(function(){ var compiler, lexer, parser, path; // Set up for both the browser and the server. if ((typeof process !== "undefined" && process !== null)) { process.mixin(require('./nodes')); path = require('path'); lexer = new (require('./lexer').Lexer)(); parser = require('./parser').parser; } else { this.exports = this; lexer = new Lexer(); parser = exports.parser; } // Thin wrapper for Jison compatibility around the real lexer. parser.lexer = { lex: function lex() { var token; token = this.tokens[this.pos] || [""]; this.pos += 1; this.yylineno = token[2]; this.yytext = token[1]; return token[0]; }, setInput: function setInput(tokens) { this.tokens = tokens; return this.pos = 0; }, upcomingInput: function upcomingInput() { return ""; }, showPosition: function showPosition() { return this.pos; } }; // Improved error messages. // parser.parseError: (message, hash) -> // throw new Error 'Unexpected ' + parser.terminals_[hash.token] + ' on line ' + hash.line exports.VERSION = '0.5.0'; // Compile CoffeeScript to JavaScript, using the Coffee/Jison compiler. exports.compile = function compile(code, options) { return (parser.parse(lexer.tokenize(code))).compile(options); }; // Just the tokens. exports.tokenize = function tokenize(code) { return lexer.tokenize(code); }; // Just the nodes. exports.tree = function tree(code) { return parser.parse(lexer.tokenize(code)); }; // Pretty-print a token stream. exports.print_tokens = function print_tokens(tokens) { var __a, __b, __c, strings, token; strings = (function() { __a = []; __b = tokens; for (__c = 0; __c < __b.length; __c++) { token = __b[__c]; __a.push('[' + token[0] + ' ' + token[1].toString().replace(/\n/, '\\n') + ']'); } return __a; }).call(this); return strings.join(' '); }; //---------- Below this line is obsolete, for the Ruby compiler. ---------------- // The path to the CoffeeScript executable. compiler = function compiler() { return path.normalize(path.dirname(__filename) + '/../../bin/coffee'); }; // Compile a string over stdin, with global variables, for the REPL. exports.ruby_compile = function ruby_compile(code, callback) { var coffee, js; js = ''; coffee = process.createChildProcess(compiler(), ['--eval', '--no-wrap', '--globals']); coffee.addListener('output', function(results) { if ((typeof results !== "undefined" && results !== null)) { return js += results; } }); coffee.addListener('exit', function() { return callback(js); }); coffee.write(code); return coffee.close(); }; // Compile a list of CoffeeScript files on disk. exports.ruby_compile_files = function ruby_compile_files(paths, callback) { var coffee, exit_ran, js; js = ''; coffee = process.createChildProcess(compiler(), ['--print'].concat(paths)); coffee.addListener('output', function(results) { if ((typeof results !== "undefined" && results !== null)) { return js += results; } }); // NB: we have to add a mutex to make sure it doesn't get called twice. exit_ran = false; coffee.addListener('exit', function() { if (exit_ran) { return null; } exit_ran = true; return callback(js); }); return coffee.addListener('error', function(message) { if (!(message)) { return null; } puts(message); throw new Error("CoffeeScript compile error"); }); }; })();