more progress with the lexer, perhaps it's done

This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Ashkenas 2010-01-30 15:56:40 -05:00
parent f19360c6b9
commit babeebcc1a
6 changed files with 247 additions and 121 deletions

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
// Compile a list of CoffeeScript files on disk.
exports.compile_files = function compile_files(paths, callback) {
var coffee, js;
var coffee, exit_ran, js;
js = '';
coffee = process.createChildProcess(compiler, ['--print'].concat(paths));
coffee.addListener('output', function(results) {
@ -31,7 +31,13 @@
return js += results;
// NB: we have to add a mutex to make sure it doesn't get called twice.
exit_ran = false;
return coffee.addListener('exit', function() {
if (exit_ran) {
return null;
exit_ran = true;
return callback(js);

View File

@ -1,39 +1,41 @@
var lex, sys;
sys = require('sys');
// The lexer reads a stream of CoffeeScript and divvys it up into tagged
// tokens. A minor bit of the ambiguity in the grammar has been avoided by
// pushing some extra smarts into the Lexer.
exports.Lexer = (lex = function lex() { });
// Constants ============================================================
// The list of keywords passed verbatim to the parser.
lex.KEYWORDS = ["if", "else", "then", "unless", "true", "false", "yes", "no", "on", "off", "and", "or", "is", "isnt", "not", "new", "return", "arguments", "try", "catch", "finally", "throw", "break", "continue", "for", "in", "of", "by", "where", "while", "delete", "instanceof", "typeof", "switch", "when", "super", "extends"];
KEYWORDS = ["if", "else", "then", "unless", "true", "false", "yes", "no", "on", "off", "and", "or", "is", "isnt", "not", "new", "return", "arguments", "try", "catch", "finally", "throw", "break", "continue", "for", "in", "of", "by", "where", "while", "delete", "instanceof", "typeof", "switch", "when", "super", "extends"];
// Token matching regexes.
lex.IDENTIFIER = /^([a-zA-Z$_](\w|\$)*)/;
lex.NUMBER = /^(\b((0(x|X)[0-9a-fA-F]+)|([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?(e[+\-]?[0-9]+)?)))\b/i;
lex.STRING = /^(""|''|"([\s\S]*?)([^\\]|\\\\)"|'([\s\S]*?)([^\\]|\\\\)')/;
lex.HEREDOC = /^("{6}|'{6}|"{3}\n?([\s\S]*?)\n?([ \t]*)"{3}|'{3}\n?([\s\S]*?)\n?([ \t]*)'{3})/;
lex.JS = /^(``|`([\s\S]*?)([^\\]|\\\\)`)/;
lex.OPERATOR = /^([+\*&|\/\-%=<>:!?]+)/;
lex.WHITESPACE = /^([ \t]+)/;
lex.COMMENT = /^(((\n?[ \t]*)?#.*$)+)/;
lex.CODE = /^((-|=)>)/;
lex.REGEX = /^(\/(.*?)([^\\]|\\\\)\/[imgy]{0,4})/;
lex.MULTI_DENT = /^((\n([ \t]*))+)(\.)?/;
lex.LAST_DENT = /\n([ \t]*)/;
lex.ASSIGNMENT = /^(:|=)$/;
IDENTIFIER = /^([a-zA-Z$_](\w|\$)*)/;
NUMBER = /^(\b((0(x|X)[0-9a-fA-F]+)|([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?(e[+\-]?[0-9]+)?)))\b/i;
STRING = /^(""|''|"([\s\S]*?)([^\\]|\\\\)"|'([\s\S]*?)([^\\]|\\\\)')/;
HEREDOC = /^("{6}|'{6}|"{3}\n?([\s\S]*?)\n?([ \t]*)"{3}|'{3}\n?([\s\S]*?)\n?([ \t]*)'{3})/;
JS = /^(``|`([\s\S]*?)([^\\]|\\\\)`)/;
OPERATOR = /^([+\*&|\/\-%=<>:!?]+)/;
WHITESPACE = /^([ \t]+)/;
COMMENT = /^(((\n?[ \t]*)?#.*$)+)/;
CODE = /^((-|=)>)/;
REGEX = /^(\/(.*?)([^\\]|\\\\)\/[imgy]{0,4})/;
MULTI_DENT = /^((\n([ \t]*))+)(\.)?/;
LAST_DENTS = /\n([ \t]*)/g;
LAST_DENT = /\n([ \t]*)/;
ASSIGNMENT = /^(:|=)$/;
// Token cleaning regexes.
