module CoffeeScript # The abstract base class for all CoffeeScript nodes. # All nodes are implement a "compile_node" method, which performs the # code generation for that node. To compile a node, call the "compile" # method, which wraps "compile_node" in some extra smarts, to know when the # generated code should be wrapped up in a closure. An options hash is passed # and cloned throughout, containing messages from higher in the AST, # information about the current scope, and indentation level. class Node # Tabs are two spaces for pretty-printing. TAB = ' ' # Tag this node as a statement, meaning that it can't be used directly as # the result of an expression. def self.statement class_eval "def statement?; true; end" end # Tag this node as a statement that cannot be transformed into an expression. # (break, continue, etc.) It doesn't make sense to try to transform it. def self.statement_only statement class_eval "def statement_only?; true; end" end # This node needs to know if it's being compiled as a top-level statement, # in order to compile without special expression conversion. def self.top_sensitive class_eval "def top_sensitive?; true; end" end # Provide a quick implementation of a children method. def self.children(*attributes) attr_reader(*attributes) attrs = {|a| "[@#{a}]" }.join(', ') class_eval "def children; [#{attrs}].flatten.compact; end" end def write(code) puts "#{self.class.to_s}:\n#{@options.inspect}\n#{code}\n\n" if ENV['VERBOSE'] code end # This is extremely important -- we convert JS statements into expressions # by wrapping them in a closure, only if it's possible, and we're not at # the top level of a block (which would be unnecessary), and we haven't # already been asked to return the result. def compile(o={}) @options = o.dup @indent = o[:indent] top = self.top_sensitive? ? @options[:top] : @options.delete(:top) closure = statement? && !statement_only? && !top && !@options[:return] && !self.is_a?(CommentNode) closure &&= !contains? {|n| n.statement_only? } closure ? compile_closure(@options) : compile_node(@options) end # Statements converted into expressions share scope with their parent # closure, to preserve JavaScript-style lexical scope. def compile_closure(o={}) @indent = o[:indent] ClosureNode.wrap(self).compile(o.merge(:shared_scope => o[:scope])) end # Quick short method for the current indentation level, plus tabbing in. def idt(tabs=0) @indent + (TAB * tabs) end # Does this node, or any of its children, contain a node of a certain kind? def contains?(&block) children.each do |node| return true if yield(node) return true if node.is_a?(Node) && node.contains?(&block) end false end # Default implementations of the common node methods. def unwrap; self; end def children; []; end def statement?; false; end def statement_only?; false; end def top_sensitive?; false; end end # A collection of nodes, each one representing an expression. class Expressions < Node statement children :expressions attr_accessor :function TRAILING_WHITESPACE = /\s+$/ # Wrap up a node as an Expressions, unless it already is. def self.wrap(*nodes) return nodes[0] if nodes.length == 1 && nodes[0].is_a?(Expressions)*nodes) end def initialize(*nodes) @expressions = nodes.flatten end # Tack an expression on to the end of this expression list. def <<(node) @expressions << node self end # Tack an expression on to the beginning of this expression list. def unshift(node) @expressions.unshift(node) self end # If this Expressions consists of a single node, pull it back out. def unwrap @expressions.length == 1 ? @expressions.first : self end # Is this an empty block of code? def empty? @expressions.empty? end # Is the node last in this block of expressions? def last?(node) @last_index ||= @expressions.last.is_a?(CommentNode) ? -2 : -1 node == @expressions[@last_index] end def compile(o={}) o[:scope] ? super(o) : compile_root(o) end # Compile each expression in the Expressions body. def compile_node(o={}) write( {|n| compile_expression(n, o.dup) }.join("\n")) end # If this is the top-level Expressions, wrap everything in a safety closure. def compile_root(o={}) indent = o[:no_wrap] ? '' : TAB @indent = indent o.merge!