mirror of
synced 2022-11-09 12:23:24 -05:00
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 292 additions and 37 deletions
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.6.1
(function() {
var Lexer, compile, ext, fs, helpers, lexer, loadFile, parser, path, sourcemap, vm, _i, _len, _ref,
var Lexer, compile, ext, fs, generateV3SourceMapOptions, helpers, lexer, loadFile, parser, path, sourcemap, vm, _i, _len, _ref,
__hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;
fs = require('fs');
@ -39,16 +39,39 @@
exports.helpers = helpers;
generateV3SourceMapOptions = function(options) {
var cwd, sourceRoot;
if (options == null) {
options = {};
console.log("Generating v3 source map");
cwd = options.workingDirectory;
if (!options.filename) {
return {};
if (options.jsPath) {
sourceRoot = helpers.relativePath(options.jsPath, ".", cwd);
return {
sourceRoot: sourceRoot,
sourceFile: helpers.relativePath(".", options.filename, cwd),
generatedFile: helpers.baseFileName(options.jsPath)
return {
sourceRoot: "",
sourceFile: helpers.baseFileName(options.filename),
generatedFile: helpers.baseFileName(options.filename, true) + ".js"
exports.compile = compile = function(code, options) {
var answer, coffeeFile, currentColumn, currentLine, err, fragment, fragments, header, js, jsFile, merge, newLines, sourceMap, _j, _len1;
var answer, currentColumn, currentLine, err, fragment, fragments, header, js, merge, newLines, sourceMap, v3Options, _j, _len1;
if (options == null) {
options = {};
merge = exports.helpers.merge;
try {
if (options.sourceMap) {
coffeeFile = helpers.baseFileName(options.filename);
jsFile = helpers.baseFileName(options.filename, true) + ".js";
sourceMap = new sourcemap.SourceMap();
fragments = (parser.parse(lexer.tokenize(code, options))).compileToFragments(options);
@ -89,7 +112,8 @@
if (sourceMap) {
answer.sourceMap = sourceMap;
answer.v3SourceMap = sourcemap.generateV3SourceMap(sourceMap, coffeeFile, jsFile);
v3Options = generateV3SourceMapOptions(options);
answer.v3SourceMap = sourcemap.generateV3SourceMap(sourceMap, v3Options);
return answer;
} else {
@ -149,8 +149,11 @@
compileScript = function(file, input, base) {
var compiled, err, o, options, t, task;
if (base == null) {
base = null;
o = opts;
options = compileOptions(file);
options = compileOptions(file, base);
try {
t = task = {
file: file,
@ -181,7 +184,7 @@
if (o.print) {
return printLine(t.output.trim());
} else if (o.compile || o.map) {
return writeJs(base, t.file, t.output, t.sourceMap);
return writeJs(base, t.file, t.output, options.jsPath, t.sourceMap);
} else if (o.lint) {
return lint(t.file, t.output);
@ -388,12 +391,11 @@
return path.join(dir, basename + extension);
writeJs = function(base, sourcePath, js, generatedSourceMap) {
var compile, jsDir, jsPath, sourceMapPath;
writeJs = function(base, sourcePath, js, jsPath, generatedSourceMap) {
var compile, jsDir, sourceMapPath;
if (generatedSourceMap == null) {
generatedSourceMap = null;
jsPath = outputPath(sourcePath, base);
sourceMapPath = outputPath(sourcePath, base, ".map");
jsDir = path.dirname(jsPath);
compile = function() {
@ -480,13 +482,15 @@
compileOptions = function(filename) {
compileOptions = function(filename, base) {
return {
filename: filename,
literate: helpers.isLiterate(filename),
bare: opts.bare,
header: opts.compile,
sourceMap: opts.map
sourceMap: opts.map,
jsPath: filename !== null && base !== null ? outputPath(filename, base) : null,
workingDirectory: process.cwd()
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.6.1
(function() {
var buildLocationData, extend, flatten, _ref;
var buildLocationData, extend, flatten, last, normalizePath, repeat, _ref;
exports.starts = function(string, literal, start) {
return literal === string.substr(start, literal.length);
@ -12,6 +12,19 @@
return literal === string.substr(string.length - len - (back || 0), len);
exports.repeat = repeat = function(str, n) {
var res;
res = '';
while (n > 0) {
if (n & 1) {
res += str;
n >>>= 1;
str += str;
return res;
exports.compact = function(array) {
var item, _i, _len, _results;
_results = [];
@ -70,7 +83,7 @@
return val;
exports.last = function(array, back) {
exports.last = last = function(array, back) {
return array[array.length - (back || 0) - 1];
@ -166,4 +179,67 @@
return /\.(litcoffee|coffee\.md)$/.test(file);
exports.normalizePath = normalizePath = function(path, removeTrailingSlash) {
var i, newParts, part, parts, root, _i, _len;
if (removeTrailingSlash == null) {
removeTrailingSlash = false;
root = false;
parts = path.split('/');
newParts = [];
i = 0;