lex.JS_CLEANER = /(^`|`$)/g;
lex.MULTILINER = /\n/g;
lex.STRING_NEWLINES = /\n[ \t]*/g;
lex.COMMENT_CLEANER = /(^[ \t]*#|\n[ \t]*$)/mg;
lex.NO_NEWLINE = /^([+\*&|\/\-%=<>:!.\\][<>=&|]*|and|or|is|isnt|not|delete|typeof|instanceof)$/;
lex.HEREDOC_INDENT = /^[ \t]+/g;
JS_CLEANER = /(^`|`$)/g;
STRING_NEWLINES = /\n[ \t]*/g;
COMMENT_CLEANER = /(^[ \t]*#|\n[ \t]*$)/mg;
NO_NEWLINE = /^([+\*&|\/\-%=<>:!.\\][<>=&|]*|and|or|is|isnt|not|delete|typeof|instanceof)$/;
HEREDOC_INDENT = /^[ \t]+/g;
// Tokens which a regular expression will never immediately follow, but which
// a division operator might.
// See:
lex.NOT_REGEX = ['IDENTIFIER', 'NUMBER', 'REGEX', 'STRING', ')', '++', '--', ']', '}', 'FALSE', 'NULL', 'TRUE'];
NOT_REGEX = ['IDENTIFIER', 'NUMBER', 'REGEX', 'STRING', ')', '++', '--', ']', '}', 'FALSE', 'NULL', 'TRUE'];
// Tokens which could legitimately be invoked or indexed.
lex.CALLABLE = ['IDENTIFIER', 'SUPER', ')', ']', '}', 'STRING'];
CALLABLE = ['IDENTIFIER', 'SUPER', ')', ']', '}', 'STRING'];
// Scan by attempting to match tokens one character at a time. Slow and steady.
lex.prototype.tokenize = function tokenize(code) {
this.code = code;
@ -52,8 +54,8 @@
this.chunk = this.code.slice(this.i);
// sys.puts "original stream: #{@tokens.inspect}" if process.ENV['VERBOSE']
// this.close_indentation()
// sys.puts "original stream: " + this.tokens if process.ENV['VERBOSE']
// (new Rewriter()).rewrite(this.tokens)
return this.tokens;
@ -78,7 +80,9 @@
if (this.regex_token()) {
return null;
// return if this.indent_token()
if (this.indent_token()) {
return null;
if (this.comment_token()) {
return null;
@ -91,12 +95,12 @@
// Matches identifying literals: variables, keywords, method names, etc.
lex.prototype.identifier_token = function identifier_token() {
var id, tag;
if (!((id = this.match(lex.IDENTIFIER, 1)))) {
if (!((id = this.match(IDENTIFIER, 1)))) {
return false;
// Keywords are special identifiers tagged with their own name,
// 'if' will result in an ['IF', "if"] token.
tag = lex.KEYWORDS.indexOf(id) >= 0 ? id.toUpperCase() : 'IDENTIFIER';
tag = KEYWORDS.indexOf(id) >= 0 ? id.toUpperCase() : 'IDENTIFIER';
if (tag === 'WHEN' && (this.tag() === 'OUTDENT' || this.tag() === 'INDENT')) {
@ -117,7 +121,7 @@
// Matches numbers, including decimals, hex, and exponential notation.
