# Create an OptionParser with a list of valid options, in the form: # [short-flag (optional), long-flag, description] # And an optional banner for the usage help. op: exports.OptionParser: (rules, banner) -> @banner: banner or 'Usage: [Options]' @rules: build_rules(rules) this # Parse the argument array, populating an options object with all of the # specified options, and returning it. options.arguments will be an array # containing the remaning non-option arguments. op::parse: (args) -> options: {arguments: []} args: args.slice 0 while arg: args.shift() is_option: false for rule in @rules if rule.letter is arg or rule.flag is arg options[rule.name]: if rule.has_argument then args.shift() else true is_option: true break options.arguments.push arg unless is_option options # Return the help text for this OptionParser, for --help and such. op::help: -> lines: [@banner, '', 'Available options:'] for rule in @rules spaces: 15 - rule.flag.length spaces: if spaces > 0 then (' ' for i in [0..spaces]).join('') else '' let_part: if rule.letter then rule.letter + ', ' else ' ' lines.push ' ' + let_part + rule.flag + spaces + rule.description lines.join('\n') # Regex matchers for option flags. LONG_FLAG: /^(--[\w\-]+)/ SHORT_FLAG: /^(-\w+)/ OPTIONAL: /\[(.+)\]/ # Build rules from a list of valid switch tuples in the form: # [letter-flag, long-flag, help], or [long-flag, help]. build_rules: (rules) -> for tuple in rules tuple.unshift null if tuple.length < 3 build_rule tuple... # Build a rule from a short-letter-flag, long-form-flag, and help text. build_rule: (letter, flag, description) -> match: flag.match(OPTIONAL) flag: flag.match(LONG_FLAG)[1] { name: flag.substr 2 letter: letter flag: flag description: description has_argument: !!(match and match[1]) }