Refactor Cake tasks (#4440)

* Node comes with NPM nowadays, so there’s not really a reason to install CoffeeScript the non-NPM way

* The cake documentation tasks should each have build and watch modes following the same form

* Refactor the build tasks to be more foolproof, including the parser unless it’s explicitly excluded

* Abstract out testing built code, to prepare for watching the build task

* Cake task to cut a new release

* cake build:watch, based on

* Coding style

* Tests shouldn’t write files in a watched folder

* Don’t crash if the REPL test history file is already gone by the time we try to delete it
This commit is contained in:
Geoffrey Booth 2017-02-18 02:47:02 -05:00 committed by GitHub
parent d84c94dc6d
commit 98c1a3a045
6 changed files with 139 additions and 82 deletions

View File

@ -24,65 +24,31 @@ header = """
# Used in folder names like docs/v1
# Used in folder names like `docs/v1`.
majorVersion = parseInt CoffeeScript.VERSION.split('.')[0], 10
# Build the CoffeeScript language from source.
build = (cb) ->
files = fs.readdirSync 'src'
files = ('src/' + file for file in files when file.match(/\.(lit)?coffee$/))
run ['-c', '-o', 'lib/coffee-script'].concat(files), cb
# Run a CoffeeScript through our node/coffee interpreter.
run = (args, cb) ->
proc = spawn 'node', ['bin/coffee'].concat(args)
proc.stderr.on 'data', (buffer) -> console.log buffer.toString()
proc.on 'exit', (status) ->
process.exit(1) if status isnt 0
cb() if typeof cb is 'function'
# Log a message with a color.
log = (message, color, explanation) ->
console.log color + message + reset + ' ' + (explanation or '')
option '-p', '--prefix [DIR]', 'set the installation prefix for `cake install`'
task 'install', 'install CoffeeScript into /usr/local (or --prefix)', (options) ->
base = options.prefix or '/usr/local'
lib = "#{base}/lib/coffee-script"
bin = "#{base}/bin"
node = "~/.node_libraries/coffee-script"
console.log "Installing CoffeeScript to #{lib}"
console.log "Linking to #{node}"
console.log "Linking 'coffee' to #{bin}/coffee"
"mkdir -p #{lib} #{bin}"
"cp -rf bin lib LICENSE package.json src #{lib}"
"ln -sfn #{lib}/bin/coffee #{bin}/coffee"
"ln -sfn #{lib}/bin/cake #{bin}/cake"
"mkdir -p ~/.node_libraries"
"ln -sfn #{lib}/lib/coffee-script #{node}"
].join(' && '), (err, stdout, stderr) ->
if err then console.log stderr.trim() else log 'done', green
spawnNodeProcess = (args, output = 'stderr', callback) ->
relayOutput = (buffer) -> console.log buffer.toString()
proc = spawn 'node', args
proc.stdout.on 'data', relayOutput if output is 'both' or output is 'stdout'
proc.stderr.on 'data', relayOutput if output is 'both' or output is 'stderr'
proc.on 'exit', (status) -> callback(status) if typeof callback is 'function'
# Run a CoffeeScript through our node/coffee interpreter.
run = (args, callback) ->
spawnNodeProcess ['bin/coffee'].concat(args), 'stderr', (status) ->
process.exit(1) if status isnt 0
callback() if typeof callback is 'function'
task 'build', 'build the CoffeeScript language from source', build
task 'build:full', 'rebuild the source twice, and run the tests', ->
build ->
build ->
csPath = './lib/coffee-script'
csDir = path.dirname require.resolve csPath
for mod of require.cache when csDir is mod[0 ... csDir.length]
delete require.cache[mod]
unless runTests require csPath
process.exit 1
task 'build:parser', 'rebuild the Jison parser (run build first)', ->
# Build the CoffeeScript language from source.
buildParser = ->
helpers.extend global, require 'util'
require 'jison'
parser = require('./lib/coffee-script/grammar').parser.generate()
@ -95,8 +61,62 @@ task 'build:parser', 'rebuild the Jison parser (run build first)', ->
source = fs"""
fs.writeFileSync 'lib/coffee-script/parser.js', parser
buildExceptParser = (callback) ->
files = fs.readdirSync 'src'
files = ('src/' + file for file in files when file.match(/\.(lit)?coffee$/))
run ['-c', '-o', 'lib/coffee-script'].concat(files), callback
task 'build:browser', 'rebuild the merged script for inclusion in the browser', ->
build = (callback) ->
buildExceptParser callback
testBuiltCode = (watch = no) ->
csPath = './lib/coffee-script'
csDir = path.dirname require.resolve csPath
for mod of require.cache when csDir is mod[0 ... csDir.length]
delete require.cache[mod]
