// Generated by CoffeeScript 2.2.0 (function() { var CoffeeScript, addHistory, addMultilineHandler, fs, getCommandId, merge, nodeREPL, path, replDefaults, runInContext, sawSIGINT, transpile, updateSyntaxError, vm; fs = require('fs'); path = require('path'); vm = require('vm'); nodeREPL = require('repl'); CoffeeScript = require('./'); ({merge, updateSyntaxError} = require('./helpers')); sawSIGINT = false; transpile = false; replDefaults = { prompt: 'coffee> ', historyFile: (function() { var historyPath; historyPath = process.env.XDG_CACHE_HOME || process.env.HOME; if (historyPath) { return path.join(historyPath, '.coffee_history'); } })(), historyMaxInputSize: 10240, eval: function(input, context, filename, cb) { var Assign, Block, Call, Code, Literal, Value, ast, err, isAsync, js, ref, ref1, referencedVars, result, token, tokens; // XXX: multiline hack. input = input.replace(/\uFF00/g, '\n'); // Node's REPL sends the input ending with a newline and then wrapped in // parens. Unwrap all that. input = input.replace(/^\(([\s\S]*)\n\)$/m, '$1'); // Node's REPL v6.9.1+ sends the input wrapped in a try/catch statement. // Unwrap that too. input = input.replace(/^\s*try\s*{([\s\S]*)}\s*catch.*$/m, '$1'); // Require AST nodes to do some AST manipulation. ({Block, Assign, Value, Literal, Call, Code} = require('./nodes')); try { // Tokenize the clean input. tokens = CoffeeScript.tokens(input); // Filter out tokens generated just to hold comments. if (tokens.length >= 2 && tokens[0].generated && ((ref = tokens[0].comments) != null ? ref.length : void 0) !== 0 && tokens[0][1] === '' && tokens[1][0] === 'TERMINATOR') { tokens = tokens.slice(2); } if (tokens.length >= 1 && tokens[tokens.length - 1].generated && ((ref1 = tokens[tokens.length - 1].comments) != null ? ref1.length : void 0) !== 0 && tokens[tokens.length - 1][1] === '') { tokens.pop(); } // Collect referenced variable names just like in `CoffeeScript.compile`. referencedVars = (function() { var i, len, results; results = []; for (i = 0, len = tokens.length; i < len; i++) { token = tokens[i]; if (token[0] === 'IDENTIFIER') { results.push(token[1]); } } return results; })(); // Generate the AST of the tokens. ast = CoffeeScript.nodes(tokens); // Add assignment to `__` variable to force the input to be an expression. ast = new Block([new Assign(new Value(new Literal('__')), ast, '=')]); // Wrap the expression in a closure to support top-level `await`. ast = new Code([], ast); isAsync = ast.isAsync; // Invoke the wrapping closure. ast = new Block([new Call(ast)]); js = ast.compile({ bare: true, locals: Object.keys(context), referencedVars, sharedScope: true }); if (transpile) { js = transpile.transpile(js, transpile.options).code; // Strip `"use strict"`, to avoid an exception on assigning to // undeclared variable `__`. js = js.replace(/^"use strict"|^'use strict'/, ''); } result = runInContext(js, context, filename); // Await an async result, if necessary. if (isAsync) { result.then(function(resolvedResult) { if (!sawSIGINT) { return cb(null, resolvedResult); } }); return sawSIGINT = false; } else { return cb(null, result); } } catch (error) { err = error; // AST's `compile` does not add source code information to syntax errors. updateSyntaxError(err, input); return cb(err); } } }; runInContext = function(js, context, filename) { if (context === global) { return vm.runInThisContext(js, filename); } else { return vm.runInContext(js, context, filename); } }; addMultilineHandler = function(repl) { var inputStream, multiline, nodeLineListener, origPrompt, outputStream, ref, rli; ({rli, inputStream, outputStream} = repl); // Node 0.11.12 changed API, prompt is now _prompt. origPrompt = (ref = repl._prompt) != null ? ref : repl.prompt; multiline = { enabled: false, initialPrompt: origPrompt.replace(/^[^> ]*/, function(x) { return x.replace(/./g, '-'); }), prompt: origPrompt.replace(/^[^> ]*>?/, function(x) { return x.replace(/./g, '.'); }), buffer: '' }; // Proxy node's line listener nodeLineListener = rli.listeners('line')[0]; rli.removeListener('line', nodeLineListener); rli.on('line', function(cmd) { if (multiline.enabled) { multiline.buffer += `${cmd}\n`; rli.setPrompt(multiline.prompt); rli.prompt(true); } else { rli.setPrompt(origPrompt); nodeLineListener(cmd); } }); // Handle Ctrl-v return inputStream.on('keypress', function(char, key) { if (!