mirror of
synced 2022-11-09 12:23:24 -05:00
Fixing invalid pattern matching and object creation.
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 97 additions and 41 deletions
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
fs: require 'fs'
helpers: require('./lib/helpers').helpers
{helpers}: require('./lib/helpers')
CoffeeScript: require './lib/coffee-script'
{spawn, exec}: require('child_process')
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
Mathieu D'Amours (matehat)
Chris Hoffman (cehoffman)
Jason Huggins (hugs)
Tim Jones (Tesco)
Timothy Jones (Tesco)
Chris Lloyd (chrislloyd)
Matt Lyon (mattly)
Jeff Olson (olsonjeffery)
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
// Mixin the top-level Cake functions for Cakefiles to use directly.
helpers.extend(global, {
// Define a Cake task with a short name, an optional sentence description,
// and the function to run as the action itself.: // Define a Cake task with a short name, an optional sentence description,
// and the function to run as the action itself.
task: function task(name, description, action) {
var _a;
@ -38,11 +39,13 @@
// Define an option that the Cakefile accepts. The parsed options hash,
// containing all of the command-line options passed, will be made available
// as the first argument to the action.: // Define an option that the Cakefile accepts. The parsed options hash,
// containing all of the command-line options passed, will be made available
// as the first argument to the action.
option: function option(letter, flag, description) {
return switches.push([letter, flag, description]);
// Invoke another task in the current Cakefile.
// Invoke another task in the current Cakefile.: // Invoke another task in the current Cakefile.
invoke: function invoke(name) {
if (!(tasks[name])) {
@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
// `Expression`.
grammar = {
// The **Root** is the top-level node in the syntax tree. Since we parse bottom-up,
// all parsing must end here.: // The **Root** is the top-level node in the syntax tree. Since we parse bottom-up,
// all parsing must end here.
Root: [o("", function() {
return new Expressions();
@ -55,16 +56,16 @@
return new Expressions();
}), o("Body"), o("Block TERMINATOR")
// Any list of statements and expressions, seperated by line breaks or semicolons.
// Any list of statements and expressions, seperated by line breaks or semicolons.: // Any list of statements and expressions, seperated by line breaks or semicolons.
Body: [o("Line", function() {
return Expressions.wrap([$1]);
}), o("Body TERMINATOR Line", function() {
return $1.push($3);
}), o("Body TERMINATOR")
// Expressions and statements, which make up a line in a body.
// Expressions and statements, which make up a line in a body.: // Expressions and statements, which make up a line in a body.
Line: [o("Expression"), o("Statement")],
// Pure statements which cannot be expressions.
// Pure statements which cannot be expressions.: // Pure statements which cannot be expressions.
Statement: [o("Return"), o("Throw"), o("BREAK", function() {
return new LiteralNode($1);
}), o("CONTINUE", function() {
@ -74,10 +75,15 @@
// All the different types of expressions in our language. The basic unit of
// CoffeeScript is the **Expression** -- everything that can be an expression
// is one. Expressions serve as the building blocks of many other rules, making
// them somewhat circular.: // All the different types of expressions in our language. The basic unit of
// CoffeeScript is the **Expression** -- everything that can be an expression
// is one. Expressions serve as the building blocks of many other rules, making
// them somewhat circular.
Expression: [o("Value"), o("Call"), o("Curry"), o("Code"), o("Operation"), o("Assign"), o("If"), o("Try"), o("While"), o("For"), o("Switch"), o("Extends"), o("Class"), o("Splat"), o("Existence"), o("Comment"), o("Extension")],
// A an indented block of expressions. Note that the [Rewriter](rewriter.html)
// will convert some postfix forms into blocks for us, by adjusting the
// token stream.: // A an indented block of expressions. Note that the [Rewriter](rewriter.html)
// will convert some postfix forms into blocks for us, by adjusting the
// token stream.
Block: [o("INDENT Body OUTDENT", function() {
return $2;
@ -87,12 +93,13 @@
return Expressions.wrap([$2]);
// A literal identifier, a variable name or property.
// A literal identifier, a variable name or property.: // A literal identifier, a variable name or property.
