converting the AST to use the new class system

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Jeremy Ashkenas 2010-02-27 19:19:53 -05:00
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commit 8f871a8218
2 changed files with 753 additions and 639 deletions

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@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ TRAILING_WHITESPACE: /\s+$/gm
# Keep the identifier regex in sync with the Lexer.
IDENTIFIER: /^[a-zA-Z$_](\w|\$)*$/
# Merge objects.
merge: (options, overrides) ->
fresh: {}
@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ statement: (klass, only) ->
klass::is_statement: -> true
(klass::is_statement_only: -> true) if only
# The abstract base class for all CoffeeScript nodes.
# All nodes are implement a "compile_node" method, which performs the
# code generation for that node. To compile a node, call the "compile"
@ -54,76 +56,75 @@ statement: (klass, only) ->
# generated code should be wrapped up in a closure. An options hash is passed
# and cloned throughout, containing messages from higher in the AST,
# information about the current scope, and indentation level.
BaseNode: exports.BaseNode: ->
exports.BaseNode: class BaseNode
# This is extremely important -- we convert JS statements into expressions
# by wrapping them in a closure, only if it's possible, and we're not at
# the top level of a block (which would be unnecessary), and we haven't
# already been asked to return the result.
BaseNode::compile: (o) ->
@options: merge o or {}
@indent: o.indent
del @options, 'operation' unless @operation_sensitive()
top: if @top_sensitive() then else del @options, 'top'
closure: @is_statement() and not @is_statement_only() and not top and
not @options.returns and not (this instanceof CommentNode) and
not @contains (node) -> node.is_statement_only()
if closure then @compile_closure(@options) else @compile_node(@options)
# This is extremely important -- we convert JS statements into expressions
# by wrapping them in a closure, only if it's possible, and we're not at
# the top level of a block (which would be unnecessary), and we haven't
# already been asked to return the result.
compile: (o) ->
@options: merge o or {}
@indent: o.indent
del @options, 'operation' unless @operation_sensitive()
top: if @top_sensitive() then else del @options, 'top'
closure: @is_statement() and not @is_statement_only() and not top and
not @options.returns and not (this instanceof CommentNode) and
not @contains (node) -> node.is_statement_only()
if closure then @compile_closure(@options) else @compile_node(@options)
# Statements converted into expressions share scope with their parent
# closure, to preserve JavaScript-style lexical scope.
BaseNode::compile_closure: (o) ->
@indent: o.indent
o.shared_scope: o.scope
# Statements converted into expressions share scope with their parent
# closure, to preserve JavaScript-style lexical scope.
compile_closure: (o) ->
@indent: o.indent
o.shared_scope: o.scope
# If the code generation wishes to use the result of a complex expression
# in multiple places, ensure that the expression is only ever evaluated once.
BaseNode::compile_reference: (o) ->
reference: new LiteralNode(o.scope.free_variable())
compiled: new AssignNode(reference, this)
[compiled, reference]
# If the code generation wishes to use the result of a complex expression
# in multiple places, ensure that the expression is only ever evaluated once.
compile_reference: (o) ->
reference: new LiteralNode(o.scope.free_variable())
compiled: new AssignNode(reference, this)
[compiled, reference]
# Quick short method for the current indentation level, plus tabbing in.
BaseNode::idt: (tabs) ->
idt: (@indent || '')
idt += TAB for i in [0...(tabs or 0)]
# Quick short method for the current indentation level, plus tabbing in.
idt: (tabs) ->
idt: (@indent || '')
idt += TAB for i in [0...(tabs or 0)]
# Does this node, or any of its children, contain a node of a certain kind?
BaseNode::contains: (block) ->
for node in @children
return true if block(node)
return true if node.contains and node.contains block
# Does this node, or any of its children, contain a node of a certain kind?
contains: (block) ->
for node in @children
return true if block(node)
return true if node.contains and node.contains block
# Perform an in-order traversal of the AST.
BaseNode::traverse: (block) ->
for node in @children
block node
node.traverse block if node.traverse
# Perform an in-order traversal of the AST.
traverse: (block) ->
for node in @children
block node
node.traverse block if node.traverse
# toString representation of the node, for inspecting the parse tree.
toString: (idt) ->
idt ||= ''
'\n' + idt + @type + (child.toString(idt + TAB) for child in @children).join('')
