merging jeff olson's work

This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Ashkenas 2010-02-07 15:45:05 -05:00
commit 1aa966bba6
6 changed files with 581 additions and 19 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,13 @@
var compact, dup, flatten;
var __hasProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
// The abstract base class for all CoffeeScript nodes.
// All nodes are implement a "compile_node" method, which performs the
// code generation for that node. To compile a node, call the "compile"
// method, which wraps "compile_node" in some extra smarts, to know when the
// generated code should be wrapped up in a closure. An options hash is passed
// and cloned throughout, containing messages from higher in the AST,
// information about the current scope, and indentation level.
exports.Node = function Node() {
var __a;
var arguments =, 0);
@ -191,4 +200,244 @@
exports.Expressions.wrap = function wrap(values) {
return this.values = values;
// Some helper functions
// TODO -- shallow (1 deep) flatten..
// need recursive version..
flatten = function flatten(aggList, newList) {
var __a, __b, item;
__a = newList;
for (__b = 0; __b < __a.length; __b++) {
item = __a[__b];
return aggList;
compact = function compact(input) {
var __a, __b, __c, compected, item;
compected = [];
__a = []; __b = input;
for (__c = 0; __c < __b.length; __c++) {
item = __b[__c];
__a.push((typeof item !== "undefined" && item !== null) ? compacted.push(item) : null);
return __a;
dup = function dup(input) {
var __a, __b, __c, key, output, val;
output = null;
if (input instanceof Array) {
output = [];
__a = input;
for (__b = 0; __b < __a.length; __b++) {
val = __a[__b];
} else {
output = {
__c = input;
for (key in __c) {
val = __c[key];
if (, key)) {
output.key = val;
return output;
exports.Node.prototype.TAB = ' ';
// Tag this node as a statement, meaning that it can't be used directly as
// the result of an expression.
exports.Node.prototype.mark_as_statement = function mark_as_statement() {
return this.is_statement = function is_statement() {
return true;
// Tag this node as a statement that cannot be transformed into an expression.
// (break, continue, etc.) It doesn't make sense to try to transform it.
exports.Node.prototype.mark_as_statement_only = function mark_as_statement_only() {
return this.is_statement_only = function is_statement_only() {
return true;
// This node needs to know if it's being compiled as a top-level statement,
// in order to compile without special expression conversion.
exports.Node.prototype.mark_as_top_sensitive = function mark_as_top_sensitive() {
return this.is_top_sensitive = function is_top_sensitive() {
return true;
// Provide a quick implementation of a children method.
exports.Node.prototype.children = function children(attributes) {
var __a, __b, agg, compacted, item;
// TODO -- are these optimal impls of flatten and compact
// .. do better ones exist in a stdlib?
agg = [];
__a = attributes;
for (__b = 0; __b < __a.length; __b++) {
item = __a[__b];
agg = flatten(agg, item);
compacted = compact(agg);
return this.children = function children() {
return compacted;
exports.Node.prototype.write = function write(code) {
// hm..
// TODO -- should print to STDOUT in "VERBOSE" how to
// go about this.. ? jsonify 'this'?
// use node's puts ??
return code;
// This is extremely important -- we convert JS statements into expressions
// by wrapping them in a closure, only if it's possible, and we're not at
// the top level of a block (which would be unnecessary), and we haven't
// already been asked to return the result.
exports.Node.prototype.compile = function compile(o) {
var closure, opts, top;
// TODO -- need JS dup/clone
opts = (typeof !o !== "undefined" && !o !== null) ? {
} : o;
this.options = opts;
this.indent = opts.indent;
top =;
!this.is_top_sentitive() ? ( = undefined) : null;
closure = this.is_statement() && !this.is_statement_only() && !top && typeof (this) === "CommentNode";
closure = closure && !this.do_i_contain(function(n) {
return n.is_statement_only();
return closure ? this.compile_closure(this.options) : compile_node(this.options);
// Statements converted into expressions share scope with their parent
// closure, to preserve JavaScript-style lexical scope.