Identifier: [o("IDENTIFIER", function() {
return new LiteralNode($1);
// Alphanumerics are separated from the other **Literal** matchers because
// they can also serve as keys in object literals.: // Alphanumerics are separated from the other **Literal** matchers because
// they can also serve as keys in object literals.
AlphaNumeric: [o("NUMBER", function() {
return new LiteralNode($1);
@ -101,6 +108,7 @@
// All of our immediate values. These can (in general), be passed straight
// through and printed to JavaScript.: // All of our immediate values. These can (in general), be passed straight
// through and printed to JavaScript.
Literal: [o("AlphaNumeric"), o("JS", function() {
return new LiteralNode($1);
@ -120,24 +128,23 @@
return new LiteralNode(false);
// Assignment of a variable, property, or index to a value.
// Assignment of a variable, property, or index to a value.: // Assignment of a variable, property, or index to a value.
Assign: [o("Assignable ASSIGN Expression", function() {
return new AssignNode($1, $3);
// Assignment when it happens within an object literal. The difference from
// the ordinary **Assign** is that these allow numbers and strings as keys.: // Assignment when it happens within an object literal. The difference from
// the ordinary **Assign** is that these allow numbers and strings as keys.
AssignObj: [o("Identifier", function() {
return new ValueNode($1);
}), o("AlphaNumeric", function() {
return new ValueNode($1);
}), o("Identifier ASSIGN Expression", function() {
}), o("AlphaNumeric"), o("Identifier ASSIGN Expression", function() {
return new AssignNode(new ValueNode($1), $3, 'object');
}), o("AlphaNumeric ASSIGN Expression", function() {
return new AssignNode(new ValueNode($1), $3, 'object');
}), o("Comment")
// A return statement from a function body.
// A return statement from a function body.: // A return statement from a function body.
Return: [o("RETURN Expression", function() {
return new ReturnNode($2);
}), o("RETURN", function() {
@ -146,18 +153,22 @@
// A comment. Because CoffeeScript passes comments through to JavaScript, we
// have to parse comments like any other construct, and identify all of the
// positions in which they can occur in the grammar.: // A comment. Because CoffeeScript passes comments through to JavaScript, we
// have to parse comments like any other construct, and identify all of the
// positions in which they can occur in the grammar.
Comment: [o("COMMENT", function() {
return new CommentNode($1);
// [The existential operator](http://jashkenas.github.com/coffee-script/#existence).
// [The existential operator](http://jashkenas.github.com/coffee-script/#existence).: // [The existential operator](http://jashkenas.github.com/coffee-script/#existence).
Existence: [o("Expression ?", function() {
return new ExistenceNode($1);
// The **Code** node is the function literal. It's defined by an indented block
// of **Expressions** preceded by a function arrow, with an optional parameter
// list.: // The **Code** node is the function literal. It's defined by an indented block
// of **Expressions** preceded by a function arrow, with an optional parameter
// list.
Code: [o("PARAM_START ParamList PARAM_END FuncGlyph Block", function() {
return new CodeNode($2, $5, $4);
@ -166,6 +177,7 @@
// CoffeeScript has two different symbols for functions. `->` is for ordinary
// functions, and `=>` is for functions bound to the current value of *this*.: // CoffeeScript has two different symbols for functions. `->` is for ordinary
// functions, and `=>` is for functions bound to the current value of *this*.
FuncGlyph: [o("->", function() {
return 'func';
@ -173,9 +185,9 @@
return 'boundfunc';
// An optional, trailing comma.
// An optional, trailing comma.: // An optional, trailing comma.
OptComma: [o(''), o(',')],
// The list of parameters that a function accepts can be of any length.
// The list of parameters that a function accepts can be of any length.: // The list of parameters that a function accepts can be of any length.
ParamList: [o("", function() {
return [];
}), o("Param", function() {
@ -185,6 +197,7 @@
// A single parameter in a function definition can be ordinary, or a splat
// that hoovers up the remaining arguments.: // A single parameter in a function definition can be ordinary, or a splat
// that hoovers up the remaining arguments.
Param: [o("PARAM", function() {
return new LiteralNode($1);
@ -192,12 +205,12 @@
return new SplatNode($1);
// A splat that occurs outside of a parameter list.
