# Test classes with a four-level inheritance chain. class Base func: (string) -> "zero/#{string}" @static: (string) -> "static/#{string}" class FirstChild extends Base func: (string) -> super('one/') + string SecondChild = class extends FirstChild func: (string) -> super('two/') + string thirdCtor = -> @array = [1, 2, 3] class ThirdChild extends SecondChild constructor: thirdCtor # Gratuitous comment for testing. func: (string) -> super('three/') + string result = (new ThirdChild).func 'four' ok result is 'zero/one/two/three/four' ok Base.static('word') is 'static/word' FirstChild::func = (string) -> super('one/').length + string result = (new ThirdChild).func 'four' ok result is '9two/three/four' ok (new ThirdChild).array.join(' ') is '1 2 3' class TopClass constructor: (arg) -> @prop = 'top-' + arg class SuperClass extends TopClass constructor: (arg) -> super 'super-' + arg class SubClass extends SuperClass constructor: -> super 'sub' ok (new SubClass).prop is 'top-super-sub' class OneClass @new: 'new' function: 'function' constructor: (name) -> @name = name class TwoClass extends OneClass Function.prototype.new = -> new this arguments... ok (TwoClass.new('three')).name is 'three' ok (new OneClass).function is 'function' ok OneClass.new is 'new' delete Function.prototype.new # And now the same tests, but written in the manual style: Base = -> Base::func = (string) -> 'zero/' + string Base::['func-func'] = (string) -> "dynamic-#{string}" FirstChild = -> FirstChild extends Base FirstChild::func = (string) -> super('one/') + string SecondChild = -> SecondChild extends FirstChild SecondChild::func = (string) -> super('two/') + string ThirdChild = -> @array = [1, 2, 3] this ThirdChild extends SecondChild ThirdChild::func = (string) -> super('three/') + string result = (new ThirdChild).func 'four' ok result is 'zero/one/two/three/four' ok (new ThirdChild)['func-func']('thing') is 'dynamic-thing' TopClass = (arg) -> @prop = 'top-' + arg this SuperClass = (arg) -> super 'super-' + arg this SubClass = -> super 'sub' this SuperClass extends TopClass SubClass extends SuperClass ok (new SubClass).prop is 'top-super-sub' # '@' referring to the current instance, and not being coerced into a call. class ClassName amI: -> @ instanceof ClassName obj = new ClassName ok obj.amI() # super() calls in constructors of classes that are defined as object properties. class Hive constructor: (name) -> @name = name class Hive.Bee extends Hive constructor: (name) -> super maya = new Hive.Bee 'Maya' ok maya.name is 'Maya' # Class with JS-keyword properties. class Class class: 'class' name: -> @class instance = new Class ok instance.class is 'class' ok instance.name() is 'class' # Classes with methods that are pre-bound to the instance. # ... or statically, to the class. class Dog constructor: (name) -> @name = name bark: => "#{@name} woofs!" @static: => new this('Dog') spark = new Dog('Spark') fido = new Dog('Fido') fido.bark = spark.bark ok fido.bark() is 'Spark woofs!' obj = func: Dog.static ok obj.func().name is 'Dog' # Testing a bound function in a bound function. class Mini num: 10 generate: => for i from 1 to 3 => @num m = new Mini eq (func() for func in m.generate()).join(' '), '10 10 10' # Testing a contructor called with varargs. class Connection constructor: (one, two, three) -> [@one, @two, @three] = [one, two, three] out: -> "#{@one}-#{@two}-#{@three}" list = [3, 2, 1] conn = new Connection list... ok conn instanceof Connection ok conn.out() is '3-2-1' # Test calling super and passing along all arguments. class Parent method: (args...) -> @args = args class Child extends Parent method: -> super c = new Child c.method 1, 2, 3, 4 ok c.args.join(' ') is '1 2 3 4' # Test `extended` callback. class Base @extended: (subclass) -> for key, value of @ subclass[key] = value class Element extends Base @fromHTML: (html) -> node = "..." new @(node) constructor: (node) -> @node = node ok Element.extended is Base.extended ok Element.__super__ is Base.prototype class MyElement extends Element ok MyElement.extended is Base.extended ok MyElement.fromHTML is Element.fromHTML ok MyElement.__super__ is Element.prototype # Test classes wrapped in decorators. func = (klass) -> klass::prop = 'value' klass func class Test prop2: 'value2' ok (new Test).prop is 'value' ok (new Test).prop2 is 'value2' # Test anonymous classes. obj = klass: class method: -> 'value' instance = new obj.klass ok instance.method() is 'value' # Implicit objects as static properties. class Static @static: one: 1 two: 2 ok Static.static.one is 1 ok Static.static.two is 2 # Nothing classes. c = class ok c instanceof Function # Classes with value'd constructors. counter = 0 classMaker = -> counter += 1 inner = counter -> @value = inner class One constructor: classMaker() class Two constructor: classMaker() ok (new One).value is 1 ok (new Two).value is 2 ok (new One).value is 1 ok (new Two).value is 2