New implementation of Rewriter#addImplicitParentheses, using Rewriter#detectEnd

This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Ashkenas 2010-08-10 21:46:46 -04:00
parent d0b918e083
commit 45b5bae7d7
2 changed files with 33 additions and 96 deletions

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@ -44,13 +44,11 @@
var levels, token;
levels = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(token = this.tokens[i])) {
token = this.tokens[i];
if (levels === 0 && condition(token, i)) {
return action(token, i);
if (levels < 0) {
if (!token || levels < 0) {
return action(token, i - 1);
if (include(EXPRESSION_START, token[0])) {
@ -167,64 +165,25 @@
}, this));
Rewriter.prototype.addImplicitParentheses = function() {
var closeCalls, stack;
stack = [0];
closeCalls = __bind(function(i) {
var _c, size, tmp;
_c = stack[stack.length - 1];
for (tmp = 0; (0 <= _c ? tmp < _c : tmp > _c); (0 <= _c ? tmp += 1 : tmp -= 1)) {
this.tokens.splice(i, 0, ['CALL_END', ')', this.tokens[i][2]]);
size = stack[stack.length - 1] + 1;
stack[stack.length - 1] = 0;
return size;
}, this);
return this.scanTokens(__bind(function(prev, token, post, i) {
var _c, _d, before, j, nx, open, size, tag;
tag = token[0];
before = this.tokens[i - 2] && this.tokens[i - 2][0];
if (tag === 'OUTDENT') {
stack[stack.length - 2] += stack.pop();
open = stack[stack.length - 1] > 0;
if (prev && prev.spaced && include(IMPLICIT_FUNC, prev[0]) && include(IMPLICIT_CALL, tag) && !(tag === '!' && (('IN' === (_c = post[0]) || 'OF' === _c)))) {
var _c, action, condition;
if (prev && prev.spaced && include(IMPLICIT_FUNC, prev[0]) && include(IMPLICIT_CALL, token[0]) && !(token[0] === '!' && (('IN' === (_c = post[0]) || 'OF' === _c)))) {
this.tokens.splice(i, 0, ['CALL_START', '(', token[2]]);
stack[stack.length - 1] += 1;
if (include(EXPRESSION_START, tag)) {
condition = __bind(function(token, i) {
var _c, before;
_c = this.tokens.slice(i - 2, i + 1);
before = _c[0];
prev = _c[1];
return (!token.generated && this.tokens[i - 1][0] !== ',' && include(IMPLICIT_END, token[0]) && !(token[0] === 'INDENT' && (include(IMPLICIT_BLOCK, prev[0]) || before[0] === 'CLASS'))) || token[0] === 'PROPERTY_ACCESS' && prev[0] === 'OUTDENT';
}, this);
action = __bind(function(token, i) {
var idx;
idx = token[0] === 'OUTDENT' ? i + 1 : i;
return this.tokens.splice(idx, 0, ['CALL_END', ')', token[2]]);
}, this);
this.detectEnd(i + 1, condition, action);
return 2;
if (include(EXPRESSION_START, tag)) {
if (tag === 'INDENT' && !token.generated && open && !((prev && include(IMPLICIT_BLOCK, prev[0])) || before && before === 'CLASS')) {
size = closeCalls(i);
return size;
return 1;
if (open && !token.generated && prev[0] !== ',' && (!post || include(IMPLICIT_END, tag))) {
j = 1;
while ((typeof (_d = (nx = this.tokens[i + j])) !== "undefined" && _d !== null) && include(IMPLICIT_END, nx[0])) {
if ((typeof nx !== "undefined" && nx !== null) && nx[0] === ',' && this.tokens[i + j - 1][0] === 'OUTDENT') {
if (tag === 'TERMINATOR') {
this.tokens.splice(i, 1);
} else {
size = closeCalls(i);
if (tag !== 'OUTDENT' && include(EXPRESSION_END, tag)) {
return size;
if (tag !== 'OUTDENT' && include(EXPRESSION_END, tag)) {
stack[stack.length - 2] += stack.pop();
return 1;
return 1;
}, this));
@ -393,7 +352,7 @@
IMPLICIT_CALL = ['IDENTIFIER', 'NUMBER', 'STRING', 'JS', 'REGEX', 'NEW', 'PARAM_START', 'CLASS', 'TRY', 'DELETE', 'TYPEOF', 'SWITCH', 'THIS', 'NULL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE', 'YES', 'NO', 'ON', 'OFF', '!', '!!', '@', '->', '=>', '[', '(', '{'];
IMPLICIT_BLOCK = ['->', '=>', '{', '[', ','];
SINGLE_LINERS = ['ELSE', "->", "=>", 'TRY', 'FINALLY', 'THEN'];

