# Classes # ------- # * Class Definition # * Class Instantiation # * Inheritance and Super test "classes with a four-level inheritance chain", -> class Base func: (string) -> "zero/#{string}" @static: (string) -> "static/#{string}" class FirstChild extends Base func: (string) -> super('one/') + string SecondChild = class extends FirstChild func: (string) -> super('two/') + string thirdCtor = -> @array = [1, 2, 3] class ThirdChild extends SecondChild constructor: -> thirdCtor.call this # Gratuitous comment for testing. func: (string) -> super('three/') + string result = (new ThirdChild).func 'four' ok result is 'zero/one/two/three/four' ok Base.static('word') is 'static/word' FirstChild::func = (string) -> super('one/').length + string result = (new ThirdChild).func 'four' ok result is '9two/three/four' ok (new ThirdChild).array.join(' ') is '1 2 3' test "constructors with inheritance and super", -> identity = (f) -> f class TopClass constructor: (arg) -> @prop = 'top-' + arg class SuperClass extends TopClass constructor: (arg) -> identity super 'super-' + arg class SubClass extends SuperClass constructor: -> identity super 'sub' ok (new SubClass).prop is 'top-super-sub' test "Overriding the static property new doesn't clobber Function::new", -> class OneClass @new: 'new' function: 'function' constructor: (name) -> @name = name class TwoClass extends OneClass delete TwoClass.new Function.prototype.new = -> new this arguments... ok (TwoClass.new('three')).name is 'three' ok (new OneClass).function is 'function' ok OneClass.new is 'new' delete Function.prototype.new test "basic classes, again, but in the manual prototype style", -> Base = -> Base::func = (string) -> 'zero/' + string Base::['func-func'] = (string) -> "dynamic-#{string}" FirstChild = -> SecondChild = -> ThirdChild = -> @array = [1, 2, 3] this ThirdChild extends SecondChild extends FirstChild extends Base FirstChild::func = (string) -> super('one/') + string SecondChild::func = (string) -> super('two/') + string ThirdChild::func = (string) -> super('three/') + string result = (new ThirdChild).func 'four' ok result is 'zero/one/two/three/four' ok (new ThirdChild)['func-func']('thing') is 'dynamic-thing' test "super with plain ol' functions as the original constructors", -> TopClass = (arg) -> @prop = 'top-' + arg this SuperClass = (arg) -> super 'super-' + arg this SubClass = -> super 'sub' this SuperClass extends TopClass SubClass extends SuperClass ok (new SubClass).prop is 'top-super-sub' test "'@' referring to the current instance, and not being coerced into a call", -> class ClassName amI: -> @ instanceof ClassName obj = new ClassName ok obj.amI() test "super() calls in constructors of classes that are defined as object properties", -> class Hive constructor: (name) -> @name = name class Hive.Bee extends Hive constructor: (name) -> super maya = new Hive.Bee 'Maya' ok maya.name is 'Maya' test "classes with JS-keyword properties", -> class Class class: 'class' name: -> @class instance = new Class ok instance.class is 'class' ok instance.name() is 'class' test "Classes with methods that are pre-bound to the instance, or statically, to the class", -> class Dog constructor: (name) -> @name = name bark: => "#{@name} woofs!" @static = => new this('Dog') spark = new Dog('Spark') fido = new Dog('Fido') fido.bark = spark.bark ok fido.bark() is 'Spark woofs!' obj = func: Dog.static ok obj.func().name is 'Dog' test "a bound function in a bound function", -> class Mini num: 10 generate: => for i in [1..3] => @num m = new Mini eq (func() for func in m.generate()).join(' '), '10 10 10' test "contructor called with varargs", -> class Connection constructor: (one, two, three) -> [@one, @two, @three] = [one, two, three] out: -> "#{@one}-#{@two}-#{@three}" list = [3, 2, 1] conn = new Connection list... ok conn instanceof Connection ok conn.out() is '3-2-1' test "calling super and passing along all arguments", -> class Parent method: (args...) -> @args = args class Child extends Parent method: -> super c = new Child c.method 1, 2, 3, 4 ok c.args.join(' ') is '1 2 3 4' test "classes wrapped in decorators", -> func = (klass) -> klass::prop = 'value' klass func class Test prop2: 'value2' ok (new Test).prop is 'value' ok (new Test).prop2 is 'value2' test "anonymous classes", -> obj = klass: class method: -> 'value' instance = new obj.klass ok instance.method() is 'value' test "Implicit objects as static properties", -> class Static @static = one: 1 two: 2 ok Static.static.one is 1 ok Static.static.two is 2 test "nothing classes", -> c = class ok c instanceof Function test "classes with static-level implicit objects", -> class A @static = one: 1 two: 2 class B @static = one: 1, two: 2 eq A.static.one, 1 eq A.static.two, undefined eq (new A).two, 2 eq B.static.one, 1 eq B.static.two, 2 eq (new B).two, undefined test "classes with value'd constructors", -> counter = 0 classMaker = -> inner = ++counter -> @value = inner class One constructor: classMaker() class Two constructor: classMaker() eq (new One).value, 1 eq (new Two).value, 2 eq (new One).value, 1 eq (new Two).value, 2 test "exectuable class bodies", -> class A if true b: 'b' else c: 'c' a = new A eq a.b, 'b' eq a.c, undefined test "mild metaprogramming", -> class Base @attr: (name) -> @::[name] = (val) -> if arguments.length > 0 @["_#{name}"] = val else @["_#{name}"] class Robot extends Base @attr 'power' @attr 'speed' robby = new Robot ok robby.power() is undefined robby.power 11 robby.speed Infinity eq robby.power(), 11 eq robby.speed(), Infinity test "namespaced classes do not reserve their function