(function(){ var balanced_string, compact, count, del, extend, flatten, helpers, include, merge, starts; var __hasProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; // This file contains the common helper functions that we'd like to share among // the **Lexer**, **Rewriter**, and the **Nodes**. Merge objects, flatten // arrays, count characters, that sort of thing. // Set up exported variables for both **Node.js** and the browser. if (!((typeof process !== "undefined" && process !== null))) { this.exports = this; } helpers = (exports.helpers = {}); // Does a list include a value? helpers.include = (include = function include(list, value) { return list.indexOf(value) >= 0; }); // Peek at the beginning of a given string to see if it matches a sequence. helpers.starts = (starts = function starts(string, literal, start) { return string.substring(start, (start || 0) + literal.length) === literal; }); // Trim out all falsy values from an array. helpers.compact = (compact = function compact(array) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, item; _a = []; _b = array; for (_c = 0, _d = _b.length; _c < _d; _c++) { item = _b[_c]; item ? _a.push(item) : null; } return _a; }); // Count the number of occurences of a character in a string. helpers.count = (count = function count(string, letter) { var num, pos; num = 0; pos = string.indexOf(letter); while (pos !== -1) { num += 1; pos = string.indexOf(letter, pos + 1); } return num; }); // Merge objects, returning a fresh copy with attributes from both sides. // Used every time `BaseNode#compile` is called, to allow properties in the // options hash to propagate down the tree without polluting other branches. helpers.merge = (merge = function merge(options, overrides) { var _a, _b, fresh, key, val; fresh = {}; _a = options; for (key in _a) { if (__hasProp.call(_a, key)) { val = _a[key]; (fresh[key] = val); }} if (overrides) { _b = overrides; for (key in _b) { if (__hasProp.call(_b, key)) { val = _b[key]; (fresh[key] = val); }} } return fresh; }); // Extend a source object with the properties of another object (shallow copy). // We use this to simulate Node's deprecated `process.mixin` helpers.extend = (extend = function extend(object, properties) { var _a, _b, key, val; _a = []; _b = properties; for (key in _b) { if (__hasProp.call(_b, key)) { val = _b[key]; _a.push((object[key] = val)); }} return _a; }); // Return a completely flattened version of an array. Handy for getting a // list of `children` from the nodes. helpers.flatten = (flatten = function flatten(array) { var _a, _b, _c, item, memo; memo = []; _a = array; for (_b = 0, _c = _a.length; _b < _c; _b++) { item = _a[_b]; item instanceof Array ? (memo = memo.concat(item)) : memo.push(item); } return memo; }); // Delete a key from an object, returning the value. Useful when a node is // looking for a particular method in an options hash. helpers.del = (del = function del(obj, key) { var val; val = obj[key]; delete obj[key]; return val; }); // Matches a balanced group such as a single or double-quoted string. Pass in // a series of delimiters, all of which must be nested correctly within the // contents of the string. This method allows us to have strings within // interpolations within strings, ad infinitum. helpers.balanced_string = (balanced_string = function balanced_string(str, delimited, options) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, close, i, levels, open, pair, slash; options = options || {}; slash = delimited[0][0] === '/'; levels = []; i = 0; while (i < str.length) { if (levels.length && starts(str, '\\', i)) { i += 1; } else { _a = delimited; for (_b = 0, _c = _a.length; _b < _c; _b++) { pair = _a[_b]; _d = pair; open = _d[0]; close = _d[1]; if (levels.length && starts(str, close, i) && levels[levels.length - 1] === pair) { levels.pop(); i += close.length - 1; if (!(levels.length)) { i += 1; } break; } else if (starts(str, open, i)) { levels.push(pair); i += open.length - 1; break; } } } if (!levels.length || slash && starts(str, '\n', i)) { break; } i += 1; } if (levels.length) { if (slash) { return false; } throw new Error("SyntaxError: Unterminated " + (levels.pop()[0]) + " starting on line " + (this.line + 1)); } if (!i) { return false; } else { return str.substring(0, i); } }); })();