# Functions: square: (x) -> x * x sum: (x, y) -> x + y odd: (x) -> x % 2 isnt 0 even: (x) -> x % 2 is 0 run_loop: -> fire_events((e) -> e.stopPropagation()) listen() wait() # Objects: dense_object_literal: {one: 1, two: 2, three: 3} spaced_out_multiline_object: { pi: 3.14159 list: [1, 2, 3, 4] regex: /match[ing](every|thing|\/)/gi three: new Idea() inner_obj: { freedom: -> _.freedom() } } # Arrays: stooges: [{moe: 45}, {curly: 43}, {larry: 46}] exponents: [(x) -> x, (x) -> x * x, (x) -> x * x * x] empty: [] multiline: [ 'line one' 'line two' ] # Conditionals and ternaries. if submarine.shields_up full_speed_ahead() fire_torpedos() else if submarine.sinking abandon_ship() else run_away() eldest: if 25 > 21 then liz else marge decoration: medal_of_honor if war_hero go_to_sleep() unless coffee # Returning early: race: -> run() walk() crawl() if tired then return sleep() race() # Conditional assignment: good ||= evil wine &&= cheese # Nested property access and calls. ((moon.turn(360))).shapes[3].move({x: 45, y: 30}).position['top'].offset('x') a: b: c: 5 # Embedded JavaScript. callback( `function(e) { e.stop(); }` ) # Try/Catch/Finally/Throw. try all_hell_breaks_loose() dogs_and_cats_living_together() throw "up" catch error print(error) finally clean_up() try all_hell_breaks_loose() catch error then print(error) finally clean_up() # While loops, break and continue. while demand > supply sell() restock() while supply > demand then buy() while true break if broken continue if continuing # Unary operators. !!true # Lexical scoping. v_1: 5 change_a_and_set_b: -> v_1: 10 v_2: 15 v_2: 20 # Array comprehensions. supper: food.capitalize() for food in ['toast', 'cheese', 'wine'] drink(bottle) for bottle, i in ['soda', 'wine', 'lemonade'] when even(i) # Switch statements ("else" serves as a default). activity: switch day when "Tuesday" then eat_breakfast() when "Sunday" then go_to_church() when "Saturday" then go_to_the_park() when "Wednesday" if day is bingo_day go_to_bingo() else eat_breakfast() go_to_work() eat_dinner() else go_to_work() # Semicolons can optionally be used instead of newlines. wednesday: -> eat_breakfast(); go_to_work(); eat_dinner() # Array slice literals. zero_to_nine: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] three_to_six: zero_to_nine[3..6] # Multiline strings with inner quotes. story: "Lorem ipsum dolor \"sit\" amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad." # Inheritance and calling super. class Animal move: (meters) -> alert this.name + " moved " + meters + "m." class Snake extends Animal constructor: (name) -> @name: name move: -> alert 'Slithering...' super 5 class Horse extends Animal constructor: (name) -> @name: name move: -> alert 'Galloping...' super 45 sam: new Snake "Sammy the Snake" tom: new Horse "Tommy the Horse" sam.move() tom.move() # Numbers. a_googol: 1e100 hex: 0xff0000 negative: -1.0 infinity: Infinity nan: NaN # Deleting. delete secret.identity