require 'optparse' require 'fileutils' require 'open3' begin require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../coffee-script') rescue LoadError => e puts(e.message) puts("use \"rake build:parser\" to regenerate parser.rb") exit(1) end module CoffeeScript # The CommandLine handles all of the functionality of the `coffee` # utility. class CommandLine BANNER = <<-EOS coffee compiles CoffeeScript source files into JavaScript. Usage: coffee path/to/ EOS # Seconds to pause between checks for changed source files. WATCH_INTERVAL = 0.5 # Path to the root of the CoffeeScript install. ROOT = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../..') # Commands to execute CoffeeScripts. RUNNERS = { :node => "node #{ROOT}/lib/coffee_script/runner.js", :narwhal => "narwhal -p #{ROOT} -e 'require(\"coffee-script\").run(system.args);'" } # Run the CommandLine off the contents of ARGV. def initialize @mtimes = {} parse_options return launch_repl if @options[:interactive] return eval_scriptlet if @options[:eval] check_sources return run_scripts if @options[:run] @sources.each {|source| compile_javascript(source) } watch_coffee_scripts if @options[:watch] end # The "--help" usage message. def usage puts "\n#{@option_parser}\n" exit end private # Compiles (or partially compiles) the source CoffeeScript file, returning # the desired JS, tokens, or lint results. def compile_javascript(source) script = return tokens(script) if @options[:tokens] js = compile(script, source) return unless js return puts(js) if @options[:print] return lint(js) if @options[:lint], 'w+') {|f| f.write(js) } end # Spins up a watcher thread to keep track of the modification times of the # source files, recompiling them whenever they're saved. def watch_coffee_scripts watch_thread = Thread.start do loop do @sources.each do |source| mtime = File.stat(source).mtime @mtimes[source] ||= mtime if mtime > @mtimes[source] @mtimes[source] = mtime compile_javascript(source) end end sleep WATCH_INTERVAL end end Signal.trap("INT") { watch_thread.kill } watch_thread.join end # Ensure that all of the source files exist. def check_sources usage if @sources.empty? missing = @sources.detect {|s| !File.exists?(s) } if missing STDERR.puts("File not found: '#{missing}'") exit(1) end end # Pipe compiled JS through JSLint (requires a working 'jsl' command). def lint(js) stdin, stdout, stderr = Open3.popen3('jsl -nologo -stdin') stdin.write(js) stdin.close puts"\n", '') errs = puts errs unless errs.empty? stdout.close and stderr.close end # Eval a little piece of CoffeeScript directly from the command line. def eval_scriptlet script = STDIN.tty? ? @sources.join(' ') : return tokens(script) if @options[:tokens] js = compile(script) return lint(js) if @options[:lint] puts js end # Use Node.js or Narwhal to run an interactive CoffeeScript session. def launch_repl exec "#{RUNNERS[@options[:runner]]}" rescue Errno::ENOENT puts "Error: #{@options[:runner]} must be installed to use the interactive REPL." exit(1) end # Use Node.js or Narwhal to compile and execute CoffeeScripts. def run_scripts sources = @sources.join(' ') exec "#{RUNNERS[@options[:runner]]} #{sources}" rescue Errno::ENOENT puts "Error: #{@options[:runner]} must be installed in order to execute scripts." exit(1) end # Print the tokens that the lexer generates from a source script. def tokens(script) puts end # Compile a single source file to JavaScript. def compile(script, source='error') begin options = {} options[:no_wrap] = true if @options[:no_wrap] options[:globals] = true if @options[:globals] CoffeeScript.compile(script, options) rescue CoffeeScript::ParseError => e STDERR.puts "#{source}: #{e.message}" exit(1) unless @options[:watch] nil end end # Write out JavaScript alongside CoffeeScript unless an output directory # is specified. def path_for(source) filename = File.basename(source, File.extname(source)) + '.js' dir = @options[:output] || File.dirname(source) File.join(dir, filename) end # Install the CoffeeScript TextMate bundle to ~/Library. def install_bundle bundle_dir = File.expand_path('~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/') FileUtils.cp_r("#{ROOT}/extras/CoffeeScript.tmbundle", bundle_dir) end # Use OptionParser for all the options. def parse_options @options = {:runner => :node} @option_parser = do |opts| opts.on('-i', '--interactive', 'run an interactive CoffeeScript REPL') do |i| @options[:interactive] = true end opts.on('-r', '--run', 'compile and run a CoffeeScript') do |r| @options[:run] = true end opts.on('-o', '--output [DIR]', 'set the directory for compiled JavaScript') do |d| @options[:output] = d FileUtils.mkdir_p(d) unless File.exists?(d) end opts.on('-w', '--watch', 'watch scripts for changes, and recompile') do |w| @options[:watch] = true end opts.on('-p', '--print', 'print the compiled JavaScript to stdout') do |d| @options[:print] = true end opts.on('-l', '--lint', 'pipe the compiled JavaScript through JSLint') do |l| @options[:lint] = true end opts.on('-e', '--eval', 'compile a cli scriptlet or read from stdin') do |e| @options[:eval] = true end opts.on('-t', '--tokens', 'print the tokens that the lexer produces') do |t| @options[:tokens] = true end opts.on('-v', '--verbose', 'print at every step of code generation') do |v| ENV['VERBOSE'] = 'true' end opts.on('-n', '--no-wrap', 'raw output, no function safety wrapper') do |n| @options[:no_wrap] = true end opts.on('-g', '--globals', 'attach all top-level variables as globals') do |n| @options[:globals] = true end opts.on_tail('--narwhal', 'use Narwhal instead of Node.js') do |n| @options[:runner] = :narwhal end opts.on_tail('--install-bundle', 'install the CoffeeScript TextMate bundle') do |i| install_bundle exit end opts.on_tail('--version', 'display CoffeeScript version') do puts "CoffeeScript version #{CoffeeScript::VERSION}" exit end opts.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'display this help message') do usage end end @option_parser.banner = BANNER begin @option_parser.parse!(ARGV) rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption => e puts e.message exit(1) end @sources = ARGV end end end