exports.Node.prototype.compile_closure = function compile_closure(o) {
var opts;
opts = (typeof !o !== "undefined" && !o !== null) ? {
} : o;
this.indent = opts.indent;
opts.shared_scope = o.scope;
return exports.ClosureNode.wrap(this).compile(opts);
// Quick short method for the current indentation level, plus tabbing in.
exports.Node.prototype.idt = function idt(tLvl) {
var __a, __b, __c, __d, tabAmt, tabs, x;
tabs = (typeof tLvl !== "undefined" && tLvl !== null) ? tLvl : 0;
tabAmt = '';
__c = 0; __d = tabs;
for (__b=0, x=__c; (__c <= __d ? x < __d : x > __d); (__c <= __d ? x += 1 : x -= 1), __b++) {
tabAmt = tabAmt + this.TAB;
return this.indent + tabAmt;
//Does this node, or any of it's children, contain a node of a certain kind?
exports.Node.prototype.do_i_contain = function do_i_contain(block) {
var __a, __b, node;
__a = this.children;
for (__b = 0; __b < __a.length; __b++) {
node = __a[__b];
if (block(node)) {
return true;
if (node instanceof exports.Node && node.do_i_contain(block)) {
return true;
return false;
// Default implementations of the common node methods.
exports.Node.prototype.unwrap = function unwrap() {
return this;
exports.Node.prototype.children = [];
exports.Node.prototype.is_a_statement = function is_a_statement() {
return false;
exports.Node.prototype.is_a_statement_only = function is_a_statement_only() {
return false;
exports.Node.prototype.is_top_sensitive = function is_top_sensitive() {
return false;
// A collection of nodes, each one representing an expression.
// exports.Expressions: (nodes) ->
// this.mark_as_statement()
// this.expressions: []
// this.children([this.expressions])
// for n in nodes
// this.expressions: flatten this.expressions, n
// exports.Expressions extends exports.Node
exports.Expressions.prototype.TRAILING_WHITESPACE = /\s+$/;
// Wrap up a node as an Expressions, unless it already is.
exports.Expressions.prototype.wrap = function wrap(nodes) {
if (nodes.length === 1 && nodes[0] instanceof exports.Expressions) {
return nodes[0];
return new Expressions(nodes);
// Tack an expression on to the end of this expression list.
exports.Expressions.prototype.push = function push(node) {
return this;
// Tack an expression on to the beginning of this expression list.
exports.Expressions.prototype.unshift = function unshift(node) {
return this;
// If this Expressions consists of a single node, pull it back out.
exports.Expressions.prototype.unwrap = function unwrap() {
return this.expressions.length === 1 ? this.expressions[0] : this;
// Is this an empty block of code?
exports.Expressions.prototype.is_empty = function is_empty() {
return this.expressions.length === 0;
// Is the node last in this block of expressions.
exports.Expressions.prototype.is_last = function is_last(node) {
var arr_length;
arr_length = this.expressions.length;
this.last_index = this.last_index || this.expressions[arr_length - 1] instanceof exports.CommentNode ? -2 : -1;
return node === this.expressions[arr_length - this.last_index];
exports.Expressions.prototype.compile = function compile(o) {
var opts;
opts = (typeof o !== "undefined" && o !== null) ? o : {
return opts.scope ?, dup(opts)) : this.compile_root(o);
// Compile each expression in the Expressions body.
exports.Expressions.prototype.compile_node = function compile_node(options) {
var __a, __b, __c, __d, __e, code, compiled, e, line, opts;
opts = (typeof options !== "undefined" && options !== null) ? options : {
compiled = [];
__a = this.expressions;
for (__b = 0; __b < __a.length; __b++) {
e = __a[__b];
compiled.push(this.compile_expression(e, dup(options)));
code = '';
__c = []; __d = compiled;
for (__e = 0; __e < __d.length; __e++) {
line = __d[__e];
__c.push((code = code + line + '\n'));
return __c;
// If this is the top-level Expressions, wrap everything in a safety closure.