// A splat that occurs outside of a parameter list.: // A splat that occurs outside of a parameter list.
Splat: [o("Expression . . .", function() {
return new SplatNode($1);
// Variables and properties that can be assigned to.
// Variables and properties that can be assigned to.: // Variables and properties that can be assigned to.
SimpleAssignable: [o("Identifier", function() {
return new ValueNode($1);
}), o("Value Accessor", function() {
@ -206,7 +219,7 @@
return new ValueNode($1, [$2]);
}), o("ThisProperty")
// Everything that can be assigned to.
// Everything that can be assigned to.: // Everything that can be assigned to.
Assignable: [o("SimpleAssignable"), o("Array", function() {
return new ValueNode($1);
}), o("Object", function() {
@ -214,6 +227,7 @@
// The types of things that can be treated as values -- assigned to, invoked
// as functions, indexed into, named as a class, etc.: // The types of things that can be treated as values -- assigned to, invoked
// as functions, indexed into, named as a class, etc.
Value: [o("Assignable"), o("Literal", function() {
return new ValueNode($1);
@ -226,6 +240,7 @@
// The general group of accessors into an object, by property, by prototype
// or by array index or slice.: // The general group of accessors into an object, by property, by prototype
// or by array index or slice.
Accessor: [o("PROPERTY_ACCESS Identifier", function() {
return new AccessorNode($2);
@ -239,19 +254,20 @@
return new SliceNode($1);
// Indexing into an object or array using bracket notation.
// Indexing into an object or array using bracket notation.: // Indexing into an object or array using bracket notation.
Index: [o("INDEX_START Expression INDEX_END", function() {
return new IndexNode($2);
}), o("SOAKED_INDEX_START Expression SOAKED_INDEX_END", function() {
return new IndexNode($2, 'soak');
// In CoffeeScript, an object literal is simply a list of assignments.
// In CoffeeScript, an object literal is simply a list of assignments.: // In CoffeeScript, an object literal is simply a list of assignments.
Object: [o("{ AssignList OptComma }", function() {
return new ObjectNode($2);
// Assignment of properties within an object literal can be separated by
// comma, as in JavaScript, or simply by newline.: // Assignment of properties within an object literal can be separated by
// comma, as in JavaScript, or simply by newline.
AssignList: [o("", function() {
return [];
@ -268,6 +284,7 @@
// Class definitions have optional bodies of prototype property assignments,
// and optional references to the superclass.: // Class definitions have optional bodies of prototype property assignments,
// and optional references to the superclass.
Class: [o("CLASS SimpleAssignable", function() {
return new ClassNode($2);
@ -279,14 +296,14 @@
return new ClassNode($2, $4, $6);
// Assignments that can happen directly inside a class declaration.
// Assignments that can happen directly inside a class declaration.: // Assignments that can happen directly inside a class declaration.
ClassAssign: [o("AssignObj", function() {
return $1;
}), o("ThisProperty ASSIGN Expression", function() {
return new AssignNode(new ValueNode($1), $3, 'this');
// A list of assignments to a class.
// A list of assignments to a class.: // A list of assignments to a class.
ClassBody: [o("", function() {
return [];
}), o("ClassAssign", function() {
@ -296,72 +313,76 @@
// The three flavors of function call: normal, object instantiation with `new`,
// and calling `super()`: // The three flavors of function call: normal, object instantiation with `new`,
// and calling `super()`
Call: [o("Invocation"), o("NEW Invocation", function() {
return $2.new_instance();
}), o("Super")
// Binds a function call to a context and/or arguments.
// Binds a function call to a context and/or arguments.: // Binds a function call to a context and/or arguments.
Curry: [o("Value <- Arguments", function() {
return new CurryNode($1, $3);
// Extending an object by setting its prototype chain to reference a parent
// object.: // Extending an object by setting its prototype chain to reference a parent
// object.
Extends: [o("SimpleAssignable EXTENDS Value", function() {
return new ExtendsNode($1, $3);
// Ordinary function invocation, or a chained series of calls.
// Ordinary function invocation, or a chained series of calls.: // Ordinary function invocation, or a chained series of calls.
