whitespace cleanup

This commit is contained in:
Michael Ficarra 2011-12-24 07:04:34 -05:00
parent 0c4cb309b0
commit 46b34d4b43
11 changed files with 100 additions and 100 deletions

View File

@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ exports.Lexer = class Lexer
prev[1] += '='
return value.length
if value is ';'
if value is ';'
@seenFor = no
else if value in MATH then tag = 'MATH'
@ -528,9 +528,9 @@ exports.Lexer = class Lexer
if contents in ['\n', quote] then contents else match
body = body.replace /// #{quote} ///g, '\\$&'
quote + @escapeLines(body, heredoc) + quote
# Throws a syntax error on the current `@line`.
error: (message) ->
error: (message) ->
throw SyntaxError "#{message} on line #{ @line + 1}"
# Constants

View File

@ -948,13 +948,13 @@ exports.Class = class Class extends Base
@addBoundFunctions o
call = Closure.wrap @body
if @parent
@superClass = new Literal o.scope.freeVariable 'super', no
@body.expressions.unshift new Extends lname, @superClass
call.args.push @parent
call.variable.params.push new Param @superClass
klass = new Parens call, yes
klass = new Assign @variable, klass if @variable
klass.compile o
@ -1228,7 +1228,7 @@ exports.Splat = class Splat extends Base
compile: (o) ->
if @index? then @compileParam o else @name.compile o
unwrap: -> @name
# Utility function that converts an arbitrary number of elements, mixed with
@ -1379,12 +1379,12 @@ exports.Op = class Op extends Base
unfoldSoak: (o) ->
@operator in ['++', '--', 'delete'] and unfoldSoak o, this, 'first'
generateDo: (exp) ->
passedParams = []
func = if exp instanceof Assign and (ref = exp.value.unwrap()) instanceof Code
for param in func.params or []
if param.value
@ -1396,9 +1396,9 @@ exports.Op = class Op extends Base
call.do = yes
compileNode: (o) ->
compileNode: (o) ->
isChain = @isChainable() and @first.isChainable()
# In chains, there's no need to wrap bare obj literals in parens,
# In chains, there's no need to wrap bare obj literals in parens,
# as the chained expression is wrapped.
@first.front = @front unless isChain
return @compileUnary o if @isUnary()
@ -1435,7 +1435,7 @@ exports.Op = class Op extends Base
parts.push ' ' if op in ['new', 'typeof', 'delete'] or
plusMinus and @first instanceof Op and @first.operator is op
if (plusMinus && @first instanceof Op) or (op is 'new' and @first.isStatement o)
@first = new Parens @first
@first = new Parens @first
parts.push @first.compile o, LEVEL_OP
parts.reverse() if @flip
parts.join ''
@ -1503,15 +1503,15 @@ exports.Try = class Try extends Base
o.indent += TAB
errorPart = if @error then " (#{ @error.compile o }) " else ' '
tryPart = @attempt.compile o, LEVEL_TOP
catchPart = if @recovery
o.scope.add @error.value, 'param' unless o.scope.check @error.value
" catch#{errorPart}{\n#{ @recovery.compile o, LEVEL_TOP }\n#{@tab}}"
else unless @ensure or @recovery
' catch (_error) {}'
ensurePart = if @ensure then " finally {\n#{ @ensure.compile o, LEVEL_TOP }\n#{@tab}}" else ''
"""#{@tab}try {
#{@tab}}#{ catchPart or '' }#{ensurePart}"""
@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ Closure =
literalArgs: (node) ->
node instanceof Literal and node.value is 'arguments' and not node.asKey
literalThis: (node) ->
(node instanceof Literal and node.value is 'this' and not node.asKey) or
(node instanceof Code and node.bound)

