test reorganization waypoint 3

This commit is contained in:
Michael Ficarra 2010-12-30 22:48:31 -05:00
parent fb201976b8
commit dcbe62b9b9
16 changed files with 480 additions and 552 deletions

View File

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@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
# Ensure that carriage returns don't break compilation on Windows.
eq CoffeeScript.compile('one\r\ntwo', bare: on), 'one;\ntwo;'
# `globals: on` removes `var`s
eq CoffeeScript.compile('x = y', bare: on, globals: on), 'x = y;'
ok 'passed' is CoffeeScript.eval '"passed"', bare: on, fileName: 'test'
try ok not CoffeeScript.nodes 'f(->'
catch e then eq e.message, 'unclosed CALL_START on line 1'
eq CoffeeScript.compile('for k of o then', bare: on, globals: on),
'for (k in o) {}'
# Compilations that should fail.
cantCompile = (code) ->
throws -> CoffeeScript.compile code
cantCompile 'a = (break)'
cantCompile 'a = (return 5 for item in list)'
cantCompile 'a = (return 5 while condition)'
cantCompile 'a = for x in y\n return 5'

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@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
okFunc = (f) -> ok(f())
okFunc -> true
# Ensure that functions with the same name don't clash with helper functions.
del = -> 5
ok del() is 5
# Test for inline functions with parentheses and implicit calls.
combine = (func, num) -> func() * num
result = combine (-> 1 + 2), 3
ok result is 9
# Test for calls/parens/multiline-chains.
f = (x) -> x
result = (f 1).toString()
ok result is 1
# Test implicit calls in functions in parens:
result = ((val) ->
[].push val
ok result is 10
# More paren compilation tests:
reverse = (obj) -> obj.reverse()
ok reverse([1, 2].concat 3).join(' ') is '3 2 1'
# This is a crazy one.
x = (obj, func) -> func obj
ident = (x) -> x
result = x {one: ident 1}, (obj) ->
inner = ident(obj)
ident inner
ok result.one is 1
# Ensure that constructors invoked with splats return a new object.
args = [1, 2, 3]
Type = (@args) ->
type = new Type args
ok type and type instanceof Type
ok type.args and type.args instanceof Array
ok v is args[i] for v, i in type.args
Type1 = (@a, @b, @c) ->
type1 = new Type1 args...
ok type1 instanceof Type1
eq type1.constructor, Type1
ok type1.a is args[0] and type1.b is args[1] and type1.c is args[2]
# Ensure that constructors invoked with splats cache the function.
called = 0
get = -> if called++ then false else class Type
new get() args...
# Chained blocks, with proper indentation levels:
counter =
results: []
tick: (func) ->
@results.push func()
.tick ->
.tick ->
.tick ->
eq counter.results.join(' '), '3 2 1'
# Ensure that chained calls with indented implicit object literals below are
# alright.
result = null
obj =
method: (val) -> this
second: (hash) -> result = hash.three
two: 2
three: 3
eq result, 3
# Test newline-supressed call chains with nested functions.
obj =
call: -> this
func = ->
.call ->
one two
.call ->
three four
eq func(), 101
# `new` shouldn't add extra parens
ok new Date().constructor is Date
# `new` works against bare function
eq Date, new ->
eq this, new => this
# Implicit objects with number arguments.
func = (x, y) -> y
obj =
prop: func "a", 1
ok obj.prop is 1
# Non-spaced unary and binary operators should cause a function call.
func = (val) -> val + 1
ok (func +5) is 6
ok (func -5) is -4
# Prefix unary assignment operators are allowed in parenless calls.
val = 5
ok (func --val) is 5
eq ok, new ->
### Should `return` implicitly ###
### even with trailing comments. ###
#855: execution context for `func arr...` should be `null`
global = @
contextTest = -> ok global is @
array = []
contextTest array
contextTest.apply null, array
contextTest array...
# #894: Splatting against constructor-chained functions.
x = null
class Foo
bar: (y) -> x = y
new Foo().bar([101]...)
eq x, 101
test "#904: Destructuring function arguments with same-named variables in scope", ->
a = b = nonce = {}
fn = ([a,b]) -> {a:a,b:b}
result = fn([c={},d={}])
eq c, result.a
eq d, result.b
eq nonce, a
eq nonce, b