exports.Expressions.prototype.compile_root = function compile_root(o) {
var code, indent, opts;
opts = (typeof o !== "undefined" && o !== null) ? o : {
indent = opts.no_wrap ? '' : this.TAB;
this.indent = indent;
opts.indent = indent;
opts.scope = new Scope(null, this, null);
code = opts.globals ? compile_node(opts) : compile_with_declarations(opts);
code.replace(this.TRAILING_WHITESPACE, '');
return this.write(opts.no_wrap ? code : "(function(){\n" + code + "\n})();");

View File

@ -192,22 +192,29 @@
return new SplatNode(yytext);
// # A regular splat.
// Splat: [
// o "Expression . . .", -> new SplatNode($1)
// ]
// A regular splat.
Splat: [o("Expression . . .", function() {
return new SplatNode($1);
// Expressions that can be treated as values.
Value: [o("IDENTIFIER", function() {
return new ValueNode(yytext);
}), o("Literal", function() {
return new ValueNode($1);
}), o("Array", function() {
return new ValueNode($1);
}), o("Object", function() {
return new ValueNode($1);
}), o("Parenthetical", function() {
return new ValueNode($1);
}), o("Range", function() {
return new ValueNode($1);
// o "Array", -> new ValueNode($1)
// o "Object", -> new ValueNode($1)
// o "Parenthetical", -> new ValueNode($1)
// o "Range", -> new ValueNode($1)
// o "Value Accessor", -> $1.push($2)
// o "Invocation Accessor", -> new ValueNode($1, [$2])
o("Invocation Accessor", function() {
return new ValueNode($1, [$2]);
// # Accessing into an object or array, through dot or index notation.
// Accessor: [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
var dup;
var __hasProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
dup = function dup(input) {
var __a, __b, __c, key, output, val;
output = null;
if (input instanceof Array) {
output = [];
__a = input;
for (__b = 0; __b < __a.length; __b++) {
val = __a[__b];
} else {
output = {
__c = input;
for (key in __c) {
val = __c[key];
if (, key)) {
output.key = val;
return output;
// scope objects form a tree corresponding to the shape of the function
// definitions present in the script. They provide lexical scope, to determine
// whether a variable has been seen before or if it needs to be declared.
exports.Scope = function Scope(parent, expressions, func) {
var __a;
// Initialize a scope with its parent, for lookups up the chain,
// as well as the Expressions body where it should declare its variables,
// and the function that it wraps.
this.parent = parent;
this.expressions = expressions;
this.function = func;
this.variables = {
__a = this.temp_variable = this.parent ? dup(this.parent.temp_variable) : '__a';
return Scope === this.constructor ? this : __a;
// Look up a variable in lexical scope, or declare it if not found.
exports.Scope.prototype.find = function find(name, rem) {
var found, remote;
remote = (typeof rem !== "undefined" && rem !== null) ? rem : false;
found = this.check(name);
if (found || remote) {
return found;
this.variables[name] = 'var';
return found;
// Define a local variable as originating from a parameter in current scope
// -- no var required.
exports.Scope.prototype.parameter = function parameter(name) {
return this.variables[name] = 'param';
// Just check to see if a variable has already been declared.
exports.Scope.prototype.check = function check(name) {
if ((typeof this.variables[name] !== "undefined" && this.variables[name] !== null)) {
return true;
// TODO: what does that ruby !! mean..? need to follow up
// .. this next line is prolly wrong ..
return !!(this.parent && this.parent.check(name));
// You can reset a found variable on the immediate scope.
