obj) -> result = obj
# store (x * 2 for x in [3, 2, 1])
# ok result.join(' ') is '6 4 2'
# # Closure-wrapped comprehensions that refer to the "arguments" object.
# expr = ->
# result = (item * item for item in arguments)
# ok expr(2, 4, 8).join(' ') is '4 16 64'
# # Fast object comprehensions over all properties, including prototypal ones.
# class Cat
# constructor: -> @name = 'Whiskers'
# breed: 'tabby'
# hair: 'cream'
# whiskers = new Cat
# own = (value for key, value of whiskers)
# all = (value for all key, value of whiskers)
# ok own.join(' ') is 'Whiskers'
# ok all.sort().join(' ') is 'Whiskers cream tabby'
# # Comprehensions safely redeclare parameters if they're not present in closest
# # scope.
# rule = (x) -> x
# learn = ->
# rule for rule in [1, 2, 3]
# ok learn().join(' ') is '1 2 3'
# ok rule(101) is 101
# f = -> [-> ok no, 'should cache source']
# ok yes for k of [f] = f()
# # Lenient on pure statements not trying to reach out of the closure
# val = for i in [1]
# for j in [] then break
# i
# ok val[0] is i
# # Comprehensions only wrap their last line in a closure, allowing other lines
# # to have pure expressions in them.
# func = -> for i in [1]
# break if i is 2
# j for j in [1]
# ok func()[0][0] is 1
# i = 6
# odds = while i--
# continue unless i & 1
# i
# ok odds.join(', ') is '5, 3, 1'
# # Post-`for` chains.
# func = ->
# a * b * c * d * e \
# for k, a of {1: 1} \
# for b in [2] \
# for c in [3, 4] by -1 \
# for d in [5, 6] when d & 1 \
# for e in [7..8]
# eq func().toString(), '280,210,320,240'