(:indent => indent, :scope =>, self, nil)) code = o[:globals] ? compile_node(o) : compile_with_declarations(o) code.gsub!(TRAILING_WHITESPACE, '') write(o[:no_wrap] ? code : "(function(){\n#{code}\n})();") end # Compile the expressions body, with declarations of all inner variables # pushed up to the top. def compile_with_declarations(o={}) code = compile_node(o) args = self.contains? {|n| n.is_a?(ValueNode) && n.arguments? } argv = args && o[:scope].check('arguments') ? '' : 'var ' code = "#{idt}#{argv}arguments =, 0);\n#{code}" if args code = "#{idt}var #{o[:scope].compiled_assignments};\n#{code}" if o[:scope].assignments?(self) code = "#{idt}var #{o[:scope].compiled_declarations};\n#{code}" if o[:scope].declarations?(self) write(code) end # Compiles a single expression within the expressions body. def compile_expression(node, o) @indent = o[:indent] stmt = node.statement? # We need to return the result if this is the last node in the expressions body. returns = o.delete(:return) && last?(node) && !node.statement_only? # Return the regular compile of the node, unless we need to return the result. return "#{stmt ? '' : idt}#{node.compile(o.merge(:top => true))}#{stmt ? '' : ';'}" unless returns # If it's a statement, the node knows how to return itself. return node.compile(o.merge(:return => true)) if node.statement? # Otherwise, we can just return the value of the expression. return "#{idt}return #{node.compile(o)};" end end # Literals are static values that can be passed through directly into # JavaScript without translation, eg.: strings, numbers, true, false, null... class LiteralNode < Node children :value # Values of a literal node that much be treated as a statement -- no # sense returning or assigning them. STATEMENTS = ['break', 'continue'] # Wrap up a compiler-generated string as a LiteralNode. def self.wrap(string) end def initialize(value) @value = value end def statement? STATEMENTS.include?(@value.to_s) end alias_method :statement_only?, :statement? def compile_node(o) indent = statement? ? idt : '' ending = statement? ? ';' : '' "#{indent}#{@value}#{ending}" end end # Return an expression, or wrap it in a closure and return it. class ReturnNode < Node statement_only children :expression def initialize(expression) @expression = expression end def compile_node(o) return write(@expression.compile(o.merge(:return => true))) if @expression.statement? compiled = @expression.compile(o) write("#{idt}return #{compiled};") end end # A value, indexed or dotted into, or vanilla. class ValueNode < Node children :base, :properties attr_reader :last, :source # Soak up undefined properties and call attempts. SOAK = " == undefined ? undefined : " def initialize(base, properties=[]) @base, @properties = base, [properties].flatten end def <<(other) @properties << other self end def properties? return !@properties.empty? || @base.is_a?(ThisNode) end def array? @base.is_a?(ArrayNode) && !properties? end def object? @base.is_a?(ObjectNode) && !properties? end def splice? properties? && @properties.last.is_a?(SliceNode) end def arguments? @base.to_s == 'arguments' end def unwrap @properties.empty? ? @base : self end # Values are statements if their base is a statement. def statement? @base.is_a?(Node) && @base.statement? && !properties? end def compile_node(o) soaked = false only = o.delete(:only_first) props = only ? @properties[0...-1] : @properties baseline = @base.compile(o) parts = [baseline.dup] props.each do |prop| if prop.is_a?(AccessorNode) && prop.soak soaked = true if @base.is_a?(CallNode) && prop == props.first temp = o[:scope].free_variable parts[-1] = "(#{temp} = #{baseline})#{SOAK}#{baseline = temp.to_s + prop.compile(o)}" else parts[-1] << "#{SOAK}#{baseline += prop.compile(o)}" end else part = prop.compile(o) baseline += part parts << part end end @last = parts.last @source = parts.length > 1 ? parts[0...