View File

@ -1,141 +1,9 @@
a = [((x) -> x), ((x) -> x * x)]
ok a.length is 2
neg = (3 -4)
ok neg is -1
# Decimal number literals.
value = .25 + .75
ok value is 1
value = 0.0 + -.25 - -.75 + 0.0
ok value is 0.5
# Can call methods directly on numbers.
4.valueOf() is 4
func = ->
return if true
ok func() is undefined
trailingComma = [1, 2, 3,]
ok (trailingComma[0] is 1) and (trailingComma[2] is 3) and (trailingComma.length is 3)
trailingComma = [
1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6
7, 8, 9,
(sum = (sum or 0) + n) for n in trailingComma
trailingComma = {k1: "v1", k2: 4, k3: (-> true),}
ok trailingComma.k3() and (trailingComma.k2 is 4) and (trailingComma.k1 is "v1")
ok {a: (num) -> num is 10 }.a 10
moe = {
name: 'Moe'
greet: (salutation) ->
salutation + " " + @name
hello: ->
@['greet'] "Hello"
10: 'number'
ok moe.hello() is "Hello Moe"
ok moe[10] is 'number'
moe.hello = ->
this['greet'] "Hello"
ok moe.hello() is 'Hello Moe'
obj = {
is: -> yes,
'not': -> no,
ok obj.is()
ok not obj.not()
### Top-level object literal... ###
obj: 1
### ...doesn't break things. ###
# Funky indentation within non-comma-seperated arrays.
result = [['a']
{b: 'c'}]
ok result[0][0] is 'a'
ok result[1]['b'] is 'c'
# Object literals should be able to include keywords.
obj = {class: 'höt'}
obj.function = 'dog'
ok obj.class + obj.function is 'hötdog'
# But keyword assignment should be smart enough not to stringify variables.
func = ->
this == 'this'
ok func() is false
# New fancy implicit objects:
config =
server: 'localhost'
timeout: 10
server: 'dreamboat'
timeout: 1000
ok config.development.server is 'localhost'
ok config.production.server is 'dreamboat'
ok config.development.timeout is 10
ok config.production.timeout is 1000
third = (a, b, c) -> c
obj =
a: 1
b: 2
ok obj.a is 1
ok obj.b is 2
obj =
a: 1,
b: 2,
ok obj.a is 1
ok obj.b is 2
# Implicit objects nesting.
obj =
value: yes
fn: ->
ok obj.options.value is yes
ok obj.fn() is null
one: 'one'
two: third 'one', 'two', 'three'
ok obj.one is 'one'
ok obj.two is 'three'
# Implicit arguments to function calls:
@ -144,28 +12,17 @@ func2 = -> arguments
result = func
a: 10
ok result is 10
result = func
"a": 20
ok result is 20
third = (a, b, c) -> c
obj =
one: 'one'
two: third 'one', 'two', 'three'
ok obj.one is 'one'
ok obj.two is 'three'
a = b = undefined
result = func
ok result is undefined
result = func
@ -178,40 +35,9 @@ result = func2
ok result.length is 3
ok result[2].c is 1
# Implicit objects with wacky indentation:
obj =
'reverse': (obj) ->
Array.prototype.reverse.call obj
abc: ->
@reverse @reverse ['a', 'b', 'c'].reverse()
one: [1, 2,
a: 'b'
3, 4]
green: 'blue'
indigo: 'violet'
misdent: [[],
ok obj.abc().join(' ') is 'a b c'
ok obj.one.length is 5
ok obj.one[4] is 4
ok obj.one[2].a is 'b'
ok (key for key of obj.red).length is 2
ok obj.red.orange.yellow.green is 'blue'
ok obj.red.indigo is 'violet'
ok obj.misdent.toString() is ',,,'
second = (x, y) -> y
obj = then second 'the',
1: 1
@ -220,55 +46,5 @@ obj = then second 'the',
four five,
six: seven
three: 3
ok obj[1] is 1
ok obj.three is 3
# Implicit objects as part of chained calls.
pluck = (x) -> x.a
eq 100, pluck pluck pluck a: a: a: 100
eq '\\`', `
// Inline JS
# Shorthand objects with property references.
obj =
### comment one ###
### comment two ###
one: 1
two: 2
object: -> {@one, @two}
list: -> [@one, @two]
result = obj.object()
eq result.one, 1
eq result.two, 2
eq result.two, obj.list()[1]
#542: Objects leading expression statement should be parenthesized.
{f: -> ok yes }.f() + 1
#764: Boolean/Number should be indexable.
ok 42['toString']
ok on['toString']
# String-keyed objects shouldn't suppress newlines.
one =
'>!': 3
six: -> 10
ok not one.six
# Issue #986: Unicode identifiers.
λ = 5
eq λ, 5