# toString representation of the node, for inspecting the parse tree.
BaseNode::toString: (idt) ->
idt ||= ''
'\n' + idt + @type + (child.toString(idt + TAB) for child in @children).join('')
# Default implementations of the common node methods.
unwrap: -> this
children: []
is_statement: -> false
is_statement_only: -> false
top_sensitive: -> false
operation_sensitive: -> false
# Default implementations of the common node methods.
BaseNode::unwrap: -> this
BaseNode::children: []
BaseNode::is_statement: -> false
BaseNode::is_statement_only: -> false
BaseNode::top_sensitive: -> false
BaseNode::operation_sensitive: -> false
# A collection of nodes, each one representing an expression.
Expressions: exports.Expressions: inherit BaseNode, {
exports.Expressions: class Expressions extends BaseNode
type: 'Expressions'
constructor: (nodes) ->
@children: @expressions: compact flatten nodes or []
# Tack an expression on to the end of this expression list.
push: (node) ->
@ -188,8 +189,6 @@ Expressions: exports.Expressions: inherit BaseNode, {
# Otherwise, we can just return the value of the expression.
return @idt() + 'return ' + node.compile(o) + ';'
# Wrap up a node as an Expressions, unless it already is one.
Expressions.wrap: (nodes) ->
return nodes[0] if nodes.length is 1 and nodes[0] instanceof Expressions
@ -197,20 +196,22 @@ Expressions.wrap: (nodes) ->
statement Expressions
# Literals are static values that can be passed through directly into
# JavaScript without translation, eg.: strings, numbers, true, false, null...
LiteralNode: exports.LiteralNode: inherit BaseNode, {
exports.LiteralNode: class LiteralNode extends BaseNode
type: 'Literal'
constructor: (value) ->
@value: value
# Break and continue must be treated as statements -- they lose their meaning
# when wrapped in a closure.
is_statement: ->
@value is 'break' or @value is 'continue'
is_statement_only: LiteralNode::is_statement
compile_node: (o) ->
idt: if @is_statement() then @idt() else ''
end: if @is_statement() then ';' else ''
@ -219,35 +220,29 @@ LiteralNode: exports.LiteralNode: inherit BaseNode, {
toString: (idt) ->
' "' + @value + '"'
LiteralNode::is_statement_only: LiteralNode::is_statement
# Return an expression, or wrap it in a closure and return it.
ReturnNode: exports.ReturnNode: inherit BaseNode, {
exports.ReturnNode: class ReturnNode extends BaseNode
type: 'Return'
constructor: (expression) ->
@children: [@expression: expression]
compile_node: (o) ->
return @expression.compile(merge(o, {returns: true})) if @expression.is_statement()
@idt() + 'return ' + @expression.compile(o) + ';'
statement ReturnNode, true
# A value, indexed or dotted into, or vanilla.
ValueNode: exports.ValueNode: inherit BaseNode, {
exports.ValueNode: class ValueNode extends BaseNode
type: 'Value'
SOAK: " == undefined ? undefined : "
constructor: (base, properties) ->
@children: flatten [@base: base, @properties: (properties or [])]
push: (prop) ->
@ -305,11 +300,10 @@ ValueNode: exports.ValueNode: inherit BaseNode, {
if op and soaked then '(' + complete + ')' else complete
# Pass through CoffeeScript comments into JavaScript comments at the
# same position.
CommentNode: exports.CommentNode: inherit BaseNode, {
exports.CommentNode: class CommentNode extends BaseNode
type: 'Comment'
constructor: (lines) ->
@ -319,19 +313,17 @@ CommentNode: exports.CommentNode: inherit BaseNode, {
compile_node: (o) ->
@idt() + '//' + @lines.join('\n' + @idt() + '//')
