CoffeeScript 0.7.0 is on the books.

This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Ashkenas 2010-06-28 01:00:53 -04:00
parent e56af4967c
commit 677c7edf3f
8 changed files with 101 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -6,4 +6,6 @@ letTheWildRumpusBegin() unless answer is no
if car.speed < limit then accelerate()
winner: yes if pick in [47, 92, 13]
print "My name is " + @name

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
$('.account').css {class: 'active'}

View File

@ -5,6 +5,6 @@ if this.studyingEconomics
# Nursery Rhyme
num: 6
lyrics: while num -= 1
lyrics: while num: - 1
num + " little monkeys, jumping on the bed.
One fell out and bumped his head."

View File

@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ if possible.</p> </td> <td class="code"> <
<span class="k">return</span> <span class="p">[]</span> <span class="k">if</span> <span class="nx">len</span> <span class="o">&lt;=</span> <span class="mi">0</span>
<span class="nv">range: </span> <span class="k">new</span> <span class="nb">Array</span> <span class="nx">len</span>
<span class="nv">idx: </span> <span class="mi">0</span>
<span class="k">while</span> <span class="kc">true</span>
<span class="nx">loop</span>
<span class="k">return</span> <span class="nx">range</span> <span class="k">if</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="k">if</span> <span class="nx">step</span> <span class="o">&gt;</span> <span class="mi">0</span> <span class="k">then</span> <span class="nx">i</span> <span class="o">-</span> <span class="nx">stop</span> <span class="k">else</span> <span class="nx">stop</span> <span class="o">-</span> <span class="nx">i</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="o">&gt;=</span> <span class="mi">0</span>
<span class="nx">range</span><span class="p">[</span><span class="nx">idx</span><span class="p">]</span><span class="o">:</span> <span class="nx">i</span>
<span class="nx">idx</span><span class="o">++</span>

View File

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
<a href="#conditionals">Conditionals, Ternaries, and Conditional Assignment</a>
<a href="#aliases">Aliases</a>
<a href="#splats">Splats...</a>
<a href="#while">While &amp; Until Loops</a>
<a href="#while">While, Until, and Loop</a>
<a href="#comprehensions">Comprehensions (Arrays, Objects, and Ranges)</a>
<a href="#slice_splice">Array Slicing and Splicing with Ranges</a>
<a href="#expressions">Everything is an Expression</a>
@ -124,8 +124,7 @@ alert reverse '.eeffoC yrT'</textarea></div>
it compiles into clean JavaScript (the good parts) that can use existing
JavaScript libraries seamlessly, and passes through
<a href="">JSLint</a> without warnings. The compiled
output is quite readable &mdash; pretty-printed, with comments
preserved intact.
output is pretty-printed and quite readable.
@ -380,6 +379,12 @@ coffee --print app/scripts/*.coffee > concatenation.js</pre>
and match the two styles.
<%= code_for('objects_and_arrays', 'song.join(",")') %>
In JavaScript, you can't use reserved words, like <tt>class</tt>, as properties
of an object, without quoting them as strings. CoffeeScript notices and quotes
them for you, so you don't have to worry about it (say, when using jQuery).
<%= code_for('objects_reserved') %>
<span id="lexical_scope" class="bookmark"></span>
@ -470,6 +475,10 @@ coffee --print app/scripts/*.coffee > concatenation.js</pre>
As a shortcut for <tt></tt>, you can use <tt>@property</tt>.
You can use <tt>in</tt> to test for array presence, and <tt>of</tt> to
test for JavaScript object-key presence.
<%= code_for('aliases') %>
@ -484,7 +493,7 @@ coffee --print app/scripts/*.coffee > concatenation.js</pre>
<span id="while" class="bookmark"></span>
<b class="header">While &amp; Until Loops</b>
<b class="header">While, Until, and Loop</b>
The only low-level loop that CoffeeScript provides is the <b>while</b> loop. The
main difference from JavaScript is that the <b>while</b> loop can be used
as an expression, returning an array containing the result of each iteration
@ -492,9 +501,10 @@ coffee --print app/scripts/*.coffee > concatenation.js</pre>
<%= code_for('while', 'lyrics.join("\n")') %>
For readability, the <b>until</b> loop serves as an inverted <b>while</b> loop.
For readability, the <b>until</b> keyword is equivalent to <tt>while not</tt>,
and the <b>loop</b> keyword is equivalent to <tt>while true</tt>.
Other JavaScript loops, such as <b>for</b> loops and <b>do-while</b> loops
can be mimicked by variations on <b>while</b>, but the hope is that you
can be mimicked by variations on <b>loop</b>, but the hope is that you
won't need to do that with CoffeeScript, either because you're using
<b>each</b> (<b>forEach</b>) style iterators, or...
@ -893,6 +903,11 @@ coffee --print app/scripts/*.coffee > concatenation.js</pre>
&mdash; a custom filter for rendering CoffeeScript inline within
<a href="">HAML</a> templates.
<b>jashkenas</b>'s <a href="">Docco</a>
&mdash; A quick-and-dirty literate-programming-style documentation generator
for CoffeeScript. Used to produce the annotated source.
@ -914,6 +929,23 @@ coffee --print app/scripts/*.coffee > concatenation.js</pre>
<span id="change_log" class="bookmark"></span>
Change Log
<b class="header" style="margin-top: 20px;">0.7.0</b>
Official CoffeeScript variable style is now camelCase, as in JavaScript.
Reserved words are now allowed as object keys, and will be quoted for you.
Range comprehensions now generate cleaner code, but you have to specify <tt>by -1</tt>
if you'd like to iterate downward. Reporting of syntax errors is greatly
improved from the previous release. Running <tt>coffee</tt> with no arguments
now launches the REPL, with Readline support. The <tt>&amp;-</tt> bind operator
has been removed from CoffeeScript. The <tt>loop</tt> keyword was added,
which is equivalent to a <tt>while true</tt> loop. Comprehensions that contain
closures will now close over their variables, like the semantics of a <tt>forEach</tt>.
You can now use bound function in class definitions (bound to the instance).
For consistency, <tt>a in b</tt> is now an array presence check, and <tt>a of b</tt>
is an object-key check. Comments are no longer passed through to the generated
<b class="header" style="margin-top: 20px;">0.6.2</b>