lex.prototype.number_token = function number_token() {
var number;
if (!((number = this.match(lex.NUMBER, 1)))) {
if (!((number = this.match(NUMBER, 1)))) {
return false;
this.token('NUMBER', number);
@ -126,7 +130,7 @@
// Matches strings, including multi-line strings.
lex.prototype.string_token = function string_token() {
var escaped, string;
if (!((string = this.match(lex.STRING, 1)))) {
if (!((string = this.match(STRING, 1)))) {
return false;
escaped = string.replace(STRING_NEWLINES, " \\\n");
@ -137,12 +141,12 @@
// Matches heredocs, adjusting indentation to the correct level.
lex.prototype.heredoc_token = function heredoc_token() {
var doc, indent, match;
if (!((match = this.chunk.match(lex.HEREDOC)))) {
if (!((match = this.chunk.match(HEREDOC)))) {
return false;
doc = match[2] || match[4];
indent = doc.match(lex.HEREDOC_INDENT).sort()[0];
doc = doc.replace(new RegExp("^" + indent, 'g'), '').replace(lex.MULTILINER, "\\n").replace('"', '\\"');
indent = doc.match(HEREDOC_INDENT).sort()[0];
doc = doc.replace(new RegExp("^" + indent, 'g'), '').replace(MULTILINER, "\\n").replace('"', '\\"');
this.token('STRING', '"' + doc + '"');
this.line += this.count(match[1], "\n");
return this.i += match[1].length;
@ -150,19 +154,19 @@
// Matches interpolated JavaScript.
lex.prototype.js_token = function js_token() {
var script;
if (!((script = this.match(lex.JS, 1)))) {
if (!((script = this.match(JS, 1)))) {
return false;
this.token('JS', script.replace(lex.JS_CLEANER, ''));
this.token('JS', script.replace(JS_CLEANER, ''));
return this.i += script.length;
// Matches regular expression literals.
lex.prototype.regex_token = function regex_token() {
var regex;
if (!((regex = this.match(lex.REGEX, 1)))) {
if (!((regex = this.match(REGEX, 1)))) {
return false;
if (lex.NOT_REGEX.indexOf(this.tag()) >= 0) {
if (NOT_REGEX.indexOf(this.tag()) >= 0) {
return false;
this.token('REGEX', regex);
@ -171,36 +175,88 @@
// Matches and conumes comments.
lex.prototype.comment_token = function comment_token() {
var comment;
if (!((comment = this.match(lex.COMMENT, 1)))) {
if (!((comment = this.match(COMMENT, 1)))) {
return false;
this.line += comment.match(lex.MULTILINER).length;
this.token('COMMENT', comment.replace(lex.COMMENT_CLEANER, '').split(lex.MULTILINER));
this.line += comment.match(MULTILINER).length;
this.token('COMMENT', comment.replace(COMMENT_CLEANER, '').split(MULTILINER));
this.token("\n", "\n");
return this.i += comment.length;
// Record tokens for indentation differing from the previous line.
lex.prototype.indent_token = function indent_token() {
var diff, indent, next_character, no_newlines, size;
if (!((indent = this.match(MULTI_DENT, 1)))) {
return false;
this.line += indent.match(MULTILINER).length;
this.i += indent.length;
next_character = this.chunk.match(MULTI_DENT)[4];
no_newlines = next_character === '.' || (this.value().match(NO_NEWLINE) && this.tokens[this.tokens.length - 2][0] !== '.' && !this.value().match(CODE));
if (no_newlines) {
return this.suppress_newlines(indent);
size = indent.match(LAST_DENTS).reverse()[0].match(LAST_DENT)[1].length;
if (size === this.indent) {
return this.newline_token(indent);
if (size > this.indent) {
diff = size - this.indent;
this.token('INDENT', diff);
} else {
this.outdent_token(this.indent - size);
return this.indent = size;
// Record an oudent token or tokens, if we're moving back inwards past
// multiple recorded indents.
lex.prototype.outdent_token = function outdent_token(move_out) {
var last_indent;
while (move_out > 0 && this.indents.length) {
last_indent = this.indents.pop();
this.token('OUTDENT', last_indent);
move_out -= last_indent;
return this.token("\n", "\n");
// Matches and consumes non-meaningful whitespace.
lex.prototype.whitespace_token = function whitespace_token() {
var space;
if (!((space = this.match(lex.WHITESPACE, 1)))) {
if (!((space = this.match(WHITESPACE, 1)))) {
return false;
this.value().spaced = true;
return this.i += space.length;
// Multiple newlines get merged together.