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@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
# Splats
# ------
# note: splats in parameter lists of function definitions are tested in `arguments.coffee`
# shared identity function
id = (_) -> if arguments.length is 1 then _ else Array::slice.call(arguments)
test "passing splats to functions", ->
arrayEq [0..4], id id [0..4]...
fn = (a, b, c..., d) -> [a, b, c, d]
[first, second, others, last] = fn [0..3]..., 4, [5...8]...
eq 0, first
eq 1, second
arrayEq [2..6], others
eq 7, last
obj =
name: 'moe'
accessor: (args...) ->
[@name].concat(args).join(' ')
getNames: ->
args = ['jane', 'ted']
index: 0
0: {method: -> this is obj[0]}
ok obj.getNames() is 'moe jane ted'
ok obj[obj.index++].method([]...), 'should cache base value'
#crowd = [
# contenders...
# "Mighty Mouse"
#bests = [
# "Mighty Mouse"
# contenders.slice(0, 4)...
#ok crowd[0] is contenders[0]
#ok crowd[10] is "Mighty Mouse"
#ok bests[1] is contenders[0]
#ok bests[4] is contenders[3]
# Finally, splats with super() within classes.
class Parent
meth: (args...) ->
class Child extends Parent
meth: ->
nums = [3, 2, 1]
super nums...
ok (new Child).meth().join(' ') is '3 2 1'
# Functions with splats being called with too few arguments.
pen = null
method = (first, variable..., penultimate, ultimate) ->
pen = penultimate
method 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
ok pen is 8
method 1, 2, 3
ok pen is 2
method 1, 2
ok pen is 2
# Array splat expansions with assigns.
nums = [1, 2, 3]
list = [a = 0, nums..., b = 4]
ok a is 0
ok b is 4
ok list.join(' ') is '0 1 2 3 4'
# Splat on a line by itself is invalid.
failed = true
CoffeeScript.compile "x 'a'\n...\n"
failed = false
catch err
ok failed
# multiple generated references
a = {b: []}
a.b[true] = -> this == a.b
c = 0
d = []
ok a.b[0<++c<2] d...

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@ -3,3 +3,34 @@
# * Array Literals
# * Splats in Array Literals
# TODO: refactor array literal tests
trailingComma = [1, 2, 3,]
ok (trailingComma[0] is 1) and (trailingComma[2] is 3) and (trailingComma.length is 3)
trailingComma = [
1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6
7, 8, 9,
(sum = (sum or 0) + n) for n in trailingComma
a = [((x) -> x), ((x) -> x * x)]
ok a.length is 2
# Funky indentation within non-comma-seperated arrays.
result = [['a']
{b: 'c'}]
ok result[0][0] is 'a'
ok result[1]['b'] is 'c'
#### Splats in Array Literals
test "array splat expansions with assignments", ->
nums = [1, 2, 3]
list = [a = 0, nums..., b = 4]
eq 0, a
eq 4, b
arrayEq [0,1,2,3,4], list

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
#764: Boolean should be indexable
eq Boolean::toString, true['toString']
eq Boolean::toString, false['toString']
eq Boolean::toString, yes['toString']
eq Boolean::toString, no['toString']
eq Boolean::toString, on['toString']
eq Boolean::toString, off['toString']
eq Boolean::toString, true.toString
eq Boolean::toString, false.toString
eq Boolean::toString, yes.toString
eq Boolean::toString, no.toString
eq Boolean::toString, on.toString
eq Boolean::toString, off.toString

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@ -379,3 +379,35 @@ makeClass = ->
makeClass.call A
eq (new B()).func(), 'A B'
# Ensure that constructors invoked with splats return a new object.
args = [1, 2, 3]
Type = (@args) ->
type = new Type args
ok type and type instanceof Type
ok type.args and type.args instanceof Array
ok v is args[i] for v, i in type.args
Type1 = (@a, @b, @c) ->
type1 = new Type1 args...
ok type1 instanceof Type1
eq type1.constructor, Type1
ok type1.a is args[0] and type1.b is args[1] and type1.c is args[2]
# Ensure that constructors invoked with splats cache the function.
called = 0
get = -> if called++ then false else class Type
new get() args...
# `new` shouldn't add extra parens
ok new Date().constructor is Date
# `new` works against bare function
eq Date, new ->
eq this, new => this