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@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ exports.Rewriter = class Rewriter
detectEnd: (i, condition, action) ->
levels = 0
break unless token = @tokens[i]
token = @tokens[i]
return action token, i if levels is 0 and condition token, i
return action token, i - 1 if levels < 0
return action token, i - 1 if not token or levels < 0
levels += 1 if include EXPRESSION_START, token[0]
levels -= 1 if include EXPRESSION_END, token[0]
i += 1
@ -145,47 +145,25 @@ exports.Rewriter = class Rewriter
return 2
return 1
# Methods may be optionally called without parentheses, for simple cases.
# Insert the implicit parentheses here, so that the parser doesn't have to
# deal with them.
addImplicitParentheses: ->
stack = [0]
closeCalls = (i) =>
for tmp in [0...stack[stack.length - 1]]
@tokens.splice(i, 0, ['CALL_END', ')', @tokens[i][2]])
size = stack[stack.length - 1] + 1
stack[stack.length - 1] = 0
@scanTokens (prev, token, post, i) =>
tag = token[0]
before = @tokens[i - 2] and @tokens[i - 2][0]
stack[stack.length - 2] += stack.pop() if tag is 'OUTDENT'
open = stack[stack.length - 1] > 0
if prev and prev.spaced and include(IMPLICIT_FUNC, prev[0]) and include(IMPLICIT_CALL, tag) and
not (tag is '!' and (post[0] in ['IN', 'OF']))
if prev and prev.spaced and include(IMPLICIT_FUNC, prev[0]) and include(IMPLICIT_CALL, token[0]) and
not (token[0] is '!' and (post[0] in ['IN', 'OF']))
@tokens.splice i, 0, ['CALL_START', '(', token[2]]
stack[stack.length - 1] += 1
stack.push 0 if include(EXPRESSION_START, tag)
condition = (token, i) =>
[before, prev] = @tokens.slice(i - 2, i + 1)
(not token.generated and @tokens[i - 1][0] isnt ',' and include(IMPLICIT_END, token[0]) and
not (token[0] is 'INDENT' and (include(IMPLICIT_BLOCK, prev[0]) or before[0] is 'CLASS'))) or
token[0] is 'PROPERTY_ACCESS' and prev[0] is 'OUTDENT'
action = (token, i) =>
idx = if token[0] is 'OUTDENT' then i + 1 else i
@tokens.splice idx, 0, ['CALL_END', ')', token[2]]
@detectEnd i + 1, condition, action
return 2
if include(EXPRESSION_START, tag)
if tag is 'INDENT' and !token.generated and open and not
((prev and include(IMPLICIT_BLOCK, prev[0])) or before and before is 'CLASS')
size = closeCalls(i)
stack.push 0
return size
stack.push 0
return 1
if open and !token.generated and prev[0] isnt ',' and (!post or include(IMPLICIT_END, tag))
j = 1; j++ while (nx = @tokens[i + j])? and include(IMPLICIT_END, nx[0])
if nx? and nx[0] is ',' and @tokens[i + j - 1][0] is 'OUTDENT'
@tokens.splice(i, 1) if tag is 'TERMINATOR'
size = closeCalls(i)
stack.pop() if tag isnt 'OUTDENT' and include EXPRESSION_END, tag
return size
if tag isnt 'OUTDENT' and include EXPRESSION_END, tag
stack[stack.length - 2] += stack.pop()
return 1
return 1
# Because our grammar is LALR(1), it can't handle some single-line
@ -337,7 +315,7 @@ IMPLICIT_CALL = [
IMPLICIT_BLOCK = ['->', '=>', '{', '[', ',']
# Tokens that always mark the end of an implicit call for single-liners.
# Single-line flavors of block expressions that have unclosed endings.
# The grammar can't disambiguate them, so we insert the implicit indentation.