name in outside scope", -> one = {} two = {} class one.Klass @label = "one" class two.Klass @label = "two" eq typeof Klass, 'undefined' eq one.Klass.label, 'one' eq two.Klass.label, 'two' test "nested classes", -> class Outer constructor: -> @label = 'outer' class @Inner constructor: -> @label = 'inner' eq (new Outer).label, 'outer' eq (new Outer.Inner).label, 'inner' test "variables in constructor bodies are correctly scoped", -> class A x = 1 constructor: -> x = 10 y = 20 y = 2 captured: -> {x, y} a = new A eq a.captured().x, 10 eq a.captured().y, 2 test "Issue #924: Static methods in nested classes", -> class A @B: class @c = -> 5 eq A.B.c(), 5 test "`class extends this`", -> class A func: -> 'A' B = null makeClass = -> B = class extends this func: -> super + ' B' makeClass.call A eq (new B()).func(), 'A B' test "ensure that constructors invoked with splats return a new object", -> args = [1, 2, 3] Type = (@args) -> type = new Type args ok type and type instanceof Type ok type.args and type.args instanceof Array ok v is args[i] for v, i in type.args Type1 = (@a, @b, @c) -> type1 = new Type1 args... ok type1 instanceof Type1 eq type1.constructor, Type1 ok type1.a is args[0] and type1.b is args[1] and type1.c is args[2] # Ensure that constructors invoked with splats cache the function. called = 0 get = -> if called++ then false else class Type new get() args... test "`new` shouldn't add extra parens", -> ok new Date().constructor is Date test "`new` works against bare function", -> eq Date, new -> eq this, new => this Date test "#1182: a subclass should be able to set its constructor to an external function", -> ctor = -> @val = 1 class A class B extends A constructor: ctor eq (new B).val, 1 test "#1182: external constructors continued", -> ctor = -> class A class B extends A method: -> constructor: ctor ok B::method test "#1313: misplaced __extends", -> nonce = {} class A class B extends A prop: nonce constructor: -> eq nonce, B::prop test "#1182: execution order needs to be considered as well", -> counter = 0 makeFn = (n) -> eq n, ++counter; -> class B extends (makeFn 1) @B: makeFn 2 constructor: makeFn 3 test "#1182: external constructors with bound functions", -> fn = -> {one: 1} this class B class A constructor: fn method: => this instanceof A ok (new A).method.call(new B) test "#1372: bound class methods with reserved names", -> class C delete: => ok C::delete test "#1380: `super` with reserved names", -> class C do: -> super ok C::do class B 0: -> super ok B::[0] test "#1464: bound class methods should keep context", -> nonce = {} nonce2 = {} class C constructor: (@id) -> @boundStaticColon: => new this(nonce) @boundStaticEqual= => new this(nonce2) eq nonce, C.boundStaticColon().id eq nonce2, C.boundStaticEqual().id test "#1009: classes with reserved words as determined names", -> (-> eq 'function', typeof (class @for) ok not /\beval\b/.test (class @eval).toString() ok not /\barguments\b/.test (class @arguments).toString() ).call {} test "#1482: classes can extend expressions", -> id = (x) -> x nonce = {} class A then nonce: nonce class B extends id A eq nonce, (new B).nonce test "#1598: super works for static methods too", -> class Parent method: -> 'NO' @method: -> 'yes' class Child extends Parent @method: -> 'pass? ' + super eq Child.method(), 'pass? yes' test "#1842: Regression with bound functions within bound class methods", -> class Store @bound: => do => eq this, Store Store.bound() # And a fancier case: class Store eq this, Store @bound: => do => eq this, Store @unbound: -> eq this, Store instance: => ok this instanceof Store Store.bound() Store.unbound() (new Store).instance() test "#1876: Class @A extends A", -> class A class @A extends A ok (new @A) instanceof A test "#1813: Passing class definitions as expressions", -> ident = (x) -> x result = ident class A then x = 1 eq result, A result = ident class B extends A x = 1 eq result, B test "#1966: external constructors should produce their return value", -> ctor = -> {} class A then constructor: ctor ok (new A) not instanceof A test "#1980: regression with an inherited class with static function members", -> class A class B extends A @static: => 'value' eq B.static(), 'value' test "#1534: class then 'use strict'", -> # [14.1 Directive Prologues and the Use Strict Directive](http://es5.github.com/#x14.1) nonce = {} error = 'do -> ok this' strictTest = "do ->'use strict';#{error}" return unless (try CoffeeScript.run strictTest, bare: yes catch e then nonce) is nonce throws -> CoffeeScript.run "class then 'use strict';#{error}", bare: yes doesNotThrow -> CoffeeScript.run "class then #{error}", bare: yes doesNotThrow -> CoffeeScript.run "class then #{error};'use strict'", bare: yes # comments are ignored in the Directive Prologue comments = [""" class ### comment ### 'use strict' #{error}""", """ class ### comment 1 ### ### comment 2 ### 'use strict' #{error}""", """ class ### comment 1 ### ### comment 2 ### 'use strict' #{error} ### comment 3 ###""" ] throws (-> CoffeeScript.run comment, bare: yes) for comment in comments # [ES5 ยง14.1](http://es5.github.com/#x14.1) allows for other directives directives = [""" class 'directive 1' 'use strict' #{error}""", """ class 'use strict' 'directive 2' #{error}""", """ class ### comment 1 ### 'directive 1' 'use strict' #{error}""", """ class ### comment 1 ### 'directive 1' ### comment 2 ### 'use strict' #{error}""" ] throws (-> CoffeeScript.run directive, bare: yes) for directive in directives test "#2052: classes should work in strict mode", -> try do -> 'use strict' class A catch e ok no