Invocation: [o("Value Arguments", function() {
return new CallNode($1, $2);
}), o("Invocation Arguments", function() {
return new CallNode($1, $2);
// The list of arguments to a function call.
// The list of arguments to a function call.: // The list of arguments to a function call.
Arguments: [o("CALL_START ArgList OptComma CALL_END", function() {
return $2;
// Calling super.
// Calling super.: // Calling super.
Super: [o("SUPER CALL_START ArgList OptComma CALL_END", function() {
return new CallNode('super', $3);
// A reference to the *this* current object.
// A reference to the *this* current object.: // A reference to the *this* current object.
This: [o("THIS", function() {
return new ValueNode(new LiteralNode('this'));
}), o("@", function() {
return new ValueNode(new LiteralNode('this'));
// A reference to a property on *this*.
// A reference to a property on *this*.: // A reference to a property on *this*.
ThisProperty: [o("@ Identifier", function() {
return new ValueNode(new LiteralNode('this'), [new AccessorNode($2)]);
// The CoffeeScript range literal.
// The CoffeeScript range literal.: // The CoffeeScript range literal.
Range: [o("[ Expression . . Expression ]", function() {
return new RangeNode($2, $5);
}), o("[ Expression . . . Expression ]", function() {
return new RangeNode($2, $6, true);
// The slice literal.
// The slice literal.: // The slice literal.
Slice: [o("INDEX_START Expression . . Expression INDEX_END", function() {
return new RangeNode($2, $5);
}), o("INDEX_START Expression . . . Expression INDEX_END", function() {
return new RangeNode($2, $6, true);
// The array literal.
// The array literal.: // The array literal.
Array: [o("[ ArgList OptComma ]", function() {
return new ArrayNode($2);
// The **ArgList** is both the list of objects passed into a function call,
// as well as the contents of an array literal
// (i.e. comma-separated expressions). Newlines work as well.: // The **ArgList** is both the list of objects passed into a function call,
// as well as the contents of an array literal
// (i.e. comma-separated expressions). Newlines work as well.
ArgList: [o("", function() {
return [];
@ -381,6 +402,8 @@
// Just simple, comma-separated, required arguments (no fancy syntax). We need
// this to be separate from the **ArgList** for use in **Switch** blocks, where
// having the newlines wouldn't make sense.: // Just simple, comma-separated, required arguments (no fancy syntax). We need
// this to be separate from the **ArgList** for use in **Switch** blocks, where
// having the newlines wouldn't make sense.
SimpleArgs: [o("Expression"), o("SimpleArgs , Expression", function() {
if ($1 instanceof Array) {
@ -390,7 +413,7 @@
// The variants of *try/catch/finally* exception handling blocks.
// The variants of *try/catch/finally* exception handling blocks.: // The variants of *try/catch/finally* exception handling blocks.
Try: [o("TRY Block Catch", function() {
return new TryNode($2, $3[0], $3[1]);
}), o("TRY Block FINALLY Block", function() {
@ -399,12 +422,12 @@
return new TryNode($2, $3[0], $3[1], $5);
// A catch clause names its error and runs a block of code.
// A catch clause names its error and runs a block of code.: // A catch clause names its error and runs a block of code.
Catch: [o("CATCH Identifier Block", function() {
return [$2, $3];
// Throw an exception object.
// Throw an exception object.: // Throw an exception object.
Throw: [o("THROW Expression", function() {
return new ThrowNode($2);
@ -412,15 +435,19 @@
// Parenthetical expressions. Note that the **Parenthetical** is a **Value**,
// not an **Expression**, so if you need to use an expression in a place
// where only values are accepted, wrapping it in parentheses will always do
// the trick.: // Parenthetical expressions. Note that the **Parenthetical** is a **Value**,
// not an **Expression**, so if you need to use an expression in a place
// where only values are accepted, wrapping it in parentheses will always do
// the trick.
Parenthetical: [o("( Line )", function() {
return new ParentheticalNode($2);
// A language extension to CoffeeScript from the outside. We simply pass
// it through unaltered.: // A language extension to CoffeeScript from the outside. We simply pass
// it through unaltered.
Extension: [o("EXTENSION")],
// The condition portion of a while loop.
