Allowing expressions to be used inside strings; syntax is $\{...\}

This commit is contained in:
Stan Angeloff 2010-03-06 02:15:27 +02:00 committed by Jeremy Ashkenas
parent fe7d5dfd19
commit e2f86678a4
3 changed files with 109 additions and 31 deletions

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@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
exports.Lexer = (function() {
Lexer = function Lexer() { };
// Scan by attempting to match tokens one at a time. Slow and steady.
Lexer.prototype.tokenize = function tokenize(code) {
Lexer.prototype.tokenize = function tokenize(code, rewrite) {
this.code = code;
// The remainder of the source code.
this.i = 0;
@ -94,7 +94,10 @@
return (new Rewriter()).rewrite(this.tokens);
if (((typeof rewrite !== "undefined" && rewrite !== null) ? rewrite : true)) {
return (new Rewriter()).rewrite(this.tokens);
return this.tokens;
// At every position, run through this list of attempted matches,
// short-circuiting if any of them succeed.
@ -397,55 +400,88 @@
Lexer.prototype.assignment_error = function assignment_error() {
throw new Error('SyntaxError: Reserved word "' + this.value() + '" on line ' + this.line + ' can\'t be assigned');
// Replace variables and block calls inside double-quoted strings.
// Replace variables and expressions inside double-quoted strings.
Lexer.prototype.interpolate_string = function interpolate_string(escaped) {
var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, before, each, group, i, identifier, identifier_match, quote, tokens;
var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _i, _j, _k, _l, before, each, expression, expression_match, group, i, identifier, identifier_match, lexer, nested, quote, rewrite, tokens;
if (escaped.length < 3 || escaped.indexOf('"') !== 0) {
return this.token('STRING', escaped);
} else {
lexer = null;
tokens = [];
quote = escaped.substring(0, 1);
escaped = escaped.substring(1, escaped.length - 1);
while (escaped.length) {
identifier_match = escaped.match(/(^|[\s\S]*?(?:[\\]|\\\\)?)(\$([a-zA-Z_]\w*))/);
if (identifier_match) {
_a = identifier_match;
expression_match = escaped.match(/(^|[\s\S]*?(?:[\\]|\\\\)?)(\${[\s\S]*?(?:[^\\]|\\\\)})/);
if (expression_match) {
_a = expression_match;
group = _a[0];
before = _a[1];
identifier = _a[2];
expression = _a[2];
if (before.substring(before.length - 1) === '\\') {
if (before.length) {
tokens.push(['STRING', quote + before.substring(0, before.length - 1) + identifier + quote]);
tokens.push(['STRING', quote + before.substring(0, before.length - 1) + expression + quote]);
} else {
if (before.length) {
tokens.push(['STRING', quote + before + quote]);
tokens.push(['IDENTIFIER', identifier.substring(1)]);
if (!(typeof lexer !== "undefined" && lexer !== null)) {
lexer = new Lexer();
nested = lexer.tokenize('(' + expression.substring(2, expression.length - 1) + ')', (rewrite = false));
tokens.push(['TOKENS', nested]);
escaped = escaped.substring(group.length);
} else {
tokens.push(['STRING', quote + escaped + quote]);
escaped = '';
identifier_match = escaped.match(/(^|[\s\S]*?(?:[\\]|\\\\)?)(\$([a-zA-Z_]\w*))/);
if (identifier_match) {
_b = identifier_match;
group = _b[0];
before = _b[1];
identifier = _b[2];
if (before.substring(before.length - 1) === '\\') {
if (before.length) {
tokens.push(['STRING', quote + before.substring(0, before.length - 1) + identifier + quote]);
} else {
if (before.length) {
tokens.push(['STRING', quote + before + quote]);
tokens.push(['IDENTIFIER', identifier.substring(1)]);
escaped = escaped.substring(group.length);
} else {
tokens.push(['STRING', quote + escaped + quote]);
escaped = '';
if (tokens.length > 1) {
_d = tokens.length - 1; _e = 1;
for (_c = 0, i = _d; (_d <= _e ? i <= _e : i >= _e); (_d <= _e ? i += 1 : i -= 1), _c++) {
_e = tokens.length - 1; _f = 1;
for (_d = 0, i = _e; (_e <= _f ? i <= _f : i >= _f); (_e <= _f ? i += 1 : i -= 1), _d++) {
tokens[i][0] === 'STRING' && tokens[i - 1][0] === 'STRING' ? tokens.splice(i - 1, 2, ['STRING', quote + tokens[i - 1][1].substring(1, tokens[i - 1][1].length - 1) + tokens[i][1].substring(1, tokens[i][1].length - 1) + quote]) : null;
_f = []; _g = tokens;
for (i = 0, _h = _g.length; i < _h; i++) {
each = _g[i];
_f.push((function() {
this.token(each[0], each[1]);
_g = []; _h = tokens;
for (i = 0, _i = _h.length; i < _i; i++) {
each = _h[i];
_g.push((function() {
if (each[0] === 'TOKENS') {
_j = each[1];
for (_k = 0, _l = _j.length; _k < _l; _k++) {
nested = _j[_k];
this.token(nested[0], nested[1]);
} else {
this.token(each[0], each[1]);
if (i < tokens.length - 1) {
return this.token('+', '+');
return _f;
return _g;
// Helpers

