mirror of
synced 2022-11-09 12:23:24 -05:00
most of the examples converted to symbology.
This commit is contained in:
13 changed files with 216 additions and 229 deletions
@ -2,15 +2,15 @@
# The implementation of binary search that is tested.
# Return the index of an element in a sorted list. (or -1, if not present)
index: (list, target) ->
[low, high]: [0, list.length]
index = (list, target) ->
[low, high] = [0, list.length]
while low < high
mid: (low + high) >> 1
val: list[mid]
mid = (low + high) >> 1
val = list[mid]
return mid if val is target
if val < target then low: mid + 1 else high: mid
if val < target then low = mid + 1 else high = mid
return -1
puts 2 is index([10, 20, 30, 40, 50], 30)
puts 4 is index([-97, 35, 67, 88, 1200], 1200)
puts 0 is index([0, 45, 70], 0)
puts 2 is index [10, 20, 30, 40, 50], 30
puts 4 is index [-97, 35, 67, 88, 1200], 1200
puts 0 is index [0, 45, 70], 0
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
# Beautiful Code, Chapter 3.
# Produces the expected runtime of Quicksort, for every integer from 1 to N.
runtime: (N) ->
[sum, t]: [0, 0]
runtime = (N) ->
[sum, t] = [0, 0]
for n in [1..N]
sum += 2 * t
t: n - 1 + sum / n
t = n - 1 + sum / n
puts runtime(3) is 2.6666666666666665
@ -3,16 +3,16 @@
# '.', '^', '$', and '*'.
# Search for the regexp anywhere in the text.
match: (regexp, text) ->
match = (regexp, text) ->
return match_here(regexp.slice(1), text) if regexp[0] is '^'
while text
return true if match_here(regexp, text)
text: text.slice(1)
text = text.slice(1)
# Search for the regexp at the beginning of the text.
match_here: (regexp, text) ->
[cur, next]: [regexp[0], regexp[1]]
match_here = (regexp, text) ->
[cur, next] = [regexp[0], regexp[1]]
if regexp.length is 0 then return true
if next is '*' then return match_star(cur, regexp.slice(2), text)
if cur is '$' and not next then return text.length is 0
@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ match_here: (regexp, text) ->
# Search for a kleene star match at the beginning of the text.
match_star: (c, regexp, text) ->
match_star = (c, regexp, text) ->
return true if match_here(regexp, text)
return false unless text and (text[0] is c or c is '.')
text: text.slice(1)
text = text.slice(1)
puts match("ex", "some text")
puts match("s..t", "spit")
@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ get '/hello', ->
# Append.
append: (location, data) ->
path: new Pathname location
append = (location, data) ->
path = new Pathname location
throw new Error("Location does not exist") unless path.exists()
File.open path, 'a', (file) ->
@ -17,23 +17,20 @@ append: (location, data) ->
# Rubinius' File.open implementation.
File.open: (path, mode, block) ->
io: new File path, mode
File.open = (path, mode, block) ->
io = new File path, mode
return io unless block
block io
io.close() unless io.closed()
catch error
# nothing, just swallow them.
io.close() unless io.closed()
# Write.
write: (location, data) ->
path: new Pathname location
write = (location, data) ->
path = new Pathname location
raise "Location does not exist" unless path.exists()
File.open path, 'w', (file) ->
@ -43,15 +40,15 @@ write: (location, data) ->
# Rails' respond_to.
index: ->
people: Person.find 'all'
index = ->
people = Person.find 'all'
respond_to (format) ->
format.xml -> render { xml: people.xml() }
format.xml -> render xml: people.xml()