// The condition portion of a while loop.: // The condition portion of a while loop.
WhileSource: [o("WHILE Expression", function() {
return new WhileNode($2);
}), o("WHILE Expression WHEN Expression", function() {
@ -430,6 +457,7 @@
// The while loop can either be normal, with a block of expressions to execute,
// or postfix, with a single expression. There is no do..while.: // The while loop can either be normal, with a block of expressions to execute,
// or postfix, with a single expression. There is no do..while.
While: [o("WhileSource Block", function() {
return $1.add_body($2);
@ -441,6 +469,8 @@
// Array, object, and range comprehensions, at the most generic level.
// Comprehensions can either be normal, with a block of expressions to execute,
// or postfix, with a single expression.: // Array, object, and range comprehensions, at the most generic level.
// Comprehensions can either be normal, with a block of expressions to execute,
// or postfix, with a single expression.
For: [o("Statement FOR ForVariables ForSource", function() {
return new ForNode($1, $4, $3[0], $3[1]);
@ -452,6 +482,8 @@
// An array or range comprehension has variables for the current element and
// (optional) reference to the current index. Or, *key, value*, in the case
// of object comprehensions.: // An array or range comprehension has variables for the current element and
// (optional) reference to the current index. Or, *key, value*, in the case
// of object comprehensions.
ForVariables: [o("Identifier", function() {
return [$1];
@ -461,6 +493,8 @@
// The source of a comprehension is an array or object with an optional filter
// clause. If it's an array comprehension, you can also choose to step through
// in fixed-size increments.: // The source of a comprehension is an array or object with an optional filter
// clause. If it's an array comprehension, you can also choose to step through
// in fixed-size increments.
ForSource: [o("IN Expression", function() {
return {
@ -502,6 +536,7 @@
// The CoffeeScript switch/when/else block replaces the JavaScript
// switch/case/default by compiling into an if-else chain.: // The CoffeeScript switch/when/else block replaces the JavaScript
// switch/case/default by compiling into an if-else chain.
Switch: [o("SWITCH Expression INDENT Whens OUTDENT", function() {
return $4.rewrite_condition($2);
@ -510,12 +545,13 @@
// The inner list of whens is left recursive. At code-generation time, the
// IfNode will rewrite them into a proper chain.: // The inner list of whens is left recursive. At code-generation time, the
// IfNode will rewrite them into a proper chain.
Whens: [o("When"), o("Whens When", function() {
return $1.push($2);
// An individual **When** clause, with action.
// An individual **When** clause, with action.: // An individual **When** clause, with action.
When: [o("LEADING_WHEN SimpleArgs Block", function() {
return new IfNode($2, $3, null, {
statement: true
@ -531,6 +567,8 @@
// The most basic form of *if* is a condition and an action. The following
// if-related rules are broken up along these lines in order to avoid
// ambiguity.: // The most basic form of *if* is a condition and an action. The following
// if-related rules are broken up along these lines in order to avoid
// ambiguity.
IfStart: [o("IF Expression Block", function() {
return new IfNode($2, $3);
@ -538,17 +576,18 @@
return $1.add_else($2);
// An **IfStart** can optionally be followed by an else block.
// An **IfStart** can optionally be followed by an else block.: // An **IfStart** can optionally be followed by an else block.
IfBlock: [o("IfStart"), o("IfStart ELSE Block", function() {
return $1.add_else($3);
// An *else if* continuation of the *if* expression.
// An *else if* continuation of the *if* expression.: // An *else if* continuation of the *if* expression.
ElsIf: [o("ELSE IF Expression Block", function() {
return (new IfNode($3, $4)).force_statement();
// The full complement of *if* expressions, including postfix one-liner
// *if* and *unless*.: // The full complement of *if* expressions, including postfix one-liner
// *if* and *unless*.
If: [o("IfBlock"), o("Statement IF Expression", function() {
return new IfNode($3, Expressions.wrap([$1]), null, {
@ -575,6 +614,11 @@
// are defined at the bottom of the page. It would be shorter if we could
// combine most of these rules into a single generic *Operand OpSymbol Operand*
// -type rule, but in order to make the precedence binding possible, separate
// rules are necessary.: // Arithmetic and logical operators, working on one or more operands.