-1].join('') : nil code = parts.join('').gsub(')())', '()))') write(soaked ? "(#{code})" : code) end end # Pass through CoffeeScript comments into JavaScript comments at the # same position. class CommentNode < Node statement def initialize(lines) @lines = lines.value end def compile_node(o={}) delimiter = "\n#{idt}//" write("#{delimiter}#{@lines.join(delimiter)}") end end # Node for a function invocation. Takes care of converting super() calls into # calls against the prototype's function of the same name. class CallNode < Node children :variable, :arguments def initialize(variable, arguments=[]) @variable, @arguments = variable, arguments @prefix = '' end def new_instance @prefix = "new " self end def <<(argument) @arguments << argument self end # Compile a vanilla function call. def compile_node(o) return write(compile_splat(o)) if @arguments.any? {|a| a.is_a?(SplatNode) } args ={|a| a.compile(o) }.join(', ') return write(compile_super(args, o)) if @variable == 'super' write("#{@prefix}#{@variable.compile(o)}(#{args})") end # Compile a call against the superclass's implementation of the current function. def compile_super(args, o) methname = o[:scope] arg_part = args.empty? ? '' : ", #{args}" meth = o[:scope].function.proto ? "#{o[:scope].function.proto}.__superClass__.#{methname}" : "#{methname}.__superClass__.constructor" "#{meth}.call(this#{arg_part})" end # Compile a function call being passed variable arguments. def compile_splat(o) meth = @variable.compile(o) obj = @variable.source || 'this' args = do |arg| code = arg.compile(o) code = arg.is_a?(SplatNode) ? code : "[#{code}]" arg.equal?(@arguments.first) ? code : ".concat(#{code})" end "#{@prefix}#{meth}.apply(#{obj}, #{args.join('')})" end # If the code generation wished to use the result of a function call # in multiple places, ensure that the function is only ever called once. def compile_reference(o) reference = o[:scope].free_variable call =, self)) return call, reference end end # Node to extend an object's prototype with an ancestor object. # After goog.inherits from the Closure Library. class ExtendsNode < Node children :sub_object, :super_object statement def initialize(sub_object, super_object) @sub_object, @super_object = sub_object, super_object end # Hooking one constructor into another's prototype chain. def compile_node(o={}) constructor = o[:scope].free_variable sub, sup = @sub_object.compile(o), @super_object.compile(o) "#{idt}#{constructor} = function(){};\n#{idt}" + "#{constructor}.prototype = #{sup}.prototype;\n#{idt}" + "#{sub}.__superClass__ = #{sup}.prototype;\n#{idt}" + "#{sub}.prototype = new #{constructor}();\n#{idt}" + "#{sub}.prototype.constructor = #{sub};" end end # A dotted accessor into a part of a value, or the :: shorthand for # an accessor into the object's prototype. class AccessorNode < Node children :name attr_reader :soak def initialize(name, tag=nil) @name = name @prototype = tag == :prototype @soak = tag == :soak end def compile_node(o) proto = @prototype ? "prototype." : '' write(".#{proto}#{@name}") end end # An indexed accessor into a part of an array or object. class IndexNode < Node children :index def initialize(index) @index = index end def compile_node(o) write("[#{@index.compile(o)}]") end end # A this-reference, using '@'. class ThisNode < Node def initialize(property=nil) @property = property end def compile_node(o) prop = @property ? ".#{@property}" : '' write("this#{prop}") end end # A range literal. Ranges can be used to extract portions (slices) of arrays, # or to specify a range for list comprehensions. class RangeNode < Node children :from, :to def initialize(from, to, exclusive=false) @from, @to, @exclusive = from, to, exclusive end def exclusive? @exclusive end def compile_variables(o) @indent = o[:indent] @from_var, @to_var = o[:scope].free_variable, o[:scope].free_variable from_val, to_val = @from.compile(o), @to.compile(o) write("#{@from_var} = #{from_val}; #{@to_var} = #{to_val};\n#{idt}") end def compile_node(o) return