exports.Scope.prototype.reset = function reset(name) {
return this.variables[name] = undefined;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,11 @@
exports.Node: -> @values: arguments; @name:
# The abstract base class for all CoffeeScript nodes.
# All nodes are implement a "compile_node" method, which performs the
# code generation for that node. To compile a node, call the "compile"
# method, which wraps "compile_node" in some extra smarts, to know when the
# generated code should be wrapped up in a closure. An options hash is passed
# and cloned throughout, containing messages from higher in the AST,
# information about the current scope, and indentation level.
exports.Node : -> @values: arguments; @name:
exports.Expressions : -> @name:; @values: arguments
exports.LiteralNode : -> @name:; @values: arguments
@ -28,3 +35,180 @@ exports.ParentheticalNode : -> @name:; @values: arguments
exports.IfNode : -> @name:; @values: arguments
exports.Expressions.wrap : (values) -> @values: values
# Some helper functions
# TODO -- shallow (1 deep) flatten..
# need recursive version..
flatten: (aggList, newList) ->
for item in newList
compact: (input) ->
compected: []
for item in input
if item?
dup: (input) ->
output: null
if input instanceof Array
output: []
for val in input
output: {}
for key, val of input
output.key: val
exports.Node::TAB: ' '
# Tag this node as a statement, meaning that it can't be used directly as
# the result of an expression.
exports.Node::mark_as_statement: ->
this.is_statement: -> true
# Tag this node as a statement that cannot be transformed into an expression.
# (break, continue, etc.) It doesn't make sense to try to transform it.
exports.Node::mark_as_statement_only: ->
this.is_statement_only: -> true
# This node needs to know if it's being compiled as a top-level statement,
# in order to compile without special expression conversion.
exports.Node::mark_as_top_sensitive: ->
this.is_top_sensitive: -> true
# Provide a quick implementation of a children method.
exports.Node::children: (attributes) ->
# TODO -- are these optimal impls of flatten and compact
# .. do better ones exist in a stdlib?
agg: []
for item in attributes
agg: flatten agg, item
compacted: compact agg
this.children: ->
exports.Node::write: (code) ->
# hm..
# TODO -- should print to STDOUT in "VERBOSE" how to
# go about this.. ? jsonify 'this'?
# use node's puts ??
# This is extremely important -- we convert JS statements into expressions
# by wrapping them in a closure, only if it's possible, and we're not at
# the top level of a block (which would be unnecessary), and we haven't
# already been asked to return the result.
exports.Node::compile: (o) ->
# TODO -- need JS dup/clone
opts: if not o? then {} else o
this.options: opts
this.indent: opts.indent
if not this.is_top_sentitive() undefined
closure: this.is_statement() and not this.is_statement_only() and not top and typeof(this) == "CommentNode"
closure &&= not this.do_i_contain (n) -> n.is_statement_only()
if closure then this.compile_closure(this.options) else compile_node(this.options)
# Statements converted into expressions share scope with their parent
# closure, to preserve JavaScript-style lexical scope.
exports.Node::compile_closure: (o) ->
opts: if not o? then {} else o
this.indent: opts.indent
opts.shared_scope: o.scope
# Quick short method for the current indentation level, plus tabbing in.
exports.Node::idt: (tLvl) ->
tabs: if tLvl? then tLvl else 0
tabAmt: ''
for x in [0...tabs]
tabAmt: tabAmt + this.TAB
this.indent + tabAmt
#Does this node, or any of it's children, contain a node of a certain kind?
exports.Node::do_i_contain: (block) ->
for node in this.children
return true if block(node)
return true if node instanceof exports.Node and node.do_i_contain(block)
# Default implementations of the common node methods.
exports.Node::unwrap: -> this
exports.Node::children: []
exports.Node::is_a_statement: -> false
exports.Node::is_a_statement_only: -> false
exports.Node::is_top_sensitive: -> false
# A collection of nodes, each one representing an expression.
# exports.Expressions: (nodes) ->
# this.mark_as_statement()
# this.expressions: []
# this.children([this.expressions])
# for n in nodes
# this.expressions: flatten this.expressions, n
# exports.Expressions extends exports.Node
exports.Expressions::TRAILING_WHITESPACE: /\s+$/
# Wrap up a node as an Expressions, unless it already is.
exports.Expressions::wrap: (nodes) ->
return nodes[0] if nodes.length == 1 and nodes[0] instanceof exports.Expressions
new Expressions(nodes)
