// Generated by CoffeeScript 2.7.0 (function() { // The **Scope** class regulates lexical scoping within CoffeeScript. As you // generate code, you create a tree of scopes in the same shape as the nested // function bodies. Each scope knows about the variables declared within it, // and has a reference to its parent enclosing scope. In this way, we know which // variables are new and need to be declared with `var`, and which are shared // with external scopes. var Scope, indexOf = [].indexOf; exports.Scope = Scope = class Scope { // Initialize a scope with its parent, for lookups up the chain, // as well as a reference to the **Block** node it belongs to, which is // where it should declare its variables, a reference to the function that // it belongs to, and a list of variables referenced in the source code // and therefore should be avoided when generating variables. Also track comments // that should be output as part of variable declarations. constructor(parent, expressions, method, referencedVars) { var ref, ref1; this.parent = parent; this.expressions = expressions; this.method = method; this.referencedVars = referencedVars; this.variables = [ { name: 'arguments', type: 'arguments' } ]; this.comments = {}; this.positions = {}; if (!this.parent) { this.utilities = {}; } // The `@root` is the top-level **Scope** object for a given file. this.root = (ref = (ref1 = this.parent) != null ? ref1.root : void 0) != null ? ref : this; } // Adds a new variable or overrides an existing one. add(name, type, immediate) { if (this.shared && !immediate) { return this.parent.add(name, type, immediate); } if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.positions, name)) { return this.variables[this.positions[name]].type = type; } else { return this.positions[name] = this.variables.push({name, type}) - 1; } } // When `super` is called, we need to find the name of the current method we're // in, so that we know how to invoke the same method of the parent class. This // can get complicated if super is being called from an inner function. // `namedMethod` will walk up the scope tree until it either finds the first // function object that has a name filled in, or bottoms out. namedMethod() { var ref; if (((ref = this.method) != null ? ref.name : void 0) || !this.parent) { return this.method; } return this.parent.namedMethod(); } // Look up a variable name in lexical scope, and declare it if it does not // already exist. find(name, type = 'var') { if (this.check(name)) { return true; } this.add(name, type); return false; } // Reserve a variable name as originating from a function parameter for this // scope. No `var` required for internal references. parameter(name) { if (this.shared && this.parent.check(name, true)) { return; } return this.add(name, 'param'); } // Just check to see if a variable has already been declared, without reserving, // walks up to the root scope. check(name) { var ref; return !!(this.type(name) || ((ref = this.parent) != null ? ref.check(name) : void 0)); } // Generate a temporary variable name at the given index. temporary(name, index, single = false) { var diff, endCode, letter, newCode, num, startCode; if (single) { startCode = name.charCodeAt(0); endCode = 'z'.charCodeAt(0); diff = endCode - startCode; newCode = startCode + index % (diff + 1); letter = String.fromCharCode(newCode); num = Math.floor(index / (diff + 1)); return `${letter}${num || ''}`; } else { return `${name}${index || ''}`; } } // Gets the type of a variable. type(name) { var i, len, ref, v; ref = this.variables; for (i = 0, len = ref.length; i < len; i++) { v = ref[i]; if (v.name === name) { return v.type; } } return null; } // If we need to store an intermediate result, find an available name for a // compiler-generated variable. `_var`, `_var2`, and so on... freeVariable(name, options = {}) { var index, ref, temp; index = 0; while (true) { temp = this.temporary(name, index, options.single); if (!(this.check(temp) || indexOf.call(this.root.referencedVars, temp) >= 0)) { break; } index++; } if ((ref = options.reserve) != null ? ref : true) { this.add(temp, 'var', true); } return temp; } // Ensure that an assignment is made at the top of this scope // (or at the top-level scope, if requested). assign(name, value) { this.add(name, { value, assigned: true }, true); return this.hasAssignments = true; } // Does this scope have any declared variables? hasDeclarations() { return !!this.declaredVariables().length; } // Return the list of variables first declared in this scope. declaredVariables() { var v; return ((function() { var i, len, ref, results; ref = this.variables; results = []; for (i = 0, len = ref.length; i < len; i++) { v = ref[i]; if (v.type === 'var') { results.push(v.name); } } return results; }).call(this)).sort(); } // Return the list of assignments that are supposed to be made at the top // of this scope. assignedVariables() { var i, len, ref, results, v; ref = this.variables; results = []; for (i = 0, len = ref.length; i < len; i++) { v = ref[i]; if (v.type.assigned) { results.push(`${v.name} = ${v.type.value}`); } } return results; } }; }).call(this);