test/compilation.coffee Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
# Compilation
# -----------
# TODO: refactor compilation tests
# helper to assert that a string should fail compilation
cantCompile = (code) ->
throws -> CoffeeScript.compile code
# Ensure that carriage returns don't break compilation on Windows.
doesNotThrow -> CoffeeScript.compile 'one\r\ntwo', bare: on
# `globals: on` removes `var`s
eq -1, CoffeeScript.compile('x = y', bare: on, globals: on).indexOf 'var'
ok 'passed' is CoffeeScript.eval '"passed"', bare: on, fileName: 'test'
# multiple generated references
a = {b: []}
a.b[true] = -> this == a.b
c = 0
d = []
ok a.b[0<++c<2] d...
# Splat on a line by itself is invalid.
cantCompile "x 'a'\n...\n"
cantCompile 'f(->'
cantCompile 'a = (break)'
cantCompile 'a = (return 5 for item in list)'
cantCompile 'a = (return 5 while condition)'
cantCompile 'a = for x in y\n return 5'
# Issue #986: Unicode identifiers.
λ = 5
eq λ, 5
test "don't accidentally stringify keywords", ->
ok (-> this == 'this')() is false

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@ -45,6 +45,10 @@ test "optional parens can be used in a nested fashion", ->
add 5, 5
ok result is 10
func = ->
return if true
eq undefined, func()
result = ("hello".slice) 3
ok result is 'lo'
@ -57,6 +61,9 @@ ok result is 25
fn = (arg) -> arg
ok fn(fn {prop: 101}).prop is 101
okFunc = (f) -> ok(f())
okFunc -> true
# Multi-blocks with optional parens.
result = fn( ->
fn ->
@ -131,3 +138,161 @@ result = sum(1
, 2)
ok result is 3
# Chained blocks, with proper indentation levels:
counter =
results: []
tick: (func) ->
@results.push func()
.tick ->
.tick ->
.tick ->
arrayEq [3,2,1], counter.results
# This is a crazy one.
x = (obj, func) -> func obj
ident = (x) -> x
result = x {one: ident 1}, (obj) ->
inner = ident(obj)
ident inner
ok result.one is 1
# More paren compilation tests:
reverse = (obj) -> obj.reverse()
ok reverse([1, 2].concat 3).join(' ') is '3 2 1'
# Test for inline functions with parentheses and implicit calls.
combine = (func, num) -> func() * num
result = combine (-> 1 + 2), 3
ok result is 9
# Test for calls/parens/multiline-chains.
f = (x) -> x
result = (f 1).toString()
ok result is 1
# Test implicit calls in functions in parens:
result = ((val) ->
[].push val
ok result is 10
# Ensure that chained calls with indented implicit object literals below are
# alright.
result = null
obj =
method: (val) -> this
second: (hash) -> result = hash.three
two: 2
three: 3
eq result, 3
# Test newline-supressed call chains with nested functions.
obj =
call: -> this
func = ->
.call ->
one two
.call ->
three four
eq func(), 101
# Implicit objects with number arguments.
func = (x, y) -> y
obj =
prop: func "a", 1
ok obj.prop is 1
# Non-spaced unary and binary operators should cause a function call.
func = (val) -> val + 1
ok (func +5) is 6
ok (func -5) is -4
# Prefix unary assignment operators are allowed in parenless calls.
val = 5
ok (func --val) is 5
test "#855: execution context for `func arr...` should be `null`", ->
global = @
contextTest = -> ok global is @
array = []
contextTest array
contextTest.apply null, array
contextTest array...
test "#904: Destructuring function arguments with same-named variables in scope", ->
a = b = nonce = {}
fn = ([a,b]) -> {a:a,b:b}
result = fn([c={},d={}])
eq c, result.a
eq d, result.b
eq nonce, a
eq nonce, b
obj =
index: 0
0: {method: -> this is obj[0]}
ok obj[obj.index++].method([]...), 'should cache base value'
#### Splats in Function Invocations
test "passing splats to functions", ->
arrayEq [0..4], id id [0..4]...
fn = (a, b, c..., d) -> [a, b, c, d]
range = [0..3]
[first, second, others, last] = fn range..., 4, [5...8]...
eq 0, first
eq 1, second
arrayEq [2..6], others
eq 7, last
#894: Splatting against constructor-chained functions.
x = null
class Foo
bar: (y) -> x = y
new Foo().bar([101]...)
eq x, 101
# Functions with splats being called with too few arguments.
pen = null
method = (first, variable..., penultimate, ultimate) ->
pen = penultimate
method 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
ok pen is 8
method 1, 2, 3
ok pen is 2
method 1, 2
ok pen is 2
# Finally, splats with super() within classes.
class Parent
meth: (args...) ->
class Child extends Parent
meth: ->
nums = [3, 2, 1]
super nums...
ok (new Child).meth().join(' ') is '3 2 1'
#### Implicit Return
eq ok, new ->
### Should `return` implicitly ###
### even with trailing comments. ###

