Updated Cakefile from Tim_Smart with colorized, explained 'cake install'

This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Ashkenas 2010-06-15 21:33:53 -04:00
parent ce4e00e5ae
commit e4db6d47c2
1 changed files with 22 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -3,27 +3,40 @@ fs: require 'fs'
CoffeeScript: require './lib/coffee-script'
{spawn, exec}: require('child_process')
# ANSI Terminal Colors.
red: '\033[0;31m'
green: '\033[0;32m'
reset: '\033[0m'
# Run a CoffeeScript through our node/coffee interpreter.
run: (args) ->
proc: spawn 'bin/coffee', args
proc.stderr.addListener 'data', (buffer) -> puts buffer.toString()
proc.addListener 'exit', (status) -> process.exit(1) if status != 0
# Log a message with a color.
log: (message, color, explanation) ->
puts "$color$message$reset ${explanation or ''}"
option '-p', '--prefix [DIR]', 'set the installation prefix for `cake install`'
task 'install', 'install CoffeeScript into /usr/local (or --prefix)', (options) ->
base: options.prefix or '/usr/local'
lib: "$base/lib/coffee-script"
bin: "$base/bin"
node: "~/.node_libraries/coffee-script"
puts "Installing CoffeeScript to $lib"
puts "Linking to $node"
puts "Linking 'coffee' to $bin/coffee"
"mkdir -p $lib $bin"
"cp -rf bin lib LICENSE README package.json src vendor $lib"
"ln -sf $lib/bin/coffee $base/bin/coffee"
"ln -sf $lib/bin/cake $base/bin/cake"
"ln -sf $lib/bin/coffee $bin/coffee"
"ln -sf $lib/bin/cake $bin/cake"
"mkdir -p ~/.node_libraries"
"ln -sf $lib/lib ~/.node_libraries/coffee-script"
"ln -sf $lib/lib $node"
].join(' && '), (err, stdout, stderr) ->
if err then print stderr
if err then print stderr else log 'done', green
@ -87,13 +100,13 @@ task 'test', 'run the CoffeeScript language test suite', ->
ok: (args...) -> passedTests += 1; originalOk(args...)
CoffeeScript: CoffeeScript
red: '\033[0;31m'
green: '\033[0;32m'
reset: '\033[0m'
process.addListener 'exit', ->
time: ((new Date() - startTime) / 1000).toFixed(2)
message: "passed $passedTests tests in $time seconds$reset"
puts(if failedTests then "${red}failed $failedTests and $message" else "$green$message")
if failedTests
log "failed $failedTests and $message", red
log message, green
fs.readdir 'test', (err, files) ->
files.forEach (file) ->
return unless file.match(/\.coffee$/i)
@ -103,5 +116,4 @@ task 'test', 'run the CoffeeScript language test suite', ->
CoffeeScript.run code.toString(), {source: source}
catch err
failedTests += 1
puts "${red}failed:${reset} $source"
puts err.stack
log "failed $source", red, '\n' + err.stack.toString()