EXTRAS: "extras/coffee-script.js" is a concatenated and compressed version of the CoffeeScript compiler. To use it in the browser, include the script after any inline script tags of type "text/coffeescript" on the page. It will compile and evaluate all of the scripts in order. This folder also includes rough cuts of CoffeeScript syntax highlighters for TextMate and Vim. Improvements to their lexing ability are always welcome. To install the TextMate bundle, drop it into: ~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles To install the Vim highlighter, copy "coffee.vim" into the "syntax" directory of your vim72, and enable it in either of the following two ways: * Manually, by running `:set syntax=coffee` * Or automatically, by creating a "filetype.vim" file within "~/.vim", which contains something along these lines: if exists("did_load_filetypes") finish end augroup filetypedetect au! BufRead,BufNewFile *.coffee setfiletype coffee augroup END