// Here they are grouped by order of precedence. The actual precedence rules
// are defined at the bottom of the page. It would be shorter if we could
// combine most of these rules into a single generic *Operand OpSymbol Operand*
// -type rule, but in order to make the precedence binding possible, separate
// rules are necessary.
Operation: [o("! Expression", function() {
return new OpNode('!', $2);
@ -752,6 +752,9 @@
join = '';
indent = prop instanceof CommentNode ? '' : this.idt(1);
if (!(prop instanceof AssignNode)) {
prop = new AssignNode(prop, prop, 'object');
return indent + prop.compile(o) + join;
@ -1714,6 +1717,8 @@
ClosureNode = (exports.ClosureNode = {
// Wrap the expressions body, unless it contains a pure statement,
// in which case, no dice. If the body mentions `this` or `arguments`,
// then make sure that the closure wrapper preserves the original values.: // Wrap the expressions body, unless it contains a pure statement,
// in which case, no dice. If the body mentions `this` or `arguments`,
// then make sure that the closure wrapper preserves the original values.
wrap: function wrap(expressions, statement) {
var args, call, func, mentions_args, mentions_this, meth;
@ -1749,12 +1754,15 @@
// Correctly set up a prototype chain for inheritance, including a reference
// to the superclass for `super()` calls. See:
// [goog.inherits](http://closure-library.googlecode.com/svn/docs/closure_goog_base.js.source.html#line1206).: // Correctly set up a prototype chain for inheritance, including a reference
// to the superclass for `super()` calls. See:
// [goog.inherits](http://closure-library.googlecode.com/svn/docs/closure_goog_base.js.source.html#line1206).
__extends: "function(child, parent) {\n var ctor = function(){ };\n ctor.prototype = parent.prototype;\n child.__superClass__ = parent.prototype;\n child.prototype = new ctor();\n child.prototype.constructor = child;\n }",
// Bind a function to a calling context, optionally including curried arguments.
// See [Underscore's implementation](http://jashkenas.github.com/coffee-script/documentation/docs/underscore.html#section-47).: // Bind a function to a calling context, optionally including curried arguments.
// See [Underscore's implementation](http://jashkenas.github.com/coffee-script/documentation/docs/underscore.html#section-47).
__bind: "function(func, obj, args) {\n return function() {\n return func.apply(obj || {}, args ? args.concat(__slice.call(arguments, 0)) : arguments);\n };\n }",
// Shortcuts to speed up the lookup time for native functions.
// Shortcuts to speed up the lookup time for native functions.: // Shortcuts to speed up the lookup time for native functions.
__hasProp: 'Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty',
__slice: 'Array.prototype.slice'
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ case 46:this.$ = new AssignNode($$[$0-3+1-1], $$[$0-3+3-1]);
case 47:this.$ = new ValueNode($$[$0-1+1-1]);
case 48:this.$ = new ValueNode($$[$0-1+1-1]);
case 48:this.$ = $$[$0-1+1-1];
case 49:this.$ = new AssignNode(new ValueNode($$[$0-3+1-1]), $$[$0-3+3-1], 'object');
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ grammar: {
# the ordinary **Assign** is that these allow numbers and strings as keys.
AssignObj: [
o "Identifier", -> new ValueNode $1
o "AlphaNumeric", -> new ValueNode $1
o "AlphaNumeric"
o "Identifier ASSIGN Expression", -> new AssignNode new ValueNode($1), $3, 'object'
o "AlphaNumeric ASSIGN Expression", -> new AssignNode new ValueNode($1), $3, 'object'
o "Comment"
@ -542,6 +542,7 @@ exports.ObjectNode: class ObjectNode extends BaseNode
join: "\n" if (prop is last_noncom) or (prop instanceof CommentNode)
join: '' if i is @properties.length - 1
indent: if prop instanceof CommentNode then '' else @idt 1
prop: new AssignNode prop, prop, 'object' unless prop instanceof AssignNode
indent + prop.compile(o) + join
props: props.join('')
inner: if props then '\n' + props + '\n' + @idt() else ''
Add table
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