if (parts.length > 1 && parts[0] === '') {
root = true;
for (i = _i = 0, _len = parts.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
part = parts[i];
if (part === '.' || part === '') {
if ((i === parts.length - 1) && !removeTrailingSlash) {
} else if (part === '..') {
if (newParts.length === 0 || (newParts.length && last(newParts === '..'))) {
} else {
} else {
if (root) {
if (newParts.length === 0) {
return '/';
if (newParts.length[0] === '..') {
throw new Error("Invalid path: " + path);
return newParts.join('/');
exports.relativePath = function(from, to, cwd) {
var answer;
if (cwd == null) {
cwd = null;
if (cwd) {
from = cwd + "/" + from;
to = cwd + "/" + to;
from = normalizePath(from).split('/');
to = normalizePath(to).split('/');
while (from.length > 0 && to.length > 0 && from[0] === to[0]) {
if (from.length && from[0] === "..") {
throw new Error("'cwd' must be specified if 'from' references parent directory: " + (from.join('/')) + " -> " + (to.join('/')));
answer = repeat("../", from.length - 1);
return answer + ("" + (to.join('/')));
@ -113,14 +113,14 @@
exports.generateV3SourceMap = function(sourceMap, sourceFile, generatedFile) {
var answer, lastGeneratedColumnWritten, lastSourceColumnWritten, lastSourceLineWritten, mappings, needComma, writingGeneratedLine;
if (sourceFile == null) {
sourceFile = null;
if (generatedFile == null) {
generatedFile = null;
exports.generateV3SourceMap = function(sourceMap, options) {
var answer, generatedFile, lastGeneratedColumnWritten, lastSourceColumnWritten, lastSourceLineWritten, mappings, needComma, sourceFile, sourceRoot, writingGeneratedLine;
if (options == null) {
options = {};
sourceRoot = options.sourceRoot || "";
sourceFile = options.sourceFile || null;
generatedFile = options.generatedFile || null;
writingGeneratedLine = 0;
lastGeneratedColumnWritten = 0;
lastSourceLineWritten = 0;
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
answer = {
version: 3,
file: generatedFile,
sourceRoot: "",
sourceRoot: sourceRoot,
sources: sourceFile ? [sourceFile] : [],
names: [],
mappings: mappings
@ -30,9 +30,41 @@ exports.VERSION = '1.6.1'
# Expose helpers for testing.
exports.helpers = helpers
# Generate v3 Source Map options from compile options.
# options.filename is required, and is the path and filename of the file being compiled,
# relative to the current working directory.
# `options.jsPath` and `options.workingDirectory` may also be specified to customize the output
# in the resulting v3 source map, where `options.jsPath` is the path where the .js file will be
# written relative to the current working directory, and `options.workingDirectory` is the absolute
# path of the current working directory (required if jsPath references a parent directory.) If
# these options are provided, then "sourceRoot" in the output will be a relative path to the
# current working directory, and source files will be given relative to the "sourceRoot".
generateV3SourceMapOptions = (options = {}) ->
console.log "Generating v3 source map"
cwd = options.workingDirectory
return {} unless options.filename
if options.jsPath
sourceRoot = helpers.relativePath options.jsPath, ".", cwd
return {
sourceFile: helpers.relativePath ".", options.filename, cwd
generatedFile: helpers.baseFileName(options.jsPath)
sourceRoot: ""
sourceFile: helpers.baseFileName options.filename
generatedFile: helpers.baseFileName(options.filename, yes) + ".js"
# Compile CoffeeScript code to JavaScript, using the Coffee/Jison compiler.
# If `options.sourceMap` is specified, then `options.filename` must also be specified.
# If `options.sourceMap` is specified, then `options.filename` must also be specified. See
# `generateV3SourceMapOptions()` for other options that can be passed to control source map
# generation.
# This returns a javascript string, unless `options.sourceMap` is passed,
# in which case this returns a `{js, v3SourceMap, sourceMap}
@ -43,8 +75,6 @@ exports.compile = compile = (code, options = {}) ->
if options.sourceMap
coffeeFile = helpers.baseFileName options.filename
jsFile = helpers.baseFileName(options.filename, yes) + ".js"
sourceMap = new sourcemap.SourceMap()
fragments = (parser.parse lexer.tokenize(code, options)).compileToFragments options
@ -80,7 +110,8 @@ exports.compile = compile = (code, options = {}) ->
answer = {js}
if sourceMap
answer.sourceMap = sourceMap
answer.v3SourceMap = sourcemap.generateV3SourceMap sourceMap, coffeeFile, jsFile
v3Options = generateV3SourceMapOptions options
answer.v3SourceMap = sourcemap.generateV3SourceMap(sourceMap, v3Options)