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@ -39,6 +39,10 @@ func = ->
obj.key - 5
eq func(), 5
# Ensure that functions with the same name don't clash with helper functions.
del = -> 5
ok del() is 5
#### Bound Function Definition

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# Javascript Literals
# -------------------
# TODO: refactor javascript literal tests
eq '\\`', `
// Inline JS

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@ -7,3 +7,33 @@
# * Scientific Notation Integer Literals
# * Scientific Notation Non-Integer Literals
# * Non-Integer Literals
#### Decimal Integer Literals
test "call methods directly on numbers", ->
eq 4, 4.valueOf()
eq '11', 4.toString 3
eq -1, 3 -4
#764: Numbers should be indexable
eq Number::toString, 42['toString']
eq Number::toString, 42.toString
#### Non-Integer Literals
# Decimal number literals.
value = .25 + .75
ok value is 1
value = 0.0 + -.25 - -.75 + 0.0
ok value is 0.5
#764: Numbers should be indexable
eq Number::toString, 4.2['toString']
eq Number::toString, .42['toString']
eq Number::toString, 4.2.toString
eq Number::toString, .42.toString

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@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
# Object Literals
# ---------------
# TODO: refactor object literal tests
trailingComma = {k1: "v1", k2: 4, k3: (-> true),}
ok trailingComma.k3() and (trailingComma.k2 is 4) and (trailingComma.k1 is "v1")
ok {a: (num) -> num is 10 }.a 10
moe = {
name: 'Moe'
greet: (salutation) ->
salutation + " " + @name
hello: ->
@['greet'] "Hello"
10: 'number'
ok moe.hello() is "Hello Moe"
ok moe[10] is 'number'
moe.hello = ->
this['greet'] "Hello"
ok moe.hello() is 'Hello Moe'
obj = {
is: -> yes,
'not': -> no,
ok obj.is()
ok not obj.not()
### Top-level object literal... ###
obj: 1
### ...doesn't break things. ###
# Object literals should be able to include keywords.
obj = {class: 'höt'}
obj.function = 'dog'
ok obj.class + obj.function is 'hötdog'
# Implicit objects as part of chained calls.
pluck = (x) -> x.a
eq 100, pluck pluck pluck a: a: a: 100
test "YAML-style object literals", ->
obj =
a: 1
b: 2
eq 1, obj.a
eq 2, obj.b
config =
server: 'localhost'
timeout: 10
server: 'dreamboat'
timeout: 1000
ok config.development.server is 'localhost'
ok config.production.server is 'dreamboat'
ok config.development.timeout is 10
ok config.production.timeout is 1000
obj =
a: 1,
b: 2,
ok obj.a is 1
ok obj.b is 2
# Implicit objects nesting.
obj =
value: yes
fn: ->
ok obj.options.value is yes
ok obj.fn() is null
# Implicit objects with wacky indentation:
obj =
'reverse': (obj) ->
Array.prototype.reverse.call obj
abc: ->
@reverse @reverse ['a', 'b', 'c'].reverse()
one: [1, 2,
a: 'b'
3, 4]
green: 'blue'
indigo: 'violet'
misdent: [[],
ok obj.abc().join(' ') is 'a b c'
ok obj.one.length is 5
ok obj.one[4] is 4
ok obj.one[2].a is 'b'
ok (key for key of obj.red).length is 2
ok obj.red.orange.yellow.green is 'blue'
ok obj.red.indigo is 'violet'
ok obj.misdent.toString() is ',,,'
#542: Objects leading expression statement should be parenthesized.
{f: -> ok yes }.f() + 1
# String-keyed objects shouldn't suppress newlines.
one =
'>!': 3
six: -> 10
ok not one.six
# Shorthand objects with property references.
obj =
### comment one ###
### comment two ###
one: 1
two: 2
object: -> {@one, @two}
list: -> [@one, @two]
result = obj.object()
eq result.one, 1
eq result.two, 2
eq result.two, obj.list()[1]
third = (a, b, c) -> c
obj =
one: 'one'
two: third 'one', 'two', 'three'
ok obj.one is 'one'
ok obj.two is 'three'

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@ -26,9 +26,6 @@ test "division is not confused for a regular expression", ->
eq 2, (4)/2/i
eq 1, i/i/i
test "backslash escapes", ->
eq "\\/\\\\", /\/\\/.source
test "#764: regular expressions should be indexable", ->
eq /0/['source'], ///#{0}///['source']

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@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
# TODO: refactor string literal tests
test "backslash escapes", ->
eq "\\/\\\\", /\/\\/.source
eq '(((dollars)))', '\(\(\(dollars\)\)\)'
eq 'one two three', "one