compile_array(o) unless o[:index] idx, step = o.delete(:index), o.delete(:step) vars = "#{idx}=#{@from_var}" step = step ? step.compile(o) : '1' equals = @exclusive ? '' : '=' intro = "(#{@from_var} <= #{@to_var} ? #{idx}" compare = "#{intro} <#{equals} #{@to_var} : #{idx} >#{equals} #{@to_var})" incr = "#{intro} += #{step} : #{idx} -= #{step})" write("#{vars}; #{compare}; #{incr}") end # Expand the range into the equivalent array, if it's not being used as # part of a comprehension, slice, or splice. # TODO: This generates pretty ugly code ... shrink it. def compile_array(o) body = Expressions.wrap(LiteralNode.wrap('i')) arr = Expressions.wrap(, {:source =>},'i')))[], arr))).compile(o) end end # An array slice literal. Unlike JavaScript's Array#slice, the second parameter # specifies the index of the end of the slice (just like the first parameter) # is the index of the beginning. class SliceNode < Node children :range def initialize(range) @range = range end def compile_node(o) from = @range.from.compile(o) to = plus_part = @range.exclusive? ? '' : ' + 1' write(".slice(#{from}, #{to}#{plus_part})") end end # An object literal. class ObjectNode < Node children :properties alias_method :objects, :properties def initialize(properties = []) @properties = properties end # All the mucking about with commas is to make sure that CommentNodes and # AssignNodes get interleaved correctly, with no trailing commas or # commas affixed to comments. TODO: Extract this and add it to ArrayNode. def compile_node(o) o[:indent] = idt(1) joins ="\n") non_comments = {|p| !p.is_a?(CommentNode) } non_comments.each {|p| joins[p] = p == non_comments.last ? "\n" : ",\n" } props = { |prop| join = joins[prop] join = '' if prop == @properties.last indent = prop.is_a?(CommentNode) ? '' : idt(1) "#{indent}#{prop.compile(o)}#{join}" }.join('') write("{\n#{props}\n#{idt}}") end end # An array literal. class ArrayNode < Node children :objects def initialize(objects=[]) @objects = objects end def compile_node(o) o[:indent] = idt(1) objects = { |obj| code = obj.compile(o) obj.is_a?(CommentNode) ? "\n#{code}\n#{o[:indent]}" : obj == @objects.last ? code : "#{code}, " }.join('') ending = objects.include?("\n") ? "\n#{idt}]" : ']' write("[#{objects}#{ending}") end end # A faux-node that is never created by the grammar, but is used during # code generation to generate a quick "array.push(value)" tree of nodes. class PushNode def self.wrap(array, expressions) expr = expressions.unwrap return expressions if expr.statement_only? || expr.contains? {|n| n.statement_only? } Expressions.wrap(, ['push'))]), [expr] )) end end # A faux-node used to wrap an expressions body in a closure. class ClosureNode def self.wrap(expressions, statement=false) func =[], Expressions.wrap(expressions))) call =,'call'))), ['this')]) statement ? Expressions.wrap(call) : call end end # Setting the value of a local variable, or the value of an object property. class AssignNode < Node top_sensitive children :variable, :value PROTO_ASSIGN = /\A(\S+)\.prototype/ LEADING_DOT = /\A\.(prototype\.)?/ def initialize(variable, value, context=nil) @variable, @value, @context = variable, value, context end def value? @variable.is_a?(ValueNode) end def statement? value? && (@variable.array? || @variable.object?) end def compile_node(o) top = o.delete(:top) return compile_pattern_match(o) if statement? return compile_splice(o) if value? && @variable.splice? stmt = o.delete(:as_statement) name = @variable.compile(o) last = value? ? @variable.last.to_s.sub(LEADING_DOT, '') : name proto = name[PROTO_ASSIGN, 1] if @value.is_a?(CodeNode) = last if last.match(Lexer::IDENTIFIER) @value.proto = proto if proto end return write("#{name}: #{@value.compile(o)}") if @context == :object o[:scope].find(name) unless value? && val = "#{name} = #{@value.compile(o)}" return write("#{idt}#{val};") if stmt val = "(#{val})" if !top || o[:return] val = "#{idt}return #{val}" if o[:return] write(val) end # Implementation of recursive pattern matching, when assigning array or # object literals to a value. Peeks at their properties to assign inner names. # See: def compile_pattern_match(o) val_var = o[:scope].free_variable assigns = ["#{idt}#{val_var} = #{@value.compile(o)};"] o.merge!