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
var volume;
var volume, winner;
if (ignition === true) {
@ -10,5 +10,8 @@
car.speed < limit ? accelerate() : null;
if (47 === pick || 92 === pick || 13 === pick) {
winner = true;
print("My name is " +;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
'class': 'active'

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
<a href="#conditionals">Conditionals, Ternaries, and Conditional Assignment</a>
<a href="#aliases">Aliases</a>
<a href="#splats">Splats...</a>
<a href="#while">While &amp; Until Loops</a>
<a href="#while">While, Until, and Loop</a>
<a href="#comprehensions">Comprehensions (Arrays, Objects, and Ranges)</a>
<a href="#slice_splice">Array Slicing and Splicing with Ranges</a>
<a href="#expressions">Everything is an Expression</a>
@ -110,8 +110,7 @@ alert reverse '.eeffoC yrT'</textarea></div>
it compiles into clean JavaScript (the good parts) that can use existing
JavaScript libraries seamlessly, and passes through
<a href="">JSLint</a> without warnings. The compiled
output is quite readable &mdash; pretty-printed, with comments
preserved intact.
output is pretty-printed and quite readable.
@ -518,6 +517,16 @@ ages = {
matrix = [1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0];
;alert(song.join(","));'>run: song.join(",")</button><br class='clear' /></div>
In JavaScript, you can't use reserved words, like <tt>class</tt>, as properties
of an object, without quoting them as strings. CoffeeScript notices and quotes
them for you, so you don't have to worry about it (say, when using jQuery).
<div class='code'><pre class="idle">$(<span class="String"><span class="String">'</span>.account<span class="String">'</span></span>).css {class<span class="Keyword">:</span> <span class="String"><span class="String">'</span>active<span class="String">'</span></span>}
</pre><pre class="idle"><span class="Keyword">$</span>(<span class="String"><span class="String">'</span>.account<span class="String">'</span></span>).css({
<span class="String"><span class="String">'</span>class<span class="String">'</span></span>: <span class="String"><span class="String">'</span>active<span class="String">'</span></span>
</pre><br class='clear' /></div>
<span id="lexical_scope" class="bookmark"></span>
@ -650,6 +659,10 @@ options <span class="Keyword">=</span> options <span class="Keyword">||</span> d
As a shortcut for <tt></tt>, you can use <tt>@property</tt>.
You can use <tt>in</tt> to test for array presence, and <tt>of</tt> to
test for JavaScript object-key presence.
<div class='code'><pre class="idle">launch() <span class="Keyword">if</span> ignition <span class="Keyword">is</span> <span class="BuiltInConstant">on</span>
volume<span class="Keyword">:</span> <span class="Number">10</span> <span class="Keyword">if</span> band <span class="Keyword">isnt</span> SpinalTap
@ -658,8 +671,10 @@ letTheWildRumpusBegin() <span class="Keyword">unless</span> answer <span class="
<span class="Keyword">if</span> car.speed <span class="Keyword">&lt;</span> limit <span class="Keyword">then</span> accelerate()
winner<span class="Keyword">:</span> <span class="BuiltInConstant">yes</span> <span class="Keyword">if</span> pick <span class="Keyword">in</span> [<span class="Number">47</span>, <span class="Number">92</span>, <span class="Number">13</span>]
print <span class="String"><span class="String">&quot;</span>My name is <span class="String">&quot;</span></span> <span class="Keyword">+</span> <span class="Variable">@name</span>
</pre><pre class="idle"><span class="Storage">var</span> volume;
</pre><pre class="idle"><span class="Storage">var</span> volume, winner;
<span class="Keyword">if</span> (ignition <span class="Keyword">===</span> <span class="BuiltInConstant">true</span>) {
@ -670,6 +685,9 @@ print <span class="String"><span class="String">&quot;</span>My name is <span cl
car.speed <span class="Keyword">&lt;</span> limit ? accelerate() : <span class="BuiltInConstant">null</span>;