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@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ BEFORE_WHEN: ['INDENT', 'OUTDENT', 'TERMINATOR']
exports.Lexer: class Lexer
# Scan by attempting to match tokens one at a time. Slow and steady.
tokenize: (code) ->
tokenize: (code, rewrite) ->
@code : code # The remainder of the source code.
@i : 0 # Current character position we're parsing.
@line : 0 # The current line.
@ -123,7 +123,8 @@ exports.Lexer: class Lexer
@chunk: @code.slice(@i)
(new Rewriter()).rewrite @tokens
return (new Rewriter()).rewrite @tokens if (rewrite ? true)
return @tokens
# At every position, run through this list of attempted matches,
# short-circuiting if any of them succeed.
@ -340,34 +341,51 @@ exports.Lexer: class Lexer
assignment_error: ->
throw new Error 'SyntaxError: Reserved word "' + @value() + '" on line ' + @line + ' can\'t be assigned'
# Replace variables and block calls inside double-quoted strings.
# Replace variables and expressions inside double-quoted strings.
interpolate_string: (escaped) ->
if escaped.length < 3 or escaped.indexOf('"') isnt 0
@token 'STRING', escaped
lexer: null
tokens: []
quote: escaped.substring(0, 1)
escaped: escaped.substring(1, escaped.length - 1)
while escaped.length
identifier_match: escaped.match /(^|[\s\S]*?(?:[\\]|\\\\)?)(\$([a-zA-Z_]\w*))/
if identifier_match
[group, before, identifier]: identifier_match
expression_match: escaped.match /(^|[\s\S]*?(?:[\\]|\\\\)?)(\${[\s\S]*?(?:[^\\]|\\\\)})/
if expression_match
[group, before, expression]: expression_match
if before.substring(before.length - 1) is '\\'
tokens.push ['STRING', quote + before.substring(0, before.length - 1) + identifier + quote] if before.length
tokens.push ['STRING', quote + before.substring(0, before.length - 1) + expression + quote] if before.length
tokens.push ['STRING', quote + before + quote] if before.length
tokens.push ['IDENTIFIER', identifier.substring(1)]
lexer: new Lexer() if not lexer?
nested: lexer.tokenize '(' + expression.substring(2, expression.length - 1) + ')', rewrite: no
tokens.push ['TOKENS', nested]
escaped: escaped.substring(group.length)
tokens.push ['STRING', quote + escaped + quote]
escaped: ''
identifier_match: escaped.match /(^|[\s\S]*?(?:[\\]|\\\\)?)(\$([a-zA-Z_]\w*))/
if identifier_match
[group, before, identifier]: identifier_match
if before.substring(before.length - 1) is '\\'
tokens.push ['STRING', quote + before.substring(0, before.length - 1) + identifier + quote] if before.length
tokens.push ['STRING', quote + before + quote] if before.length
tokens.push ['IDENTIFIER', identifier.substring(1)]
escaped: escaped.substring(group.length)
tokens.push ['STRING', quote + escaped + quote]
escaped: ''
if tokens.length > 1
for i in [tokens.length - 1..1]
if tokens[i][0] is 'STRING' and tokens[i - 1][0] is 'STRING'
tokens.splice i - 1, 2, ['STRING', quote + tokens[i - 1][1].substring(1, tokens[i - 1][1].length - 1) +
tokens[i][1].substring(1, tokens[i][1].length - 1) + quote]
for each, i in tokens
@token each[0], each[1]
if each[0] is 'TOKENS'
@token nested[0], nested[1] for nested in each[1]
@token each[0], each[1]
@token '+', '+' if i < tokens.length - 1
# Helpers

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@ -1,18 +1,42 @@
hello: 'Hello'
world: 'World'
ok '$hello $world!' is '$hello $world!'
ok '${hello} ${world}!' is '${hello} ${world}!'
ok "$hello $world!" is 'Hello World!'
ok "${hello} ${world}!" is 'Hello World!'
ok "[$hello$world]" is '[HelloWorld]'
ok "[${hello}${world}]" is '[HelloWorld]'
ok "$hello$$world" is 'Hello$World'
# ok "${hello}$${world}" is 'Hello$World'
[s, t, r, i, n, g]: ['s', 't', 'r', 'i', 'n', 'g']
ok "$s$t$r$i$n$g" is 'string'
ok "${s}${t}${r}${i}${n}${g}" is 'string'
ok "\\$s\\$t\\$r\\$i\\$n\\$g" is '$s$t$r$i$n$g'
ok "\\${s}\\${t}\\${r}\\${i}\\${n}\\${g}" is '${s}${t}${r}${i}${n}${g}'
ok "\\$string" is '$string'
ok "\\${string}" is '${string}'
ok "\\$Escaping first" is '$Escaping first'
ok "\\${Escaping} first" is '${Escaping} first'
ok "Escaping \\$in middle" is 'Escaping $in middle'
ok "Escaping \\${in} middle" is 'Escaping ${in} middle'
ok "Escaping \\$last" is 'Escaping $last'
ok "Escaping \\${last}" is 'Escaping ${last}'
ok "$$" is '$$'
ok "${}" is '${}'
ok "\\\\$$" is '\\\\$$'
ok "\\\\${}" is '\\\\${}'
ok "I won $20 last night." is 'I won $20 last night.'
ok "I won $${20} last night." is 'I won $20 last night.'
ok "I won $#20 last night." is 'I won $#20 last night.'
ok "I won $${'#20'} last night." is 'I won $#20 last night.'
ok "${hello + world}" is 'HelloWorld'
ok "${hello + ' ' + world + '!'}" is 'Hello World!'
list: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
ok "values: ${list.join(', ')}, length: ${list.length}." is 'values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, length: 10.'
ok "values: ${list.join ' '}" is 'values: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9'