(function(){ var LONG_FLAG, MULTI_FLAG, OPTIONAL, OptionParser, SHORT_FLAG, build_rule, build_rules, normalize_arguments; // A simple **OptionParser** class to parse option flags from the command-line. // Use it like so: // parser: new OptionParser switches, help_banner // options: parser.parse process.argv exports.OptionParser = (function() { OptionParser = function OptionParser(rules, banner) { this.banner = banner; this.rules = build_rules(rules); return this; }; // Initialize with a list of valid options, in the form: // [short-flag, long-flag, description] // Along with an an optional banner for the usage help. // Parse the list of arguments, populating an `options` object with all of the // specified options, and returning it. `options.arguments` will be an array // containing the remaning non-option arguments. This is a simpler API than // many option parsers that allow you to attach callback actions for every // flag. Instead, you're responsible for interpreting the options object. OptionParser.prototype.parse = function parse(args) { var _a, _b, _c, arg, is_option, matched_rule, options, rule; arguments = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); options = { arguments: [] }; args = normalize_arguments(args); while (arg = args.shift()) { is_option = !!(arg.match(LONG_FLAG) || arg.match(SHORT_FLAG)); matched_rule = false; _a = this.rules; for (_b = 0, _c = _a.length; _b < _c; _b++) { rule = _a[_b]; if (rule.short_flag === arg || rule.long_flag === arg) { options[rule.name] = rule.has_argument ? args.shift() : true; matched_rule = true; break; } } if (is_option && !matched_rule) { throw new Error("unrecognized option: " + arg); } if (!(is_option)) { options.arguments.push(arg); } } return options; }; // Return the help text for this **OptionParser**, listing and describing all // of the valid options, for `--help` and such. OptionParser.prototype.help = function help() { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, i, let_part, lines, rule, spaces; lines = ['Available options:']; if (this.banner) { lines.unshift('' + this.banner + "\n"); } _a = this.rules; for (_b = 0, _c = _a.length; _b < _c; _b++) { rule = _a[_b]; spaces = 15 - rule.long_flag.length; spaces = spaces > 0 ? (function() { _d = []; _g = 0; _h = spaces; for (_f = 0, i = _g; (_g <= _h ? i <= _h : i >= _h); (_g <= _h ? i += 1 : i -= 1), _f++) { _d.push(' '); } return _d; }).call(this).join('') : ''; let_part = rule.short_flag ? rule.short_flag + ', ' : ' '; lines.push(" " + let_part + (rule.long_flag) + spaces + (rule.description)); } return "\n" + (lines.join('\n')) + "\n"; }; return OptionParser; }).call(this); // Helpers // ------- // Regex matchers for option flags. LONG_FLAG = /^(--\w[\w\-]+)/; SHORT_FLAG = /^(-\w)/; MULTI_FLAG = /^-(\w{2,})/; OPTIONAL = /\[(.+)\]/; // Build and return the list of option rules. If the optional *short-flag* is // unspecified, leave it out by padding with `null`. build_rules = function build_rules(rules) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, tuple; _a = []; _b = rules; for (_c = 0, _d = _b.length; _c < _d; _c++) { tuple = _b[_c]; _a.push((function() { if (tuple.length < 3) { tuple.unshift(null); } return build_rule.apply(this, tuple); }).call(this)); } return _a; }; // Build a rule from a `-o` short flag, a `--output [DIR]` long flag, and the // description of what the option does. build_rule = function build_rule(short_flag, long_flag, description) { var match; match = long_flag.match(OPTIONAL); long_flag = long_flag.match(LONG_FLAG)[1]; return { name: long_flag.substr(2), short_flag: short_flag, long_flag: long_flag, description: description, has_argument: !!(match && match[1]) }; }; // Normalize arguments by expanding merged flags into multiple flags. This allows // you to have `-wl` be the same as `--watch --lint`. normalize_arguments = function normalize_arguments(args) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, arg, l, match, result; args = args.slice(0); result = []; _a = args; for (_b = 0, _c = _a.length; _b < _c; _b++) { arg = _a[_b]; if ((match = arg.match(MULTI_FLAG))) { _d = match[1].split(''); for (_e = 0, _f = _d.length; _e < _f; _e++) { l = _d[_e]; result.push('-' + l); } } else { result.push(arg); } } return result; }; })();