# Document Model dc.model.Document: dc.Model.extend({ constructor: attributes => this.base(attributes). # For display, show either the highlighted search results, or the summary, # if no highlights are available. # The import process will take care of this in the future, but the inline # version of the summary has all runs of whitespace squeezed out. displaySummary: => text: this.get('highlight') or this.get('summary') or '' text and text.replace(/\s+/g, ' '). # Return a list of the document's metadata. Think about caching this on the # document by binding to Metadata, instead of on-the-fly. metadata: => docId: this.id _.select(Metadata.models() meta => _.any(meta.get('instances') instance => instance.document_id is docId.).). bookmark: pageNumber => bookmark: new dc.model.Bookmark({title: this.get('title'), page_number: pageNumber, document_id: this.id}) Bookmarks.create(bookmark). # Inspect. toString: => 'Document ' + this.id + ' "' + this.get('title') + '"'. }) # Document Set dc.model.DocumentSet: dc.model.RESTfulSet.extend({ resource: 'documents' SELECTION_CHANGED: 'documents:selection_changed' constructor: options => this.base(options) _.bindAll(this, 'downloadSelectedViewers', 'downloadSelectedPDF', 'downloadSelectedFullText'). selected: => _.select(this.models(), m => m.get('selected').). selectedIds: => _.pluck(this.selected(), 'id'). countSelected: => this.selected().length. downloadSelectedViewers: => dc.app.download('/download/' + this.selectedIds().join('/') + '/document_viewer.zip'). downloadSelectedPDF: => if this.countSelected() <= 1 then return window.open(this.selected()[0].get('pdf_url')). dc.app.download('/download/' + this.selectedIds().join('/') + '/document_pdfs.zip'). downloadSelectedFullText: => if this.countSelected() <= 1 then return window.open(this.selected()[0].get('full_text_url')). dc.app.download('/download/' + this.selectedIds().join('/') + '/document_text.zip'). # We override "_onModelEvent" to fire selection changed events when documents # change their selected state. _onModelEvent: e, model => this.base(e, model) fire: e == dc.Model.CHANGED and model.hasChanged('selected') if fire then _.defer(_(this.fire).bind(this, this.SELECTION_CHANGED, this)).. }) # The main set of Documents, used by the search tab. window.Documents: new dc.model.DocumentSet() # The set of documents that is used to look at a particular label. dc.app.LabeledDocuments: new dc.model.DocumentSet()