# Synchronization.
synchronize: (block) ->
synchronize = (block) ->
try block() finally unlock()
@ -1,39 +1,37 @@
# Functions:
square: (x) -> x * x
square = (x) -> x * x
sum: (x, y) -> x + y
sum = (x, y) -> x + y
odd: (x) -> x % 2 isnt 0
odd = (x) -> x % 2 isnt 0
even: (x) -> x % 2 is 0
even = (x) -> x % 2 is 0
run_loop: ->
run_loop = ->
fire_events((e) -> e.stopPropagation())
# Objects:
dense_object_literal: {one: 1, two: 2, three: 3}
dense_object_literal = {one: 1, two: 2, three: 3}
spaced_out_multiline_object: {
spaced_out_multiline_object =
pi: 3.14159
list: [1, 2, 3, 4]
regex: /match[ing](every|thing|\/)/gi
three: new Idea
inner_obj: {
freedom: -> _.freedom()
# Arrays:
stooges: [{moe: 45}, {curly: 43}, {larry: 46}]
stooges = [{moe: 45}, {curly: 43}, {larry: 46}]
exponents: [(x) -> x, (x) -> x * x, (x) -> x * x * x]
exponents = [((x) -> x), ((x) -> x * x), ((x) -> x * x * x)]
empty: []
empty = []
multiline: [
multiline = [
'line one'
'line two'
@ -47,14 +45,14 @@ else if submarine.sinking
eldest: if 25 > 21 then liz else marge
eldest = if 25 > 21 then liz else marge
decoration: medal_of_honor if war_hero
decoration = medal_of_honor if war_hero
go_to_sleep() unless coffee
# Returning early:
race: ->
race = ->
@ -62,13 +60,13 @@ race: ->
# Conditional assignment:
good ||= evil
wine &&= cheese
good = or evil
wine = and cheese
# Nested property access and calls.
((moon.turn(360))).shapes[3].move({x: 45, y: 30}).position['top'].offset('x')
a: b: c: 5
a = b = c = 5
# Embedded JavaScript.
@ -102,19 +100,19 @@ loop
# Lexical scoping.
v_1: 5
change_a_and_set_b: ->
v_1: 10
v_2: 15
v_2: 20
v_1 = 5
change_a_and_set_b = ->
v_1 = 10
v_2 = 15
v_2 = 20
# Array comprehensions.
supper: food.capitalize() for food in ['toast', 'cheese', 'wine']
supper = food.capitalize() for food in ['toast', 'cheese', 'wine']
drink(bottle) for bottle, i in ['soda', 'wine', 'lemonade'] when even(i)
drink bottle for bottle, i in ['soda', 'wine', 'lemonade'] when even i
# Switch statements ("else" serves as a default).
activity: switch day
activity = switch day
when "Tuesday" then eat_breakfast()
when "Sunday" then go_to_church()
when "Saturday" then go_to_the_park()
@ -128,50 +126,46 @@ activity: switch day
else go_to_work()
# Semicolons can optionally be used instead of newlines.
wednesday: -> eat_breakfast(); go_to_work(); eat_dinner()
wednesday = -> eat_breakfast(); go_to_work(); eat_dinner()
# Array slice literals.
zero_to_nine: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
three_to_six: zero_to_nine[3..6]
zero_to_nine = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
three_to_six = zero_to_nine[3..6]
# Multiline strings with inner quotes.
story: "Lorem ipsum dolor \"sit\" amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit,
story = "Lorem ipsum dolor \"sit\" amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit,
sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna
aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad."
# Inheritance and calling super.
class Animal
constructor: (@name) ->
move: (meters) ->
alert this.name + " moved " + meters + "m."
class Snake extends Animal
constructor: (name) ->
@name: name
move: ->
alert 'Slithering...'
super 5
class Horse extends Animal
constructor: (name) ->
@name: name
move: ->
alert 'Galloping...'
super 45
sam: new Snake "Sammy the Snake"
tom: new Horse "Tommy the Horse"
sam = new Snake "Sammy the Snake"
tom = new Horse "Tommy the Horse"