(:top => true, :as_statement => true) @variable.base.objects.each_with_index do |obj, i| obj, i = obj.value, obj.variable.base if @variable.object? access_class = @variable.array? ? IndexNode : AccessorNode if obj.is_a?(SplatNode) val = LiteralNode.wrap(obj.compile_value(o, val_var, @variable.base.objects.index(obj))) else val =, []) end assigns <<, val).compile(o) end write(assigns.join("\n")) end def compile_splice(o) var = @variable.compile(o.merge(:only_first => true)) range = plus = range.exclusive? ? '' : ' + 1' from = range.from.compile(o) to = "#{} - #{from}#{plus}" write("#{var}.splice.apply(#{var}, [#{from}, #{to}].concat(#{@value.compile(o)}))") end end # A function definition. The only node that creates a new Scope. # A CodeNode does not have any children -- they're within the new scope. class CodeNode < Node top_sensitive attr_reader :params, :body, :bound attr_accessor :name, :proto def initialize(params, body, tag=nil) @params = params @body = body @bound = tag == :boundfunc end def compile_node(o) shared_scope = o.delete(:shared_scope) top = o.delete(:top) o[:scope] = shared_scope ||[:scope], @body, self) o[:return] = true o[:top] = true o[:indent] = idt(@bound ? 2 : 1) o.delete(:no_wrap) o.delete(:globals) if @params.last.is_a?(SplatNode) splat = @params.pop splat.index = @params.length @body.unshift(splat) end @params.each {|id| o[:scope].parameter(id.to_s) } code = @body.empty? ? "" : "\n#{@body.compile_with_declarations(o)}\n" name_part = @name ? " #{@name}" : '' func = "function#{@bound ? '' : name_part}(#{@params.join(', ')}) {#{code}#{idt(@bound ? 1 : 0)}}" func = "(#{func})" if top && !@bound return write(func) unless @bound inner = "(function#{name_part}() {\n#{idt(2)}return __func.apply(__this, arguments);\n#{idt(1)}});" write("(function(__this) {\n#{idt(1)}var __func = #{func};\n#{idt(1)}return #{inner}\n#{idt}})(this)") end end # A splat, either as a parameter to a function, an argument to a call, # or in a destructuring assignment. class SplatNode < Node children :name attr_accessor :index def initialize(name) @name = name end def compile_node(o={}) write(@index ? compile_param(o) : @name.compile(o)) end def compile_param(o) o[:scope].find(@name) "#{@name} =, #{@index})" end def compile_value(o, name, index) "{name}, #{index})" end end # A while loop, the only sort of low-level loop exposed by CoffeeScript. From # it, all other loops can be manufactured. class WhileNode < Node top_sensitive children :condition, :body statement def initialize(condition, body) @condition, @body = condition, body end def compile_node(o) returns = o.delete(:return) top = o.delete(:top) && !returns o[:indent] = idt(1) o[:top] = true cond = @condition.compile(o) set = '' if !top rvar = o[:scope].free_variable set = "#{idt}#{rvar} = [];\n" @body = PushNode.wrap(rvar, @body) end post = returns ? "\n#{idt}return #{rvar};" : '' return write("#{set}#{idt}while (#{cond}) null;#{post}") if @body.nil? write("#{set}#{idt}while (#{cond}) {\n#{@body.compile(o)}\n#{idt}}#{post}") end end # Simple Arithmetic and logical operations. Performs some conversion from # CoffeeScript operations into their JavaScript equivalents. class OpNode < Node children :first, :second attr_reader :operator attr_accessor :second CONVERSIONS = { :== => "===", :'!=' => "!==", :and => '&&', :or => '||', :is => '===', :isnt => "!==", :not => '!' } CHAINABLE = [:<, :>, :>=, :<=, :===, :'!=='] ASSIGNMENT = [:'||=', :'&&=', :'?='] PREFIX_OPERATORS = [:typeof, :delete] def initialize(operator, first, second=nil, flip=false) @first, @second, @flip = first, second, flip @operator = CONVERSIONS[operator.to_sym] || operator end def unary? @second.nil? end def chainable? CHAINABLE.include?(operator.to_sym) end def compile_node(o) return write(compile_chain(o)) if chainable? && @first.unwrap.is_a?