testResults = runTests require csPath
unless watch
process.exit 1 unless testResults
buildAndTest = (includingParser = yes, harmony = no) ->
process.stdout.write '\x1Bc' # Clear terminal screen.
execSync 'git checkout lib/*', stdio: [0,1,2] # Reset the generated compiler.
buildArgs = ['bin/cake']
buildArgs.push if includingParser then 'build' else 'build:except-parser'
log "building#{if includingParser then ', including parser' else ''}...", green
spawnNodeProcess buildArgs, 'both', ->
log 'testing...', green
testArgs = if harmony then ['--harmony'] else []
testArgs = testArgs.concat ['bin/cake', 'test']
spawnNodeProcess testArgs, 'both'
watchAndBuildAndTest = (harmony = no) ->
buildAndTest yes, harmony 'src/', interval: 200, (eventType, filename) ->
if eventType is 'change'
log "src/#{filename} changed, rebuilding..."
buildAndTest (filename is ''), harmony 'test/', {interval: 200, recursive: yes}, (eventType, filename) ->
if eventType is 'change'
log "test/#{filename} changed, rebuilding..."
buildAndTest no, harmony
task 'build', 'build the CoffeeScript compiler from source', build
task 'build:parser', 'build the Jison parser only', buildParser
task 'build:except-parser', 'build the CoffeeScript compiler, except for the Jison parser', buildExceptParser
task 'build:full', 'build the CoffeeScript compiler from source twice, and run the tests', ->
build ->
build testBuiltCode
task 'build:browser', 'build the merged script for inclusion in the browser', ->
code = """
require['../../package.json'] = (function() {
return #{fs.readFileSync "./package.json"};
@ -137,8 +157,14 @@ task 'build:browser', 'rebuild the merged script for inclusion in the browser',
console.log "built ... running browser tests:"
invoke 'test:browser'
task 'build:watch', 'watch and continually rebuild the CoffeeScript compiler, running tests on each build', ->
task 'doc:site', 'watch and continually rebuild the documentation for the website', ->
task 'build:watch:harmony', 'watch and continually rebuild the CoffeeScript compiler, running harmony tests on each build', ->
watchAndBuildAndTest yes
buildDocs = (watch = no) ->
# Constants
indexFile = 'documentation/index.html'
versionedSourceFolder = "documentation/v#{majorVersion}"
@ -211,12 +237,19 @@ task 'doc:site', 'watch and continually rebuild the documentation for the websit
fs.symlinkSync "v#{majorVersion}/index.html", 'docs/index.html'
catch exception
if watch
for target in [indexFile, versionedSourceFolder, examplesSourceFolder, sectionsSourceFolder] target, interval: 200, renderIndex
log 'watching...', green
task 'doc:site', 'build the documentation for the website', ->
task 'doc:test', 'watch and continually rebuild the browser-based tests', ->
task 'doc:site:watch', 'watch and continually rebuild the documentation for the website', ->
buildDocs yes
buildDocTests = (watch = no) ->
# Constants
testFile = 'documentation/test.html'
testsSourceFolder = 'test'
@ -254,14 +287,40 @@ task 'doc:test', 'watch and continually rebuild the browser-based tests', ->
fs.writeFileSync "#{outputFolder}/test.html", output
log 'compiled', green, "#{testFile} → #{outputFolder}/test.html"
if watch
for target in [testFile, testsSourceFolder] target, interval: 200, renderTest
log 'watching...', green
task 'doc:test', 'build the browser-based tests', ->
task 'doc:source', 'rebuild the annotated source documentation', ->
task 'doc:test:watch', 'watch and continually rebuild the browser-based tests', ->
buildDocTests yes
buildAnnotatedSource = (watch = no) ->
do generateAnnotatedSource = ->
exec "node_modules/docco/bin/docco src/*.*coffee --output docs/v#{majorVersion}/annotated-source", (err) -> throw err if err
log 'generated', green, "annotated source in docs/v#{majorVersion}/annotated-source/"
if watch 'src/', interval: 200, generateAnnotatedSource
log 'watching...', green
task 'doc:source', 'build the annotated source documentation', ->
task 'doc:source:watch', 'watch and continually rebuild the annotated source documentation', ->
buildAnnotatedSource yes
task 'release', 'build and test the CoffeeScript source, and build the documentation', ->
invoke 'build:full'
invoke 'build:browser'
invoke 'doc:site'
invoke 'doc:test'
invoke 'doc:source'
task 'bench', 'quick benchmark of compilation time', ->
{Rewriter} = require './lib/coffee-script/rewriter'