statement CommentNode
# Node for a function invocation. Takes care of converting super() calls into
# calls against the prototype's function of the same name.
CallNode: exports.CallNode: inherit BaseNode, {
exports.CallNode: class CallNode extends BaseNode
type: 'Call'
constructor: (variable, args) ->
@children: flatten [@variable: variable, @args: (args or [])]
@prefix: ''
new_instance: ->
@prefix: 'new '
@ -373,16 +365,14 @@ CallNode: exports.CallNode: inherit BaseNode, {
if i is 0 then code else '.concat(' + code + ')'
@prefix + meth + '.apply(' + obj + ', ' + args.join('') + ')'
# Node to extend an object's prototype with an ancestor object.
# After goog.inherits from the Closure Library.
ExtendsNode: exports.ExtendsNode: inherit BaseNode, {
exports.ExtendsNode: class ExtendsNode extends BaseNode
type: 'Extends'
constructor: (child, parent) ->
@children: [@child: child, @parent: parent]
# Hooking one constructor into another's prototype chain.
compile_node: (o) ->
@ -404,13 +394,12 @@ ExtendsNode: exports.ExtendsNode: inherit BaseNode, {
child + '.prototype = new ' + construct + "();\n" + @idt() +
child + '.prototype.constructor = ' + child + ';'
statement ExtendsNode
# A dotted accessor into a part of a value, or the :: shorthand for
# an accessor into the object's prototype.
AccessorNode: exports.AccessorNode: inherit BaseNode, {
exports.AccessorNode: class AccessorNode extends BaseNode
type: 'Accessor'
constructor: (name, tag) ->
@ -422,31 +411,27 @@ AccessorNode: exports.AccessorNode: inherit BaseNode, {
compile_node: (o) ->
'.' + (if @prototype then 'prototype.' else '') + @name.compile(o)
# An indexed accessor into a part of an array or object.
IndexNode: exports.IndexNode: inherit BaseNode, {
exports.IndexNode: class IndexNode extends BaseNode
type: 'Index'
constructor: (index, tag) ->
@children: [@index: index]
@soak_node: tag is 'soak'
compile_node: (o) ->
'[' + @index.compile(o) + ']'
# A range literal. Ranges can be used to extract portions (slices) of arrays,
# or to specify a range for list comprehensions.
RangeNode: exports.RangeNode: inherit BaseNode, {
exports.RangeNode: class RangeNode extends BaseNode
type: 'Range'
constructor: (from, to, exclusive) ->
@children: [@from: from, @to: to]
@exclusive: !!exclusive
compile_variables: (o) ->
@indent: o.indent
@ -475,12 +460,11 @@ RangeNode: exports.RangeNode: inherit BaseNode, {
arr: Expressions.wrap([new ForNode(body, {source: (new ValueNode(this))}, new LiteralNode(name))])
(new ParentheticalNode(new CallNode(new CodeNode([], arr)))).compile(o)
# An array slice literal. Unlike JavaScript's Array#slice, the second parameter
# specifies the index of the end of the slice (just like the first parameter)
# is the index of the beginning.
SliceNode: exports.SliceNode: inherit BaseNode, {
exports.SliceNode: class SliceNode extends BaseNode
type: 'Slice'
constructor: (range) ->
@ -493,15 +477,13 @@ SliceNode: exports.SliceNode: inherit BaseNode, {
plus_part: if @range.exclusive then '' else ' + 1'
".slice(" + from + ', ' + to + plus_part + ')'
# An object literal.
ObjectNode: exports.ObjectNode: inherit BaseNode, {
exports.ObjectNode: class ObjectNode extends BaseNode
type: 'Object'
constructor: (props) ->
@children: @objects: @properties: props or []
# All the mucking about with commas is to make sure that CommentNodes and
# AssignNodes get interleaved correctly, with no trailing commas or
@ -520,15 +502,13 @@ ObjectNode: exports.ObjectNode: inherit BaseNode, {
inner: if props then '\n' + props + '\n' + @idt() else ''
'{' + inner + '}'
# A class literal, including optional superclass and constructor.
ClassNode: exports.ClassNode: inherit BaseNode, {
exports.ClassNode: class ClassNode extends BaseNode
type: 'Class'
constructor: (variable, parent, props) ->
@children: compact flatten [@variable: variable, @parent: parent, @properties: props or []]
compile_node: (o) ->
extension: @parent and new ExtendsNode(@variable, @parent)
@ -556,17 +536,15 @@ ClassNode: exports.ClassNode: inherit BaseNode, {
returns: if ret then '\n' + @idt() + 'return ' + @variable.compile(o) + ';' else ''
