# Examples from _why's Potion, the Readme and "Potion: A Short Pamphlet". # 5 times: "Odelay!" print. print("Odelay!") for i in [1..5] # add = (x, y): x + y. # add(2, 4) string print add: x, y => x + y print(add(2, 4)) # loop: 'quaff' print. while true print('quaff') # ('cheese', 'bread', 'mayo') at (1) print print(['cheese', 'bread', 'mayo'][1]) # (language='Potion', pointless=true) at (key='language') print print({language: 'Potion', pointless: true}['language']) # minus = (x, y): x - y. # minus (y=10, x=6) minus: x, y => x - y minus(6, 10) # foods = ('cheese', 'bread', 'mayo') # foods (2) foods: ['cheese', 'bread', 'mayo'] foods[2] # (dog='canine', cat='feline', fox='vulpine') each (key, val): # (key, ' is a ', val) join print. for key, val of {dog: 'canine', cat: 'feline', fox: 'vulpine'} print(key + ' is a ' + val) # Person = class: /name, /age, /sex. # Person print = (): # ('My name is ', /name, '.') join print. Person: => Person::print: => print('My name is ' + this.name + '.') # p = Person () # p /name string print p: new Person() print(p.name) # Policeman = Person class (rank): /rank = rank. # Policeman print = (): # ('My name is ', /name, ' and I'm a ', /rank, '.') join print. # # Policeman ('Constable') print Policeman: rank => this.rank: rank Policeman extends Person Policeman::print: => print('My name is ' + this.name + " and I'm a " + this.rank + '.') print(new Policeman('Constable')) # app = [window (width=200, height=400) # [para 'Welcome.', button 'OK']] # app first name app = { window: {width: 200, height: 200} para: 'Welcome.' button: 'OK' } app.window # x = 1 # y = 2 # # x = 1, y = 2 x: 1 y: 2 x: 1; y: 2 # table = (language='Potion' # pointless=true) table: { language: 'Potion' pointless: yes } # # this foul business... # String length = (): 10. # this foul business... String::length: => 10 # block = : # 'potion' print. block: => print('potion') # if (age > 100): 'ancient'. if age > 100 then 'ancient' # author = # if (title == 'Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell'): # 'Susanna Clarke'. # elsif (title == 'The Star Diaries'): # 'Stanislaw Lem'. # elsif (title == 'The Slynx'): # 'Tatyana Tolstaya'. # else: # '... probably Philip K. Dick'. switch author when 'Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell' 'Susanna Clarke' when 'The Star Diaries' 'Stanislaw Lem' when 'The Slynx' 'Tatyana Tolstaya' else '... probably Philip K. Dick' # count = 8 # while (count > 0): # 'quaff' print # count--. count: 8 while count > 0 print('quaff') count-- # 1 to 5 (a): # a string print. print(a) for a in [1..5] # if (3 ?gender): # "Huh? Numbers are sexed? That's amazing." print. if (3).gender? print("Huh? Numbers are sexed? That's amazing.") # HomePage get = (url): # session = url query ? at ('session'). HomePage::get: url => session: url.query.session if url.query? # BTree = class: /left, /right. # b = BTree () # b /left = BTree () # b /right = BTree () BTree: => b: new BTree() b.left: new BTree() b.right: new BTree() # BTree = class: /left, /right. # b = BTree () # # if (b ? /left): # 'left path found!' print. BTree: => b: new BTree() print('left path found!') if b.left?