<span class="Keyword">if</span> (<span class="Number">47</span> <span class="Keyword">===</span> pick <span class="Keyword">||</span> <span class="Number">92</span> <span class="Keyword">===</span> pick <span class="Keyword">||</span> <span class="Number">13</span> <span class="Keyword">===</span> pick) {
winner <span class="Keyword">=</span> <span class="BuiltInConstant">true</span>;
<span class="LibraryFunction">print</span>(<span class="String"><span class="String">&quot;</span>My name is <span class="String">&quot;</span></span> <span class="Keyword">+</span> <span class="Variable">this</span>.<span class="LibraryConstant">name</span>);
</pre><br class='clear' /></div>
@ -742,7 +760,7 @@ alert("The Field: " + rest);
<span id="while" class="bookmark"></span>
<b class="header">While &amp; Until Loops</b>
<b class="header">While, Until, and Loop</b>
The only low-level loop that CoffeeScript provides is the <b>while</b> loop. The
main difference from JavaScript is that the <b>while</b> loop can be used
as an expression, returning an array containing the result of each iteration
@ -755,7 +773,7 @@ alert("The Field: " + rest);
<span class="Comment"><span class="Comment">#</span> Nursery Rhyme</span>
num<span class="Keyword">:</span> <span class="Number">6</span>
lyrics<span class="Keyword">:</span> <span class="Keyword">while</span> num <span class="Keyword">-</span><span class="Keyword">=</span> <span class="Number">1</span>
lyrics<span class="Keyword">:</span> <span class="Keyword">while</span> num<span class="Keyword">:</span> <span class="Keyword">-</span> <span class="Number">1</span>
num <span class="Keyword">+</span> <span class="String"><span class="String">&quot;</span> little monkeys, jumping on the bed.</span>
<span class="String"> One fell out and bumped his head.<span class="String">&quot;</span></span>
</pre><pre class="idle"><span class="Storage">var</span> _a, lyrics, num;
@ -796,9 +814,10 @@ One fell out and bumped his head.");
;alert(lyrics.join("\n"));'>run: lyrics.join("\n")</button><br class='clear' /></div>
For readability, the <b>until</b> loop serves as an inverted <b>while</b> loop.
For readability, the <b>until</b> keyword is equivalent to <tt>while not</tt>,
and the <b>loop</b> keyword is equivalent to <tt>while true</tt>.
Other JavaScript loops, such as <b>for</b> loops and <b>do-while</b> loops
can be mimicked by variations on <b>while</b>, but the hope is that you
can be mimicked by variations on <b>loop</b>, but the hope is that you
won't need to do that with CoffeeScript, either because you're using
<b>each</b> (<b>forEach</b>) style iterators, or...
@ -1800,6 +1819,11 @@ html <span class="Keyword">=</span> <span class="String"><span class="String">'<
&mdash; a custom filter for rendering CoffeeScript inline within
<a href="">HAML</a> templates.
<b>jashkenas</b>'s <a href="">Docco</a>
&mdash; A quick-and-dirty literate-programming-style documentation generator
for CoffeeScript. Used to produce the annotated source.
@ -1821,6 +1845,23 @@ html <span class="Keyword">=</span> <span class="String"><span class="String">'<
<span id="change_log" class="bookmark"></span>
Change Log
<b class="header" style="margin-top: 20px;">0.7.0</b>
Official CoffeeScript variable style is now camelCase, as in JavaScript.
Reserved words are now allowed as object keys, and will be quoted for you.
Range comprehensions now generate cleaner code, but you have to specify <tt>by -1</tt>
if you'd like to iterate downward. Reporting of syntax errors is greatly
improved from the previous release. Running <tt>coffee</tt> with no arguments
now launches the REPL, with Readline support. The <tt>&amp;-</tt> bind operator
has been removed from CoffeeScript. The <tt>loop</tt> keyword was added,
which is equivalent to a <tt>while true</tt> loop. Comprehensions that contain
closures will now close over their variables, like the semantics of a <tt>forEach</tt>.
You can now use bound function in class definitions (bound to the instance).
For consistency, <tt>a in b</tt> is now an array presence check, and <tt>a of b</tt>
is an object-key check. Comments are no longer passed through to the generated
<b class="header" style="margin-top: 20px;">0.6.2</b>