(function(){ var coffee, fs, no_such_task, oparse, options, optparse, path, print_tasks, switches, tasks; var __hasProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; // `cake` is a simplified version of Make (Rake, Jake) for CoffeeScript. // You define tasks with names and descriptions in a Cakefile, and can call them // from the command line, or invoke them from other tasks. fs = require('fs'); path = require('path'); coffee = require('coffee-script'); optparse = require('optparse'); tasks = {}; options = {}; switches = []; oparse = null; // Mixin the top-level Cake functions for Cakefiles to use. process.mixin({ // Define a task with a name, a description, and the action itself. task: function task(name, description, action) { return tasks[name] = { name: name, description: description, action: action }; }, // Define an option that the Cakefile accepts. option: function option(letter, flag, description) { return switches.push([letter, flag, description]); }, // Invoke another task in the Cakefile. invoke: function invoke(name) { if (!(tasks[name])) { no_such_task(name); } return tasks[name].action(options); } }); // Running `cake` runs the tasks you pass asynchronously (node-style), or // prints them out, with no arguments. exports.run = function run() { return path.exists('Cakefile', function(exists) { var args; if (!(exists)) { throw new Error('Cakefile not found in ' + process.cwd()); } args = process.ARGV.slice(2, process.ARGV.length); return fs.readFile('Cakefile', function(err, source) { var _a, _b, _c, arg; eval(coffee.compile(source)); oparse = new optparse.OptionParser(switches); if (!(args.length)) { return print_tasks(); } options = oparse.parse(args); _a = []; _b = options.arguments; for (_c = 0; _c < _b.length; _c++) { arg = _b[_c]; _a.push(invoke(arg)); } return _a; }); }); }; // Display the list of Cake tasks. print_tasks = function print_tasks() { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, i, name, spaces, task; puts(''); _a = tasks; for (name in _a) { if (__hasProp.call(_a, name)) { task = _a[name]; spaces = 20 - name.length; spaces = spaces > 0 ? (function() { _b = []; _e = 0; _f = spaces; for (_d = 0, i=_e; (_e <= _f ? i <= _f : i >= _f); (_e <= _f ? i += 1 : i -= 1), _d++) { _b.push(' '); } return _b; }).call(this).join('') : ''; puts("cake " + name + spaces + ' # ' + task.description); }} if (switches.length) { return puts('\n' + oparse.help() + '\n'); } }; // Print an error and exit when attempting to all an undefined task. no_such_task = function no_such_task(task) { process.stdio.writeError('No such task: "' + task + '"\n'); return process.exit(1); }; })();