
This commit is contained in:
Michael Ficarra 2010-12-12 05:04:48 -05:00
parent 63bc12d3f1
commit a19ea4b662
2 changed files with 56 additions and 51 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
# Regular Expressions
# -------------------
#TODO: add some rigorous regex interpolation tests
test "basic regular expression literals", ->
ok 'a'.match(/a/)
ok 'a'.match /a/
ok 'a'.match(/a/g)
ok 'a'.match /a/g
test "division is not confused for a regular expression", ->
eq 2, 4 / 2 / 1
a = 4
b = 2
g = 1
eq 2, a / b/g
obj = method: -> 2
two = 2
eq 2, (obj.method()/two + obj.method()/two)
i = 1
eq 2, (4)/2/i
eq 1, i/i/i
test "backslash escapes", ->
eq "\\/\\\\", /\/\\/.source
test "#764: regular expressions should be indexable", ->
eq /0/['source'], ///#{0}///['source']
test "#584: slashes are allowed unescaped in character classes", ->
ok /^a\/[/]b$/.test 'a//b'
#### Heregexe(n|s)
test "a heregex will ignore whitespace and comments", ->
eq /^I'm\x20+[a]\s+Heregex?\/\/\//gim + '', ///
^ I'm \x20+ [a] \s+
Heregex? / // # or not
///gim + ''
test "heregex interpolation", ->
eq /\\#{}\\\"/ + '', ///
"#{ '\\' }" # normal comment
# regex comment
\\ \"
/// + ''
test "an empty heregex will compile to an empty, non-capturing group", ->
eq /(?:)/ + '', /// /// + ''

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@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
# Regular expression literals.
ok 'x'.match(/x/g)
ok 'x'.match /x/g
ok 'x'.match(/x/)
ok 'x'.match /x/
ok 4 / 2 / 1 is 2
y = 4
x = 2
g = 1
ok y / x/g is 2
obj = {
width: -> 10
height: -> 20
id = 2
ok (obj.width()/id - obj.height()/id) is -5
eq /\\/.source, "\\\\"
eq /^I'm\s+Heregex?\/\/\//gim + '', ///
^ I'm \s+ Heregex? / // # or not
///gim + ''
eq '\\\\#{}\\\\\\\"', ///
"#{ '\\' }" # normal comment
# regex comment
\\ \"
eq /// /// + '', '/(?:)/'
#764: Should be indexable.
eq /0/['source'], ///#{0}///['source']
# If not preceded by whitespace, should be stricter.
i = 5
eq (1000)/200/i, 1
eq i/i/i, 0.2
#584: Unescaped slashes in character classes.
ok /:\/[/]goog/.test ''