(OpNode) && @first.unwrap.chainable? return write(compile_assignment(o)) if ASSIGNMENT.include?(@operator.to_sym) return write(compile_unary(o)) if unary? return write(compile_existence(o)) if @operator == '?' write("#{@first.compile(o)} #{@operator} #{@second.compile(o)}") end # Mimic Python's chained comparisons. See: # def compile_chain(o) shared = @first.unwrap.second @first.second, shared = *shared.compile_reference(o) if shared.is_a?(CallNode) "(#{@first.compile(o)}) && (#{shared.compile(o)} #{@operator} #{@second.compile(o)})" end def compile_assignment(o) first, second = @first.compile(o), @second.compile(o) o[:scope].find(first) if @first.unwrap.is_a?(Value) return "#{first} = #{ExistenceNode.compile_test(o, @first)} ? #{first} : #{second}" if @operator == '?=' "#{first} = #{first} #{@operator[0..1]} #{second}" end def compile_existence(o) first, second = @first.compile(o), @second.compile(o) "#{ExistenceNode.compile_test(o, @first)} ? #{first} : #{second}" end def compile_unary(o) space = PREFIX_OPERATORS.include?(@operator.to_sym) ? ' ' : '' parts = [@operator.to_s, space, @first.compile(o)] parts.reverse! if @flip parts.join('') end end # A try/catch/finally block. class TryNode < Node children :try, :recovery, :finally attr_reader :error statement def initialize(try, error, recovery, finally=nil) @try, @error, @recovery, @finally = try, error, recovery, finally end def compile_node(o) o[:indent] = idt(1) o[:top] = true error_part = @error ? " (#{@error}) " : ' ' catch_part = @recovery && " catch#{error_part}{\n#{@recovery.compile(o)}\n#{idt}}" finally_part = @finally && " finally {\n#{@finally.compile(o.merge(:return => nil))}\n#{idt}}" write("#{idt}try {\n#{@try.compile(o)}\n#{idt}}#{catch_part}#{finally_part}") end end # Throw an exception. class ThrowNode < Node children :expression statement_only def initialize(expression) @expression = expression end def compile_node(o) write("#{idt}throw #{@expression.compile(o)};") end end # Check an expression for existence (meaning not null or undefined). class ExistenceNode < Node children :expression def self.compile_test(o, variable) first, second = variable, variable first, second = *variable.compile_reference(o) if variable.is_a?(CallNode) "(typeof #{first.compile(o)} !== \"undefined\" && #{second.compile(o)} !== null)" end def initialize(expression) @expression = expression end def compile_node(o) write(ExistenceNode.compile_test(o, @expression)) end end # An extra set of parentheses, specified explicitly in the source. class ParentheticalNode < Node children :expressions def initialize(expressions, line=nil) @expressions = expressions.unwrap @line = line end def compile_node(o) compiled = @expressions.compile(o) compiled = compiled[0...-1] if compiled[-1..-1] == ';' write("(#{compiled})") end end # The replacement for the for loop is an array comprehension (that compiles) # into a for loop. Also acts as an expression, able to return the result # of the comprehenion. Unlike Python array comprehensions, it's able to pass # the current index of the loop as a second parameter. class ForNode < Node top_sensitive children :body, :source, :filter attr_reader :name, :index, :step statement def initialize(body, source, name, index=nil) @body, @name, @index = body, name, index @source = source[:source] @filter = source[:filter] @step = source[:step] @object = !!source[:object] @name, @index = @index, @name if @object end def compile_node(o) top_level = o.delete(:top) && !o[:return] range = @source.is_a?(ValueNode) && @source.base.is_a?