View File

@ -70,14 +70,14 @@ class exports.Rewriter
# its paired close. We have the mis-nested outdent case included here for
# calls that close on the same line, just before their outdent.
closeOpenCalls: ->
condition = (token, i) ->
token[0] in [')', 'CALL_END'] or
token[0] is 'OUTDENT' and @tag(i - 1) is ')'
action = (token, i) ->
@tokens[if token[0] is 'OUTDENT' then i - 1 else i][0] = 'CALL_END'
@scanTokens (token, i) ->
@detectEnd i + 1, condition, action if token[0] is 'CALL_START'
@ -85,13 +85,13 @@ class exports.Rewriter
# The lexer has tagged the opening parenthesis of an indexing operation call.
# Match it with its paired close.
closeOpenIndexes: ->
condition = (token, i) ->
condition = (token, i) ->
token[0] in [']', 'INDEX_END']
action = (token, i) ->
action = (token, i) ->
token[0] = 'INDEX_END'
@scanTokens (token, i) ->
@detectEnd i + 1, condition, action if token[0] is 'INDEX_START'
@ -99,28 +99,28 @@ class exports.Rewriter
# Object literals may be written with implicit braces, for simple cases.
# Insert the missing braces here, so that the parser doesn't have to.
addImplicitBraces: ->
stack = []
start = null
startsLine = null
sameLine = yes
startIndent = 0
condition = (token, i) ->
[one, two, three] = @tokens[i + 1 .. i + 3]
return no if 'HERECOMMENT' is one?[0]
[tag] = token
sameLine = no if tag in LINEBREAKS
((tag in ['TERMINATOR', 'OUTDENT'] or (tag in IMPLICIT_END and sameLine)) and
((!startsLine and @tag(i - 1) isnt ',') or
((!startsLine and @tag(i - 1) isnt ',') or
not (two?[0] is ':' or one?[0] is '@' and three?[0] is ':'))) or
(tag is ',' and one and
one[0] not in ['IDENTIFIER', 'NUMBER', 'STRING', '@', 'TERMINATOR', 'OUTDENT'])
action = (token, i) ->
tok = @generate '}', '}', token[2]
@tokens.splice i, 0, tok
@scanTokens (token, i, tokens) ->
if (tag = token[0]) in EXPRESSION_START
stack.push [(if tag is 'INDENT' and @tag(i - 1) is '{' then '{' else tag), i]
@ -147,9 +147,9 @@ class exports.Rewriter
# Insert the implicit parentheses here, so that the parser doesn't have to
# deal with them.
addImplicitParentheses: ->
noCall = seenSingle = seenControl = no
condition = (token, i) ->
[tag] = token
return yes if not seenSingle and token.fromThen
@ -161,10 +161,10 @@ class exports.Rewriter
(tag isnt 'INDENT' or
(@tag(i - 2) not in ['CLASS', 'EXTENDS'] and @tag(i - 1) not in IMPLICIT_BLOCK and
not ((post = @tokens[i + 1]) and post.generated and post[0] is '{')))
action = (token, i) ->
action = (token, i) ->
@tokens.splice i, 0, @generate 'CALL_END', ')', token[2]
@scanTokens (token, i, tokens) ->
tag = token[0]
noCall = yes if tag in ['CLASS', 'IF']
@ -190,16 +190,16 @@ class exports.Rewriter
# blocks, so it doesn't need to. ')' can close a single-line block,
# but we need to make sure it's balanced.
addImplicitIndentation: ->
starter = indent = outdent = null
condition = (token, i) ->
token[1] isnt ';' and token[0] in SINGLE_CLOSERS and
not (token[0] is 'ELSE' and starter not in ['IF', 'THEN'])
action = (token, i) ->
@tokens.splice (if @tag(i - 1) is ',' then i - 1 else i), 0, outdent
@scanTokens (token, i, tokens) ->
[tag] = token
if tag is 'TERMINATOR' and @tag(i + 1) is 'THEN'
@ -225,16 +225,16 @@ class exports.Rewriter
# Tag postfix conditionals as such, so that we can parse them with a
# different precedence.
tagPostfixConditionals: ->
original = null
condition = (token, i) ->
condition = (token, i) ->
token[0] in ['TERMINATOR', 'INDENT']
action = (token, i) ->
if token[0] isnt 'INDENT' or (token.generated and not token.fromThen)
original[0] = 'POST_' + original[0]
original[0] = 'POST_' + original[0]
@scanTokens (token, i) ->
return 1 unless token[0] is 'IF'
original = token
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ class exports.Rewriter
outdent = ['OUTDENT', 2, token[2]]
indent.generated = outdent.generated = yes if implicit
[indent, outdent]
# Create a generated token: one that exists due to a use of implicit syntax.
generate: (tag, value, line) ->
tok = [tag, value, line]

View File

@ -291,14 +291,14 @@ test "#1348, #1216: existential assignment compilation", ->
eq nonce, b
#the first ?= compiles into a statement; the second ?= compiles to a ternary expression
eq a ?= b ?= 1, nonce
e ?= f ?= g ?= 1
eq e + g, 2
#need to ensure the two vars are not defined, hence the strange names;
# broke earlier when using c ?= d ?= 1 because `d` is declared elsewhere
eq und1_1348 ?= und2_1348 ?= 1, 1
if a then a ?= 2 else a = 3
eq a, nonce
@ -307,14 +307,14 @@ test "#1591, #1101: splatted expressions in destructuring assignment must be ass
for nonref in ['', '""', '0', 'f()', '(->)'].concat CoffeeScript.RESERVED
eq nonce, (try CoffeeScript.compile "[#{nonref}...] = v" catch e then nonce)
test "#1643: splatted accesses in destructuring assignments should not be declared as variables", ->
test "#1643: splatted accesses in destructuring assignments should not be declared as variables", ->
nonce = {}
accesses = ['o.a', 'o["a"]', '(o.a)', '(o.a).a', '@o.a', 'C::a', 'C::', 'f().a', 'o?.a', 'o?.a.b', 'f?().a']
for access in accesses
for i,j in [1,2,3] #position can matter
code =
code =
nonce = {}; nonce2 = {}; nonce3 = {};
nonce = {}; nonce2 = {}; nonce3 = {};
@o = o = new (class C then a:{}); f = -> o
[#{new Array(i).join('x,')}#{access}...] = [#{new Array(i).join('0,')}nonce, nonce2, nonce3]
unless #{access}[0] is nonce and #{access}[1] is nonce2 and #{access}[2] is nonce3 then throw new Error('[...]')
@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ test "#1643: splatted accesses in destructuring assignments should not be declar
for i,j in [1,2,3]
code =
nonce = {}; nonce2 = {}; nonce3 = {};
nonce = {}; nonce2 = {}; nonce3 = {};
[#{new Array(i).join('x,')}#{subpattern}...] = [#{new Array(i).join('0,')}nonce, nonce2, nonce3]
unless sub is nonce and sub2 is nonce2 and sub3 is nonce3 then throw new Error('[sub...]')
@ -335,5 +335,5 @@ test "#1643: splatted accesses in destructuring assignments should not be declar
test "#1838: Regression with variable assignment", ->
name =
eq name, 'dave'
eq name, 'dave'