@ -112,9 +112,9 @@ compilePath = (source, topLevel, base) ->
# Compile a single source script, containing the given code, according to the
# requested options. If evaluating the script directly sets `__filename`,
# `__dirname` and `module.filename` to be correct relative to the script's path.
compileScript = (file, input, base) ->
compileScript = (file, input, base=null) ->
o = opts
options = compileOptions file
options = compileOptions file, base
t = task = {file, input, options}
CoffeeScript.emit 'compile', task
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ compileScript = (file, input, base) ->
if o.print
printLine t.output.trim()
else if o.compile || o.map
writeJs base, t.file, t.output, t.sourceMap
writeJs base, t.file, t.output, options.jsPath, t.sourceMap
else if o.lint
lint t.file, t.output
catch err
@ -264,8 +264,7 @@ outputPath = (source, base, extension=".js") ->
# If `generatedSourceMap` is provided, this will write a `.map` file into the
# same directory as the `.js` file.
writeJs = (base, sourcePath, js, generatedSourceMap = null) ->
jsPath = outputPath sourcePath, base
writeJs = (base, sourcePath, js, jsPath, generatedSourceMap = null) ->
sourceMapPath = outputPath sourcePath, base, ".map"
jsDir = path.dirname jsPath
compile = ->
@ -323,15 +322,19 @@ parseOptions = ->
# The compile-time options to pass to the CoffeeScript compiler.
compileOptions = (filename) ->
compileOptions = (filename, base) ->
literate: helpers.isLiterate(filename)
bare: opts.bare
header: opts.compile
sourceMap: opts.map
jsPath: if (filename isnt null and base isnt null) then (outputPath filename, base) else null
workingDirectory: process.cwd()
# Start up a new Node.js instance with the arguments in `--nodejs` passed to
# the `node` binary, preserving the other options.
forkNode = ->
@ -11,6 +11,16 @@ exports.ends = (string, literal, back) ->
len = literal.length
literal is string.substr string.length - len - (back or 0), len
# Repeat a string `n` times.
exports.repeat = repeat = (str, n) ->
# Use clever algorithm to have O(log(n)) string concatenation operations.
res = ''
while n > 0
res += str if n & 1
n >>>= 1
str += str
# Trim out all falsy values from an array.
exports.compact = (array) ->
item for item in array when item
@ -53,7 +63,7 @@ exports.del = (obj, key) ->
# Gets the last item of an array(-like) object.
exports.last = (array, back) -> array[array.length - (back or 0) - 1]
exports.last = last = (array, back) -> array[array.length - (back or 0) - 1]
# Typical Array::some
exports.some = Array::some ? (fn) ->
@ -120,3 +130,57 @@ exports.isCoffee = (file) -> /\.((lit)?coffee|coffee\.md)$/.test file
exports.isLiterate = (file) -> /\.(litcoffee|coffee\.md)$/.test file
# Remove any "." components in a path, any ".."s in the middle of a path. Leaves a trailing '/'
# if present, unless removeTrailingSlash is set.
exports.normalizePath = normalizePath = (path, removeTrailingSlash=no) ->
root = no # Does this path start with the root?
parts = path.split '/'
newParts = []
i = 0
# If the path started with a '/', set the root flag.
if parts.length > 1 and parts[0] == ''
root = yes
for part, i in parts
if part in ['.', '']
if (i is parts.length - 1) and not removeTrailingSlash
# Leave the trailing '/'. Note that we're pushing a '', but because we join with '/'s
# later, this will become a '/'.
newParts.push ''
else if part is '..'
if newParts.length is 0 or (newParts.length and last newParts is '..')
# Leave the ".."
newParts.push '..'
# Drop the '..' and remote the previous element
newParts.push part
if root
if newParts.length is 0 then return '/'
if newParts.length[0] is '..'
# Uhh... This doesn't make any sense.
throw new Error "Invalid path: #{path}"
newParts.unshift '' # Add back the leading "/"
newParts.join '/'
# Solve the relative path from `from` to `to`.
# This is the same as node's `path.relative()`, but can be used even if we're not running in node.
# If paths are relative (don't have a leading '/') then we assume they are both relative to to
# same working directory.
# If `from` is a relative path that starts with '..', then `cwd` must be provided to resolve
# parent path names.
exports.relativePath = (from, to, cwd=null) ->
if cwd
from = cwd + "/" + from
to = cwd + "/" + to
from = normalizePath(from).split '/'
to = normalizePath(to).split '/'
while from.length > 0 and to.length > 0 and from[0] == to[0]
if from.length and from[0] is ".." then throw new Error "'cwd' must be specified if 'from' references parent directory: #{from.join '/'} -> #{to.join '/'}"
answer = repeat "../", from.length - 1
answer + "#{to.join '/'}"
