# Helpers # ------- # pull the helpers from `CoffeeScript.helpers` into local variables {starts, ends, repeat, compact, count, merge, extend, flatten, del, last, baseFileName} = CoffeeScript.helpers # `starts` test "the `starts` helper tests if a string starts with another string", -> ok starts('01234', '012') ok not starts('01234', '123') test "the `starts` helper can take an optional offset", -> ok starts('01234', '34', 3) ok not starts('01234', '01', 1) # `ends` test "the `ends` helper tests if a string ends with another string", -> ok ends('01234', '234') ok not ends('01234', '012') test "the `ends` helper can take an optional offset", -> ok ends('01234', '012', 2) ok not ends('01234', '234', 6) # `repeat` test "the `repeat` helper concatenates a given number of times", -> eq 'asdasdasd', repeat('asd', 3) test "`repeat`ing a string 0 times always returns the empty string", -> eq '', repeat('whatever', 0) # `compact` test "the `compact` helper removes falsey values from an array, preserves truthy ones", -> allValues = [1, 0, false, obj={}, [], '', ' ', -1, null, undefined, true] truthyValues = [1, obj, [], ' ', -1, true] arrayEq truthyValues, compact(allValues) # `count` test "the `count` helper counts the number of occurrences of a string in another string", -> eq 1/0, count('abc', '') eq 0, count('abc', 'z') eq 1, count('abc', 'a') eq 1, count('abc', 'b') eq 2, count('abcdc', 'c') eq 2, count('abcdabcd','abc') # `merge` test "the `merge` helper makes a new object with all properties of the objects given as its arguments", -> ary = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] obj = {} merged = merge obj, ary ok merged isnt obj ok merged isnt ary for own key, val of ary eq val, merged[key] # `extend` test "the `extend` helper performs a shallow copy", -> ary = [0, 1, 2, 3] obj = {} # should return the object being extended eq obj, extend(obj, ary) # should copy the other object's properties as well (obviously) eq 2, obj[2] # `flatten` test "the `flatten` helper flattens an array", -> success = yes (success and= typeof n is 'number') for n in flatten [0, [[[1]], 2], 3, [4]] ok success # `del` test "the `del` helper deletes a property from an object and returns the deleted value", -> obj = [0, 1, 2] eq 1, del(obj, 1) ok 1 not of obj # `last` test "the `last` helper returns the last item of an array-like object", -> ary = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] eq 4, last(ary) test "the `last` helper allows one to specify an optional offset", -> ary = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] eq 2, last(ary, 2) # `baseFileName` test "the `baseFileName` helper returns the file name to write to", -> ext = '.js' sourceToCompiled = '.coffee': ext 'a.coffee': 'a' + ext 'b.coffee': 'b' + ext 'coffee.coffee': 'coffee' + ext '.litcoffee': ext 'a.litcoffee': 'a' + ext 'b.litcoffee': 'b' + ext 'coffee.litcoffee': 'coffee' + ext '.lit': ext 'a.lit': 'a' + ext 'b.lit': 'b' + ext 'coffee.lit': 'coffee' + ext '.coffee.md': ext 'a.coffee.md': 'a' + ext 'b.coffee.md': 'b' + ext 'coffee.coffee.md': 'coffee' + ext for sourceFileName, expectedFileName of sourceToCompiled name = baseFileName sourceFileName, yes filename = name + ext eq filename, expectedFileName