# Numbers.
a_googol: 1e100
hex: 0xff0000
negative: -1.0
infinity: Infinity
nan: NaN
a_googol = 1e100
hex = 0xff0000
negative = -1.0
infinity = Infinity
nan = NaN
# Deleting.
delete secret.identity
@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
# Uses a binary search algorithm to locate a value in the specified array.
binary_search: (items, value) ->
binary_search = (items, value) ->
start: 0
stop: items.length - 1
pivot: Math.floor((start + stop) / 2)
start = 0
stop = items.length - 1
pivot = Math.floor (start + stop) / 2
while items[pivot] isnt value and start < stop
# Adjust the search area.
stop: pivot - 1 if value < items[pivot]
start: pivot + 1 if value > items[pivot]
stop = pivot - 1 if value < items[pivot]
start = pivot + 1 if value > items[pivot]
# Recalculate the pivot.
pivot: Math.floor((stop + start) / 2)
pivot = Math.floor (stop + start) / 2
# Make sure we've found the correct value.
if items[pivot] is value then pivot else -1
# Test the function.
puts(2 is binary_search([10, 20, 30, 40, 50], 30))
puts(4 is binary_search([-97, 35, 67, 88, 1200], 1200))
puts(0 is binary_search([0, 45, 70], 0))
puts(-1 is binary_search([0, 45, 70], 10))
puts 2 is binary_search [10, 20, 30, 40, 50], 30
puts 4 is binary_search [-97, 35, 67, 88, 1200], 1200
puts 0 is binary_search [0, 45, 70], 0
puts(-1 is binary_search [0, 45, 70], 10)
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
# A bubble sort implementation, sorting the given array in-place.
bubble_sort: (list) ->
bubble_sort = (list) ->
for i in [0...list.length]
for j in [0...list.length - i]
[list[j], list[j+1]]: [list[j+1], list[j]] if list[j] > list[j+1]
[list[j], list[j+1]] = [list[j+1], list[j]] if list[j] > list[j+1]
# Test the function.
puts(bubble_sort([3, 2, 1]).join(' ') is '1 2 3')
puts(bubble_sort([9, 2, 7, 0, 1]).join(' ') is '0 1 2 7 9')
puts bubble_sort([3, 2, 1]).join(' ') is '1 2 3'
puts bubble_sort([9, 2, 7, 0, 1]).join(' ') is '0 1 2 7 9'
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
class LinkedList
constructor: ->
this._head: null # Pointer to the first item in the list.
this._head = null # Pointer to the first item in the list.
# Appends some data to the end of the list. This method traverses the existing
@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ class LinkedList
add: (data) ->
# Create a new node object to wrap the data.
node: {data: data, next: null}
node = data: data, next: null
current: this._head ||= node
current = this._head = or node
if this._head isnt node
current: current.next while current.next
current.next: node
(current = current.next) while current.next
current.next = node
@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ class LinkedList
# Check for out-of-bounds values.
return null if index < 0
current: this._head or null
i: -1
current = this._head or null
i = -1
# Advance through the list.
current: current.next while current and index > (i += 1)
(current = current.next) while current and index > (i += 1)
# Return null if we've reached the end.
current and current.data
@ -43,19 +43,19 @@ class LinkedList
# Check for out-of-bounds values.
return null if index < 0
current: this._head or null
i: -1
current = this._head or null
i = -1
# Special case: removing the first item.
if index is 0
this._head: current.next
this._head = current.next
# Find the right location.
[previous, current]: [current, current.next] while index > (i += 1)
([previous, current] = [current, current.next]) while index > (i += 1)
# Skip over the item to remove.
previous.next: current.next
previous.next = current.next
# Return the value.
current and current.data
@ -63,24 +63,24 @@ class LinkedList
# Calculate the number of items in the list.
size: ->
current: this._head
count: 0
current = this._head
count = 0
while current
count += 1
current: current.next
current = current.next
# Convert the list into an array.
toArray: ->
result: []
current: this._head
result = []
current = this._head
while current
current: current.next
result.push current.data
current = current.next
@ -90,19 +90,19 @@ class LinkedList
# Tests.
list: new LinkedList
list = new LinkedList
puts(list.size() is 1)
puts(list.item(0) is "Hi")
puts(list.item(1) is null)
puts list.size() is 1
puts list.item(0) is "Hi"
puts list.item(1) is null
list: new LinkedList
list = new LinkedList
puts(list.size() is 3)
puts(list.item(2) is "two")
puts(list.remove(1) is "one")
puts(list.item(0) is "zero")
puts(list.item(1) is "two")
puts(list.size() is 2)
puts(list.item(-10) is null)
puts list.size() is 3
puts list.item(2) is "two"
puts list.remove(1) is "one"
puts list.item(0) is "zero"
puts list.item(1) is "two"