View File

@ -25,15 +25,10 @@ CoffeeScript is a little language that compiles into JavaScript.
If you have the node package manager, npm, installed:
npm install -g coffee-script
npm install --global coffee-script
Leave off the `-g` if you don't wish to install globally. If you don't wish to use npm:
git clone
sudo coffeescript/bin/cake install
Leave off the `--global` if you dont wish to install globally.
## Getting Started
@ -53,7 +48,7 @@ For documentation, usage, and examples, see:
To suggest a feature or report a bug:
If you'd like to chat, drop by #coffeescript on Freenode IRC.
If youd like to chat, drop by #coffeescript on Freenode IRC.
The source repository:

View File

@ -2584,9 +2584,9 @@ task(<span class="string">'build:parser'</span>, <span class="string">'rebuild t
<li><p><a href="">Source Code</a><br>
Use <code>bin/coffee</code> to test your changes,<br>
<code>bin/cake test</code> to run the test suite,<br>
<code>bin/cake build</code> to rebuild the CoffeeScript compiler, and<br>
<code>bin/cake build:parser</code> to regenerate the Jison parser if youre working on the grammar.</p>
<p><code>git checkout lib &amp;&amp; bin/cake build:full</code> is a good command to run when youre working on the core language. Itll refresh the lib directory (in case you broke something), build your altered compiler, use that to rebuild itself (a good sanity test) and then run all of the tests. If they pass, theres a good chance youve made a successful change.</p>
<code>bin/cake build</code> to rebuild the full CoffeeScript compiler, and<br>
<code>bin/cake build:except-parser</code> to recompile much faster if youre not editing <code></code>.</p>
<p><code>git checkout lib &amp;&amp; bin/cake build:full</code> is a good command to run when youre working on the core language. Itll refresh the <code>lib</code> folder (in case you broke something), build your altered compiler, use that to rebuild itself (a good sanity test) and then run all of the tests. If they pass, theres a good chance youve made a successful change.</p>
<li><a href="v1/test.html">Browser Tests</a><br>
Run CoffeeScripts test suite in your current browser.</li>

View File

@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
* [Source Code](<br>
Use `bin/coffee` to test your changes,<br>
`bin/cake test` to run the test suite,<br>
`bin/cake build` to rebuild the CoffeeScript compiler, and<br>
`bin/cake build:parser` to regenerate the Jison parser if youre working on the grammar.
`bin/cake build` to rebuild the full CoffeeScript compiler, and<br>
`bin/cake build:except-parser` to recompile much faster if youre not editing ``.
`git checkout lib && bin/cake build:full` is a good command to run when youre working on the core language. Itll refresh the lib directory (in case you broke something), build your altered compiler, use that to rebuild itself (a good sanity test) and then run all of the tests. If they pass, theres a good chance youve made a successful change.
`git checkout lib && bin/cake build:full` is a good command to run when youre working on the core language. Itll refresh the `lib` folder (in case you broke something), build your altered compiler, use that to rebuild itself (a good sanity test) and then run all of the tests. If they pass, theres a good chance youve made a successful change.
* [Browser Tests](v<%= majorVersion %>/test.html)<br>
Run CoffeeScripts test suite in your current browser.
* [CoffeeScript Issues](<br>

View File

@ -71,20 +71,21 @@ if require?
test "#2849: compilation error in a require()d file", ->
# Create a temporary file to require().
ok not fs.existsSync 'test/'
fs.writeFileSync 'test/', 'foo in bar or in baz'
tempFile = path.join os.tmpdir(), ''
ok not fs.existsSync tempFile
fs.writeFileSync tempFile, 'foo in bar or in baz'
assertErrorFormat '''
require './test/syntax-error'
assertErrorFormat """
require '#{tempFile}'
#{path.join __dirname, ''}:1:15: error: unexpected in
#{fs.realpathSync tempFile}:1:15: error: unexpected in
foo in bar or in baz
fs.unlinkSync 'test/'
fs.unlinkSync tempFile
test "#3890 Error.prepareStackTrace doesn't throw an error if a compiled file is deleted", ->
# Adapted from

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@ -109,4 +109,6 @@ testRepl "keeps running after runtime error", (input, output) ->
eq 'undefined', output.lastWrite()
process.on 'exit', ->
fs.unlinkSync historyFile
catch exception # Already deleted, nothing else to do.