removed extra parens from soak compilations

This commit is contained in:
satyr 2010-10-21 04:51:11 +09:00
parent c1dc74fc8b
commit c11ca94870
5 changed files with 44 additions and 41 deletions

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
return eval(CoffeeScript.compile(code, options));
}; = function(code, options) {
((options != null) ? options.bare = true : undefined);
(options != null) ? options.bare = true : undefined;
return Function(CoffeeScript.compile(code, options))();
if (!(typeof window !== "undefined" && window !== null)) {

View File

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
return [compiled, reference];
if (((options != null) ? options.precompile : undefined)) {
if ((options != null) ? options.precompile : undefined) {
for (i = 0, _len = pair.length; i < _len; i++) {
node = pair[i];
(pair[i] = node.compile(o));
@ -301,7 +301,7 @@
Return.prototype.makeReturn = THIS;
Return.prototype.compile = function(o) {
var _ref2, expr;
expr = (((_ref2 = this.expression) != null) ? _ref2.makeReturn() : undefined);
expr = ((_ref2 = this.expression) != null) ? _ref2.makeReturn() : undefined;
if (expr && !(expr instanceof Return)) {
return expr.compile(o);
@ -430,16 +430,19 @@
fst = new Parens(new Assign(ref, fst));
snd.base = ref;
ifn = new If(new Existence(fst), snd, {
soak: true
return new If(new Existence(fst), snd, {
soak: true,
operation: this.tags.operation
return ifn;
return null;
Value.wrap = function(node) {
return node instanceof Value ? node : new Value(node);
return Value;
exports.Comment = (function() {
Comment = (function() {
function Comment(_arg) {
@ -496,13 +499,13 @@
return method.klass ? "" + (method.klass) + ".__super__." + name : "" + name + ".__super__.constructor";
Call.prototype.unfoldSoak = function(o) {
var _i, _len, _ref2, _ref3, call, ifn, left, list, rite, val;
var _i, _len, _ref2, _ref3, call, ifn, left, list, rite;
if (this.soakNode) {
if (val = this.variable) {
if (!(val instanceof Value)) {
val = new Value(val);
if (this.variable) {
if (ifn = If.unfoldSoak(o, this, 'variable')) {
return ifn;
_ref2 = val.cacheReference(o), left = _ref2[0], rite = _ref2[1];
_ref2 = Value.wrap(this.variable).cacheReference(o), left = _ref2[0], rite = _ref2[1];
} else {
left = new Literal(this.superReference(o));
rite = new Value(left);
@ -510,10 +513,10 @@
rite = new Call(rite, this.args);
rite.isNew = this.isNew;
left = new Literal("typeof " + (left.compile(o)) + " === \"function\"");
ifn = new If(left, new Value(rite), {
soak: true
return new If(left, new Value(rite), {
soak: true,
operation: this.tags.operation
return ifn;
call = this;
list = [];
@ -549,7 +552,7 @@
if (ifn = this.unfoldSoak(o)) {
return ifn.compile(o);
(((_ref2 = this.variable) != null) ? _ref2.tags.front = this.tags.front : undefined);
((_ref2 = this.variable) != null) ? _ref2.tags.front = this.tags.front : undefined;
for (_i = 0, _len = (_ref3 = this.args).length; _i < _len; _i++) {
arg = _ref3[_i];
if (arg instanceof Splat) {
@ -576,9 +579,7 @@
return ("" + (this.superReference(o)) + ".apply(this, " + splatargs + ")");
if (!this.isNew) {
if (!((base = this.variable) instanceof Value)) {
base = new Value(base);
base = Value.wrap(this.variable);
if ((name = && base.isComplex()) {
ref = o.scope.freeVariable('this');
fun = "(" + ref + " = " + (base.compile(o)) + ")" + (name.compile(o));
@ -1032,11 +1033,8 @@
} else {
idx = isObject ? obj.tags["this"] ?[0].name : obj : new Literal(0);
if (!(value instanceof Value)) {
value = new Value(value);
accessClass = IDENTIFIER.test(idx.value) ? Accessor : Index; accessClass(idx));
(value = Value.wrap(value)).properties.push(new accessClass(idx));
return new Assign(obj, value).compile(o);
top = del(o, 'top');
@ -1298,7 +1296,7 @@
function While(condition, opts) {;
this.condition = ((opts != null) ? opts.invert : undefined) ? condition.invert() : condition;
this.guard = ((opts != null) ? opts.guard : undefined);
this.guard = (opts != null) ? opts.guard : undefined;
return this;
return While;
@ -1826,11 +1824,11 @@
If.prototype.topSensitive = YES;
If.prototype.bodyNode = function() {
var _ref2;
return (((_ref2 = this.body) != null) ? _ref2.unwrap() : undefined);
return ((_ref2 = this.body) != null) ? _ref2.unwrap() : undefined;
If.prototype.elseBodyNode = function() {
var _ref2;
return (((_ref2 = this.elseBody) != null) ? _ref2.unwrap() : undefined);
return ((_ref2 = this.elseBody) != null) ? _ref2.unwrap() : undefined;
If.prototype.addElse = function(elseBody) {
if (this.isChain) {
@ -1881,8 +1879,9 @@
If.prototype.compileExpression = function(o) {
var _ref2, code;
this.condition.tags.operation = true;
code = this.condition.compile(o) + ' ? ' + this.bodyNode().compileBare(o) + ' : ' + (((_ref2 = this.elseBodyNode()) != null) ? _ref2.compileBare(o) : undefined);
return this.tags.operation || this.soakNode ? "(" + code + ")" : code;
return this.tags.operation ? "(" + code + ")" : code;
If.prototype.unfoldSoak = function() {
return this.soakNode && this;
@ -1894,6 +1893,9 @@
parent[name] = ifn.body;
ifn.body = new Value(parent);
if (parent.tags.operation) {
ifn.tags.operation = true;
return ifn;
return If;