puts list.size() is 2
puts list.item(-10) is null
@ -2,15 +2,15 @@
# numbers, national insurance numbers, etc.
# See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luhn_algorithm
is_valid_identifier: (identifier) ->
is_valid_identifier = (identifier) ->
sum: 0
alt: false
sum = 0
alt = false
for i in [(identifier.length - 1)..0]
# Get the next digit.
num: parseInt(identifier.charAt(i), 10)
num = parseInt identifier.charAt(i), 10
# If it's not a valid number, abort.
return false if isNaN(num)
@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ is_valid_identifier: (identifier) ->
# If it's an alternate number...
if alt
num *= 2
num: (num % 10) + 1 if num > 9
num = (num % 10) + 1 if num > 9
# Flip the alternate bit.
alt: !alt
alt = !alt
# Add to the rest of the sum.
sum += num
@ -31,6 +31,6 @@ is_valid_identifier: (identifier) ->
# Tests.
puts(is_valid_identifier("49927398716") is true)
puts(is_valid_identifier("4408041234567893") is true)
puts(is_valid_identifier("4408041234567890") is false)
puts is_valid_identifier("49927398716") is true
puts is_valid_identifier("4408041234567893") is true
puts is_valid_identifier("4408041234567890") is false
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
# Sorts an array in ascending natural order using merge sort.
merge_sort: (list) ->
merge_sort = (list) ->
return list if list.length is 1
result: []
pivot: Math.floor(list.length / 2)
left: merge_sort(list.slice(0, pivot))
right: merge_sort(list.slice(pivot))
result = []
pivot = Math.floor list.length / 2
left = merge_sort list.slice 0, pivot
right = merge_sort list.slice pivot
while left.length and right.length
result.push(if left[0] < right[0] then left.shift() else right.shift())
@ -15,5 +15,5 @@ merge_sort: (list) ->
# Test the function.
puts(merge_sort([3, 2, 1]).join(' ') is '1 2 3')
puts(merge_sort([9, 2, 7, 0, 1]).join(' ') is '0 1 2 7 9')
puts merge_sort([3, 2, 1]).join(' ') is '1 2 3'
puts merge_sort([9, 2, 7, 0, 1]).join(' ') is '0 1 2 7 9'
@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
# An in-place selection sort.
selection_sort: (list) ->
len: list.length
selection_sort = (list) ->
len = list.length
# For each item in the list.
for i in [0...len]
# Set the minimum to this position.
min: i
min = i
# Check the rest of the array to see if anything is smaller.
(min: j if list[j] < list[min]) for j in [(i+1)...len]
(min = j if list[j] < list[min]) for j in [(i+1)...len]