// Use a trailing \ to escape newlines.
lex.prototype.newline_token = function newline_token(newlines) {
if (!(this.value() === "\n")) {
this.token("\n", "\n");
return true;
// Tokens to explicitly escape newlines are removed once their job is done.
lex.prototype.suppress_newlines = function suppress_newlines(newlines) {
if (this.value() === "\\") {
return true;
// We treat all other single characters as a token. Eg.: ( ) , . !
// Multi-character operators are also literal tokens, so that Racc can assign
// the proper order of operations.
lex.prototype.literal_token = function literal_token() {
var match, tag, value;
match = this.chunk.match(lex.OPERATOR);
match = this.chunk.match(OPERATOR);
value = match && match[1];
if (value && value.match(lex.CODE)) {
if (value && value.match(CODE)) {
value = value || this.chunk.substr(0, 1);
tag = value.match(lex.ASSIGNMENT) ? 'ASSIGN' : value;
if (this.value() && this.value().spaced && lex.CALLABLE.indexOf(this.tag() >= 0)) {
tag = value.match(ASSIGNMENT) ? 'ASSIGN' : value;
if (this.value() && this.value().spaced && CALLABLE.indexOf(this.tag() >= 0)) {
if (value === '(') {
tag = 'CALL_START';
@ -259,4 +315,36 @@
return m ? m[index] : false;
// A source of ambiguity in our grammar was parameter lists in function
// definitions (as opposed to argument lists in function calls). Tag
// parameter identifiers in order to avoid this. Also, parameter lists can
// make use of splats.
lex.prototype.tag_parameters = function tag_parameters() {
var __a, i, tok;
if (this.tag() !== ')') {
return null;
i = 0;
__a = [];
while (true) {
i += 1;
tok = this.tokens[this.tokens.length - i];
if (!tok) {
return null;
if (tok[0] === 'IDENTIFIER') {
tok[0] = 'PARAM';
} else if (tok[0] === ')') {
tok[0] = 'PARAM_END';
} else if (tok[0] === '(') {
return (tok[0] = 'PARAM_START');
return __a;
// Close up all remaining open blocks. IF the first token is an indent,
// axe it.
lex.prototype.close_indentation = function close_indentation() {
return this.outdent_token(this.indent);

View File

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
var coffee, paths;
// Quickie script to compile and run all the files given as arguments.
coffee = require('./coffee-script');
paths = process.ARGV;
paths = paths.slice(2, paths.length);
coffee.compile_files(paths, function(js) {

View File

@ -23,7 +23,11 @@ exports.compile_files: (paths, callback) ->
coffee: process.createChildProcess compiler, ['--print'].concat(paths)
coffee.addListener 'output', (results) ->
js += results if results?
# NB: we have to add a mutex to make sure it doesn't get called twice.
exit_ran: false
coffee.addListener 'exit', ->
return if exit_ran
exit_ran: true

View File

@ -5,8 +5,10 @@ sys: require 'sys'
