// Generated by CoffeeScript 2.2.3 (function() { var CoffeeScript, Module, binary, child_process, ext, findExtension, fork, getRootModule, helpers, i, len, loadFile, path, ref; CoffeeScript = require('./'); child_process = require('child_process'); helpers = require('./helpers'); path = require('path'); // Load and run a CoffeeScript file for Node, stripping any `BOM`s. loadFile = function(module, filename) { var answer, options; options = module.options || getRootModule(module).options; answer = CoffeeScript._compileFile(filename, options); return module._compile(answer, filename); }; // If the installed version of Node supports `require.extensions`, register // CoffeeScript as an extension. if (require.extensions) { ref = CoffeeScript.FILE_EXTENSIONS; for (i = 0, len = ref.length; i < len; i++) { ext = ref[i]; require.extensions[ext] = loadFile; } // Patch Node's module loader to be able to handle multi-dot extensions. // This is a horrible thing that should not be required. Module = require('module'); findExtension = function(filename) { var curExtension, extensions; extensions = path.basename(filename).split('.'); if (extensions[0] === '') { // Remove the initial dot from dotfiles. extensions.shift(); } // Start with the longest possible extension and work our way shortwards. while (extensions.shift()) { curExtension = '.' + extensions.join('.'); if (Module._extensions[curExtension]) { return curExtension; } } return '.js'; }; Module.prototype.load = function(filename) { var extension; this.filename = filename; this.paths = Module._nodeModulePaths(path.dirname(filename)); extension = findExtension(filename); Module._extensions[extension](this, filename); return this.loaded = true; }; } // If we're on Node, patch `child_process.fork` so that Coffee scripts are able // to fork both CoffeeScript files, and JavaScript files, directly. if (child_process) { ({fork} = child_process); binary = require.resolve('../../bin/coffee'); child_process.fork = function(path, args, options) { if (helpers.isCoffee(path)) { if (!Array.isArray(args)) { options = args || {}; args = []; } args = [path].concat(args); path = binary; } return fork(path, args, options); }; } // Utility function to find the `options` object attached to the topmost module. getRootModule = function(module) { if (module.parent) { return getRootModule(module.parent); } else { return module; } }; }).call(this);