# Swap if a smaller item has been found.
[list[i], list[min]]: [list[min], list[i]] if i isnt min
[list[i], list[min]] = [list[min], list[i]] if i isnt min
# The list is now sorted.
# Test the function.
puts(selection_sort([3, 2, 1]).join(' ') is '1 2 3')
puts(selection_sort([9, 2, 7, 0, 1]).join(' ') is '0 1 2 7 9')
puts selection_sort([3, 2, 1]).join(' ') is '1 2 3'
puts selection_sort([9, 2, 7, 0, 1]).join(' ') is '0 1 2 7 9'
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# ['toast', 'cheese', 'wine'].each { |food| print food.capitalize }
['toast', 'wine', 'cheese'].each (food) -> print(food.capitalize())
['toast', 'wine', 'cheese'].each (food) -> print food.capitalize()
@ -13,12 +13,11 @@
# def purchased=(var); @purchased = var; end
# end
LotteryTicket: {
get_picks: -> this.picks
set_picks: (nums) -> this.picks: nums
get_purchase: -> this.purchase
set_purchase: (amount) -> this.purchase: amount
LotteryTicket =
get_picks: -> @picks
set_picks: (@picks) ->
get_purchased: -> @purchase
set_purchased: (@purchased) ->
@ -39,19 +38,18 @@ LotteryTicket: {
# end
# end
LotteryDraw: {
LotteryDraw =
play: ->
result: LotteryTicket.new_random()
winners: {}
result = LotteryTicket.new_random()
winners = {}
this.tickets.each (buyer, ticket_list) ->
ticket_list.each (ticket) ->
score: ticket.score(result)
score = ticket.score result
return if score is 0
winners[buyer] ||= []
winners[buyer].push([ticket, score])
this.tickets: {}
winners[buyer] = or []
winners[buyer].push [ticket, score]
this.tickets = {}
@ -64,11 +62,10 @@ LotteryDraw: {
# end
# end
WishScanner: {
WishScanner =
scan_for_a_wish: ->
wish: this.read().detect((thought) -> thought.index('wish: ') is 0)
wish.replace('wish: ', '')
wish = this.read().detect (thought) -> thought.index('wish: ') is 0
wish.replace 'wish: ', ''
@ -108,34 +105,32 @@ WishScanner: {
# end
Creature : {
Creature =
# This method applies a hit taken during a fight.
hit: (damage) ->
p_up: Math.rand(this.charisma)
p_up = Math.rand this.charisma
if p_up % 9 is 7
this.life += p_up / 4
puts("[" + this.name + " magick powers up " + p_up + "!]")
puts "[" + this.name + " magick powers up " + p_up + "!]"
this.life -= damage
if this.life <= 0 then puts("[" + this.name + " has died.]")
if this.life <= 0 then puts "[" + this.name + " has died.]"
# This method takes one turn in a fight.
fight: (enemy, weapon) ->
if this.life <= 0 then return puts("[" + this.name + "is too dead to fight!]")
if this.life <= 0 then return puts "[" + this.name + "is too dead to fight!]"
# Attack the opponent.
your_hit: Math.rand(this.strength + weapon)
puts("[You hit with " + your_hit + "points of damage!]")
your_hit = Math.rand this.strength + weapon
puts "[You hit with " + your_hit + "points of damage!]"
enemy.hit your_hit
# Retaliation.
puts enemy
if enemy.life > 0
enemy_hit: Math.rand(enemy.strength + enemy.weapon)
puts("[Your enemy hit with " + enemy_hit + "points of damage!]")
enemy_hit = Math.rand enemy.strength + enemy.weapon
puts "[Your enemy hit with " + enemy_hit + "points of damage!]"
this.hit enemy_hit
@ -154,14 +149,14 @@ Creature : {
# end
# Get evil idea and swap in code words
print("Enter your new idea: ")
idea: gets()
code_words.each((real, code) -> idea.replace(real, code))
print "Enter your new idea: "
idea = gets()
code_words.each (real, code) -> idea.replace(real, code)
# Save the jibberish to a new file
print("File encoded. Please enter a name for this idea: ")
idea_name: gets().strip()
File.open("idea-" + idea_name + '.txt', 'w', (file) -> file.write(idea))
print "File encoded. Please enter a name for this idea: "
idea_name = gets().strip()
File.open "idea-" + idea_name + '.txt', 'w', (file) -> file.write idea
@ -177,10 +172,10 @@ File.open("idea-" + idea_name + '.txt', 'w', (file) -> file.write(idea))
# end
# end
wipe_mutterings_from: (sentence) ->
throw new Error("cannot wipe mutterings") unless sentence.indexOf
wipe_mutterings_from = (sentence) ->
throw new Error "cannot wipe mutterings" unless sentence.indexOf
while sentence.indexOf('(') >= 0
open: sentence.indexOf('(') - 1
close: sentence.indexOf(')') + 1
sentence: sentence[0..open] + sentence[close..sentence.length]
open = sentence.indexOf('(') - 1
close = sentence.indexOf(')') + 1
sentence = sentence[0..open] + sentence[close..sentence.length]
@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
# 5 times: "Odelay!" print.
print("Odelay!") for i in [1..5]
print "Odelay!" for [1..5]