# pushing some extra smarts into the Lexer.
exports.Lexer: lex: ->
# Constants ============================================================
# The list of keywords passed verbatim to the parser.
"if", "else", "then", "unless",
"true", "false", "yes", "no", "on", "off",
"and", "or", "is", "isnt", "not",
@ -20,39 +22,40 @@ lex.KEYWORDS: [
# Token matching regexes.
lex.IDENTIFIER : /^([a-zA-Z$_](\w|\$)*)/
lex.NUMBER : /^(\b((0(x|X)[0-9a-fA-F]+)|([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?(e[+\-]?[0-9]+)?)))\b/i
lex.STRING : /^(""|''|"([\s\S]*?)([^\\]|\\\\)"|'([\s\S]*?)([^\\]|\\\\)')/
lex.HEREDOC : /^("{6}|'{6}|"{3}\n?([\s\S]*?)\n?([ \t]*)"{3}|'{3}\n?([\s\S]*?)\n?([ \t]*)'{3})/
lex.JS : /^(``|`([\s\S]*?)([^\\]|\\\\)`)/
lex.OPERATOR : /^([+\*&|\/\-%=<>:!?]+)/
lex.WHITESPACE : /^([ \t]+)/
lex.COMMENT : /^(((\n?[ \t]*)?#.*$)+)/
lex.CODE : /^((-|=)>)/
lex.REGEX : /^(\/(.*?)([^\\]|\\\\)\/[imgy]{0,4})/
lex.MULTI_DENT : /^((\n([ \t]*))+)(\.)?/
lex.LAST_DENT : /\n([ \t]*)/
lex.ASSIGNMENT : /^(:|=)$/
IDENTIFIER : /^([a-zA-Z$_](\w|\$)*)/
NUMBER : /^(\b((0(x|X)[0-9a-fA-F]+)|([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?(e[+\-]?[0-9]+)?)))\b/i
STRING : /^(""|''|"([\s\S]*?)([^\\]|\\\\)"|'([\s\S]*?)([^\\]|\\\\)')/
HEREDOC : /^("{6}|'{6}|"{3}\n?([\s\S]*?)\n?([ \t]*)"{3}|'{3}\n?([\s\S]*?)\n?([ \t]*)'{3})/
JS : /^(``|`([\s\S]*?)([^\\]|\\\\)`)/
OPERATOR : /^([+\*&|\/\-%=<>:!?]+)/
WHITESPACE : /^([ \t]+)/
COMMENT : /^(((\n?[ \t]*)?#.*$)+)/
CODE : /^((-|=)>)/
REGEX : /^(\/(.*?)([^\\]|\\\\)\/[imgy]{0,4})/
MULTI_DENT : /^((\n([ \t]*))+)(\.)?/
LAST_DENTS : /\n([ \t]*)/g
LAST_DENT : /\n([ \t]*)/
ASSIGNMENT : /^(:|=)$/
# Token cleaning regexes.
lex.JS_CLEANER : /(^`|`$)/g
lex.MULTILINER : /\n/g
lex.STRING_NEWLINES : /\n[ \t]*/g
lex.COMMENT_CLEANER : /(^[ \t]*#|\n[ \t]*$)/mg
lex.NO_NEWLINE : /^([+\*&|\/\-%=<>:!.\\][<>=&|]*|and|or|is|isnt|not|delete|typeof|instanceof)$/
lex.HEREDOC_INDENT : /^[ \t]+/g
JS_CLEANER : /(^`|`$)/g
STRING_NEWLINES : /\n[ \t]*/g
COMMENT_CLEANER : /(^[ \t]*#|\n[ \t]*$)/mg
NO_NEWLINE : /^([+\*&|\/\-%=<>:!.\\][<>=&|]*|and|or|is|isnt|not|delete|typeof|instanceof)$/