# Tack an expression on to the end of this expression list.
exports.Expressions::push: (node) ->
# Tack an expression on to the beginning of this expression list.
exports.Expressions::unshift: (node) ->
# If this Expressions consists of a single node, pull it back out.
exports.Expressions::unwrap: ->
if this.expressions.length == 1 then this.expressions[0] else this
# Is this an empty block of code?
exports.Expressions::is_empty: ->
this.expressions.length == 0
# Is the node last in this block of expressions.
exports.Expressions::is_last: (node) ->
arr_length: this.expressions.length
this.last_index ||= if this.expressions[arr_length - 1] instanceof exports.CommentNode then -2 else -1
node == this.expressions[arr_length - this.last_index]
exports.Expressions::compile: (o) ->
opts: if o? then o else {}
if opts.scope then super(dup(opts)) else this.compile_root(o)
# Compile each expression in the Expressions body.
exports.Expressions::compile_node: (options) ->
opts: if options? then options else {}
compiled: []
for e in this.expressions
compiled.push(this.compile_expression(e, dup(options)))
code: ''
for line in compiled
code: code + line + '\n'
# If this is the top-level Expressions, wrap everything in a safety closure.
exports.Expressions::compile_root: (o) ->
opts: if o? then o else {}
indent: if opts.no_wrap then '' else this.TAB
this.indent: indent
opts.indent: indent
opts.scope: new Scope(null, this, null)
code: if opts.globals then compile_node(opts) else compile_with_declarations(opts)
code.replace(this.TRAILING_WHITESPACE, '')
this.write(if opts.no_wrap then code else "(function(){\n"+code+"\n})();")

View File

@ -216,21 +216,21 @@ grammar: {
o "PARAM . . .", -> new SplatNode(yytext)
# # A regular splat.
# Splat: [
# o "Expression . . .", -> new SplatNode($1)
# ]
# A regular splat.
Splat: [
o "Expression . . .", -> new SplatNode($1)
# Expressions that can be treated as values.
Value: [
o "IDENTIFIER", -> new ValueNode(yytext)
o "Literal", -> new ValueNode($1)
# o "Array", -> new ValueNode($1)
# o "Object", -> new ValueNode($1)
# o "Parenthetical", -> new ValueNode($1)
# o "Range", -> new ValueNode($1)
o "Array", -> new ValueNode($1)
o "Object", -> new ValueNode($1)
o "Parenthetical", -> new ValueNode($1)
o "Range", -> new ValueNode($1)
# o "Value Accessor", -> $1.push($2)
# o "Invocation Accessor", -> new ValueNode($1, [$2])
o "Invocation Accessor", -> new ValueNode($1, [$2])
# # Accessing into an object or array, through dot or index notation.

src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
dup: (input) ->
output: null
if input instanceof Array
output: []
for val in input
output: {}
for key, val of input
output.key: val
# scope objects form a tree corresponding to the shape of the function
# definitions present in the script. They provide lexical scope, to determine
# whether a variable has been seen before or if it needs to be declared.
exports.Scope: (parent, expressions, func) ->
# Initialize a scope with its parent, for lookups up the chain,
# as well as the Expressions body where it should declare its variables,
# and the function that it wraps.
this.parent: parent
this.expressions: expressions
this.function: func
this.variables: {}
this.temp_variable: if this.parent then dup(this.parent.temp_variable) else '__a'
# Look up a variable in lexical scope, or declare it if not found.
exports.Scope::find: (name, rem) ->
remote: if rem? then rem else false
found: this.check(name)
return found if found || remote
this.variables[name]: 'var'
# Define a local variable as originating from a parameter in current scope
# -- no var required.
exports.Scope::parameter: (name) ->
this.variables[name]: 'param'
# Just check to see if a variable has already been declared.
exports.Scope::check: (name) ->
return true if this.variables[name]?
# TODO: what does that ruby !! mean..? need to follow up
# .. this next line is prolly wrong ..
not not (this.parent and this.parent.check(name))
# You can reset a found variable on the immediate scope.
exports.Scope::reset: (name) ->
this.variables[name]: undefined