View File

@ -272,22 +272,22 @@ test "nothing classes", ->
c = class
ok c instanceof Function
test "classes with static-level implicit objects", ->
class A
@static = one: 1
two: 2
class B
@static = one: 1,
two: 2
eq A.static.one, 1
eq A.static.two, undefined
eq (new A).two, 2
eq B.static.one, 1
eq B.static.two, 2
eq (new B).two, undefined
@ -546,61 +546,61 @@ test "#1598: super works for static methods too", ->
'pass? ' + super
eq Child.method(), 'pass? yes'
test "#1842: Regression with bound functions within bound class methods", ->
class Store
@bound: =>
do =>
eq this, Store
# And a fancier case:
class Store
eq this, Store
@bound: =>
do =>
eq this, Store
@unbound: ->
eq this, Store
instance: =>
ok this instanceof Store
(new Store).instance()
test "#1876: Class @A extends A", ->
class A
class @A extends A
ok (new @A) instanceof A
test "#1813: Passing class definitions as expressions", ->
ident = (x) -> x
result = ident class A then x = 1
eq result, A
result = ident class B extends A
x = 1
eq result, B
test "#494: Named classes", ->
class A
eq A.name, 'A'
class A.B
eq A.B.name, 'B'
class A.B["C"]
eq A.B.name, 'B'
class A.B["C"]
ok A.B.C.name isnt 'C'

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ if vm = require? 'vm'
result = CoffeeScript.eval code
eq result, 'global superpower!'
eq fhqwhgads, 'global superpower!'
test "CoffeeScript.eval can run in, and modify, a Script context sandbox", ->
sandbox = vm.Script.createContext()
sandbox.foo = 'bar'
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ if vm = require? 'vm'
result = CoffeeScript.eval code, {sandbox}
eq result, 'not bar!'
eq sandbox.foo, 'not bar!'
test "CoffeeScript.eval can run in, but cannot modify, an ordinary object sandbox", ->
sandbox = {foo: 'bar'}
code = '''
@ -26,4 +26,4 @@ if vm = require? 'vm'
result = CoffeeScript.eval code, {sandbox}
eq result, 'not bar!'
eq sandbox.foo, 'bar'
eq sandbox.foo, 'bar'

View File

@ -88,15 +88,15 @@ test "try/catch with empty catch as last statement in a function body", ->
try nonce
catch err
eq nonce, fn()
# Catch leads to broken scoping: #1595
test "try/catch with a reused variable name.", ->
do ->
inner = 5
catch inner
# nothing
eq typeof inner, 'undefined'

View File

@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ test "#1195 Ignore trailing semicolons (before newlines or as the last char in a
unless f() is nonce then throw new Error('; before linebreak should = newline')
CoffeeScript.run(preNewline(n), bare: true) for n in [1,2,3]
lastChar = '-> lastChar;'
doesNotThrow -> CoffeeScript.compile lastChar, bare: true

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ eq obj, obj.nested()
test "even more fancy bound functions", ->
obj =
obj =
one: ->
do =>
return this.two()
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ test "arguments vs parameters", ->
test "#1844: bound functions in nested comprehensions causing empty var statements", ->
a = ((=>) for a in [0] for b in [0])
eq 1, a.length
test "#1859: inline function bodies shouldn't modify prior postfix ifs", ->
list = [1, 2, 3]
ok true if list.some (x) -> x is 2

View File

@ -237,17 +237,17 @@ test "#1322: implicit call against implicit object with block comments", ->
test "#1513: Top level bare objs need to be wrapped in parens for unary and existence ops", ->
doesNotThrow -> CoffeeScript.run "{}?", bare: true
doesNotThrow -> CoffeeScript.run "{}.a++", bare: true
test "#1871: Special case for IMPLICIT_END in the middle of an implicit object", ->
result = 'result'
ident = (x) -> x
result = ident one: 1 if false
eq result, 'result'
result = ident
one: 1
two: 2 for i in [1..3]
eq result.two.join(' '), '2 2 2'
eq result.two.join(' '), '2 2 2'

View File

@ -263,9 +263,9 @@ test "#1102: String literal prevents line continuation", ->
test "#1703, ---x is invalid JS", ->
x = 2
eq (- --x), -1
test "Regression with implicit calls against an indented assignment", ->
eq 1, a =
eq 1, a =
eq a, 1