HEREDOC_INDENT : /^[ \t]+/g
# Tokens which a regular expression will never immediately follow, but which
# a division operator might.
# See:
lex.NOT_REGEX: [
')', '++', '--', ']', '}',
# Tokens which could legitimately be invoked or indexed.
lex.CALLABLE: ['IDENTIFIER', 'SUPER', ')', ']', '}', 'STRING']
CALLABLE: ['IDENTIFIER', 'SUPER', ')', ']', '}', 'STRING']
# Scan by attempting to match tokens one character at a time. Slow and steady.
lex::tokenize: (code) ->
@ -65,8 +68,8 @@ lex::tokenize: (code) ->
while this.i < this.code.length
this.chunk: this.code.slice(this.i)
# sys.puts "original stream: #{@tokens.inspect}" if process.ENV['VERBOSE']
# this.close_indentation()
# sys.puts "original stream: " + this.tokens if process.ENV['VERBOSE']
# (new Rewriter()).rewrite(this.tokens)
@ -79,7 +82,7 @@ lex::extract_next_token: ->
return if this.string_token()
return if this.js_token()
return if this.regex_token()
# return if this.indent_token()
return if this.indent_token()
return if this.comment_token()
return if this.whitespace_token()
return this.literal_token()
@ -88,10 +91,10 @@ lex::extract_next_token: ->
# Matches identifying literals: variables, keywords, method names, etc.
lex::identifier_token: ->
return false unless id: this.match lex.IDENTIFIER, 1
return false unless id: this.match IDENTIFIER, 1
# Keywords are special identifiers tagged with their own name,
# 'if' will result in an ['IF', "if"] token.
tag: if lex.KEYWORDS.indexOf(id) >= 0 then id.toUpperCase() else 'IDENTIFIER'
tag: if KEYWORDS.indexOf(id) >= 0 then id.toUpperCase() else 'IDENTIFIER'
tag: 'LEADING_WHEN' if tag is 'WHEN' and (this.tag() is 'OUTDENT' or this.tag() is 'INDENT')
this.tag(-1, 'PROTOTYPE_ACCESS') if tag is 'IDENTIFIER' and this.value() is '::'
if tag is 'IDENTIFIER' and this.value() is '.' and !(this.value(-2) is '.')
@ -105,13 +108,13 @@ lex::identifier_token: ->
# Matches numbers, including decimals, hex, and exponential notation.
lex::number_token: ->
return false unless number: this.match lex.NUMBER, 1
return false unless number: this.match NUMBER, 1
this.token 'NUMBER', number
this.i += number.length
# Matches strings, including multi-line strings.
lex::string_token: ->
return false unless string: this.match lex.STRING, 1
return false unless string: this.match STRING, 1
escaped: string.replace STRING_NEWLINES, " \\\n"
this.token 'STRING', escaped
this.line += this.count string, "\n"
@ -119,11 +122,11 @@ lex::string_token: ->
# Matches heredocs, adjusting indentation to the correct level.
lex::heredoc_token: ->
return false unless match = this.chunk.match(lex.HEREDOC)
return false unless match = this.chunk.match(HEREDOC)
doc: match[2] or match[4]
indent: doc.match(lex.HEREDOC_INDENT).sort()[0]
indent: doc.match(HEREDOC_INDENT).sort()[0]
doc: doc.replace(new RegExp("^" + indent, 'g'), '')
.replace(lex.MULTILINER, "\\n")
.replace(MULTILINER, "\\n")
.replace('"', '\\"')
this.token 'STRING', '"' + doc + '"'
this.line += this.count match[1], "\n"
@ -131,45 +134,79 @@ lex::heredoc_token: ->
# Matches interpolated JavaScript.
lex::js_token: ->
return false unless script: this.match lex.JS, 1
this.token 'JS', script.replace(lex.JS_CLEANER, '')
return false unless script: this.match JS, 1
this.token 'JS', script.replace(JS_CLEANER, '')
