doc update

This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Ashkenas 2010-02-25 17:18:28 -05:00
parent eab9bbf04f
commit ee5d738827
3 changed files with 91 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -34,7 +34,8 @@
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@ -773,7 +773,9 @@ coffee --print app/scripts/*.coffee > concatenation.js</pre>
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@ -133,7 +133,89 @@ alert <span class="String"><span class="String">&quot;</span>I knew it!<span cla
<span class="Comment"><span class="Comment">#</span> Array comprehensions:</span>
<span class="FunctionName">cubed_list</span><span class="Keyword">:</span> math.cube num <span class="Keyword">for</span> num <span class="Keyword">in</span> list
</pre><pre class="idle"></pre><button onclick='javascript: ;alert(cubed_list);'>run: cubed_list</button><br class='clear' /></div>
</pre><pre class="idle"><span class="Storage">var</span> _a, _b, _c, cubed_list, list, math, num, number, opposite_day, race, square;
<span class="Comment"><span class="Comment">//</span> Assignment:</span>
number <span class="Keyword">=</span> <span class="Number">42</span>;
opposite_day <span class="Keyword">=</span> <span class="BuiltInConstant">true</span>;
<span class="Comment"><span class="Comment">//</span> Conditions:</span>
<span class="Keyword">if</span> (opposite_day) {
number <span class="Keyword">=</span> <span class="Keyword">-</span><span class="Number">42</span>;
<span class="Comment"><span class="Comment">//</span> Functions:</span>
square <span class="Keyword">=</span> <span class="Storage">function</span> <span class="FunctionName">square</span>(<span class="FunctionArgument">x</span>) {
<span class="Keyword">return</span> x <span class="Keyword">*</span> x;
<span class="Comment"><span class="Comment">//</span> Arrays:</span>
list <span class="Keyword">=</span> [<span class="Number">1</span>, <span class="Number">2</span>, <span class="Number">3</span>, <span class="Number">4</span>, <span class="Number">5</span>];
<span class="Comment"><span class="Comment">//</span> Objects:</span>
math <span class="Keyword">=</span> {
root: <span class="LibraryClassType">Math</span>.sqrt,
square: square,
cube: <span class="Storage">function</span> <span class="FunctionName">cube</span>(<span class="FunctionArgument">x</span>) {
<span class="Keyword">return</span> x <span class="Keyword">*</span> square(x);
<span class="Comment"><span class="Comment">//</span> Splats:</span>
race <span class="Keyword">=</span> <span class="Storage">function</span> <span class="FunctionName">race</span>(<span class="FunctionArgument">winner</span>) {
<span class="Storage">var</span> runners;
runners <span class="Keyword">=</span> <span class="LibraryClassType">Array</span>.<span class="LibraryConstant">prototype</span>.slice.<span class="LibraryFunction">call</span>(arguments, <span class="Number">1</span>);
<span class="Keyword">return</span> <span class="LibraryFunction">print</span>(winner, runners);
<span class="Comment"><span class="Comment">//</span> Existence:</span>
<span class="Keyword">if</span> ((<span class="Keyword">typeof</span> elvis <span class="Keyword">!</span><span class="Keyword">==</span> <span class="String"><span class="String">&quot;</span>undefined<span class="String">&quot;</span></span> <span class="Keyword">&amp;</span><span class="Keyword">&amp;</span> elvis <span class="Keyword">!</span><span class="Keyword">==</span> <span class="BuiltInConstant">null</span>)) {
<span class="LibraryFunction">alert</span>(<span class="String"><span class="String">&quot;</span>I knew it!<span class="String">&quot;</span></span>);
<span class="Comment"><span class="Comment">//</span> Array comprehensions:</span>
cubed_list <span class="Keyword">=</span> (<span class="Storage">function</span>() {
_a <span class="Keyword">=</span> []; _b <span class="Keyword">=</span> list;
<span class="Keyword">for</span> (_c <span class="Keyword">=</span> <span class="Number">0</span>; _c <span class="Keyword">&lt;</span> _b.<span class="LibraryConstant">length</span>; _c<span class="Keyword">++</span>) {
num <span class="Keyword">=</span> _b[_c];
_a.<span class="LibraryFunction">push</span>(math.cube(num));
<span class="Keyword">return</span> _a;
}).<span class="LibraryFunction">call</span>(<span class="Variable">this</span>);
</pre><button onclick='javascript: var _a, _b, _c, cubed_list, list, math, num, number, opposite_day, race, square;
// Assignment:
number = 42;
opposite_day = true;
// Conditions:
if (opposite_day) {
number = -42;
// Functions:
square = function square(x) {
return x * x;
// Arrays:
list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
// Objects:
math = {
root: Math.sqrt,
square: square,
cube: function cube(x) {
return x * square(x);
// Splats:
race = function race(winner) {
var runners;
runners =, 1);
return print(winner, runners);
// Existence:
if ((typeof elvis !== "undefined" && elvis !== null)) {
alert("I knew it!");
// Array comprehensions:
cubed_list = (function() {
_a = []; _b = list;
for (_c = 0; _c < _b.length; _c++) {
num = _b[_c];
return _a;
;alert(cubed_list);'>run: cubed_list</button><br class='clear' /></div>
For a longer CoffeeScript example, check out
@ -1571,7 +1653,9 @@ task(<span class="String"><span class="String">'</span>test<span class="String">
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If you'd like to chat, stop by <tt>#coffeescript</tt> on Freenode.
If you'd like to chat, stop by <tt>#coffeescript</tt> on Freenode in the
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