(RangeNode) && source = range ? @source.base : @source scope = o[:scope] name_found = @name && scope.find(@name) index_found = @index && scope.find(@index) body_dent = idt(1) rvar = scope.free_variable unless top_level svar = scope.free_variable ivar = range ? name : @index ? @index : scope.free_variable var_part = '' body = Expressions.wrap(@body) if range index_var = scope.free_variable source_part = source.compile_variables(o) for_part = "#{index_var}=0, #{source.compile(o.merge(:index => ivar, :step => @step))}, #{index_var}++" else index_var = nil source_part = "#{svar} = #{@source.compile(o)};\n#{idt}" step_part = @step ? "#{ivar} += #{@step.compile(o)}" : "#{ivar}++" for_part = @object ? "#{ivar} in #{svar}" : "#{ivar} = 0; #{ivar} < #{svar}.length; #{step_part}" var_part = "#{body_dent}#{@name} = #{svar}[#{ivar}];\n" if @name end set_result = rvar ? "#{idt}#{rvar} = []; " : idt return_result = rvar || '' body = ClosureNode.wrap(body, true) if top_level && contains? {|n| n.is_a? CodeNode } body = PushNode.wrap(rvar, body) unless top_level if o[:return] return_result = "return #{return_result}" o.delete(:return) body =, body, nil, :statement => true) if @filter elsif @filter body = Expressions.wrap(, body)) end if @object o[:scope].assign("__hasProp", "Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty", true) body = Expressions.wrap("__hasProp"), ['call'))]), [LiteralNode.wrap(svar), LiteralNode.wrap(ivar)] ), Expressions.wrap(body), nil, {:statement => true} )) end return_result = "\n#{idt}#{return_result};" unless top_level body = body.compile(o.merge(:indent => body_dent, :top => true)) vars = range ? @name : "#{@name}, #{ivar}" return write(set_result + source_part + "for (#{for_part}) {\n#{var_part}#{body}\n#{idt}}\n#{idt}#{return_result}") end end # If/else statements. Switch/whens get compiled into these. Acts as an # expression by pushing down requested returns to the expression bodies. # Single-expression IfNodes are compiled into ternary operators if possible, # because ternaries are first-class returnable assignable expressions. class IfNode < Node children :condition, :body, :else_body def initialize(condition, body, else_body=nil, tags={}) @condition = condition @body = body && body.unwrap @else_body = else_body && else_body.unwrap @tags = tags @multiple = true if @condition.is_a?(Array) @condition ="!", if @tags[:invert] end def <<(else_body) eb = else_body.unwrap @else_body ? @else_body << eb : @else_body = eb self end def add_comment(comment) @comment = comment self end def force_statement @tags[:statement] = true self end # Rewrite a chain of IfNodes with their switch condition for equality. def rewrite_condition(expression) @condition = @multiple ? {|c|"is", expression, c) } :"is", expression, @condition) @else_body.rewrite_condition(expression) if chain? self end # Rewrite a chain of IfNodes to add a default case as the final else. def add_else(exprs) chain? ? @else_body.add_else(exprs) : @else_body = (exprs && exprs.unwrap) self end # If the else_body is an IfNode itself, then we've got an if-else chain. def chain? @chain ||= @else_body && @else_body.is_a?(IfNode) end # The IfNode only compiles into a statement if either of the bodies needs # to be a statement. def statement? @is_statement ||= !!(@comment || @tags[:statement] || @body.statement? || (@else_body && @else_body.statement?)) end def compile_condition(o) [@condition] {|c| c.compile(o) }.join(' || ') end def compile_node(o) write(statement? ? compile_statement(o) : compile_ternary(o)) end # Compile the IfNode as a regular if-else statement. Flattened chains # force sub-else bodies into statement form. def compile_statement(o) child = o.delete(:chain_child) cond_o = o.dup cond_o.delete(:return) o[:indent] = idt(1) o[:top] = true if_dent = child ? '' : idt com_dent = child ? idt : '' prefix = @comment ? @comment.compile(cond_o) + "\n#{com_dent}" : '' body = Expressions.wrap(@body).compile(o) if_part = "#{prefix}#{if_dent}if (#{compile_condition(cond_o)}) {\n#{body}\n#{idt}}" return if_part unless @else_body else_part = chain? ? " else #{@else_body.compile(o.merge(:indent => idt, :chain_child => true))}" : " else {\n#{Expressions.wrap(@else_body).compile(o)}\n#{idt}}" if_part + else_part end # Compile the IfNode into a ternary operator. def compile_ternary(o) if_part = "#{@condition.compile(o)} ? #{@body.compile(o)}" else_part = @else_body ? @else_body.compile(o) : 'null' "#{if_part} : #{else_part}" end end end