@ -92,7 +92,11 @@ class exports.SourceMap
# Builds a V3 source map from a SourceMap object.
# Returns the generated JSON as a string.
exports.generateV3SourceMap = (sourceMap, sourceFile=null, generatedFile=null) ->
exports.generateV3SourceMap = (sourceMap, options={}) ->
sourceRoot = options.sourceRoot or ""
sourceFile = options.sourceFile or null
generatedFile = options.generatedFile or null
writingGeneratedLine = 0
lastGeneratedColumnWritten = 0
lastSourceLineWritten = 0
@ -146,7 +150,7 @@ exports.generateV3SourceMap = (sourceMap, sourceFile=null, generatedFile=null) -
answer = {
version: 3
file: generatedFile
sourceRoot: ""
sources: if sourceFile then [sourceFile] else []
names: []
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# -------
# pull the helpers from `CoffeeScript.helpers` into local variables
{starts, ends, compact, count, merge, extend, flatten, del, last, baseFileName} = CoffeeScript.helpers
{starts, ends, compact, count, merge, extend, flatten, del, last, baseFileName, normalizePath, relativePath} = CoffeeScript.helpers
# `starts`
@ -126,3 +126,48 @@ test "the `baseFileName` helper returns the file name to write to", ->
filename = name + ext
eq filename, expectedFileName
# `normalizePath`
test "various tests for normalizePath", ->
eq "/", normalizePath "/"
eq "", normalizePath "."
eq "", normalizePath ""
eq "/a/b", normalizePath "/a/b"
eq "/a/c/", normalizePath "/a/c/"
eq "/a/c", normalizePath "/a/c/", true
eq "/a/d", normalizePath "/a/../a/./d/c/.."
eq "/a/e/", normalizePath "/a/../a/./e/c/../"
eq "/a/e", normalizePath "/a/../a/./e/c/../", true
eq "../a", normalizePath "../a"
eq "../b", normalizePath "a/../../b"
# `relativePath`
test "various tests for relativePath", ->
# Same level
eq "foo.js", relativePath "foo.coffee", "foo.js"
eq "foo.js", relativePath "foo.coffee", "foo.js", "/work/src"
# Same level, but both down one level
eq "bar.js", relativePath "src/bar.coffee", "src/bar.js"
eq "bar.js", relativePath "src/bar.coffee", "src/bar.js", "/work/src"
# Sam level, using '.'' as from
eq "baz.js", relativePath ".", "baz.js"
eq "baz.js", relativePath ".", "baz.js", "/work/src"
eq "o/qux.js", relativePath ".", "o/qux.js"
eq "o/qux.js", relativePath ".", "o/qux.js", "/work/src"
# Up one level
eq "../", relativePath "src/bar.js", "."
eq "../", relativePath "src/bar.js", ".", "/work/src"
# Up and over one directory
eq "../dest/foo.js", relativePath "src/foo.coffee", "dest/foo.js"
eq "../dest/foo.js", relativePath "src/foo.coffee", "dest/foo.js", "/work/src"
# Absolute paths
eq "dest1/dest2/bar.js", relativePath "/bar.coffee", "/dest1/dest2/bar.js"
# File vs. directory - keep trailing '/'
eq "../c", relativePath "a/b/", "a/c"
eq "../d/", relativePath "a/b/", "a/d/"
# This should throw, since relativePath can't know the name of the directory that foo.coffee is in.
throws -> relativePath "../o/foo.js", "foo.coffee"
# With the CWD, this should pass.
eq "../src/foo.coffee", relativePath "../o/foo.js", "foo.coffee", "/work/src"
@ -36,7 +36,11 @@ test "SourceMap tests", ->
map.addMapping [1, 9], [2, 8]
map.addMapping [3, 0], [3, 4]
eqJson (sourcemap.generateV3SourceMap map, "source.coffee", "source.js"), '{"version":3,"file":"source.js","sourceRoot":"","sources":["source.coffee"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA;;IACK,GAAC,CAAG;IAET"}'
testWithFilenames = sourcemap.generateV3SourceMap map, {
sourceRoot: "",
sourceFile: "source.coffee",
generatedFile: "source.js"}
eqJson testWithFilenames, '{"version":3,"file":"source.js","sourceRoot":"","sources":["source.coffee"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA;;IACK,GAAC,CAAG;IAET"}'
eqJson (sourcemap.generateV3SourceMap map), '{"version":3,"file":null,"sourceRoot":"","sources":[],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA;;IACK,GAAC,CAAG;IAET"}'
# Look up a generated column - should get back the original source position.
Add table
Reference in a new issue