(key && key.ctrl && !key.meta && !key.shift && key.name === 'v')) { return; } if (multiline.enabled) { // allow arbitrarily switching between modes any time before multiple lines are entered if (!multiline.buffer.match(/\n/)) { multiline.enabled = !multiline.enabled; rli.setPrompt(origPrompt); rli.prompt(true); return; } // no-op unless the current line is empty if ((rli.line != null) && !rli.line.match(/^\s*$/)) { return; } // eval, print, loop multiline.enabled = !multiline.enabled; rli.line = ''; rli.cursor = 0; rli.output.cursorTo(0); rli.output.clearLine(1); // XXX: multiline hack multiline.buffer = multiline.buffer.replace(/\n/g, '\uFF00'); rli.emit('line', multiline.buffer); multiline.buffer = ''; } else { multiline.enabled = !multiline.enabled; rli.setPrompt(multiline.initialPrompt); rli.prompt(true); } }); }; // Store and load command history from a file addHistory = function(repl, filename, maxSize) { var buffer, fd, lastLine, readFd, size, stat; lastLine = null; try { // Get file info and at most maxSize of command history stat = fs.statSync(filename); size = Math.min(maxSize, stat.size); // Read last `size` bytes from the file readFd = fs.openSync(filename, 'r'); buffer = Buffer.alloc(size); fs.readSync(readFd, buffer, 0, size, stat.size - size); fs.closeSync(readFd); // Set the history on the interpreter repl.rli.history = buffer.toString().split('\n').reverse(); if (stat.size > maxSize) { // If the history file was truncated we should pop off a potential partial line repl.rli.history.pop(); } if (repl.rli.history[0] === '') { // Shift off the final blank newline repl.rli.history.shift(); } repl.rli.historyIndex = -1; lastLine = repl.rli.history[0]; } catch (error) {} fd = fs.openSync(filename, 'a'); repl.rli.addListener('line', function(code) { if (code && code.length && code !== '.history' && code !== '.exit' && lastLine !== code) { // Save the latest command in the file fs.writeSync(fd, `${code}\n`); return lastLine = code; } }); // XXX: The SIGINT event from REPLServer is undocumented, so this is a bit fragile repl.on('SIGINT', function() { return sawSIGINT = true; }); repl.on('exit', function() { return fs.closeSync(fd); }); // Add a command to show the history stack return repl.commands[getCommandId(repl, 'history')] = { help: 'Show command history', action: function() { repl.outputStream.write(`${repl.rli.history.slice(0).reverse().join('\n')}\n`); return repl.displayPrompt(); } }; }; getCommandId = function(repl, commandName) { var commandsHaveLeadingDot; // Node 0.11 changed API, a command such as '.help' is now stored as 'help' commandsHaveLeadingDot = repl.commands['.help'] != null; if (commandsHaveLeadingDot) { return `.${commandName}`; } else { return commandName; } }; module.exports = { start: function(opts = {}) { var Module, build, major, minor, originalModuleLoad, repl; [major, minor, build] = process.versions.node.split('.').map(function(n) { return parseInt(n, 10); }); if (major < 6) { console.warn("Node 6+ required for CoffeeScript REPL"); process.exit(1); } CoffeeScript.register(); process.argv = ['coffee'].concat(process.argv.slice(2)); if (opts.transpile) { try { transpile = {}; transpile.transpile = require('babel-core').transform; } catch (error) { console.error('To use --transpile with an interactive REPL, babel-core must be installed either in the current folder or globally:\n npm install --save-dev babel-core\nor\n npm install --global babel-core\nAnd you must save options to configure Babel in one of the places it looks to find its options.\nSee http://coffeescript.org/#transpilation'); process.exit(1); } transpile.options = { filename: path.resolve(process.cwd(), '') }; // Since the REPL compilation path is unique (in `eval` above), we need // another way to get the `options` object attached to a module so that // it knows later on whether it needs to be transpiled. In the case of // the REPL, the only applicable option is `transpile`. Module = require('module'); originalModuleLoad = Module.prototype.load; Module.prototype.load = function(filename) { this.options = { transpile: transpile.options }; return originalModuleLoad.call(this, filename); }; } opts = merge(replDefaults, opts); repl = nodeREPL.start(opts); if (opts.prelude) { runInContext(opts.prelude, repl.context, 'prelude'); } repl.on('exit', function() { if (!repl.rli.closed) { return repl.outputStream.write('\n'); } }); addMultilineHandler(repl); if (opts.historyFile) { addHistory(repl, opts.historyFile, opts.historyMaxInputSize); } // Adapt help inherited from the node REPL repl.commands[getCommandId(repl, 'load')].help = 'Load code from a file into this REPL session'; return repl; } }; }).call(this);