this.i += script.length
# Matches regular expression literals.
lex::regex_token: ->
return false unless regex: this.match lex.REGEX, 1
return false if lex.NOT_REGEX.indexOf(this.tag()) >= 0
return false unless regex: this.match REGEX, 1
return false if NOT_REGEX.indexOf(this.tag()) >= 0
this.token 'REGEX', regex
this.i += regex.length
# Matches and conumes comments.
lex::comment_token: ->
return false unless comment: this.match lex.COMMENT, 1
this.line += comment.match(lex.MULTILINER).length
this.token 'COMMENT', comment.replace(lex.COMMENT_CLEANER, '').split(lex.MULTILINER)
return false unless comment: this.match COMMENT, 1
this.line += comment.match(MULTILINER).length
this.token 'COMMENT', comment.replace(COMMENT_CLEANER, '').split(MULTILINER)
this.token "\n", "\n"
this.i += comment.length
# Record tokens for indentation differing from the previous line.
lex::indent_token: ->
return false unless indent: this.match MULTI_DENT, 1
this.line += indent.match(MULTILINER).length
this.i += indent.length
next_character: this.chunk.match(MULTI_DENT)[4]
no_newlines: next_character is '.' or (this.value().match(NO_NEWLINE) and this.tokens[this.tokens.length - 2][0] isnt '.' and not this.value().match(CODE))
return this.suppress_newlines(indent) if no_newlines
size: indent.match(LAST_DENTS).reverse()[0].match(LAST_DENT)[1].length
return this.newline_token(indent) if size is this.indent
if size > this.indent
diff: size - this.indent
this.token 'INDENT', diff
this.indents.push diff
this.outdent_token this.indent - size
this.indent: size
# Record an oudent token or tokens, if we're moving back inwards past
# multiple recorded indents.
lex::outdent_token: (move_out) ->
while move_out > 0 and this.indents.length
last_indent: this.indents.pop()
this.token 'OUTDENT', last_indent
move_out -= last_indent
this.token "\n", "\n"
# Matches and consumes non-meaningful whitespace.
lex::whitespace_token: ->
return false unless space: this.match lex.WHITESPACE, 1
return false unless space: this.match WHITESPACE, 1
this.value().spaced: true
this.i += space.length
# Multiple newlines get merged together.
# Use a trailing \ to escape newlines.
lex::newline_token: (newlines) ->
this.token "\n", "\n" unless this.value() is "\n"
# Tokens to explicitly escape newlines are removed once their job is done.
lex::suppress_newlines: (newlines) ->
this.tokens.pop() if this.value() is "\\"
# We treat all other single characters as a token. Eg.: ( ) , . !
# Multi-character operators are also literal tokens, so that Racc can assign
# the proper order of operations.
lex::literal_token: ->
match: this.chunk.match(lex.OPERATOR)
match: this.chunk.match(OPERATOR)
value: match and match[1]
tag_parameters() if value and value.match(lex.CODE)
this.tag_parameters() if value and value.match(CODE)
value ||= this.chunk.substr(0, 1)
tag: if value.match(lex.ASSIGNMENT) then 'ASSIGN' else value
if this.value() and this.value().spaced and lex.CALLABLE.indexOf(this.tag() >= 0)
tag: if value.match(ASSIGNMENT) then 'ASSIGN' else value
if this.value() and this.value().spaced and CALLABLE.indexOf(this.tag() >= 0)
tag: 'CALL_START' if value is '('
tag: 'INDEX_START' if value is '['
this.token tag, value
@ -209,30 +246,23 @@ lex::match: (regex, index) ->
return false unless m: this.chunk.match(regex)
if m then m[index] else false
# A source of ambiguity in our grammar was parameter lists in function
# definitions (as opposed to argument lists in function calls). Tag
# parameter identifiers in order to avoid this. Also, parameter lists can
# make use of splats.
lex::tag_parameters: ->
return if this.tag() isnt ')'
i: 0
while true
i += 1
tok: this.tokens[this.tokens.length - i]
return if not tok
switch tok[0]
when 'IDENTIFIER' then tok[0]: 'PARAM'
when ')' then tok[0]: 'PARAM_END'
when '(' then return tok[0]: 'PARAM_START'
# Close up all remaining open blocks. IF the first token is an indent,
# axe it.
lex::close_indentation: ->

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
# Quickie script to compile and run all the files given as arguments.
coffee: require './coffee-script'
process.mixin require 'sys'
paths: process.ARGV
paths: paths[2...paths.length]