construct + extension + props + returns
statement ClassNode
# An array literal.
ArrayNode: exports.ArrayNode: inherit BaseNode, {
exports.ArrayNode: class ArrayNode extends BaseNode
type: 'Array'
constructor: (objects) ->
@children: @objects: objects or []
compile_node: (o) ->
o.indent: @idt(1)
@ -582,7 +560,6 @@ ArrayNode: exports.ArrayNode: inherit BaseNode, {
ending: if objects.indexOf('\n') >= 0 then "\n" + @idt() + ']' else ']'
'[' + objects + ending
# A faux-node that is never created by the grammar, but is used during
# code generation to generate a quick "array.push(value)" tree of nodes.
@ -597,6 +574,7 @@ PushNode: exports.PushNode: {
# A faux-node used to wrap an expressions body in a closure.
ClosureNode: exports.ClosureNode: {
@ -607,8 +585,9 @@ ClosureNode: exports.ClosureNode: {
# Setting the value of a local variable, or the value of an object property.
AssignNode: exports.AssignNode: inherit BaseNode, {
exports.AssignNode: class AssignNode extends BaseNode
type: 'Assign'
PROTO_ASSIGN: /^(\S+)\.prototype/
@ -617,7 +596,6 @@ AssignNode: exports.AssignNode: inherit BaseNode, {
constructor: (variable, value, context) ->
@children: [@variable: variable, @value: value]
@context: context
top_sensitive: ->
@ -680,18 +658,16 @@ AssignNode: exports.AssignNode: inherit BaseNode, {
to: + ' - ' + from + plus
name + '.splice.apply(' + name + ', [' + from + ', ' + to + '].concat(' + @value.compile(o) + '))'
# A function definition. The only node that creates a new Scope.
# A CodeNode does not have any children -- they're within the new scope.
CodeNode: exports.CodeNode: inherit BaseNode, {
exports.CodeNode: class CodeNode extends BaseNode
type: 'Code'
constructor: (params, body, tag) ->
@params: params or []
@body: body or new Expressions()
@bound: tag is 'boundfunc'
compile_node: (o) ->
shared_scope: del o, 'shared_scope'
@ -730,17 +706,15 @@ CodeNode: exports.CodeNode: inherit BaseNode, {
idt ||= ''
'\n' + idt + @type + (child.toString(idt + TAB) for child in @real_children()).join('')
# A splat, either as a parameter to a function, an argument to a call,
# or in a destructuring assignment.
SplatNode: exports.SplatNode: inherit BaseNode, {
exports.SplatNode: class SplatNode extends BaseNode
type: 'Splat'
constructor: (name) ->
name: new LiteralNode(name) unless name.compile
@children: [@name: name]
compile_node: (o) ->
if @index? then @compile_param(o) else @name.compile(o)
@ -753,17 +727,15 @@ SplatNode: exports.SplatNode: inherit BaseNode, {
compile_value: (o, name, index) ->
"" + name + ', ' + index + ')'
# A while loop, the only sort of low-level loop exposed by CoffeeScript. From
# it, all other loops can be manufactured.
WhileNode: exports.WhileNode: inherit BaseNode, {
exports.WhileNode: class WhileNode extends BaseNode
type: 'While'
constructor: (condition, opts) ->
@children:[@condition: condition]
@filter: opts and opts.filter
add_body: (body) ->
@children.push @body: body
@ -789,13 +761,12 @@ WhileNode: exports.WhileNode: inherit BaseNode, {
@body: Expressions.wrap([new IfNode(@filter, @body)]) if @filter
pre + ' {\n' + @body.compile(o) + '\n' + @idt() + '}' + post
statement WhileNode
# Simple Arithmetic and logical operations. Performs some conversion from
# CoffeeScript operations into their JavaScript equivalents.
OpNode: exports.OpNode: inherit BaseNode, {
exports.OpNode: class OpNode extends BaseNode
type: 'Op'
@ -817,7 +788,6 @@ OpNode: exports.OpNode: inherit BaseNode, {
@children: compact [@first: first, @second: second]