View File

@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
_ref = this.tokens.slice(i + 1, i + 4), one = _ref[0], two = _ref[1], three = _ref[2];
tag = token[0];
return (tag === 'TERMINATOR' || tag === 'OUTDENT') && !(((two != null) ? two[0] : undefined) === ':' || ((one != null) ? one[0] : undefined) === '@' && ((three != null) ? three[0] : undefined) === ':') || tag === ',' && !((_ref2 = ((one != null) ? one[0] : undefined)) === 'IDENTIFIER' || _ref2 === 'NUMBER' || _ref2 === 'STRING' || _ref2 === '@' || _ref2 === 'TERMINATOR' || _ref2 === 'OUTDENT');
return (tag === 'TERMINATOR' || tag === 'OUTDENT') && !(((two != null) ? two[0] : undefined) === ':' || ((one != null) ? one[0] : undefined) === '@' && ((three != null) ? three[0] : undefined) === ':') || tag === ',' && !((_ref2 = (one != null) ? one[0] : undefined) === 'IDENTIFIER' || _ref2 === 'NUMBER' || _ref2 === 'STRING' || _ref2 === '@' || _ref2 === 'TERMINATOR' || _ref2 === 'OUTDENT');
action = function(token, i) {
return this.tokens.splice(i, 0, ['}', '}', token[2]]);
@ -360,7 +360,7 @@
exports.Rewriter.prototype.tag = function(i) {
var _ref;
return (((_ref = this.tokens[i]) != null) ? _ref[0] : undefined);
return ((_ref = this.tokens[i]) != null) ? _ref[0] : undefined;
BALANCED_PAIRS = [['(', ')'], ['[', ']'], ['{', '}'], ['INDENT', 'OUTDENT'], ['CALL_START', 'CALL_END'], ['PARAM_START', 'PARAM_END'], ['INDEX_START', 'INDEX_END']];

View File

@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
this.setVar(temp, 'var');
(((_ref2 = last(this.garbage)) != null) ? _ref2.push(temp) : undefined);
((_ref2 = last(this.garbage)) != null) ? _ref2.push(temp) : undefined;
return temp;
Scope.prototype.assign = function(name, value) {

View File

@ -403,10 +403,11 @@ exports.Value = class Value extends Base
ref = new Literal o.scope.freeVariable 'ref'
fst = new Parens new Assign ref, fst
snd.base = ref
ifn = new If new Existence(fst), snd, soak: yes
return ifn
return new If new Existence(fst), snd, soak: on, operation: @tags.operation
@wrap: (node) -> if node instanceof Value then node else new Value node
#### Comment
# CoffeeScript passes through block comments as JavaScript block comments
@ -463,17 +464,16 @@ exports.Call = class Call extends Base
# Soaked chained invocations unfold into if/else ternary structures.
unfoldSoak: (o) ->
if @soakNode
if val = @variable
val = new Value val unless val instanceof Value
[left, rite] = val.cacheReference o
if @variable
return ifn if ifn = If.unfoldSoak o, this, 'variable'
[left, rite] = Value.wrap(@variable).cacheReference o
left = new Literal @superReference o
rite = new Value left
rite = new Call rite, @args
rite.isNew = @isNew
left = new Literal "typeof #{ left.compile o } === \"function\""
ifn = new If left, new Value(rite), soak: yes
return ifn
return new If left, new Value(rite), soak: yes, operation: @tags.operation
call = this
list = []
@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ exports.Call = class Call extends Base
splatargs = @compileSplatArguments o
return "#{ @superReference o }.apply(this, #{splatargs})" if @isSuper
unless @isNew
base = new Value base unless (base = @variable) instanceof Value
base = Value.wrap @variable
if (name = and base.isComplex()
ref = o.scope.freeVariable 'this'
fun = "(#{ref} = #{ base.compile o })#{ name.compile o }"
@ -893,9 +893,8 @@ exports.Assign = class Assign extends Base
idx = if isObject
if obj.tags.this then[0].name else obj
else new Literal 0
value = new Value value unless value instanceof Value
accessClass = if IDENTIFIER.test idx.value then Accessor else Index new accessClass idx
(value = Value.wrap value).properties.push new accessClass idx
return new Assign(obj, value).compile o
top = del o, 'top'
otop = merge o, top: yes
@ -1581,10 +1580,11 @@ exports.If = class If extends Base
# Compile the If as a conditional operator.
compileExpression: (o) ->
@condition.tags.operation = on
code = @condition.compile(o) + ' ? ' +
@bodyNode().compileBare(o) + ' : ' +
@elseBodyNode()?.compileBare o
if @tags.operation or @soakNode then "(#{code})" else code
if @tags.operation then "(#{code})" else code
unfoldSoak: -> @soakNode and this
@ -1593,6 +1593,7 @@ exports.If = class If extends Base
return unless ifn = parent[name].unfoldSoak o
parent[name] = ifn.body
ifn.body = new Value parent
ifn.tags.operation = on if parent.tags.operation
# Faux-Nodes