# add = (x, y): x + y.
# add(2, 4) string print
add: (x, y) -> x + y
print(add(2, 4))
add = (x, y) -> x + y
print add 2, 4
# loop: 'quaff' print.
@ -19,25 +19,25 @@ loop print 'quaff'
# ('cheese', 'bread', 'mayo') at (1) print
print(['cheese', 'bread', 'mayo'][1])
print ['cheese', 'bread', 'mayo'][1]
# (language='Potion', pointless=true) at (key='language') print
print({language: 'Potion', pointless: true}['language'])
print {language: 'Potion', pointless: true}['language']
# minus = (x, y): x - y.
# minus (y=10, x=6)
minus: (x, y) -> x - y
minus(6, 10)
minus = (x, y) -> x - y
minus 6, 10
# foods = ('cheese', 'bread', 'mayo')
# foods (2)
foods: ['cheese', 'bread', 'mayo']
foods = ['cheese', 'bread', 'mayo']
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ foods[2]
# (key, ' is a ', val) join print.
for key, val of {dog: 'canine', cat: 'feline', fox: 'vulpine'}
print(key + ' is a ' + val)
print key + ' is a ' + val
# Person = class: /name, /age, /sex.
@ -54,13 +54,13 @@ for key, val of {dog: 'canine', cat: 'feline', fox: 'vulpine'}
class Person
print: ->
print 'My name is ' + this.name + '.'
print 'My name is ' + @name + '.'
# p = Person ()
# p /name string print
p: new Person
p = new Person
print p.name
@ -71,10 +71,10 @@ print p.name
# Policeman ('Constable') print
class Policeman extends Person
constructor: (rank) ->
@rank: rank
constructor: (@rank) ->
print: ->
print 'My name is ' + this.name + " and I'm a " + this.rank + '.'
print 'My name is ' + @name + " and I'm a " + @rank + '.'
print new Policeman 'Constable'
@ -83,11 +83,13 @@ print new Policeman 'Constable'
# [para 'Welcome.', button 'OK']]
# app first name
app = {
window: {width: 200, height: 200}
app =
width: 200
height: 200
para: 'Welcome.'
button: 'OK'
@ -96,33 +98,32 @@ app.window
# x = 1, y = 2
x: 1
y: 2
x = 1
y = 2
x: 1; y: 2
x = 1; y = 2
# table = (language='Potion'
# pointless=true)
table: {
table =
language: 'Potion'
pointless: yes
# # this foul business...
# String length = (): 10.
# this foul business...
String::length: -> 10
String::length = -> 10
# block = :
# 'potion' print.
block: ->
block = ->
print 'potion'
# if (age > 100): 'ancient'.
@ -156,30 +157,30 @@ switch author
# 'quaff' print
# count--.
count: 8
count = 8
while count > 0
print 'quaff'
# 1 to 5 (a):
# a string print.
print(a) for a in [1..5]
print a for a in [1..5]
# if (3 ?gender):
# "Huh? Numbers are sexed? That's amazing." print.
if (3).gender?
print("Huh? Numbers are sexed? That's amazing.")
print "Huh? Numbers are sexed? That's amazing."
# HomePage get = (url):
# session = url query ? at ('session').
HomePage::get: (url) ->
session: url.query.session if url.query?
HomePage::get = (url) ->
session = url.query.session if url.query?
# BTree = class: /left, /right.
@ -187,10 +188,10 @@ HomePage::get: (url) ->
# b /left = BTree ()
# b /right = BTree ()
BTree: ->
b: new BTree
b.left: new BTree
b.right: new BTree
BTree = ->
b = new BTree
b.left = new BTree
b.right = new BTree
# BTree = class: /left, /right.
@ -199,7 +200,7 @@ b.right: new BTree
# if (b ? /left):
# 'left path found!' print.
BTree: ->
b: new BTree
BTree = ->
b = new BTree
print('left path found!') if b.left?
print 'left path found!' if b.left?
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