fs = require 'fs' path = require 'path' {extend} = require './lib/helpers' CoffeeScript = require './lib/coffee-script' {spawn, exec} = require 'child_process' # ANSI Terminal Colors. bold = '\033[0;1m' red = '\033[0;31m' green = '\033[0;32m' reset = '\033[0m' # Built file header. header = """ /** * CoffeeScript Compiler v#{CoffeeScript.VERSION} * http://coffeescript.org * * Copyright 2010, Jeremy Ashkenas * Released under the MIT License */ """ sources = [ 'src/coffee-script.coffee', 'src/grammar.coffee' 'src/helpers.coffee', 'src/lexer.coffee', 'src/nodes.coffee' 'src/rewriter.coffee', 'src/scope.coffee' ] # Run a CoffeeScript through our node/coffee interpreter. run = (args) -> proc = spawn 'bin/coffee', args proc.stderr.on 'data', (buffer) -> console.log buffer.toString() proc.on 'exit', (status) -> process.exit(1) if status != 0 # Log a message with a color. log = (message, color, explanation) -> console.log color + message + reset + ' ' + (explanation or '') option '-p', '--prefix [DIR]', 'set the installation prefix for `cake install`' task 'install', 'install CoffeeScript into /usr/local (or --prefix)', (options) -> base = options.prefix or '/usr/local' lib = "#{base}/lib/coffee-script" bin = "#{base}/bin" node = "~/.node_libraries/coffee-script" console.log "Installing CoffeeScript to #{lib}" console.log "Linking to #{node}" console.log "Linking 'coffee' to #{bin}/coffee" exec([ "mkdir -p #{lib} #{bin}" "cp -rf bin lib LICENSE README package.json src #{lib}" "ln -sf #{lib}/bin/coffee #{bin}/coffee" "ln -sf #{lib}/bin/cake #{bin}/cake" "mkdir -p ~/.node_libraries" "ln -sf #{lib}/lib #{node}" ].join(' && '), (err, stdout, stderr) -> if err then console.log stderr.trim() else log 'done', green ) task 'build', 'build the CoffeeScript language from source', -> files = fs.readdirSync 'src' files = ('src/' + file for file in files when file.match(/\.coffee$/)) run ['-c', '-o', 'lib'].concat(files) task 'build:full', 'rebuild the source twice, and run the tests', -> exec 'bin/cake build && bin/cake build && bin/cake test', (err, stdout, stderr) -> console.log stdout.trim() if stdout console.log stderr.trim() if stderr throw err if err task 'build:parser', 'rebuild the Jison parser (run build first)', -> extend global, require('utils') require 'jison' parser = require('./lib/grammar').parser fs.writeFile 'lib/parser.js', parser.generate() task 'build:ultraviolet', 'build and install the Ultraviolet syntax highlighter', -> exec 'plist2syntax ../coffee-script-tmbundle/Syntaxes/CoffeeScript.tmLanguage', (err) -> throw err if err exec 'sudo mv coffeescript.yaml /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ultraviolet-0.10.2/syntax/coffeescript.syntax' task 'build:browser', 'rebuild the merged script for inclusion in the browser', -> code = '' for name in ['helpers', 'rewriter', 'lexer', 'parser', 'scope', 'nodes', 'coffee-script', 'browser'] code += """ require['./#{name}'] = new function() { var exports = this; #{fs.readFileSync "lib/#{name}.js"} }; """ {parser, uglify} = require 'uglify-js' ast = parser.parse """ this.CoffeeScript = function() { function require(path){ return require[path]; } #{code} return require['./coffee-script'] }() """ code = uglify.gen_code uglify.ast_squeeze uglify.ast_mangle ast, extra: yes fs.writeFileSync 'extras/coffee-script.js', header + '\n' + code invoke 'test:browser' task 'doc:site', 'watch and continually rebuild the documentation for the website', -> exec 'rake doc', (err) -> throw err if err task 'doc:source', 'rebuild the internal documentation', -> exec 'docco src/*.coffee && cp -rf docs documentation && rm -r docs', (err) -> throw err if err task 'doc:underscore', 'rebuild the Underscore.coffee documentation page', -> exec 'docco examples/underscore.coffee && cp -rf docs documentation && rm -r docs', (err) -> throw err if err task 'bench', 'quick benchmark of compilation time', -> {Rewriter} = require './lib/rewriter' co = sources.map((name) -> fs.readFileSync name).join '\n' fmt = (ms) -> " #{bold}#{ " #{ms}".slice -4 }#{reset} ms" total = 0 now = Date.now() time = -> total += ms = -(now - now = Date.now()); fmt ms tokens = CoffeeScript.tokens co, rewrite: false console.log "Lex #{time()} (#{tokens.length} tokens)" tokens = new Rewriter().rewrite tokens console.log "Rewrite#{time()} (#{tokens.length} tokens)" nodes = CoffeeScript.nodes tokens console.log "Parse #{time()}" js = nodes.compile bare: true console.log "Compile#{time()} (#{js.length} chars)" console.log "total #{ fmt total }" task 'loc', 'count the lines of source code in the CoffeeScript compiler', -> exec "cat #{ sources.join(' ') } | grep -v '^\\( *#\\|\\s*$\\)' | wc -l | tr -s ' '", (err, stdout) -> console.log stdout.trim() # Run the CoffeeScript test suite. runTests = (CoffeeScript) -> startTime = Date.now() currentFile = null passedTests = 0 failures = [] # Mix in the assert module globally, to make it available for tests. for name, func of require 'assert' global[name] = -> passedTests += 1 func arguments... # Convenience aliases. global.eq = global.strictEqual global.CoffeeScript = CoffeeScript # Our test helper function for delimiting different test cases. global.test = (description, fn) -> try fn() catch e e.message = description if description? e.source = fn.toString() if fn.toString? failures.push file: currentFile, error: e # When all the tests have run, collect and print errors. # If a stacktrace is available, output the compiled function source. process.on 'exit', -> time = ((Date.now() - startTime) / 1000).toFixed(2) message = "passed #{passedTests} tests in #{time} seconds#{reset}" return log(message, green) unless failures.length log "failed #{failures.length} and #{message}", red for fail in failures {error, file} = fail jsFile = file.replace(/\.coffee$/,'.js') match = error.stack?.match(new RegExp(fail.file+":(\\d+):(\\d+)")) [match, line, col] = match if match log "\n #{error.message}", red if error.message log " #{jsFile}: line #{line or 'unknown'}, column #{col or 'unknown'}", red console.log " #{error.source}" if error.source # Run every test in the `test` folder, recording failures. fs.readdir 'test', (err, files) -> files.forEach (file) -> return unless file.match(/\.coffee$/i) fileName = path.join 'test', file fs.readFile fileName, (err, code) -> currentFile = fileName CoffeeScript.run code.toString(), {fileName} task 'test', 'run the CoffeeScript language test suite', -> runTests CoffeeScript task 'test:browser', 'run the test suite against the merged browser script', -> source = fs.readFileSync 'extras/coffee-script.js', 'utf-8' result = {} global.testingBrowser = yes (-> eval source).call result runTests result.CoffeeScript