return unless require? path = require 'path' { execFileSync, spawnSync } = require 'child_process' # Get the folder containing the compiled `coffee` executable and make it the # PATH so that `#!/usr/bin/env coffee` resolves to our locally built file. coffeeBinFolder = path.dirname require.resolve '../bin/coffee' # For some reason, Windows requires `coffee` to be executed as `node coffee`. coffeeCommand = if isWindows() then 'node coffee' else 'coffee' spawnOptions = cwd: coffeeBinFolder encoding: 'utf8' env: PATH: coffeeBinFolder + (if isWindows() then ';' else ':') + process.env.PATH shell: isWindows() shebangScript = require.resolve './importing/' initialSpaceScript = require.resolve './importing/' extraArgsScript = require.resolve './importing/' initialSpaceExtraArgsScript = require.resolve './importing/' test "parse arguments for shebang scripts correctly (on *nix platforms)", -> return if isWindows() stdout = execFileSync shebangScript, ['-abck'], spawnOptions expectedArgs = ['coffee', shebangScript, '-abck'] realArgs = JSON.parse stdout arrayEq expectedArgs, realArgs stdout = execFileSync initialSpaceScript, ['-abck'], spawnOptions expectedArgs = ['coffee', initialSpaceScript, '-abck'] realArgs = JSON.parse stdout arrayEq expectedArgs, realArgs test "warn and remove -- if it is the second positional argument", -> result = spawnSync coffeeCommand, [shebangScript, '--'], spawnOptions stderr = result.stderr.toString() arrayEq JSON.parse(result.stdout), ['coffee', shebangScript] ok stderr.match /^coffee was invoked with '--'/m posArgs = stderr.match(/^The positional arguments were: (.*)$/m)[1] arrayEq JSON.parse(posArgs), [shebangScript, '--'] ok result.status is 0 result = spawnSync coffeeCommand, ['-b', shebangScript, '--'], spawnOptions stderr = result.stderr.toString() arrayEq JSON.parse(result.stdout), ['coffee', shebangScript] ok stderr.match /^coffee was invoked with '--'/m posArgs = stderr.match(/^The positional arguments were: (.*)$/m)[1] arrayEq JSON.parse(posArgs), [shebangScript, '--'] ok result.status is 0 result = spawnSync( coffeeCommand, ['-b', shebangScript, '--', 'ANOTHER'], spawnOptions) stderr = result.stderr.toString() arrayEq JSON.parse(result.stdout), ['coffee', shebangScript, 'ANOTHER'] ok stderr.match /^coffee was invoked with '--'/m posArgs = stderr.match(/^The positional arguments were: (.*)$/m)[1] arrayEq JSON.parse(posArgs), [shebangScript, '--', 'ANOTHER'] ok result.status is 0 result = spawnSync( coffeeCommand, ['--', initialSpaceScript, 'arg'], spawnOptions) expectedArgs = ['coffee', initialSpaceScript, 'arg'] realArgs = JSON.parse result.stdout arrayEq expectedArgs, realArgs ok result.stderr.toString() is '' ok result.status is 0 test "warn about non-portable shebang lines", -> result = spawnSync coffeeCommand, [extraArgsScript, 'arg'], spawnOptions stderr = result.stderr.toString() arrayEq JSON.parse(result.stdout), ['coffee', extraArgsScript, 'arg'] ok stderr.match /^The script to be run begins with a shebang line with more than one/m [_, firstLine, file] = stderr.match(/^The shebang line was: '([^']+)' in file '([^']+)'/m) ok (firstLine is '#!/usr/bin/env coffee --') ok (file is extraArgsScript) args = stderr.match(/^The arguments were: (.*)$/m)[1] arrayEq JSON.parse(args), ['coffee', '--'] ok result.status is 0 result = spawnSync coffeeCommand, [initialSpaceScript, 'arg'], spawnOptions stderr = result.stderr.toString() ok stderr is '' arrayEq JSON.parse(result.stdout), ['coffee', initialSpaceScript, 'arg'] ok result.status is 0 result = spawnSync( coffeeCommand, [initialSpaceExtraArgsScript, 'arg'], spawnOptions) stderr = result.stderr.toString() arrayEq JSON.parse(result.stdout), ['coffee', initialSpaceExtraArgsScript, 'arg'] ok stderr.match /^The script to be run begins with a shebang line with more than one/m [_, firstLine, file] = stderr.match(/^The shebang line was: '([^']+)' in file '([^']+)'/m) ok (firstLine is '#! /usr/bin/env coffee extra') ok (file is initialSpaceExtraArgsScript) args = stderr.match(/^The arguments were: (.*)$/m)[1] arrayEq JSON.parse(args), ['coffee', 'extra'] ok result.status is 0 test "both warnings will be shown at once", -> result = spawnSync( coffeeCommand, [initialSpaceExtraArgsScript, '--', 'arg'], spawnOptions) stderr = result.stderr.toString() arrayEq JSON.parse(result.stdout), ['coffee', initialSpaceExtraArgsScript, 'arg'] ok stderr.match /^The script to be run begins with a shebang line with more than one/m [_, firstLine, file] = stderr.match(/^The shebang line was: '([^']+)' in file '([^']+)'/m) ok (firstLine is '#! /usr/bin/env coffee extra') ok (file is initialSpaceExtraArgsScript) args = stderr.match(/^The arguments were: (.*)$/m)[1] arrayEq JSON.parse(args), ['coffee', 'extra'] ok stderr.match /^coffee was invoked with '--'/m posArgs = stderr.match(/^The positional arguments were: (.*)$/m)[1] arrayEq JSON.parse(posArgs), [initialSpaceExtraArgsScript, '--', 'arg'] ok result.status is 0