@operator: @CONVERSIONS[operator] or operator
@flip: !!flip
is_unary: ->
not @second
@ -856,10 +826,9 @@ OpNode: exports.OpNode: inherit BaseNode, {
parts: parts.reverse() if @flip
# A try/catch/finally block.
TryNode: exports.TryNode: inherit BaseNode, {
exports.TryNode: class TryNode extends BaseNode
type: 'Try'
constructor: (attempt, error, recovery, ensure) ->
@ -875,51 +844,45 @@ TryNode: exports.TryNode: inherit BaseNode, {
finally_part: (@ensure or '') and ' finally {\n' + @ensure.compile(merge(o, {returns: null})) + '\n' + @idt() + '}'
@idt() + 'try {\n' + @attempt.compile(o) + '\n' + @idt() + '}' + catch_part + finally_part
statement TryNode
# Throw an exception.
ThrowNode: exports.ThrowNode: inherit BaseNode, {
exports.ThrowNode: class ThrowNode extends BaseNode
type: 'Throw'
constructor: (expression) ->
@children: [@expression: expression]
compile_node: (o) ->
@idt() + 'throw ' + @expression.compile(o) + ';'
statement ThrowNode, true
# Check an expression for existence (meaning not null or undefined).
ExistenceNode: exports.ExistenceNode: inherit BaseNode, {
exports.ExistenceNode: class ExistenceNode extends BaseNode
type: 'Existence'
constructor: (expression) ->
@children: [@expression: expression]
compile_node: (o) ->
ExistenceNode.compile_test(o, @expression)
ExistenceNode.compile_test: (o, variable) ->
[first, second]: [variable, variable]
if variable instanceof CallNode or (variable instanceof ValueNode and variable.has_properties())
[first, second]: variable.compile_reference(o)
'(typeof ' + first.compile(o) + ' !== "undefined" && ' + second.compile(o) + ' !== null)'
# An extra set of parentheses, specified explicitly in the source.
ParentheticalNode: exports.ParentheticalNode: inherit BaseNode, {
exports.ParentheticalNode: class ParentheticalNode extends BaseNode
type: 'Paren'
constructor: (expression) ->
@children: [@expression: expression]
is_statement: ->
@ -931,13 +894,12 @@ ParentheticalNode: exports.ParentheticalNode: inherit BaseNode, {
code: code.substr(o, l-1) if code.substr(l-1, 1) is ';'
'(' + code + ')'
# The replacement for the for loop is an array comprehension (that compiles)
# into a for loop. Also acts as an expression, able to return the result
# of the comprehenion. Unlike Python array comprehensions, it's able to pass
# the current index of the loop as a second parameter.
ForNode: exports.ForNode: inherit BaseNode, {
exports.ForNode: class ForNode extends BaseNode
type: 'For'
constructor: (body, source, name, index) ->
@ -950,7 +912,6 @@ ForNode: exports.ForNode: inherit BaseNode, {
@object: !!source.object
[@name, @index]: [@index, @name] if @object
@children: compact [@body, @source, @filter]
top_sensitive: ->
@ -1001,15 +962,14 @@ ForNode: exports.ForNode: inherit BaseNode, {
close: if @object then '}}\n' else '}\n'
set_result + source_part + 'for (' + for_part + ') {\n' + var_part + body + '\n' + @idt() + close + @idt() + return_result
statement ForNode
# If/else statements. Switch/whens get compiled into these. Acts as an
# expression by pushing down requested returns to the expression bodies.
# Single-expression IfNodes are compiled into ternary operators if possible,
# because ternaries are first-class returnable assignable expressions.
IfNode: exports.IfNode: inherit BaseNode, {
exports.IfNode: class IfNode extends BaseNode
type: 'If'
constructor: (condition, body, else_body, tags) ->
@ -1020,7 +980,6 @@ IfNode: exports.IfNode: inherit BaseNode, {
@tags: tags or {}
@multiple: true if @condition instanceof Array
@condition: new OpNode('!', new ParentheticalNode(@condition)) if @tags.invert
push: (else_body) ->
eb: else_body.unwrap()
@ -1101,5 +1060,3 @@ IfNode: exports.IfNode: inherit BaseNode, {
if_part: @condition.compile(o) + ' ? ' + @body.compile(o)
else_part: if @else_body then @else_body.compile(o) else 'null'
if_part + ' : ' + else_part